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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1964)
ARCHIVES The Daily Nebraskan Thursday, November 12, 1964 Queen To Be Picked At AUFul Night- it a Hz "in r T- r,n' an t j-as HT Jot M i- "Y-iiMrT --iff t 11 Hi imiti-imni n imUmiii n rrr-in- niif-nnu j ' gJLsAJ$ Al'F Activities Queen will be selected tomorrow and will reign at AUFul Night. Finalists are: (Back row, left to right) Bev Armstrong, Judy Trumble, Sue Thomp son, Carolyn Freeman, (front row) Linda Mahoney, Candy Sasso and Jeane Fauss. FC Announces Tutoring A freshmen Tutorial Pro gram for pledges will be gin Sunday, John Cosier, scholarship chairman of IFC, announced last night at the Inter-Fraternity Council meet ing. Tutoring will be given in six different fields; Business Or ganization, English, Chemis try, Zoology, Spanish and Ger man. "We believe that the tutors are well qualified in their field," Cosier said. The En glish tour is presently student teaching at University High; the Zoology tutor is a lab in structor at the University. The Chemistry tutor is a Career Scholar in chemistry. The Spanish tutor has studied in Mexico; and the German tutor has lived in Germany and worked as an interpreter, Cosier said. "We are still looking for tu tors in Biology and French," Cosier announced. He remind ed the council that tutors were being paid $2 an hour. Tutors will be helping fresh man pledges from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday. Room numbers for the different groups will be posted on the Union Cal endar. Questionaires concern- Eppley Staff Members Attend Research Meet Three members of the staff at the Eppley Cancer Insti tute, University College of Medicine, attended the meet ing of the American Feder ation for Clinical Research, last week at T h 0 r n e Hall, Northwestern University Med ical School, Chicago. Byron Aftonomos, research associate in radiobiology at Eppley, presented a paper en titled "Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Ehrlich Ascites Tu mor Cells" before the Feder ation. John Foley, M.D., Ph.D., as sistant professor of internal medicine and chief coordina tor of medicine therapy pro jects, and Perry Rigby, M.D., assistant professor of internal medicine and head of the sec tion on hematology also at tended the meeting. Money Means More Late date night night, spon sored by Mortar Boards, will be open to University coeds Saturday night after the Kos met Klub show. Barber Shop Quintet Quips, Clips In Union Where's the best place on campus to get clipped? At the Student Union Barber Shop, according to the shop's five friendly barbers. The barbers are: Pat Mar kussen, Elmer N e u k i r c h, Frank Kuhn, James Hiller and Warren Engler. All of them have had previous work ing experience as barbers. "We really enjoy working here, it is a lot nicer than downtown. You don't have to worry about drunks and peo ple like that coming In," Kuhn said. The students are more interesting to be with. We talk about the football team and girls," he said. "Girls never come down for hair cuts, but we do sell them cosmetics and hair spray," ing discrimination clauses in living units were distributed to IFC members by Larry Fro lik. Frolik asked for signed policy statements concerning creed and race clauses from each house. Tom Brewster, president of IFC, said that a study had been made last year and that a policy statement had been issued by IFC. Frolik said that some fra ternities changed their clauses during the summer at nation- Marine Corps To Answer Questions The Marine Corps officer selection team will be at the main lounge of the Student Union Nov. 16-18 according to Captain R. W. Badeker, selection officer from Des Moines. At this time the officer se lection test will be given and students interested in earn ing Marine Corps Commis sions will be interviewed. Three officer training pro grams are offered by the Ma rine Corps. None of the pro grams require on-campus training, reserve meetings, or drills during the school year. Freshmen, sophomore, and junior men are eligible for the platoon leaders' class. This class requires two six week summer training ses sions with a commission awarded at graduation from college. The officer candidate course is open to seniors and graduates who attend ten weeks of training following graduation. Upon successful completion of the ten week course they are commis sioned. Junior and senior women are eligible for the woman officer candidate course, a ten-week summer program. Graduates are commissioned at the end of the summer training and undergraduates are commissioned upon re ceipt of their degree. For further details students may see Captain Badeker while he is on campus. On late date night, all coeds are allowed to stay out until 2 a.m., with the provision that their dates pay a penny for each minute after 1 a.m. the Neukirch