The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2
gimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i mini'!.' "' iiiihhiiw-,"i"'ii"i IT he Bad Seed I HI Page 2 Friday, November 13, 1964 IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMMIIIIIIII!U!llllllllllllllli:il'nillUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIHIHI!IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimiU.Iri Blah! It lasted 27 minutes, 27 minutes of blah nothingness. It was called a meeting a meeting, mind you of the glorious Student Council. It occurred Wednesday, but the same thing occurred the Wednesday before and the Wednes day before that. The only discussion of any interest was w hether or not Coach Devaney's insurance premium had been paid. Only one problem there. This comes under the jurisdiction of the Extra Toint Club, an organization that does not come under the ruling thumb of Student Council. For some reason, the Council has failed to do anything of any consequence all year. There were plans for a racial discrimination study. But something happened to that. It just disappeared. Perhaps it is the lack of leadership this year. This is not limiting the blame to the officers, but also not excluding them. Student Council, in order to be effective, must be composed of many leaders, persons who are imaginative and creative enough to realize the needs of the campus. They must be able to carry plans to fruitation after the needs are seen. It isn't that these persons aren't capable, they just don't have their eyes open. Another problem of the Council may be the lack of definite lines as to in which areas they may act. What powers do they have to do something about discrimination if they find it? What powers do they have to do something about the drinking issue? What powers do they have over Devaney's insurance? The Constitutional Convention may do well to consider defining the powers of Student Council in their constitution, to give the new Student Council the power that they need to be effective. Meetings such as Wednesday's will continue to be the plague of this campus unless the Council knows what their powers are and then has the leadership to utilize these rights. li they don't. Council will continue to be ineffective, powerless, and good for a few laughs. SUSAN SMITHBERGER if and By Doug Thorn A lew sheltered folks have been taking critical pokes at the InterFraternity Council of late. They say that the FC has become too strong and centralized and that ft should be more of a coor dinating body. Alas, that is exactly what the IFC is. Their judicial powers are minimal, and they work for the better ment of the fraternity sys tem as a whole, rather than against the certain frater nity. Let us suppose there were no strong InterFraternity Council at the University. It would end up with one house battling another with all going down in defeat. In house-to house battle the bigger houses would dominate completely. With the system we have now there is only one rush book which eliminates the possi bility of the bigger houses throwing so much more tnow with a 100-page ency clopedia while the "smaller house can't afford to print a line. That's only one ex ample and believe it or not the fraternity system will appmess Is... The new Builder's Directory finally coming out. Being number four in the nation and number one in the Big Ejght. Thinking ahead to Thanksgiving vacation. Hearing a rumor that classes may be dismissed early if the Oklahoma game is won (repeat, a rumor, and an un likely one at that.) The reek gone from around Love Library. Getting the highest mark in the class on an hour exam even if it is only a 75. I Come In And Eat In Our New Dining Room . . . it kV f 1 1 V FREE DELIVERY SS9 No. 27th l2)0lJ when go down the pipe without the small house. Writh a strong, central or ganization the IFC can con tinue its expansion plans, tu toring programs and keep moving the FMA to a goal of including all fraternities all advantageous to t h e system. Since the InterFraternity Council is a self-sufficient organization, basically free of administration domina tion, the group can survey problems common to ail fraternities and move to rec tify them. This would, of course, not include fraternity secrecy, but universal programs such as pledge training, rush, scholarship, house maintanence, etc. By this we can advance the fraternity system and update to the level neces sary in these days of in creased enrollments, in creased educational pres sures and increased compe tition to prove that the fra ternity system is the better way to build character, scholarship and morality. Without it, we (Greeks) will be swept away for lack of progress. CHRISTIANO'S Li li a wKaiii ...... .... By Bob Weaver It seems probable that the University of Nebraska will continue to grow in size at least if not also in aca demic excellence. Plans are now under way for a new Dental College and eventually another Arts and Science College for the East Campus. The East and City Campuses should be. united within twenty years with a series of high rise dorms as the connecting link. There are many variables involved in planning for Uni versity development: The City Council must decide if and when the Northeast Dia gonal will be built. The Rock Island Railroad must decide whether or not to relocate. Either a lack of vision or a lack of drive on the part of city government has re sulted in a s'.ow down of necessary planning and acti vation of extension of the city campus and the closing of 14th, 16th and 17th Streets to through traffic. A few years ago the pro gressive citizens of Lincoln rejected urban renewal as a means in aiding in city planning. In what can accurately be called one of the most con fused and unintelligent cam paigns in the history of this city. Dr. R. C. Olney, Elea nor Brown and their well known group of "freedom fighters' were able to pre dict a communist take over in the United States and Lancaster County if urban renewal had been adopted. Their position, not sup ported in any way by docu mentation, seemed to be a prelude to the rise of re actionary hate tactics which compose the activi ties of the extreme right groups presently attempting to 'warn America.' This is not to say that there are not valid arguments against