The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1964, Image 1

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Vol. 78, No. 5
The Daily Nebraskan"
Monday, September 28, 1964
Tassels has changed some
of the campaigning rules for
homecoming queen, accord
ing to Betsy Nore, Tassels
Homecoming Chairman, in
order to make the campaign
a contest between individuals
instead of houses.
The finalists will be an
nounced in Friday's Daily Ne
braskan rather than at a pep
rally as in the past, Miss
Nore said.
There will be no individual
posters, flyers, or badges worn
on individuals during the cam
paign. A living unit in sup
port of its candidate may put
on skits and place a banner
on the living unit which may
also be carried around at the
football games.
Candidates must have an
average not less than 5.5,
must be registered as a jun
ior, must be carrying not less
than twelve hours this semes
ter, and must display loyalty,
spirit, and interest in their
school and its activities.
This year's girls up for can
didacy are Jacquely Ander
son, Linda Cleveland, Vicki
Cline, Jeanette Coufal, Cher
yll Crosier, Marilyn Kay Fil
bert, Jamalee Kay George,
Halle Gerelick, Lila Haisch,
Sandra Kay Heybrook, Con
nie Holmstedt, Karen John
son, Georgia Merriam, Dianne
Michel, Susan Ruth Moore,
Rosalee Plcis, Janell Quaring,
Mary Kay Rakow, Elaine
Ruff, Linda Schlechte, Judy
Shanahan, Allegra Smith,
Sandy Stefanisien, Nancy
Helen Stuart, Myrna Tegt
meirer, Jan Whitney, Percy
Wood, Janice Luehhe, and
Huffaker. The girls will be
interviewed Wednesday.
I I I iSsli1- f ? h
DUTCHESS . . . The Grand Old Dog of the campus retired
yesterday thus completing eight years of service and social
activity at the University.
Phi Psis Campus
Greet Duchess II
For those who are new on
campus, the name Duchess
probably doesn't bring instant
recognition. These new stu
dents haven't had the chance
to stumble over "Dutch" on
their way to class as she
nonchalantly sunbathed on
the campus sidewalks. Duch
ess, is a pure bred Saint Ber
nard of considerable size.
Duchess moved into the Phi
Kappa Psi house in October
of 1956 as a six-month-old
puppy. After a certain
amount of understandable
pledge training in which she
was taught when, where and
how, Duchess became an hon
orary member of Phi Kappa
Psi. In her eight years of
service she became quite
well known and loved on
However, last May Dutch
became eight years old and
for a dog this is approaching
the retirement age. Her years
until Sftwdies Psnrkomig
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Praise Given To
Freshman Camp
The Freshman Camp is
over and the freshmen are
back on Campus.
The camp, sponsored by the
YWCA, was geared to raise
questions in the minds of the
students, and teach them that
it is important to ask ques
tions, not a showing of ig
norance. "I loved it," Patti Dworak
said," it wasn't what I ex
pected. I thought that it would
be like a mixer, but instead
we listened to the professors,
and asked questions. We dis
cussed . morals, religion, and
the importance of an educa
tion." Peggy King, president of
the YWCA on campus, said
that the students were enthus
iastic, and that this en
thusiasm grew throughout the
entire program.
of college life vere beginning
to show.
She began having trouble
remembering the guys names
and also when, where and
how, which costs the Phi Psis
a new rug every six months.
Yesterday the Grand 0 1 d
Dog retired. A Phi Psi alum
has taken Duchess to his farm
in Holdege where she'll live
her remaining years in peace
and quiet.
Don't fret however because
the tradition will go on. A
New Duchess, Duchess II, has
arrived. Duchess II, a six
week old Saint Bernard, is an
exact replica of "Old Dutch "
Little Duchess is only two
and one half feet long and
looks more like a baby ele
phant from behind than a
Saint Bernard. Her breeder
feels however that in two
years she'll probably be big
ger than old Dutch.
Thus the campus says good
bye to Old Duchess and wel
comes new Duchess.
LPD strikes again ... to add
'New KNUS' Returns
To Campus Airwaves
KNUS, the University's ra
dio station, is back on the air,
and plans call for this to b
its best year yet.
The station, operated by
and from the School of Jour
nalism, has been the object of
a great deal of hard work by
the students who will operate
it this year.
The work is expected to
yield enjoyable dividends to
the station's listeners. A great
deal of new. equipment has
been given to the station by
KFAB radio and KMTV tele
vision, both of Omaha.
Broadcasting from 7 to 9
p.m. Monday thru Friday, the
station will carry chiefly news
and recorded music with spe
cial emphasis to be placed on
reporting more University
news to the students than in
previous years. KNUS "spe
cials" this year will be the
broadcasting of the Quiz Bowl
matches and all the Universi
ty's home football games.
