Closet G ase In these days of backlash votes and disillusioned Re publicans, few people have taken time to comtemplate the distress of another sec tor of thj Disillusioned the disillusioned Americans. Yes, we have the good de mocracy and the freedom of choice and all that, and our political system, with variations, has served us since the days of the Found ing Fathers, but when dec tion year comes padding in on little cat feet I'm sur prised someone doesn't pro test the degredation the citizens of this place are subjected to. If I can do so without appearing to strike a blow for apathy, I hereby regis ter a strong protest to the majority of political candi dates and their supporters for treating us like children no, idiots. I can be attacked on the grounds that I don't know much about politics. I am not affiliated with either par ty, nor do I know yet for whom my vote will be cast on the Day of Infamy, whichever way the results go. I will vote, however, in spite of the efforts of all campaigners to discourage me from doing so. I'm talking about charges. And countercharges and de nials. And contradictory statements. And power seekers and egotists. And empty i mises. Emotional tributes gwash! People j e 1 i e v e these things. They stand on street corners and sit in bars and argue heatedly about By Frank Partsch which presidential candi date will start frying the world and which would rath er frisk it. Now I doubt seriously if either Mr. Gold water or Mr. Johnson will do either. But I seem to be in the minority. Take for example the can didates for the House seat from the Second District. These two esteemed gentle men wasted most of t h e summer fabricating a cam paign issue over the quali fications of a newly ap pointed president of a muni cipal university and equal ly asinine subjects. It is the grass roots peo ple, however, that are the worst offenders. They aren't politicians they are evan gelists who approach poli tics with a zeal unrivaled in religion since the davs of witchhunting. Once in a while one of the candidates slips up and lets a real issue out. We disillusioned Americans must be ever watchful for this indiscretion, for it is from these unguarded state ments that we must make our evaluations and deci sions. Ours is a difficult vote to win. It is not bought with a staged convention and a paid demonstration. It is not influenced by a mimeo graphed party line nor is it fooled by a pretty hat and a catchy phrase. Our vote is OUR VOTE. We will give it to the can didates in November, but, in some instances it will be given to the lesser of two evils rather than the better of two statesmen. Campus Coloring Book See John Lonnquist Color him entertained by Lynda Bird. See the "lone star state" Color it with oil paints. See the elevator Push 13 and pray. See the week before homecoming Color it frustrat ingly with hour exams. Tasking Trask Dear Editor: How revelating of David Trask to echo Jules Hen ry's idea of "the adversities of living in culture." For that matter, how revelating of Jules Henry to think of cultural adversities. Taking Trask to task (you can see I'm interested in words, too, and not in ideas) is going to be rather enjoy able. I ALSO found out about cultural adversities the first time I got a bloody s nose from one of my cul tural playmates. But then, I enjoy a good controversy. Trask, it appears, enjoys counselling and consulting. Let's fictionalize an early morning Trask consultation: "Now, child, this is diffi cult for me to say, but ac cording to the leading dark horse anthopologists, culture has its adversities. "Whatever you do, don't experiment, especially with alcohol . . . you might find out what a daiquiri tastes like. Take my word for it; it tastes like hell. An whatever else you do, don't debase yourself in de biliating sexual adventures. Sex is ugly. It is so ugly that this is the only way mankind can procreate . . . What? Too large a word, oh, well . . . beget, ah, re produce himself. Well never mind, I say stop sex ano ther. Besides, it would be a positive population check. "Another thing you should keep in mind is that never attempt to suppress your extremely hectic activities chedule. If you have an AUF meeting, GO! If your advisor wants to see you, d o n 't mumble something about suppression, GO! If Nature beckons, GO! If nec essary, buy a Builder's cal endar. "One more piece of ad vice. Don't become indiffer ent or apathetic. Indiffer ence breeds contempt and contempt breeds disrespect and disrespect breeds sloth fulness and slothfulness breeds apathy. Well, I guess I got off the Trask or task or track. Again, how revelating that culture has adversities. Why, by God, that must mean that crime and comic books and war, yes, even war, and pornography and automobiles (that's science for you) and . . . ah . . . even nasty letters to the editor are all products of culture adverse products, of course. How devastating. How diabolical. How earth shaking and . . . mundane. Patrick Drake CUeje Unlet .... Guaranteed by a top Company ....No War Clause A Exclusive Benefits at Special Rates .... Deposits Deferred until you are out of school. Can You Qualify? 