The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1964, Image 1
JIIIII!lllllllllllllllllinitlllt:' WEEK fBRARY f-Kf is ml REVIEW Vol. 79, No The Daily Nebraskon Friday, November 13, 1964 . 58 CAMPUS . . . UNIVERSITY GREEKS will have an opportunity this weekend to receive help in a tutoring program, sponsored by Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic. Tutors will be provided in English, Chem istry, Zoology, business or ganization, Spanish and Ger man. RECORD NUMBER of stu dents have enrolled for eve ning classes at the University, according to Edor Ellington, supervisor of evening classes. EUington said fall registra tions were up 284 from last year's 2,245. HUSKER END Freeman White was chosen Big Eight Lineman of the Week for his performance against the Kan sas Jayhawks last week. White broke the scoring ice in the second quarter with a 92 yard pass play from quar terback Bob Churchich. A VALENTINE WOMAN, Mrs. Martha McKelvie, has contributed $7,300 to the Ne braska foundation to finance the writing of the University Centennial History, which will be completed in 1968 by Dr. Robert Manley, assistant professor of history at the University. CITY . . . THE CITY COUNTY plan ning commission this week recommended light industry zoning for North 14th Street between Cornhusker Highway and Salt Creek. The re-zoning had been requested by three men, who reportedly own about one half of the area in question. BELMONT, a north Lincoln suburb, opened a low bid of $63,697 for a new fire station at 1440 Adams this week. Completion of the facility is set for Sept. 1 of next year. LINCOLN DENTIST F. A. Pierson has been elected pre sident of the American Den tal Association meeting in San Francisco last week. Pierson is the first Nebras head the group. STATE . . . THE INTERSTATE COM MERCE COMMISSION has ordered an investigation into the quality of boxcars recent ly shipped to Nebraska under a recent order to make more boxcars available to the Mid west. Some shippers have complained that the cars, sent to relieve a crucial boxcar shortage throughout the state were insufficient for ship ping grain. THE FEDERAL INSUR ANCE Deposit Corporation began paying claims of de positors of the Valentine State Bank, which closed last week after bank president Richard Davenport admitted embezzl ing $1.5 million over a 14 year period. Over $500,000 was paid out the first day of pay ments, going to 371 deposit ors. ANOTHER VALENTINE BANK, the Bank of Valen tine, opened for business de spite an order by the Cherry County District Court that it not do so. The new bank was moved from the nearby vil lage of Wood Lake, and had permission from the FDIC about the state, spokesmen said. NATION . . . OFFICIALS OF SIX unions were expected to set a strike date for a national railroad strike today for either Nov. 20 or 23. The cooling-off per iod provided by law will end Nov. 19. The dispute, which workers for 187 railroad and terminal switching compan ies, concerns wages. PRESIDENT JOHNSON announced in Texas this week that he would like to work for the repeal of $550 million in excise taxes on retail sales. Johnson also said he would consider reductions in many other excises, which are pre sently leveled at the manu facturing level. Oops Our Mistake; Dog Patch Next Week Dog Patch 'U' opens its doors on Friday, Nov. 20, and not tonight, as re ported in the Daily Nebraskan yesterday. In the list of Lil' Abner and Sadie Hawkins candidates, the following corrections should be made: Keit Olson will represent Burr West and Mary Ulbrick represents Alpha Phi. Game Honors Parents A full weekend of activity is in store for University stu dents and their parents, high lighted by tomorrow's Par ent's Day football game with Oklahoma State. Festivities will get unde way tonight at 6 p.m. with ; "Yell Like Hell" pep rally The featured event at to night's rallv will be the "Yell like Hell" contest. For the contest, a men's and worn en's living unit will combin; their vocal efforts in an orig inal yell led by a represents tive from each of the units. The yells are not to exceed 30 seconds in length. The yells will be judged on their originality