Page 3 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, October 5, 1964 Governor Speaks On Youth Safety "The only way to have great satisfaction out of life is to live. There are many things to enjoy but you can't enjoy them if you're dead!" These thoughts were given to 300 high school students from all over Nebraska Sat urday as Gov. Frank Morri son welcomed them to the fourth annual Governor's Youth Safety Conference, held at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education. Manley Will Address International Students A series of talks by Dr. Robert Manley, assistant pro fessor of history, has been scheduled by the Nebraska International Association. They will begin Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Morrison told the students that 5,800 teen-agers have been involved in accidents so far in 1904. Of these acci dents, fifty-two involved a fa tality, he said. According to Morrison, "Every one of us is in danger when we go out on the high ways." He suggested two things which the delegates might do to help the traffic safety pro gram. "First," he said, "be careful of your own driving." His second point was that the delegates start a crusade. He told them to take safety back to their respective com munities in the form of safety programs for their schools an their whole communities. "Let adults defile each oth er if they will," said Morri son, "but let youth turn the tide of history." plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIir Unionizing By Bill Harding This is the week to really go "social" in the U n i o n. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom, the Hos pitality Committee presents the Men's Style Show. This event will be especial ly helpful to the incoming stu dents this year in pointing out what is appropriate wear in men's fashions on campus, and what is "in" this fall. There is no admission charge, and doorprizes will be given. On Wednesday, the first in the scries of Foreign Films will be presented at the Ne braska Theatre. Times are 7 and 9 p.m. Buy your season ticket in the Program Office of the Union. The film this week is, "To Bed or Not To Bed," starring Alberto Sordi as an Italian fur salesman who travels to Sweden to sell mink and see for himself if Swedish wom en are as friendly to Italians as he has heard. IM A (WBfiRAPHER RK OUR SCHOOL I V PAPER , LINK... j k$im AS W& RUNNING FOR SCHOOL PRESIDENT, WE'D LIKE k PICTURE OF V0LL IN ORDER TO MAKE IT LOOK 5OCTOF"H0MEV,"lTH0tl6HT WE 0 POSE WU WITH A DOS.. iVE CHAN66PMVMIND.' Baldwin Sets Tryouts For 'Three Sisters' Tryouts for "acting roles in "The Three Sisters" by Anton Checkov have been announced by the director, Dr. Joseph Baldwin. All students regularly en- Rootworm Insecticides Tested The chances of western corn rootworms pulling an other sneak play on Nebras ka farmers, as they did when they refused to be controlled by chemicals in use in 1960 and 1961, are practically nil. Dr. Harold Ball, profes sor of entomology, is watch ing them. In 1964 more than 20,000 western corn rootworm bee tles from 20 different sites in the corn producing areas of the state were tested in Ball's laboratory for resis tance to the various rootworm insecticides. "During the first three years of these studies we have found no resistance to the new phosphate chemicals such as Diazinon and Thimet, Ballt said. "If such a resist ance starts to show up, we should have some new chemi cals in reserve that we hope will fill the breach." Ball does not yet have his figures pulled together for an authoritative statement on 1964 results, but figures from previous years are enlighten ing, he said. The program started in a small way in 1961. Robert Roselle, Extension entomo logist, had first noticed some! cases of ineffective control in j 1959. This failure of recom mended insecticides became j increasingly serious in 1960 and 1961. The resistant rootworms showed up first in Nebraska j because, Ball explained, "No! other area in the United States j had been so consistently ex-i posed to the use of chlori nated hydrocarbon insecticide for rootworm control. "The total area treated in, Nebraska in 1954. 1,740,000 acres was almost three times as great as the acreage treated in Iowa." The 1961 program consisted of treating beetles from two sites, one from the central part of the state near Aurora, the other in the eastern part of the state near Ash land. The beetles are collected from corn plants with a specially designed vacuum cleaner. About 1,000 beetles arc collected from each site and taken to Lincoln in hold ing cages. Two people traveled several thousand miles in a short time this year collecting and delivering the beetles to Ball. In the laboratory, four grad uate assistants do the tedious work of treating each individ aul beetle, 20,000 in 1964, with varying amounts of the dif ferent insecticides being tested. The insecticices are applied in one microliter, (about one-twentieth the size of an ordinary drop of water) of acetone, containing the amount of insecticide desired. Twenty insects are used in each treatment dose and placed in a covered dish. The dead beetles are then counted at the end of a specified period 24 hours for Aldrin and the other chlorinated hy drocarbons and 2 hours for the phosphates, such as Dai rmor.. Bali uses an ingenious de vice for applying the insecti cide. His micro applicator uses a small syringe which is pushed by a micrometer to meter out the exact amount of insecticide desired. A suction device was de veloped for handling the bee tles without-damaging them. Ball has found a wide varia tion in the resistance of the rootworms according to the locality where the beetles were gathered. Rootworm beetles from Cliase County have shown the last resistance to Aldrin. Us ing Chase County to set a base number of 1, Ball, charted the differences from the next low of 44 in Saline