said. "When we aren't busy, we go upstairs to the Crib and watch them. We're members of the girl watching club," he said. The barber shop, which is located in the basement, is open everyday except Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Most of the hair cuts are made by appointment, but there are two open chairs. The barbers are Union em ployees and work on commis sion. Markussen is the youngest of the five and is a student at the University. "I enjoy working here except when the other guys unscrew the lids to my lotion bottles and I start to pour it on someone," Markus sen said. IMIOTO 11Y RICH KISKR Program al conventions, requiring an other inquiry this year. Tom Schwenke, vice presi- I dent of IFC, said thae 60 men had been pledged since Open Rush began October 15. Sch wenke urged IFC members to discuss the possibility of an other Spring Rush Program with the members of their re spective houses. Doyle Kauk, chairman of Fraternity Managers Associa tion, announced that Sam Baird was his new assistant. Kauk said that some houses were having trouble with their bakery deliveries. He said that any house having this trouble should notify him im mediately. Record Number Sign For Evening Classes An all-time record of 2.529 registrations for evening classes was reported last week. Edor Ellingson, supervisor of evening classes, said fall registrations are up 284 from last year's total of 2.245 which equalled previous rec ords set after World War II. The registrations include 1,558 adults, those who are not carrying 12 or more hours, and 971 campus stu dents carrying 12 hours or more. "The increase in adult registrations, up 416 from a year ago, apparently is due to more interest in continuing education," Ellingson said. Architects Hear Talk On Camera Technique Kas Tada, Manager of Photographic Productions at the University, gave a talk yesterday afternoon in the Woods Building to the mem bers of the Student Chapter of the A m e r i c a n Institute of Architecture. He spoke on 35mm. camera techniques as related to arch itectural photography. A ques tion and answer period fol lowed. Minutes girls are out. Because girls will be al lowed an extra hour, no over nights or out-of-towns will be allowed, and no special per mission is needed to go home Lor the weekend. One late minute means an automatic campus. This is an extra late date night beyond those granted by Associated Women Stu dents (AWS) rules. Play Tryouts Will Be Monday, Tuesday Tryouts for twelve parts in three plays will be held Mon day, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 201 Temple Building. The plays will be presented Dec. 16 and 17 in the Arena and Laboratory Theater. The three shows include: "The American Dream," a drama by Edward Albee, directed by Jeff F a 1 1 e r. "The Twelve Pound Look," a light comedy by J. M. Barrie, directed by Lynette Loescher. "The Lady of Larkspur Lotion," by Ten nesse Williams, directed by Dan Faris. . F.ovides Scholarships A federal scholarship pro gram for Army and Air Force ROTC students will become a part of the University ROTC program as a result of the ROTC Vitalization Act of 1964. The Navy's Holloway scho arship program, will be re placed next fall with a pro gram similar to the new Army and Air Force programs. Scholarships will be avail able only to students in four year ROTC programs. Recipi ents must commit themselves to a minimum of four years of active duty service. "The new law encourages freshmen to pursue the four year program and go on to receive their commissions," Elmer Powell, commanding officer of the University Army ROTC, said. Fifty dollars a month and payment of tuition, book costs and laboratory fees will go to 4,000 Army and 4,000 Air Force ROTC cadets. After four years, the number of Army and Air Force scholar ships will rise to 5,500. The number of Navy scholarships will be increased immediately to 5,500. A two-year ROTC program will also be authorized and established under the n c w act which may be run simul taneously with or as a sub stitute for the current four year programs. Students electing the short- Dia betes Tests To Be Given Next week is Diabetes De tection week and the Student Health Service is making an effort to see that everyone on campus has a chance to take the detection test. The test is a self adminis tered urine test that is then mailed to Student Health for analysis and a confidential re port is returned to the person taking the test. People most likely to have diabetes are those who are over weight, over 40 years old, related to known diabet ics, and older women. Al though some people have dia betes with no symptoms the most usual are an increase in thirst, constant hunger, fre quent urination, loss of weight, itching, easy tiring, changes in vision and slow healing of cuts and scratches. The test which comes in a convient envelope will be dis bributed to the