and 1 udness and prizes will be given to the two units which comprise the winning team. Pairing for the contest and the yell leaders are: Kappa Delta and Alpha Gamma Rho. Jan Domingo and David Lambert; Alpha Omicron Pi and Alpha Gam ma Sigma, Marilyn Harder and Ken Dinklage: Heppnc Hall and Seaton House, Lynn Rolston and Russ Swatek; Cather and Pound 4th and 5th floors, Sandy Frazier, Bon nie Roberts, Rick David and Kurt Keeler; Delta Delta Delta and Thcta Xi, Brenda Braun and Doug Gould; Delta Gamma and Phi Gamma Delta, Karen Bush (Phi Gamma Delta leader not announced); Alpha Xi Delta and Farmllouse, Linda Shaw and Bruce Snyder; Alpha Phi and Phi Kappa Psi, Win nie Sennetz and Jim McWil liams; Alpha Chi Omega and Sig ma Alpha Mu, Sandra Hodges and Abe Leker; 6th floor Pound and 6th and 7th floors Cather, kathy Daniell and Dick Lydick; Pi Beta Phi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sher rie Adams and Otto Hallgren; Love Memorial Hall and Ag Men, Lynn Mather and Jim Leising. risiiaiaeszapnoDia By Wallis Lundeen Junior Staff Writer Do you suffer from trisk aidekaphobia? You do if you have a fear of the number "thirteen." Owners of black cats in French Lick Springs, lnd., could be fined today if their cat isn't "belled." The city fathers decreed that a 1 1 black cats must wear bells on Friday, the 13th. Friday has generally been considered a day of misfor tune, but is is especially un lucky when it falls on the thirteenth of the month. Some people refrain from undertaking anything of im portance, some businesses postpone concluding of deals, and some will be sus picious of foods, particular ly at restaurants. Criminals have long re garded themselves as un fortunate if brought before a judge on Friday. Perhaps as a continuation of this be lief, very few crimes such as burglary take place on Friday. Sailors are traditionally superstitious that it is un lucky to set sail on Friday, but that it is lucky to sail on Sunday. Fisherman re fuse to ship out on Friday until one minute past mid night. Cutting nails on Friday is bad luck; it is unlucky for a wedding; and it is un lucky to sweep dirt out on Friday. Christians have long re garded Friday the 13th, as a marked day, because at the Last Supper prior to the betrayal, thirteen sat to gether. The origin of Bad Friday is the Crucifixion, though it is difficult to say why the superstition was not confined to Good Fri day. Thirteen has commonly been considered unlucky. However, Richard Wagner was one who thought it lucky. There were 13 letters in his name, he was born in Iv - Wmnm&rm, III mm www sm II ill :Jt Ii trvm hikm i "-'- , tiff i is ..-.Jk-vs.mmmmmrj-i. 'It? -Ji"tinMt f V 11, M J; IIP Sri 1- m 1 THOTO BV HOWIE BONNICMI Jim Wanek (above) and Jonny Wendt prepare the dunking stool which will be used to dunk John Lonnquist Al F president, at the organizations annual Al'Ful Nnght celebration tonight. Spirit Fire To The Sigma Alpha Mu Spirit j Fire will be lit again this! year to represent campus j spirit before the final game. ! The Sigma Alpha Mu's plan to light a fire each year if the last game of the season will determine a conference championship. The fire will be lit in front of the Sigma Alpha Mu house, at 16th and Holdrege, Mon day night at 9. Coach Devaney and the University band will be there. All students are urged to come and bring wood for the fire and spirit signs. 1813, and he composed 13 symphonies. Ziegfield preferred to sail on the 13th, and he would prefer to open a show on the 13th. The seal of the U.S. has 13 stars and bars, the eagle has 13 tail feathers holding 13 darts, there are 13 olives and the motto, E Pluribus Unum, has 13 letters. Hostesses avoid 13 at tables, because the super stition has it that doing so would, at best, bring bad luck to the family; at worst, one of the guests will die before the year is out. However, it is surprising, that any child born on the 13th of the month will be lucky in all ventures start ed in life after this day. No town in France has a house numbered 13, and no French hotel has a room 13. Few British hotels have the number marked on the door. An old English judge re fused any brief