OF f2d0'nfcs- Favor Triweekly' Daily Mebiraskaini The greatest number of opinions counted in the Stu dent CoiHKfCfciion p0n on " mined number of the ballots .,cast were lost. There were exactly 700 ballots counted did not seem to regard the sign and burned the ballots. Cosier said, however, that the 700 votes counted consti tuted enough for a valid ran dom sample. He said he did not believe the results of the poll would have changed very much. A valid random sample of the University population w o u 1 d be 200 votes, he added. The second most popular alternative from the poll was the 50 cent increase in tuition, Cosier said. Broken down, the statis tics show that 24.7 per cent were satisfied with the pres ent news coverage and did not want a change, while 75.3 per cent of the 700 did favor more news coverage. Of the 75.3 per cent, 41.4 per cent favored a 50 cent increase in tuition; 46.1 per cent favored a production cut-back from four to three days a week; 12.1 per cent favored a cut-back in papers printed daily; and .4 per cent favored having no Dai ly Nebraskan. ber of ballots counted, 31.1 per cent voted for a 50 cent increase in tuition; 34.7 per cent were for a three-day-a-week paper; 9.1 per cent "avored a circulation cut back; and .3 per cent said they wanted no Daily Ne braskan. we Daily Nebraskan show in the poll. mat students favor ajjiMw- duction.ttiWrtwrTrom four The other ballots, accord """'to three days a week. John Cosier, Student Opinion Committee chair man said that an undeter- ing to Cosier, due to a lack of space, were placed in a waste basket marked "Save." He said the janitors Considering the total num PHOTO BY RICH EISER Californians for Nebraska, 140 of them, trooped off the plane Thursday for a big weekend at their alma mater's homecoming. They delighted the crowds at halftime Satur day by trooping en masse around the track with a large banner. Alpha is op Squeals from the Wildcat caught in the mill brought crowds of alums, students, passers-by and first prize to the Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Gamma Rho display, "Crush the 'L' out of the Wildcats." The display was popular not only with the crowds but also with the pledges who had no behind-the-scenes work with the completely water-powered display. Water came pouring down "Wildcat Falls" and was used to turn the mill. The second prize for the group displays went to "Corn husker wipe out," built by Alpha Xi Delta and Farm House. The mighty, skillful Husker never failed in his night of surfing, but always rode with the curl, while the pathetic wildcat was "wiped out" every time. Third prize went to the Pi Beta Phi-Beta Theta Pi's "Barbecue the Beasts." With steady nerves and coordina tion pledges managed to low er the Wildcat to the stake where the big Husker prompt ly "basted the beast." Delta Sigma Phi won first prize in the single entry divi sion with their display, "Up ended K-Skate." Beta Sigma Psi won second with "Husker Gothic" and Alpha Gamma Sigma was the third prize M ... ' "Wildcats Upended," 7 4 Chi, A pi ay winner with the Wildcats." "Huskers Stalk The judges based their deci sion on originality, construe- tion, relation to theme and attractiveness. The judges were: Dale Gibbs, professor of Architecture; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van Neste of the public relations department; Duane Trenkle, department of infor mation; Bob Johnson of KOLN-TV; and George Miller, Consulting Engineer for the University. The Delta Upsilon and Gam ma Phi Beta display was dis qualified because they went over the $300 maximum amount to be spent on a dis play. For most there was a last minute hesitation as the minutes ticked away and the deadline approached. Finally all was ready, no signs of the last minute scurry were visi ble. Pledges pulled wires, pushed buttons, flashed lights the displavs really worked. Traffic was rerouted especially to allow the surge of sightseers to look at thou sands of hours of work. Police men flashed lights, cars stop ped to allow the pedestrians to cross the streets. Students celebrated, and climbed through a front window of the winning display from tie Vol. 78, No. 7 V D C if Q By Marilyn Hoegemeyer Junior Staff Writer The dimpled, brown-eyed 1964 Homecoming Queen, Vicki Cline, received five doz en long stemmed, red roses. She counted! That's one thing Miss Cline remembers most of the hec tic two days of Homecoming festivities. Her first bouquet of roses was presented