faculty and students. These envelopes will be available in the Student Union and will be given to the living units on request. Last years test received a good response from the facul ty and Selleck Quadrangle. About 30 per cent of the Greeks participated. The poorest response was from the women's housing units. Associates Committee To Study Nebraskan Students with ideas for solving the financial situation of the Daily Nebraskan should send thest ideas to the as sociates' committee on the Daily Nebraskan, according to committee chairman Bruce Jensen. Jensen said the ideas should be sent to the committee through the Student Council office. Drag Dog Patch "U" opens its doors Friday to the stu dent body of the University at the annual Sadie Hawkins dance. The "new university" will be located in the gymnasi um of the Ag Union on East Campus. The opening will be marked by the selection of Sadie Hawkins and Li'l Abner at the dance, spon sored by the campus recre ation committee of Ag Union. Entering through the Dog Patch version of the arch and Columns, between 8:30 p.m. and 12 midnight, the er program will have to sub' stitute a six to eight week period of summer training for the first two years of ROTC training. "Students who choose t h e two-year program are not eli gible for the scholarships," Powell said. "It is likely that the scholar ships will be continued through all four years as a student, if the recipient's work is satisfactory," Powell said. Scholarships were excluded from the two-year program because it was felt they would draw too many students away from the four-year program and cause its demise at many colleges. The 1964 ROTC Vitalization Act represents an attempt to remedy the failure of ROTC programs to attract and to retain adequate numbers of students in the advanced, or third or fourth year ROTC course. Completion of the ad vanced course plus receipt of Student Council To Check Devaney's Insurance Policy By Priscilla Mullins Senior Staff Writer Student Council yesterday decided to look into the pos sibility of Coach Bob Devan ey's insurance premium, giv en to him by fans two years ago, coming up for renewal soon. Sue Graham told Council members that the matter was brought to her attention, and she felt that Council should check on it. Judiciary chairman JoAnne Stratemann brought to t h e Council's attention the matter of organizations which have received their constitutions back with suggested changes, and have not made the chang es.. She said that some organi zations have "gone on their merry way," disregarding the fact that their constitutions are not valid without the Ju diciary Committee's approval. Miss Stratemann said that effective now, there is a 60 day limit for all organizations to make the suggested chang es and turn their constitutions back in to the Committee. The Student Council has the power to place any organiza tion on probation, according to Miss Stratemann, and it will do so if the new ruling is not met. When an organization is put on probation. Miss Strate mann explained, it is not rec ognized by the University, and thus does not have access to the Student Union for meet ings, or to the Student Activ ity Fund. The Judiciary Committee approved two constitutions this week, the Society of Mechanized Agriculture, and the Student Religious Liberals organization. The constitutions for the Af rican Student's Association and the School of Journalism Council were not accepted by the Council, and suggested changes have been made to these two organizations. New Associate's officers were announced by Sue Gra Yer Man new student body will find the campus features the best things of college life a dance starring the Jags, the Barracudas, and I It e Wanderers. "Tuition" for the evening will be $1 per person or a $1.50 per couple. Entrance requirements to Dog Patch "U" are only (gasp!) that the girl invite her date, for the annual Sa die Hawkins runnin' race is on. Besides the Columns, stu dents will find familiar land marks like the Towers and a degree are necessary to re ceive a commission. During the past few years, the Army, Navy, and A i r Force have all been unable to fill their quotas of ROTC officers, according to the Sen ate Armed Forces Committee report. The University's Army ROTC is supposed to commis sion 100 cadets each year, Powell said. "Sixty-four were commissioned last year, We expect to commission about 60 to 65 men this year," Pow ell said. Among the other provisions of the Act is an expansion of high school "Junior" ROTC programs. These programs are authorized to expand from their current 254 high schools to a maximum of 1200 schools at the rate of 200 a year start ing in January, 1966. Only Omaha high schools are in the "Junior" ROTC pro gram. The Act also contains pro ham. They are: Joan McCly mont, chairman; Jan Binger, secretary; and Gary Watzke, treasurer. Activities chairman