marked 13 guineas. One solicitor, who knew this, sent him a brief marked "twelve and anoth er." It was returned to him. Romans and the Greeks also disliked the number 13. It probably dates from the story of the Valhalla banquet of Greek mythol ogy, to which 12 of the gods were invited. Loki, the Spi rit of Strife and Mischief, intruded, making 13, and Balder, the favorite of the gods was killed. Gentleman's Magazine, in 1798, attempting to find an origin of the superstitition that if 13 people gather in a room, one will die within a year, stated, "The super stition seems to be founded on calculations by insurance offices, which presume that out of 13 people, taken in discriminately, one will die within a year." Those who attempt to dis prove that there is any bad luck associated with Friday, the 13th ,have formed the T - s V. Burn Again The fire will burn continu ously until 2 p.m., Novem ber, 21, the day of the Okla homa game. According to a Sigma Al pha Mu spokesman, the pur pose of the fire is to show team spirit and to give the campus a means of expression for spirit, Taking advantage of the bonfire, the Sigma Alpha Mu's will have a marshmellow roast with the Sigma Delta Tau's on Tuesday, and a hoot enany Thursday with the Alpha Chi Omega's. National Society of 13 against Superstition, Preju dice, and Fear, founded in 1946, w hich meets every Fri day, the 13th. Ceremonies are ended with mirror-breaking and s a 1 t-spilling ceremonies. Black cats are welcome. A Lucky 13 Club, com posed of Missouri's 13 pre sidential electors, made former President Eisenhow CI 1 1 t s 1 U. t V .-7 I I 1 1 M AAorsh TP o tampon on For A reorientation of the Re-1 publican Party an orienta-1 tion from losing to winning j must take place to win in; 1966 and '68, Frank Marsh ! Secretary of State said. "A lot of things are hap pening and must continue to happen. We are going to have to start tonight to win the j campaign two years from now," he told the" Young Re- I publicans last night. Marsh commented on t h e recent election. He gave par tial credit for Ralph Beer mann's loss to statements ; made by members of t h e 1 Democratic ram concerning j a quote by Beermann, "If God j : had wanted man on the moon, He would have put h i m there." Marsh called it a "whisper campaign" by the Democrats. "That kind of statement leaves all kinds of opportun ity to be blown apart," Marsh said. He pointed to RWann's vntp gainst the I Ol ji school lunch program. That I mously approved two amend-; vote appeared as t h 0 u g n j mnts to their constitution,; Beermann was against chil-1 calling for the change of! dren, mothers and milk, ;name- and a modification in; Marsh said. ! purpose. Marsh explained his "brand i , Jnfn . "g',!'fJm Vf oi Republicanism." "As Sec-! df! 0 the S10UP sa.ld ttiat I retarv of State I am required i 'hJe the Purff was former to perform six and one hall j -v ,0f suPPrt Bar?' GoJ.toa-, pages of duties. I'm required for the presidency, this: to perform those duties alone. ! be changed pending the I must work within the budg- approval of btudent Council et given me bv the legislat- 1 f The , purpose, which ure he said ' ' un"er Article two of the "I am not out to expand the i consmuuon, siaies uai office of Secretary of State, ! "The purpose of the Conserva I believe in doing onlv those 1 tive Club is to educate the fh;rrc r-an't An fnr vnnr. self," he said Marsh said he believed in the young people as the most important source of strength for the party, yet he said, "The Republican Party for the last few years has n 0 t annealed to the voune folks." ti. JU -O ' hhaca,4 He asked the YR's present to give their views on why the er an honorary president, noting the letters in Ike Eisenhower add up to 13. Sayings associated with Friday include: "Unlucky will be the child born on Friday, for it is a day of ill omen." "If you dream on Friday night, and tell the dream the next day, it will come true." AT.' WW 1 r mriTO BY RICH EISKR PENNY OLSON . . . PONDERS HER FUTURE COURSE. Tells Election party is not appealing to young people and what can be done, "Dump Burch, (Dean Burch, Republican party chairman), that's the first