The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 25, 1964, Image 1
$ If . r ,1 i i i i mill il mi iii i -'V Mtm Sidewalks! rs uruvERsr t Vol. 78, No. 4 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, September 25, 1964 i If I 4 . l 1 " .. 1 - s J 5 - r Id-.' The skateboard the latest era in the evolution of the fraternity sidewalk game, is demonstrated here by Dale Huff, Delta Tau Delta, in front of the Delt house. The skateboard, which is the child of a surfboard and a roller skate, can be seen nightly, smashing through the surf and pedestrians along fraternity row. The victims of this innovation have found its wounds more painful than those of its predecessors, the frisbe and the hula hoop. 3-School frosh Enrollment Soars; Hall Credits J-State, Hearst Wins A successful All-State vro gram and victories in nation al competitions have resulted in an increased freshman class in the School of Journ alism, according to Dr. Wil liam Hall, director of the school. One-hundred twenty-e i g h t freshman are enrolled in J School this year, compared With 55 last fall. Part of the Increase is due to the larger University fresh man class, but the "Increase is more than proportionate," Hall said. "We have attracted more than the usual number of stu dents who attended the journ. alism course at All-State," Hall said. High school stu dents attend All-State sum mer sessions at the Univer sity. "The reputation of the school has also been enhanced by its victories in William Randolph Hearst competi tions," he continued. An increase in staff has been the most important re sult of the freshman class ex pansion. Frank O'Neill, an assistant professor of photography and cinematography, will teach full time. He is replacing Keith Blackledge who re signed last spring. Dr. M. Scheffel Pierce re signed to join KUON-TV. Three part-time lecturers from the professional field are teaching freshman labor atories this fall. They are Bob Taylor, news director for KOLN-TV, KG1N-TV, who is teaching a lab in radio and television; Carl Keith, night news. editor of the Omaha Zm ' 3 if r World Herald, who is in structing a news editorial lab, and Leon Benschoter, direc tor of special projects for KMTV in Omaha, who is teaching an advanced class in radio and television pro duction. A part-time instructor, Mrs. Hillel Croup Elects Bernstein President Steve Bernstein was elected president of Hillel Foundation at the groups first meeting Sunday. Hillel is ah organization of Jewish students which strives to promote the religious acti vities of its members. Hillel was started at t h e University of Illinois in 1923 and has spread throughout the world since then and now has over 200 chapters. The University chapter has reor ganized this year. The president of Sigma Al pha Mu fraternity, Jim Levy, has given his full backing and that of his house to the proj ect. The project is also being backed by the reactiveated Kosmet Klob Revue Inspires Competition Kosmet Klub, founded in 1911, is composed of twelve senior and twelve junior men. In the fall the Klub presents an all-male Fall Revue feat uring skits and travelers acts selected through competitive elimination of entries from or ganized men's houses. Troph ies are awarded to the two top winning skits and the best travelers act. YR's Told Political Practices The basic differences be tween the political philosoph ies of the Republican Party and the political practices of the Democratic Party were outlined at the Young Repub licans (YR's) meeting held last night. In a speech to over 90 YR members, Nebraska State Republican Chairman Walt Wittoff pointed out sharp dif ferences between the Republi can thought and the Demo cratic action. "Chief among the basic dif ferences between the parties is their approach to individual liberty," Wittoff said. "The Democrats think only of class es, masses, and blocks," he went on. "The Republicans think of the individual and be lieve the federal government should do only those things which the individual can't do.' Wittoff also cited the Repub' lican's stands against such Democratic practices of "a bigger federal government . . . disrespect for the Consti tution . . . and an unbalanced budget." "Democrats haven't learned that strong foreign policy is something the enemy understands, Wittoff said in regard to the Democrat's for eign policy. Wittoff also spoke on He publican stands concerning the farm problem, labor and management problems, civil rights and Integrity within the federal government. Wittoff closed his speech by encouraging the YR members to work hard for a Republican victory in November. "We have a tough fight," he warned. "Nebraska is not in the bag." In their business meeting, YR president Bill Harding al so emphasized action by the group. "Organizations are fine to join, but they re much bet ter if vou do something in them," Harding stressed. Reports on the functions of the different YR committees were given by each commit tee chairman. This was done in an effort to encourage members of the group to sign up to work on the commit tees. The members were also told that campaign work by the group will . begin this Satur day. Plans were also given for a YR campaign parade to be held on October 22. Carol Ann Young, is instruct ing a news editorial lab for freshman. Several new sections have been added, and although the has been a lack of chairs and typewriters, the larger J-School facilities in Nebras ka Hall are still adequate. SDT Chapter and by the local Jewish Community. Rabbi Maurice Pomerantz, advisor of the group, esti mated that there are 70 mem bers. The Rabbi said that plans are underway to have a dinner with members of the New Christy Minstrels as guests. Another program in the planning stages is to bring folksingers