Broadcasting on 880 kilocy
cles, KNUS will reach its
largest audience ever this
year. The station will be able
to be picked up in all the
city campus residence halls
and a few of the fraternity
and sorority houses.
Increasing transmission to
all the Greek houses and to
the ag Campus residences is
planned for the near future,
and it is hoped that broad
cast time will be able to be
increased as the station's re
ceiving area is increased.
Also on the increase this
year will be the type of pro
grams produced by tne iviNUa
Getz Jazz; Show
Termed Success;
2,500 At Sheldon
An estimated 2,500 persons
assembled before the steps
of the Sheldon Memorial Art
Gallery Friday afternoon for
a program in jazz by the Stan
Getz Quintet.
"We felt the program was
an unqualified success in both
performance and response,"
said Richard Scott, assistant
program director of the Stu
dent Union.
The concert was the first of
a series of Fine Arts Convo
cations to be presented
throughout the year by the
Union and the Faculty Senate
convocation committee.
Supplementing the saxo
phone numbers performed by
Getz were selections by fe
male vocalist Astrud Gilber
to, who rose to sudden fame
in the jazz field with her rec
ord, "The Girl from Ipan
ema," and folk singing by a
Chicago group known as the
Getz was originally credited
with bringing the bosa nova
from Brazil, according to
Union Program Director John
He has been named the best
saxophone player in the Play
boy Jazz Poll for four or five
years, said Carlisle, "and has
won the Downbeat Jazz poll
for about the same number
of years."
Getz has been in the iazz
field for 23 years, according
to Carlisle.
to student parking woes.
staff. Plans call for the sta
tion to produce and tape a
weekly program on a variety
of subjects of state-wide in
terest which will then be sent
to any radio station in the
state desiring to broadcast
KNUS has taped twenty dif
ferent songs, which are
played by the carillon tower
and these will be included in
several of the taped pro
grams. In addition to the ra
dio specials, the KNUS staff
will produce one documen
tary program for television
this year.
Dr. William Hall, director
of the School of Journalism
said, "One of the chief goals
of KNUS is to encourage and
help our students do experi
mental broadcasting. "We want
them to try the untried in ra
dio and to end up broadcast
ing programs which any ra
dio station would be proud to
pick up."
Computing Center Offers Fortran;
Provides Research Opportunities
By Wallis Lundeen
Junior Staff Writer
Want to learn computer
language? University students
and faculty who wish to use
the computers at the Nebras
ka Computing Center must
first learn a language called
Courses in computer lang
uage are only one of the fa
cilities associated with the
University Computing Center
located on the second floor
of Nebraska Hall.
The center, begun in 1958,
is directed by Dr. Don J. Nel
son and is staffed by four
graduate assistants and sev
eral operators, as well as an
other graduate assistant lo
cated in Ferguson Hall.
The aim of the center, as
outlined by Pat McDonald,
computer assistant at the cen
ter, is "to provide research
facilities for faculty and stu
dents." To carry out this aim and
to educate people in the use
of the computers, several
classes are offered each year.
Six non-credit classes are
scheduled through the Exten
sion Division each semester.
No previous knowledge of
computers is necessary to en
roll in these classes.
A three-hour course of gen
eral information and use of
computers is open to all stu
dents who are sophomores or
above, or with permission of
the insturctor. The course,
Engineering 150, is tcught by
graduate assistants.
In the College of Engineer
ing and Architecture pro
gramming and the use of the
computer are offered each
semester. They are non-credit
courses open to all students
and faculty.
The University center Is
used widely by faculty and
students. It bas now received
a share of a national project
which will greatly aid the
medical profession, according
to Nelson.
Surfing Craze
'Hard' For Suzie
"And the skateboards keep
rolling along!"
But not Suzie Walbum. Aft
er telling of the coming of
the skateboard to the Univer
sity in Friday's Daily Nebras
gan, today we examine the
other side of this craze.
Last Thursday evening, Miss
Walbum made her first at
tempt to become a part of
the skateboarding world.
She boarded her first skate
board in front of the Delta
Tau Delta house, bravely be
ginning a speedy trip down
the hard sidewalk. Then, she
said, "I went about two feet
and BANG! Down I went!"
Although Miss Walbum
didn't believe herself to be
seriously hurt, she went to
Student Health just to be
sure. X-rays showed that she
had a broken ankle.
Miss Walburn has now come
down from the fast, exciting
world of the skateboard to
the slow, dull world of crutch
es. And, she is going to stay
there for the next six weeks.
The project, which is being
undertaken by universities
throughout the nation, is to
assimilate and abstract the
great mass of scientific knowl
edge found in medical journ
als and magazines.
Nelson noted that today's
doctors -do not have time to
read all the current informa
tion available to them because
of nearly 3,000 medical joui-M-
als published each month.