County to the high of 1,847 in Buffalo County in 1963. This means the western corn rootworm was 1,847 times as resistant to Aldrin in Buffalo County as it was in Chase County. Translating the figures for micrograms of insecticide needed to kill each insect into micrograms of insecticide per gram of total insect, Ball made his figures more ac curate. "In general," Ball wrote in his 1963 report, the greatest resistance to Aldrin occurred in insects collected from sites 40 to 50 miles on either side of the Platte River. This 80 to 100-wide band, with the Platte River at its center, is an area that coincides with that part of the state where chlorinated hydrocarbon and cyclodiene insecticides have Now you can get a second, third or 10th chance' at those lec tures, with the famous Norelco portable tape recorder (and at student discounts). VICO ELECTRONICS 1242 "M" St. Lincoln, Ncbr. We all make mistakes . . ERASE WITHOUT A TRACE ON EATON'S CORRASABLE BOND Don't plague yourself with a page of typing sorrows. Flick away your errors easily on Corrasable. An ordi nary pencil eraser does the trick. You need Corrasable's special surface to produce unsnmdged, unscarred, per fect looking papers every time, the first time. Eaton's fni-ra en Kid ii flvutlflhlft in liftht. .rB medium, heavy weights and a, Onion Skin. In handy 100- J-g sheet packets and 500-sheet 1's-.r ream boxes. Only Eaton -;"v makes Corrasable. ftjjjj1 A Kprksliirp Tvnfiwriter Paner t-?.-. 7 i EATON PAPER CORPORATION : E : PITTS FIELD, MASSACHUSETTS . Y f t i Vf fc i ' I V-!' t ,? I f. s. J f J im The most walked about Slacks on Campus contain "DACRON". Hubbard Slacks have a faculty for fashions of 65 "Dacron"' polyester and 35 combed cotton. Styled in Classio plain front and traditional Gay Blade models for wrinkle-free good looks and carefree comfort, at Better Stores everywhere. Dupont't nglsterti tramirk been used the longest and where control problems have existed since 1959." Ball said the hope is always present that not only will a better rootworm killer be found, but also one that is easier on the farmer's pocket book. A rootworm insecticide 50 percent cheaper than those now in use would save Ne braska farmers millions of dollars per year. rolled in the University are eligible for roles in the play. Tryouts begin Oct. 5, but the play does not go into rehear sal until Nov. 2. The tryouts will be held in room 201 of the Temple Build ing on Oct. 5 from 7-9 p.m.; Oct. 6 from 3:30-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.; Oct. 7 from 3:30-5 p.m.; Oct. 8 from 3:30-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.; and Oct. 9 from 3:30-5 p.m. Delta Sigma Pi Aids Muscular Dystrophy Delta Sigma Pi, professional business fraternity, will dis tribute 1,000 red, white and blue canisters tomorrow for the Muscular Dystrophy Drive. Why Settle for Less? our barbers were first place winners in all categories at the State Haircutting Contest. Bob's Barber Shop 1315 P 435-9323 We still have those time-saving appointments so give us a call or stop in. Roy Wittrock Bill DeRock Dick Olson What's In A Woodsie, A Picnic Without Food? By Travis Hiner Junior Staff Writer Many students feel that there is a need of clarifica tion on exactly what a wood sie is. To many of the fresh men the term "orgie" and "woodsie" are one and the same thing. A s freshman Brian H a 1 1 a put it, "My conception of woodsies, previous to any personal experience, was "b o o z e," "blankets" and "broads," but since I've been to one I've found this to be a warped exaggeration and misconception Certainly there are wood sies and then there are wood sies, but none deserve t h e gross name of 'orgie.' " Exactly what is a woodsie? To be realistic a woodsie is an offshoot ot a picnic. The only difference being that woodsies are at night and there is seldom anything to eat although usually there is some kind of refreshment. What one does at a party depends largely upon the in dividual. Activity at a wood sie generally consists of sit ting around a fire talking, singing, laughing and having a good time. Depending upon the type of woodsie, there may even be music, a combo and a place to dance. College life is an adult so ciety or least a serni-a d u 1 1 society and most activities and parties are carried out in accordance with adult so cial standards. Senior Jon Feistner seems to agree with this saying, "Too often it is thought that being outdoors for a woodsie might be a carry over from the Greek orgies. This is obvious ly a prostitution of the facts," "A woodsie simply gives the University student an op. portunity for release that is not permitted within the pseudo-social coat and t i e set. There are no rules of procedure at a woodsie, one can be himself which in Itself can be rather educational, Feistner added. Naturally there are two kinds of woodsies, "g o o d" and "bad," and certainly woodsies can be critized as well as praised, but usually they're just good clean fun and enjoyment. In general, many students feel they don't deserve the bad reputa tion new students on campus attribute to them. vilCtSt P opi e AMERICA'S GOING PLACES ON A HONDA Up to 200 miles per gallon No parking problems on or off campus New campus models Easy terms . Randolph Motors 21st & N Sales 6- Service 4324451 A Shoe Store For SHOES Factory Outlet for Fine Footwear 1317 "O" ST. COLLEGIANS AT DISCOUNT PRICES Proudly Presents A Complete Stock Of Traditional Footwear in step with The "Natural Shoulder" Look 4 (2f mm Save Up to moo a pair our PRICES 8" to 26" On Famous Brands Genuine shell cordovan saddle ox double leather sole extended heel with V Plate Our price 26.99 Genuine Hand-Sewen True Mac Slip-on classic Our PRICE 14.99 Famous Brands For Less 1317 0 Street Phone 432-2252 FREE COKES Full Wing Bruques Masculine Grain with Natural Color Double Leather Soles & Heels. Our Price 21.99 i