Joe and Penny Aronson back to the campus. They were here in 1962 in a program also sponsored by Hillel. The other newly elected offi cers are Jeff Lefko, vice-president; Douglas Kagan and Faye Modenstein, secretaries; and Janice Itkin, treasurer. Levy said that this or ganization is important to the Jewish students because it is a uniting vehicle where in they have an opportunity to meet and discuss questions that are important to each member. The Hillel chapter here is not a complete foundation. On most other universities there is a Hillel House, with a full time director. Because of the lack of facilities the group meets in University buildings. AAciiniy Favor In a poll conducted this week by the Daily Nebraskan, an even 50 per cent of 20 sor ority pledges interviewed said that they would favor having deferred rush for pledging. Pledges from each sorority were interviewed, with 15 of trie pledges suggesting at least minor changes in t h e present procedure. These sug gestions generally advocated having the deferred rush or at least lengthening rush week to include more rush parties at each house. The chief reason for these suggestions was that! the girls believed their added time would make it easier for them to arrive at their final deci sion. Also suggested was to al low the sororities to have summer rush. All of those interviewed de scribed rush week as being a wonderful and enjoyable ex perience. They agreed it was "hectic" for the first couple of days, but all but one said they would gladly go through il again. Five of the girls cited "cur iosity" as part of their rea son for going through rush week. The others all went through for the sole purpose of pledging. The nearly unanimous rea son for pledging a house was "for friendship." "I pledged because I want ed to feel like one o a group, and not like one of a herd as might be the case in a dorm," said Betty Swoboda, an Al pha Delta Pi pledge. "1 pledged because I felt I have common interests with the girls in this house. Here I feel at home," she said The close friends which they expected to gala through sorority membership would prove to be an essential part of their lives said the girls who pledged for reasons of friendship. Most of the pledges inter- Selleck Has New Director Five hundred freshman. three hundred upperclassmen and one hundred thirty-seven young women are taking their trials and tribulations to Dick Scott, the new Resident direc tor at Selleck Quadrangle. bcott graduated from Ari zona State University with an M.A. in counseling and is be ginning his first year as Resi dent Director at the Univer sity. He is enjoying his new job because "it is never the same thing day after day or night after night." There is always a new problem and a new indivisual to work with. Scott noted that the duties of the job are hard to define. They include everything from being mother and father to advising the Residence Asso ciation for Men (RAM) in its activities plans. The disciplinary, personal and social problems of the dorm are also the concern of the Resident Advisor. "The student is here to get an ed ucation, and it is the counsel ors job to help him accept the responsibility for t h i s task," Scott said. They have been no disciplin ary problems so far this year, but Scott is ready for them if and when they arise. "Discipline is not punitive, but a part of the growth pro cess," and it is the job of peo ple working with students to put them on the right road to this growth. Scott sums up his duties and those of his office by say ing, "Anything that effects the student while he is at the Uni versity is either directly or indirectly related to this of fice." Ag Union Sponsors 'Go Big Red' Dance The Ag Union will hold its first dance of the year. "Go Big Red," tonight. The dance will feature the music of the Nomads from 8:30 to 11:30. oroirifty Pledges it elfeirred Lyslhiiinig viewed gave scholarship as an important reason for their pledging. This was also the chief reason the girls favor ing the present rush week sys Ireland and Parke . . . dental company established Ireland Honored Navy Tabs Dean Dr. Ralph Ireland, dean of the University's College of Dentistry, was awarded the Commandant's Certificate of Merit by the U.S. Navy yes terday morning. The award was presented by Capt. Gerald Parke, direc tor of dental activities for the Ninth Naval District at Great Lakes, 111. Ireland was cited for his support and cooperation in helping to establish a Navy Reserve Dental Company in the College of Dentistry. The Navy Reserve Dental Com pany 9-46 was organized in August. There are 13 students in the company headed by Lt. Cmdr Bill Best, Lincoln dentist and Dr. James Burlington, also a Wives Will Sell Clothing, Articles Used clothing and house hold articles will again be sold by the Faculty Wives and Women's Club this year at the Nearly New Shop. The shop, located at 1610 R Street, will open tonight at 7 p.m. and will be open nightly from 7 till 9 p.m. Articles for this shop are collected at a Bundle Tea held annually by Mrs. Clif ford Hardin. Faculty wives and women bring bundles of articles to this tea and they are then turned over to the shop. Only University students and their wives may pur chase items from the shop. In order to purchase these items, a University ID or a Dane's Club Card must be presented. Money received from the shop's sales is donated to the University's student loan fund. Equal amounts are then given to the fund by the fed eral government. j Kappa Sigma Pledges Will Host Tomorrow AH pledges are invited to attend the Kappa Sigma Pledge Smoker tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. The purpose of the smoker is to let the pledges meet one another and to give them an opportunity to enjoy the Ne