at the rally when she was crowned by the 1963 queen, Carol Klein. "I watched Carol handle the crown as she walked past the Homecoming finalists. She turned it around and around in her hands. I didn't want to hope too much then she put the crown on my head," Miss Cline said. She said of her escort. Free man White, junior Husker end, "He was so nice funny. Vvinsi Award their house because the -door was surrounded with the dis play. Saturday morning the dis plays stood still as fans poured into Lincoln to form the record-breaking Home coming crowd with 45,800. N e b r a s k a's Homecom ing 1964 drew some 140 "Cali fornians for Nebraska" who paraded around the gridiron at halftime. Fans, displays, a queen, mums, alum luncheons, open house, a winning game Homecoming happiness, 1964. Ag Union To Sponsor 'Get Together' Session An Ag Union Get Together for anyone interested in Ag Union is planned for tomor row at 6:45 p.m. at Ag Union. The Union will present "U" in Ag Unjon and will explain about opportunities in Union. Members and prospective members are invited to learn about Union" and join in a coke and popcorn. The Delta Sigma Phi Combo will play from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and everyone is welcome. The Get-Together is spon sored by the Campus Life Committee of Ag Student Union. ft . i AW 1 y v n. . i ff7?t- zrr i v fe' ,rir f I singles division, at the Delta f I i , He kept telling me to stop shaking." Asked why White was chosen to be her escort, Vicki said, "I think because we both were the tallest." J Attendants Jan Wfiitney and Jeanette C o u f a 1 p ere pre sented with white orchids at the rally. The Kappa Deltas and Chi Omegas jumped and cheered as their candidates were announced as finalists. Miss Cline's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cline of Gothen burg, had to find their way through a crowd of students into the Pan American room, after the rally, to congratu late their daughter. Brother Billy, 10, said hap pily, "I knew you'd get it." After a live radio interview Miss Cline was greeted by the Love Memorial Hall delega tion. They sang, "Congratula tions to our new Love Hall queen . . ." Miss Cline received the hap py remarks and comments of her Love Hall sisters and then said, "Oh, I have a football ticket to sell!" She accepted the bouquet and the crown with a wish for a successful game from all the candidates. She got her wish and eighteen more roses at the University Kan sas State halftime ceremon ies. The queen and attendants AUF 1964 Goal Set At $6,400 The results of the charity poll were announced Thurs day at the All University Fund board meeting, and the 1964 goal for contributions was set at $6,400. The five charities chosen through the AUF student poll which was conducted last week are the Multiple Scler osis Fund, the American Can cer Society, the Nebraska Heart Association, the Holt Adoption Agency and the Larc School of Mental Retardation. The money collected during the drive, November 2 to 21, will be divided among these five charities. At no other time during the year will students be asked to contribute to a charity; such organizations may solicit funds on campus only through AUF. 'ryr ri w : oik Vir m-., fL. i t 1'IIOTO BY lUCH JtlbtK Sigma Phi house. ' 'm 7sJj. The Daily Nebraskan lime Wears Crowon . . . Homecoming Dream Comes True were presented again to the huge crowd of Husker fans. The Innocents and Mortar Boards formed two lines as the Queen and her attendants were saluted by the Univer sity Band. All three girls and their par ents had box seats for the i Roses for the Queen ' r ' .""fiftinr HB-MhiifiiMiViiT--iii- niir- "rtjriiMMMtMfiT Mil i Mrni - -i rrnr n Secretary Zuckert Speaks On Military Preparedness By Wallis Lundcen Junior Staff Writer Secretary of Air Force Eu gene Zuckert told an audi ence speckled with Air Force blue that "If the Com munists find they can't bury the free world by non-mili tary means, they have only one alternative military con quest.'' Gov. Frank Morrison, Clar ence Swanson, member of the Board of Regents, Milton Beckwith, chairman of the Faculty Senate convocations committee and wives of Lin coln Air Force Base officers were also present at the all university convocation Fri day. An estimated 2000 people attended. Zuckert praised the Univer sity's pioneer work in aero space education, led by Dr. Frank Sorenson. The character of Commu nism may be described in three words total, dynamic, and protractive, Zuckert