The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 7. Monday, October 12, 1964
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiMiii
Not long ago the Daily Nebraskan received a letter
urging that there be an occasional article or comment
with some ideals for students to grasp-something to
steady them and make them feel more secure.
The letter ended, "But I suppose no one would dare
admit that he or she was hungry for them."
Are we the college students, so calloused, so cynical,
that we cannot lower ourselves to looking for high ideals
to grasp?
Are we so confident, so sure of ourselves, that we can
not look to our elders to study some of the ideals that they
found to be the best guides for their lives?
It is not the perpetrating of high ideals that this editor
ial is devoted to, it is rather the charge that we, the stu
dents of this University, are no longer interested in the
ideals set for in the world we are about to enter.
We are at the University to gain an education. We study
political science, we study history, we study psychology.
But a part of education seems to be also the study of
other's beliefs. An educated person needn't accept the find
ings of others. But is it asking too much to study them? To
understand upon what these ideals were based?
A recent series of interviews with campus ministers
revealed the feeling on the part of the ministers that
"students are irreligious, just too busy."
Are we so wound up in garnering brownie points, in
building activity points, in piling up high grades, that we
have forgotten about the Houses of God on this campus,
we have forgotten about the 15 minutes a night just ponder
ing our standards, our creeds, our doctrines?
A study of early Daily Nebraskan shows a series of
articles about students working for prohibition, about stu
dents collecting metal to help in the World Wars.
Last year's Daily Nebraskan carried articles concern
ing the student's efforts to lower the drinking age, concern
ing their rebuke of the preparations for military service
to our country, the ROTC program.
Have we forgotten about the world around us? Are
we so stuck on ourselves that we care not about others,
about our country, about our future.
God help us.
Campus Coloring Book
See the empty no-doz boxColor the black bags under
your eyes.
See the Young Democrats Color them apologized to.
This is a birthday card Color it chartreuse, but it's
the thought that counts.
This is osmosis Color it on the other side.
See the bean Put it in your ear.
See Pound Hall Color it 16 ounces.
See the war Color it red and red. white and blue.
Shady Election
Dear Editor,
I'm not sure that the pub
lic is aware of the circum
stances that surround our
president's entrance into
politics. When LBJ first ran
for the Senate in 1948, he
was publicly endorsed by
Harry Truman and private
ly backed by George Parr,
the Duke of Duval. Parr
owned large amounts of
land in southern Texas,
and Lyndon had worked for
Johnson was to run
against the conservative op
ponent, Governor Coke
Stevens. Stevens was the
heavy favorite and his elec
tion was considered to be
"a cinch." President Tru
man wanted a man who
would work with and agree
with the administration
100. He told Johnson that
he must win at any cost.
Election night returns
showed Johnson trailing
Stevens by 800 votes. All
the precincts were in except
for Jim Wells County,
which was part of the Du
val empire. The last ballot
box opened was number 13.
Out of the 600 registered
ballots that had been cast,
over 1200 votes were
counted, all but one were
for Johnson. At the request
of Gov. Stevens, federal in
spectors were sent to J i m
Wells County to check on
Ballot Box 13. .
The inspectors saw the
list of voters only once. One
of the agents memorized fif
teen of the names. When
they returned for a second
inspection of the list, the
contents of Box 13 had mys
teriously been transformed
into pieces of shredded
The FBI agent that had
memorized the fifteen
names began to check them
out. Every name except for
one could be found carved
in stone in the local ceme
ttry. What I'm driving at is
ilmply this: A man who
could so openly rob and
cheat the voters of Texas
for a Senate seat in 1948,
could hardly be expected to
become a shining pillar of
virtue and morality as he
runs for the presidency in
I am quite fearful of what
might take place if Lyndon
Johnson begins to fade, and
he will, prior to the election.
I feel that we, the public,
are going to witness t h e
biggest collection of lies
about, and the worst kind
of "smear" tactics against
a patriotic American, name
ly Barry Goldwater, that
this country has ever seen.
Lyndon B. Johnson has
worked too hard and too
long to be in the position
that, he now holds, to let
such things as public trust
We're Interested
Dear Editor:
Your new way of distribu
ting the Daily Nebraskan
makes it difficult for faculty
members to obtain copies.
Many professors, such as
myself, are interested in
what you have to say about
University affairs. Would
it be 'possible to get copies
which could then be distri
buted to each faculty mem
ber? Sincerely yours,
Albert Schrekinger
Associate Professor
Editors Note: Once again
the Daily Nebraskan must
state that we have only
6,500 papers for a campus
with almost 13,000 students.
The undergraduate students
are paying one dollar per
semester for their paper,
the faculty nothing. There
fore, an effort is being made
to reach those who have
paid for it. A telephone con
versation with Mr. Schrek
inger expressed the belief
that several members of the
faculty would be willing to
pay for their paper. If this
is so. a subscription may be
bought, or possibly some
other arrangement could be
worked out.
If and When
By Doug Thorn
It's that time again.