432-0146 Page 2 Thursday, October 15, 1954 lllllllllllllll!lllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli:iiillllIIIIM tm '; Ii V vTV 1 X ID I - r- a . i i. '-j, IS WIFM- RICH HAUIERT. min.wni, dllori J"NK PART-JJ. "( 'i pniu'll I k Mill I IN; toMnr stlilt WfiUTi WAI.LI.S l.l'M)r.J.N. .MM KOHSHOJ, MA m YN MO ' iFMKY ,,AI",V AHHAMS, junior Htaff I I." I Kiif'iY S 'KM'K lli'il edll.Ti HOH SAMHK1.SON. ..xrtS .H.IUnt, W H ' lilwmT. HUMS MADS.IN, KYNIU I.VNN HATIIJKN, clrculatlim mnwri JIM DICK. iUhncrlpUon mdniir. NNBOY , THAT'S THt WAV TO MSRaXe," 4 importers of Jewelry Furniture China Porcelain Linens Dolls Leather Decoratives Mens Wearing Apparel Ladies Wearing Apparel Imports from around the World m SHARP Bldg. 204 S. 13th St. PHONE 4.12-8:)26 UVL- THUR. MGHTS TILL 9:00 !"$&'01 By Mike Barton L: How do you do. My name is Lance Courtland. I'm affiliated with the Chi cago Branch. R: hi lance roger savage omaha L: What are you looking for at General Business? R: hadnt thought that much about it something in management i suppose L: Any field in particu lar? R: like i say hadnt thought about it that much L: We have openings in Systems Refining, Cus tomer Computation, and Marketing Digression. R: whazat L: In what field did you matriculate, Mr. Savage? R: pardon L: What did you take? R: oh a lotta bus ad little rote i started in pre med L: (pause) You have no e x t r a-currucular acitvilies listed on your application form. R: do i look like an ac tivities jock ha ha L: None whatsoever? R: you guessed er dies er say whata you guys pay L: (pause) Our employees generally start at $5100 a year, Mr. Savage. R: hmmmmmm i was looking for something a lit tle better lance L: There are opportun ities for advancement. R: good deal how soon L: That, Mr. Savage, de pends on your initiative. R: (silence) well tell ya what ive got stuff to do and ive gotta run thanks a lot, lance see ya round campus L: ( chuckle k r i n k 1 e plunk) .jjV jpHonT' Thru Thur. TTV SCBgl SPECIAL Ipjlj Watch for Weekend SPECIALS See Jim First for Winterizing JIMS SUPER SERVICE Service Calls 17th & Vine Checks Cashed "when can I interview IBM?" November 5 "for what jobs?" Manufacturing, Product Development, Programming, Research, Branch Office Administration, Customer Engineering, Systems Engineering, Marketing Sales If you are majoring in Engineering, the Sciences, Mathematics, or Business Administration, see IBM. The development, manufacturing, and marketing of information systems and equipment offer many opportunities to show what you can do. See your placement office for our brochures and an appointment with the IBM interviewers. Ask where your ideas can best be used at IBM, an Equal Opportunity Employer. There are 20 laboratories, 17 plants, and over 200 sales and service offices coast to coast. If you cannot attend the interviews, visit the nearest IBM office. Or write, telling us about your interests, to Manager of College Relations, Dept. 832, IBM Corporate Headquarters, Armonk, New York 10504. Applied Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Data Communications, Digital Computers, Guidance Systems, Human Factors, Industrial Engineering, Information Retrieval, Marketing, Manufacturing Research, Microwaves, Optics, Reliability Engineering, Servomechanisms, Solid State Devices, Systems Simulation, and related areas. IBM Matefasse-textured bedspread, 10.95 King-size, 25x50, bath towel, 2.98 Insulaire"18 thermal blanket, 10.00 i ii i r - Mew Varsity Stripes . . . coordinates cum laude! Great new idea. Great fun. Lusty terry towels in your school colors. And Al T. LI ii i i.i :xL.r t- xj n .... llWt(lf)tl - litMlOA uiuunfciii) onu Deaspreaub iu yu wiim vuoramaiea. onegiare. vommotion-x v Xj -Jv ly provokin'l What a way to wow the campus! So go buy yours. And wow em. 40m'sfif?h0Ivep.r,ns n1 V"Si'ooic