thing," John Reiser said. Even the name, though not spelled the same, brings up unpleasant conno tations, he said. Referring to ; the black balance in the Re publican Party's piggy bank, YG's Name May Become j OHSBtVOt I VQ The Youth for Goldwater (YG) organization has applied to the Student Council to ac cept a change of name for the group, which would be called the Conservative Club of the University. In a meeting Wednesdav evening, the YG group unani- i siuaeni Doov m an unaer standing genius of our con stitutional system, the case for individual liberty, the right of private property, and those truths which animate our civ ilization." "The club will be soley a i non-political and non-partisan i rrnniQfmn " Mice T .5n crfnrfl organization, said. ITBQ "It is unlucky to go court ing on Friday." Black cats are one of the most popular superstitions which have lasted to mod ern times. Charles I owned a favor ite black cat, and he had so superstitious a dread of losing it, that the cat was closely guarded. One day it fell ill and died. V , w. a a, A t X A ft- t. 1 ' 'i ft Stay no $ ' a I 'fiV " i r n Reiser said, "We won the bat tle and lost the war." Natlie Hahn said the young people looked more toward images of the candi dates than the issues. Reiser said the selection of can didates for the "y 0 u n g pro Kennedy type politician" but has found it in neither. YR Chairman Bill Harding said the Republican Party, "should as Nixon said, make sure that we are in the same position again." "Young people are not giv en credit for what they do . . . we're not even half a chief, but always Indians," Betty Harding said. The stereotype that the Re publican party represents the upper middle class and big business must be smashed, Patty Irving said. "There are actually as many wealthy people on the Democratic Party," Marsh saio. He asked t.'e YR's 10 present any suggestions or comments to him for improve ments that can be made in the party. Former Governor Robert Crosby presented the Univer sity of Nebraska Young Re j publicans' Robert Crosby ! Spirit Award to Alpha Xi Del i ta. The award was presented ; to the living unit which had 'accumulated the most points for help with the campaign, and meeting attendance com ; pared to the percentage num- ber in the group. 1 Crosby said, in reference so Miss Harding's earlier state- ment. that it is true the young people receive no credit for ; their work: "When I was young, the older people took all the credit too. "I am sorry to hear that those old people are still tak ing the credit! That's one of the trials of being young. But, at my age I can see many advantages of youth," he said. "My luck is gone," he said. It had. Next day he was arrested. The origin was probably a result of the sacred black cats of the Oagans of an cient Egypt. Bast, a black cat, was a goddess in Egypt, and during one reign, was the official Deity of the Kingdom. Black cats have always been considered lucky, but they must be really black, with not one hair of another color. They are always associat ed with witchcraft and sooth saying. Whenever there is a picture of a witch's house, one can always find her companion in darkness a black cat. In houses of fisherman, black cats are thought to insure the safety of hus bands at sea. Black cats ac quire a very high market value, and were sold in large numbers by racket eers to wives of men in English fishing ports and villages. Feeling a little grouchy today? It could be because you got out of bed on the wrong side. From now on, play sale, and get out of the bed that faces north and south from the right side, being careful not to sing before breakfast. 1 Sneezing is not hazardous.) The north side position of the bed probably dates back to the time when it was be lieved the poles of the earth give off beneificial magnetism. The left side (in Latin sinister) attracts malevolent forces, and the right side is always on the side of good luck. Always get up with the ight foot foremost. The wrong foot (left) will make you cross all day. But beware about singing before breakfast. An old saying goes: "If you sing before seven, you'll cry be fore eleven." 1 oaayl ft t ft