said. The final goal of the Com munists is still "We will bury you." There has been no change in this as an objec tive, he emphasized. "They will do away with the free world by non-military means if possible, but they will give us a military funeral if we become weak." Quoting the phrase over the State Capitol entrance, "The salvation of the state is watch fulness of its citizens," Zuck ert said that military pre paredness is a policy the gov ernment must continue with the wholehearted support of the American people. "We have the best educated and equipped military estab lishment In history, but it couldn't have been achieved without universities who helped prepare military leaders for their wide range of responsibilities." 'But our most important ' game. "They gave us a dollar for refreshments," Vicki said, "I really didn't expect that." Saturday evening the girls and their parents were hon ored at a dinner at the Ne braska Center. Miss Cline dressed in long Miss Cline (1964), Miss Klein function is maintaining peace with honor," Zuckert contin ued. "We must combine knowledge with wisdom, re sponsibility with restraint- all of which are the products of educated, disciplined minds." The obligation of students is to take an active part in the discussion and conduct of public affairs, the Secretary said. We believe the answer is yes to the question tan a free society serve the needs of people better than a total itarian society?' We must prove democracy can still work in the free world." Noting that no Communist country has matched the growth of Japan since World War II, Zuckert said he was not belittling the scientific and technical advancements of the U.S.S.R.; but their efforts were directed toward support of the military, at the cost of denying human wants both physical and spiritual. "We have to be better than the Communists in every way, so that new nations will turn to us. Competition in the non- military field is a challenge everyone should accept." Zuckert urged. How the U.S. handles do mestic problems effects their image abroad. Because the U.S. leads by consent, not by force, it is often more diffi cult. The people of the U.S. must be prepared to over come temporary reverses and to understand that political differences may arise with other governments. The military men of today need a higher level of intel ligence to cope with prob lems today, Zuckert said. He listed four revolutions affecting the military. One is the constant threat to our se curity, and large peace time forces. Second is the technical rev olution which forces a selec tion of weapons to provide the Monday, October 19, 1964 white brocade, was presented at t h e Homecoming Dance, held at Pershing Auditorium. This time Tippy Dye presented her with 24 long stemmed red roses. "It was all a wonder ful experience,'' she said. "I need time to think about all the exciting things that have happened." PHOTO BY RICH EISER and Breckenridge. (1963) best cost. defense at the lowest Third is the diplomatic rev olution which requires that military men deal with the civilian population in coun tries around the world. Fourth is the desire to re duce the level of expenses without endangering the safe ty of the free world. The mili tary must understand their claim on national resources is just one of many. Selection requires judgement by civil ian and military specialists, but "civilian authority must always maintain control over military power," the Air Force secretary emphasized. Effects of these revolutions have been an increased size, a research and development program through which sci entific and technical compe tence have been developed to a high degree and the devel opment of a complex defense policy and strategy which re quires the talents of Air Force "Whiz Kids." The military man now re alizes he can't function in iso lation, but is a member of a complex group of related gov ernment agencies, universi ties and industrial powers of the nation. At a news conference in the Student Union following the convocation, Zuckert declined to make any prediction of events following the removal of Nikita Khrushchev as So viet Premier. "It is too early to speculate," he said. "It would be like trying to predict the outcome of a game when a relief pitcher is sent in with three men on base." The secretary, who attended football game Saturday, said "I'm glad the Air Force Academy doesn't have to play Nebraska this year. "So are we, Morrison answered.