Come now, everyone put
on your sweatshirts, shellac
that chicken wire and put
that little paper In those
little holes so that we can
h a v e a nice Homecoming
display and snow lots of
And, after all, there's
nothing else to do this week.
A few papers, you're be
hind in assignments and
that first round of hour
exams staring at you like
the tube did the nights be
fore. But it's all for 'the good
of the respective unit, so
when somebody comes up
says, "Don't you give a
. . . ?" what are you going
to do? Put on your sweat
shirt, shellac that chicken
wire and stuff that little
paper into those little holes,
all for the good of . . .
I'm stumped. What good
is it? Pledges are booking
it up, aiming for that 5.00000
But they're stuffin'
body is tryi
little education
belt. But they
Girls would
be out with their fellas, and
vice versa. But they're stuf
fin.' Aside from the Homecom
ing chairman, (who I must
opine has to be the village
idot coping with more alibis
than the rush chairman
who brought three pledges
into the fold) not too many
folks feel intense satisfac
tion. It's over and that's it.
Even if you tell rushees
you won Homecoming,
they'll laugh in you face.
But tradition marches on
and you've got to think
about the 130.0C0 Lincolnites
who, each and every one,
manage to drive through
the campus that Friday
But Homecoming must be
celebrated in some ingene
ous manner other than the
usual which goes on every
weekend anyway. It's a
cinch that Maynard won't
pack 'em in at the Home
coming Dance. And there's
the alums.
Best start something that
doesn't cost $150 and take
800 man hours or:
Make an agreement with
instructors that the burden
be lightened during that
week so we can satisfy all
those folks who think
Homecoming displays are
so pretty and cute and nice
ly done.
We don't get much out of
it, that's for sure, and would
just as soon be doing some
of the things that have
to be done.
See you stuffin.'
and honesty stand in h i s
This information is com
pletely documented in A
Texan Looks at Lyndon and
"LBJ, a political Biogra
phy." W. D. Hosford
Faucet Fight
Dear Editor:
We ask readers to join
with us in our campaign to
abolish spring-return type
faucets in the rest rooms.
With this type of faucet,
the unfortunate user is
given the choice of scalding
water or cold water. A psy
chologist would call this an
avoidance - avoidance deci
sion, which naturally dis
courages washing hands at
May we suggest that we
all come clean, so to speak,
and counter this move on
the part of the University.
Let us stick blocks of wood
behind these faucets so they
run all night.
We hope in all sincerity
that your readers will take
us seriously, and help us
conquer this rather embar
rasing infringement on our
W. G. Barnes, Jr.
ng to notch a Mmwmmm!'- &2mmwimms.
re siumn .
Tlir Drbraeka Tljratrr
Liuniltta First Jtfhakrflurarr film Fratiual
Tuesday, October 13 and Saturday, October 17
Wednesday, October 14 and Sunday, October 18
Thursday, October 1 5 and Monday. October 1 9
r riday, October 16 and Tuesday, October 20
Cnnfinuoui Pt'tormtrcat el Kjr)ulr Adminion rMct tit Hqut Gold in Aqi frici
Every- ffiMMrfes
on their gun "'s WB? JMWaif
just as soon WmSSsT---' aa....
In a year in which the
people of the United States
frantically hope to have
peace as they cast their
vote, the charges have been
flying fast and furious that
Goldwater is so unpredict
able that his decisions could
result in war if he were
elected President.
But wait. What is peace?
If peace is the absence of
war then Americans have
reason for concern for the
President of the United
States is doing all he can to
pull the wool over Ameri
cans' eyes until after the
I, of course, refer to the
fact that the United States
is at war in South Viet Nam.
No one should be so foolish
as to try to pin war on one
man or on political party
and this is not my intention.
It is, however, my intention
to stand in criticism of the
Democratic administration
for not presenting the facts
of Southeast Asia to t h e
American public.
This withholding of fact
is, in my opinion, an a 1 1
time low for a party and a
man to stoop to. Any per
son who hides the losses in
South Viet Nam in an at
tempt to lead the American
public to believe this coun
try is making adequate pro
gress is guilty of one of the
worst forms of misrepresen
tation of fact for personal
If the U.S. learned any
thing in Korea, it should
have been that victory must
be our goal and not the
flimsy maintenance of sta
tus quo.
Charges have been also
flying that Goldwater would
misuse nuclear weapons.
First, Goldwater suggested
limited control of nuclear
weapons in NATO hands to
use in the event of attack.
This was jumped upon by
many persons, however,
what they failed to realize
was that the Senator from
Arizona was not being lax
in the control of weapons but
rather was following a poli
cy laid down by previous
The second area of chal
lenge comes in the thought
that Goldwater would use
nuclear weapons in south
east Asia. This is simply
not the case.
The problem developed
from misinterpretation.
Goldwater was asked what
to do about Viet Nam and
he reeled off a series of solu
tions, concluding with the
statement that the effects
5 The Daily Ncbrkan invites rea- E
deis to use it (or expressions of
opinion Oil current topics regard- 5
less of viewpoint. Letters must be
nigneii, contain a verifiable address
and be free of libelous material. sr
5 Ten names may be used.
The Daily Nebraskan reserves
H the right to condense letters.
of these solutions would
have to be considered be
fore actions should be
One of the solutions was
the use of nuclear weapons
to defoliate the trees in
Southeast Asia to make
fighting easier and this is
the other area from which
the irrational charges of
laxity with nuclear weapons
and their control developed.