braska football game. After the game refreshments will be served. Red Cross Posts Will Be Filled Interviews for chairmen and assistants for Red Cross will be held Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. Applications may be picked up Monday outside Student Union room 232. They must be returned by Wednesday noon. Qualifications are a 5.0 av erage and sophomore stand ing. Positions are open for the following committees: Adult Activities, Larc Orphanage, Special Projects, State Hospi tal Adults and Veterans Hospital. tem gave against deferred rushing. "I expect the house schol arship program to be of real help to my grades," said Lincoln dentist, company executive officer. Members of the Company include: Jerry Fuller, Eugene Keller, Richard Hendrikson, Ronald Johnson, John Amos, Jan Jabus, Ronald Paterson, Gary Camplin, Russell Davis, Bruce Dinner, David Dodnil, Robert Jack and James Mor gan. Masters' Works Theatre Theme "Works of the Masters" is the theme of the 1964-65 sea son of plays and opera to op en in the University Theatre on Oct. 29. "Peer Gynt," a comedy fantasy by Henrik Ibsen, will be the opening production as the theatre begins its 56th sea son. Four other productions will be presented this year. They are: "The Three Sisters" by Chekov; "La Traviata," an opera by Verdi; "Heartbreak House, a darma by Shaw; and "Antony and Cleopatra," a tragedy by Shakespeare. This year the plays will be presented from Thursday through Sunday nights, while "La Traviata will be pre sented on Wednesday through Saturday nights. Casting has been done for "Peer Gynt" and rehearsal for its Oct. 29 opening is now in process. IFC Panhellenic To Serve Tea To Housemothers There are six new house mothers at the University this year. They are: Mrs. Lola Best, Alpha Phi; Mrs. Irene Davis son, Sigma Chi; Mrs. Elsie Brown, Sigma Nu; Mrs. So phie Krasne, Sigma Alpha Mu; Mrs. J. A. Wagner, Sig ma Phi Epsilon and Mrs. Vir ginia Gallamore, Love Mem orial Hall. A tea, sponsored by Pan hellenic and Interfraternity Council, will be held October 4 from 2:15-3:15 p.m. in the Pan American Room, Student Union to honor the new house mothers. Greeting people at the door will be IFC President Tom Brewster and vice-president Tom Schwenke. Panhellenic President Jean Probasco and Vice-president Diane Michel will pour. il- ,: Iff f:';'' T New Ag Campus Library To Open Doors For Study On Limited Scale The new ag library will be open for study oh a limited scale in a few weeks accord ing to Frank Lundy, director of University libraries. Lunday asked that students show understanding concern ing the problems of moving and maintaining library serv ice. The new library, which will be delivered to the University Jane Yates. Miss Yates, a Gamma Phi Beta pledge, be lieves "It is very important to get good study habits instilled in each girl as soon as pos sible. Holding rush week be fore school begins gives the sororities a chance to do this." All but three of the girls said that they came to rush with some apprehensions con cerning sorority life, but these are now gone. "I was still a little uncertain after the first couple of days of rush week," said Ann Hoegemeyer, Kap pa Delta. "Now, it's all over, my fears have gone, and I'm very happy," she said. Stan Getz Quintet To Present Jazz On Sheldon Steps The Stan Getz Quintet, with Astrud Gilberto, will present a program in jazz today at 3:30 p.m., on the steps of Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery. The appearance of the group is the first program in a series ot Fine Arts Convo cations to be presented throughout the year 'by the Student Union and the Facfi' ty Senate convocation com mittee. No admission will bo charged and all students are invited. Other acts scheduled for the series are a French vocal group, a Spanish flamenco act, and the Dutton percus sion trio. Secretary of the Air Force Eugeen Zuckert will speak when he visits the cam pus Oct. 16, at an all univer sity convocation. The series is entitled the Fine Arts Convo cation Series. Publication Advertises Top Talent Talented students and enter tainment groups on campus are given an opportunity to advertise through the Union publication, "Talking About Talent." This booklet is published ev ery year by the Union Music Committee and is sent to the civic groups in Lincoln and the social chairmen of camp us organizations and houses. In order to have a group publicized in the booklet it must appear at the Talent Mart Oct. 3, from 1 to 5 PM. The judges will evaluate the performance and ive a con fidential rating which will be kept in the Union Program office. The name of the group, in for; .ation about how to get in touch with it, and the rates charged are printed. Pictures may be used r: ? a $3 charge, otherwise the service is free. Applications for the Talent Mart may be picked up in the program office next week. NU Alumni To Be Host A weekend of activities for University alumni are planned in connection with the Nebraska-Minnesota football game at Minneapolis, Minn. The Nebraska Alumni As sociation is not sponsoring a plane to the game because it will receive regional television coverage. However, many NU alumni will be attending tho game. George Bastian, executive secretary of the Alumni As sociation, reports that the Twin City Chapter will hold a dinner at 6:30 p.m. tonight in the Normandy Village. An alumni meeting and dance will also be held. by the contractor in a few weeks, cost about 1.25 mil lion dollars. It will have seating for 300 students and will contain 100, 000 books. Some features of the new library are its uni formly strong floors and good lighting. The library has been under construction for the past 18 months. k i y -ii" 'A ; S p. 47 I- t r i' i, it-' " a- i" !;C .v. ft:. I If.