The aim is to abstract and
program much of this ma
terial. The next step is to pre
pare and program a profile
of each doctor in universities
and hospitals. If a doctor were
specifially interested in a type
of surgery, his interests would
be run through the computer
with the magazine articles,
and the result would be a list
ing of the information of par
ticular interest to him.
Another project the Com
puter Center has undertaken
and nearly completed is to
compile and program the
names and addresses of all
former students and gradu
ates of the University.
This job is 95 per cent com
pleted, Nelson. said. The Ne
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Committee Works
To Reduce Fines
The Student Council parking
committee will attempt to
minimize parking fines to stu
dents on campus this year,
according to Bill Poppert,
parking committee chairman.
"We will try to keep the
students informed of the traf
fic regulations on campus and
we intend to conduct a sur
vey on campus parking con
ditions," Poppert said. "Of
course, in an attempt to min
imize fines, most of the work
will be up to the students."
The Parking Committee's
survey will consist of a check
on the total amount of avail
able parking space on campus
for students, and the amount
of space available to students
at different hours of the day.
The final phase of the sur
vey will reveal the facts on
the service of the inter-campus
bus. "We wish to find out
if the inter-campus bus is ad
equate or whether there is
need for another bus," Pop
pert said. "Parking on the
Agricultural Campus is no
problem at all at this time."
Poppert noted that all cars
parked in a University park
ing arra must have a permit
for that area. Permits are
available at the University
Police Department located in
the Geography Building. If a
student should get a new car
he may get a new permit free,
simply by scraping off their
old permit and turning in the
numbers to the University
Police Department.
Scanning the list of Univer
sity traffic regulations Pop
pert said that students seem
to violate three of the rules
more frequently than the oth
ers. They are parking in an
area not covered by the per
mit on the car, using an area
with a green curb as a park
ing area. Poppert said these
areas are to be used for load
ing and unloading.
braska Alumni Association,
for whom the work was done,
will use the computer for
mailing lists and other pur
poses. Three computers are avail
able at the University. An
IBM 1410, a medium size
system with five magnetic
tape units and 40,000 digits
of core storage, is located in
the Computing Center in Ne
braska Hall. It also has a disc
file which may store twenty
eight million digits.
The 1410 was installed last
November and is the main
computer. McDonald said that
at the end of the semester
when graduate students and
faculty members are com
pleting these the computer is
in operation 24 hours a day,
7 days a week.
An IBM 1620 is also in the
Computing Center and is open
to all students. Another 1620
in Ferguson Hall is primarily
for the use of the College of
Engineering students and fa
culty. A student who wishes to use
the computers must first en
roll in one of the classes to
of the trade . . . operated by FORTRAN.
A car may only be in a
green curb area for 15 min
utes. Poppert said, "This
regulation is violated more
often than any of the others
and is so unnecessary because
it is much cheaper to put a
nickel in a meter than it is
to pay a dollar parking fine."
Another frequent violation
is parking on the city or ag
campus without a permit at
"Poppert said, "I hope stu
dents will watch these regu
lations in order to help mini
mize trafiic tickets.
If a student does get a traf
fic ticket he must either pay
it at the University Police
Department or if he feels it
was not deserved he may ap
peal it through the Student
Council. To do this, Poppert
said, a student must notify
the Campus police. The stu
dent will then appear before
the Student Council Parking
Committee, which meets on
Thursday evenings, and pre
sent Ins case.
According to Poppert, the
University Police will be more
strict than before in the en
forcement of University traf
fic regulations. Particular at
tention will be given to the
right of way of pedestrians
in marked crosswalks.
Poppert said, "According to
the traffic regulations cars
must yield to pedestrians who
are crossing in a marked
crosswalk." Poppert added,
"The University Police will
give special care to this mat
ter in areas such as 16th
street near the Women's Res
idence Hall and other areas
which are heavily used by
students but have no traffic
lights or signs."
Poppert asked that any sug
gestions for improvement in
the parking situation on cam
pus be turned in to him in
the Student Council Office 230
Student Union.
learn FORTRAN and the use
of the computers. To use the
1420, the student must punch
his FORTRAN program on
cards, submit them to the cen
ter, and wait for the program
to be compiled and run by
the Center staff, McDonald
To use the 1620 in the Com
puting Center, a student can
sign up for a period of time
to use the computer to solve
a problem.
Glancing through a year's
project file shows that big
users of the computers are
the Psychology Department,
Teacher's College, the College
of Business Administration,
Alumni Records, and the Uni
versity Health Center.
Last year, business students
played a game with the com
puters called "Imaginlt" in
which they became owners of
industries. They made bus
iness decisions, then the com
puter told them whether they
had made or lost money.
McDonald emphasized that
the Computing Center is al
ways available to anyone who
wishes to use it, and "there
is plenty of computer time."