ur ban renewal. The defeat of this proposal has resulted in a hampering of city planning and simi larity in University expan sion. This view has been tAm-TiMniNa moms Or have food delivered sizzling hot to your door in the Pizza Wagon Phone 4774402 . i SMOKE SIGNALS' expressed often by Univer sity officials. It is to re membered that urban re newal has as its basis the inherent governmental right of eminent domain, tem pered by Constitutional pro tection of due process of law and just compensation. Last week's issue of Time Magazine featured the re building of the core cities of the East's megatropolis. The use of public and pri vate investment coupled with visionary planning aided by urban renewal is resulting in a revitalization of this country's cities: Bos ton, New York. Philadel phia, Clevelana. Baltimore, Washington and others. The City of Lincoln is presently at a crossroads in city development. The City C o u n c il and Lancaster County Commission have been unable to agree on the location of a city-county building with the result of a separate building for the city being planned for 15th and 0 at the 'suggestion' of downtown businessmen. The commissioners re cently witnessed the defeat of their separate court house proposal because it was planned fey 10th and J separate from that of the proposed city structure. The State of Nebraska has been faced with an increas ing shortage in available and future office space ir the State Capitol. The pro posal to build a state office building has been circu lating for many years with the result that it is still cir culating in search of lead ership. The federal government has already planned t h : construction of a new fed eral office building and SAT. NOV 28 8:15 i ' i VOTE separate post office for the city within the next five years. The needs of all four governmental divisions have been quite evident for several years. Hemming and hawing will not erase t he ever growing need in the future. What is needed is vision and drive on the part of all four governmental di visions but especially on the part of Lincoln citizens in adopting urban renewal as an adequate tool of the City County Planning Commis sion. Lincoln would do well to take a lesson from Boston in turning the needs of all four levels of government into a Combined Govern mental, Chic and Cultural Center for the City of Lin coln. Such a combined govern mental center would place the emphasis on efficiency, beauty and cooperation, lending credence to the slo gan that Lincoln is also a center of government be sides education. The Daily Nebraskan RICH HAIJJLKT. manacing d iliir; FRUVK IRTSCH. news Wi lt or: I'RISC'JU.4 MI'LLINS. MARI LYN HOEGEMEVER. wnior staff writers: WILLIS U'NDEEN. JIM KORSHOJ. BARRY ABRAMS, PEN NY Ol.SON, junior staij writers; VlfKI ELLIOTT. SIS1E R UTTER, LEE MARSHALL, ropy editors: RICH E1SER. photon aphei : PEGGY SI'KECE. sports editor: BOB SAM l EI.SON. snorts assistant: Boh LKM OYT. HI'ZZ MADSON. SCOTT RY ERSOV husiness assistants; LYNN RATHJEN. circulation manager; JIM 11CK, subscription manager. Subscription! rates S3 per semer or Jhj per year. The Daily Nebraskan 1 published at Room 51. Nebraska Union, on Monday. Wednesday, Thursday, Fri day by University ot N-hra$k.a mil dents under the jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications. Publications shall be free from censorship by the Subcom mittee or any person outside the University. Members of the Nebras kan are responsible lor what they cause to be panted. ALL SEATS RESERVED! TICKETS ON SALE AT MIL LER ft PAINE'S GATEWAY, AND DOWNTOWN STORES AND PERSHINO AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE DAILY. PRICES: 12.00 S2.7S SJ.50. According to my psycholo gy professor, anxiety can have many sources. Anxiety could be standing in an el evator with an unbathed yak. For an unbathed yak, it could be about anything. But for my simple pur poses, it is taking job inter views and placement tests. Job interviews aren't really pulsating dangers if one knows how to go about them. First, dress according to the job you want. Wear a slide rule on your belt loop and also wear that nice plastic belt with NU writ ten on it with beads. Engi neering companies will shower you with garlands of theorems and a few s 1 y winks. If you're a speech mgjo r, have your cape cleaned three days before hand and polish your toe nails a light green to match your jade cane. Second, find out the na tionality of your interview er. If he's Italian, Mexican, Peruvian, or Aztec, eat gar lic and breathe heavily in his face. When he gets that home look in his eyes, you're in. Mention sour kraut if she has a black, square moustache. As I said, job interviews are a frolic in the hay com pared with job placement tests. Rate yourself on the fol lowing: 1. Which would you rath er do? Raise funds for AUF, shave your legs, or vacuum the dorm rug? 2. Which is the most ap pealing? Waxing stable floors, giving pep talks to life-term inmates, or sup ervising the College of Bus iness Administration? 3. If your father was a Mason, would you date a Jobs Daughter, pledge Phi Delta Theta, or mix mortar boards? 84fh 1 0 A STORY OF I f fSS If lll.V I ai 1 t" .." NOW SHOWING THt&ARINS PIRN.. l&&THUXatDlBl S7TWBT BF MICKFY EDO ME WRY GRANGER VALLONE ROONEY BYRNES-SILVA.w- COLOR BY DELUXE . CIST F. AMERICA'S GOING PLACES ON A HONDA Up to 200 miles per gallon No parking problems on or off campus New campus models Easy terms Randolph Motors 21 tt & N Sales 6 Service 432-4451 17 n J4smeii, Another thing which makes me nervous, sweaty and ill at ease, is my Eng lish class. There are about. 15 graduate students w h o appear to know all that is going on, which is an ex perience not shared by the other 87 of us. highlv distrust anyone w h o sits through a lecture and nods his head. Last week, one of them blew his nose with a page out of e. e. cummings. and I thought I had captured the svmbolism until another confied that he used pages from Lord Byron for toilet paper. My anxiety had a field day. I believe it was then that I named it Elmer, just for a way of coping with nervous tension. THE WORLDWIDE BESTSELLER EXPLODES WITH SUSPENSE v UN inc SCREEN! t FAILSAFE i DRIVE-IN THEATRE 488-5353 NOW SHOWING RLAPK . .PANAVISiON . . . 'fOei - r .f -JfcStJ ft "Ni