Third, when Goldwater
says nuclear war may be
inevitable, he is referring to
the need to change the pres
ent Democratic events.
This summer I happened
to be in Rochester, N.Y.,
the morning after the riots
and happened to see the re
sults of a city torn apart by
the breakdown of peace
keeping machinery in t h e
Internal peace in this
country has perhaps gone
through one of the worst
summers in recent years. I
will not attempt to lay all
responsibility at the hands
of LBJ.
However, I will para
phrase much of the opinion
expressed by people I was
in contact with in Pennsyl
vania and New York.
Their general opinion was
that if President Johnson
had not forced the civil
rights act upon the public,
lacking the means of guid
ing the act into law and in
stilling a change in the
hearts of those to whom
the act would disgust, this
would have been a peaceful
Barry Goldwater has
shown he can gain the con
fidence of his following, the
devotion of his workers, and
the admiration of his fellow
We have seen what LBJ
can do and we suspect he
probably did a great deal
more that may remain hid
den until we can get an ad
ministration to smoke h i s
other activities out.
This country needs the
leadership of the undenied
integrity of Barry Goldwater.
In The
Stiokc Shop
"Granted the existence of
shelters and a population
well-trained in their use, a
5,000 megaton attack might
be expected to kill 70 of
the people (of the United
States)." These shocking
statistics come from the
RAND Corp., an Air Force
research affiliate.
At a time when one high
altitude blast could incin
derate the entire state of
Ohio, the search for peace
requires the utmost intilli
gence, the clearest vision,
and a strong sense of real
ity. It is a time when we need
a leader who has proven his
capability, not a person who
is seemingly most concerned
with breaking down a docu
mented image of trigger
happiness. President Lyndon B. John
son has said: "The true
courage of this nuclear age
lies in the quest for peace."
He has promised his great
est commitment is "to the
keeping and the strengthen
ing of the peace." His deeds
have lived up to his words.
President Johnson has
proven his dedication to
peace by working to estab
lish an "agency for peace"
the Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency. His
opponent opposed the es
tablishment of this agency.
President Johnson worked
for the approval of the Nu
clear Test Ban Treaty an
event that will be marked
forever in the history of
mankind as a first step on
the difficult road of arms
His opponent voted
against this treaty.
In January and April 1964,
President Johnson an
nounced cutbacks in the pro
duction of nuclear mater
ials: 20 per cent in pluton
ium production and 40 per
cent in enriched uranium.
The USSR followed this
United States initiative with
a similiar announcement.
Following the Soviet an
nouncement, the President
welcomed the response as
giving hope "that the world
may yet, one day, live with
out the fear of war."
The GOP spokesman, on
.... Guaranteed by a top
....No War Clause
.... Exclusive Benefits at
Special Rates
.... Deposits Deferred
until you are out of
Can You Qualify?
7:00 P.M.
the other hand, has stated
that "... there will either
be a war, or we'll be sub
jugated without war . . .
real nuclear war ... I don't
see how it can be avoided
perhaps five, ten years from
This is hardly the attitude
of a man expectantly work
ing for peace.
Mr. Johnson has accepted
the challenge of responsibil
ity posed by our nuclear
age. He has further stated
that "the full power and
partnership of the United
States is committed to our
joint effort to eliminate war
and the threat of war, ag
gression and the danger of
violence . . ."
The Republican candidate
seems more concerned with
the challenge of marksman,
ship, for he has stated. "I
don't want to hit the moon
I want to lob one into the
men's room of the Kremlin
and make sure I h. f it."
This is the choice. But tha
answer cannot be in doubt.
We must vote Democratic
on Nov. 3. The stakes are
too high to stay home.
The Daily Nebraskan
RICH HALBKRT, managing ed
itor! FRANK PARTSCH, news ed
staff writer: TRAVIS HINER. WAL
nior staff writers! VICKI ELLIOTT,
copy editors! RICH EISER. LARRY
JENKINS, photographers! LARRY
LEISTR1TZ, ag news editor-, PEGGY
SPEECE, sports editor! BOB SAM
UELSON, sports assistant! BOB
RYNEARSON. business assistants!
LYNN RATHJEN, circulation man
ager! JIM DICK, subscription man
aner. Subscriptions rates $3 per semester
or $5 per year.
Entered as second class matter at
the post office in Lincoln. Nebraska,
under the act of August 4, 1912.
The Daily Nebraskan is published
at Room 91. Nebraska Union, on
Monday, Wednesday. Thursday. Fri
day by University of Nebraska stu
dents under the Jurisdiction of the
Faculty Subcommittee on Student
Publications. Publications shall be
free from censorship by the Subcom
mittee or any person outside the
University. Members of the Nebras
kan are responsible for what they
cause to be printed
yours with
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