Susie Segrist told Council members of the three main projects of her committee. These are: re vising the activities section of the Campus Handbook in coordination with Curtis Siem ers, Student Activities coordi nator; looking into member ship requirements for campus honoraries; and keeping t he Student Activities Office files up to date. The Council passed a resolu tion by Bill Hayes calling for the Student Council to "go on record as endorsing the ef forts of AUF in their annual campaign for student dona tions and that the S t u d e n t Council urge all students to support the campaign." Galen Frenzen, reporting on the Constitutional Convention, said that George Vrba was elected as parliamentarian. He said that the Convention delegation has divided into two committees: one for rep resentation, and one for or ganization or structural as pects of the Convention. In a treasurer's report, Skip Soireff told the Council that there had been a misunder standing about the financial support of Quiz Bowl. He said that originally Quiz Bowl was to be on its own fi nancially this year, but had Medical Interviews Slated For December The Admissions Committee of the University College of Medicine will have represent atives in Lincoln, Dec. 3 and 4. All applicants for admis sion to the College of Medi cine in the fall of 1965 are ex pected to have interviews with members of this com mittee. Each candidate should sign up for an appointment on the premedical bulletin board outside room 204 Bessey Hall. Further details may be ob tained from the signup sheet, or from Dr. T. B. Thorson. To Dog patch '(' a harvest moon over the Union where refreshments will be sold. Trophies will be presented to Sadie Hawkins and Li'l Abner, after the winners are selected by a vote of the student body at the dance. Skits by several of the candidates will be presented during intermission and be fore presentation ceremon ies. Candidates for Sadie Hawkins are Twila Andrea son, Delta Delta Delta; Jo anne Thurber, Chi Omega; Vesty Tremain, Love Me visions for raising the retain er pay of non-scholarship ad vanced ROTC students from $27 to at least $40 and up to $50 a month, and raising sum mer training pay from $78 to $111.15 a month. The new scholarship and how it will be fully imple mented at the University is not yet known. Powell said. "I think this new law will help the low number of par ticipants we have in ROTC, if we can attract the sopho mores," Powell said. "Anyone who has completed the advanced ROTC training can then decide to complete the required two years of ac tive duty or can look forward to a full career as a military officer. "From the letters I have re ceived from the satisfied offi cers who graducated from Ne baska I believe the two years active duty should be consid ered a rare opportunity," Powell said. been charging items on the Student Account. Soireff said that alter talk ing to Cuz Guenzel, Quiz Bowl chairman, it emerged that Quiz Bowl "will be more closely associated with Stu dent Council than had been anticipated." Bill Poppert arking Com mittee chairman reported to the Council that the check r.n the inter-campus bus will be tabulated tonight, and the re port w ill be ready for the Council next week. Scholarship Fund To Be Established In Memoriam A permanent scholarship in the memory of Nancy Miller of Tekamah was established this week at the University Foundation by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Mil ler. Harry Haynie, Founda tion president, said the scholarship will provide $100 each year to an upperclass man who is in financial need and shows promise of leader ship and academic ability. Nancy, a 1963 graduate of the University, was killed in a car accident this past month at Santa Ana, Califor nia, where she was teaching ninth-grade English. A campus leader at t h e University, she was president of Mortar Board and of the Nebraska Union program council and vice-president of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She also earned a Phi Beta Kappa key. After her grad uation, she served as Foun dation class agent. It is hoped that the Fund, "established to commemorate the life of Nancy Miller who devoted her interest and abil ities to education, both as a scholar and a teacher," will become permanently en dowed, Haynie said. Friends of the Miller family may make memorial gifts to t h e Fund through the University Foundation. morial Hall; Judy Windle, Pi Beta Phi; Mary Ulbrick Alpha Xi Delta; Georgia Stevens, Alpha Chi Omega and Nancy Hoffman, Kappa Alpha Theta. Candidates for Li'l Abner are John Dzerk, Beta Theta Pi; Jack Buchsinck, Delta Upsilon; Ken Dinklage, Al pha Gamma Sigma; Bob Norris, Sigma Chi and Ken Beebe, Alpha Gamma Rho. The candidates will ap pear on the "Wayne West Morning Show" on KOLN KGIN TV, Channel 10, Wednesday between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. 1-vV 1 1 lr.W