The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1964, Image 1

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Seats Assigned
Ticket Lottery Set
For Home Games
All students who want foot-
ball tickets for remaining
home games should partici-
pate in the football ticket
lottery next Tuesday and
Wednesday from 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. in the Coliseum.
According to James Pitten
ger, ticket manager, the lot
tery is held to determine each
student's seat location in the
Eacn student must bring
the following to the Coliseum
Ticket Office:
1. Ticket purchased for the
South Dakota football game.
2. Football Ticket Permit
the pink, green or buff-colored
IBM card received at
the time of purchasing a tick
et for the South Dakota foot
ball game.
Students who did not pur
chase a South Dakota ticket
may participate in the lottery
by submitting their Football
Ticket Permits (IBM card)
and $10.
Those students who wish to
sit in a group should submit
the Football Ticket Permit
and the South Dakota ticket
or $10 for each student in the
group and the tickets will be
assigned as a group.
All freshmen will be seated
in the South Stadium and
these students should submit
their requests separate from
upperclassmen at the Athlet
ic Ticket Office.
Students who participate in
YR's Give
Spirit Award
Walt Wittoff, state senior
Republican party chairman
will speak on "Politics and
Its Implications to the Col
lege Student", at the opening
Young Republican meeting of
the year.
This meeting will begin at
7 p.m. tomorrow in the south
conference room of the Stu
dent Union.
Bill Harding, YR president,
encourages all members and
Interested students to attend
this meeting. "This will be
the start of an educational se
ries geared towards the ques
tions college students have
about the local, state and na
tional political scene," Hard
ing said.
Dick W e e r t s, publicity
chairman for the group, said
Sign-up sheets for commit
tees will be available for any
one who is unable to sign up
at the Activities Mart on
The winner of the Robert
B. Crosby Spirit Award will
be given at the first meeting
after the November election
by former Nebraska governor
In determining the winner
of this award, a count will
be taken of the active mem
bership in each living unit.
From this figure, the percent
age of YR membership in
each house will be deter
mined. Then, a count will be
taken of the number of mem
bers from each house which
are present at each meeting
until election. (
This number will also be
converted into a percentage
figure. These two percentages
will then be combined, with
the house having the highest
composite percentage winning
the Crosby Award.
Application Deadline
For Fulbrights Near
Only a few weeks remain
in which to apply for F u 1-bright-Hays
fellowships for
the 1965-66 academic year.
More than 900 graduate
grants to 53 countries are
available through the U.S.
Department of State's educa
tional exchange program,
which is arV-c-'n?-i by the
Fuibnght-Hays Act.
Because of the importance
of inter-American relations,
the United States Government
is offering special opportuni
ties to U.S. students for study
in Latin America.
Approximately 80 Latin
American grants for the 1965
66 academic year will be
available to beginning gradu
ate students and graduating
seniors through a program
supervised by the Board of
Foreign Scholarships and ad
ministered by the Institute of
International Education.
This orocram, started in
1963, will send young Ameri
cans to those repunncs in
which the number of U.S. stu
the lottery may pick up their
tickets in the Coliseum during
the week of Oct. 5-9, Pittenger
Those students who do not
take part in the lottery may
purchase tickets during the
week of Oct. 5-9, but those
who participate in the lottery
will receive first choice on
seat location. All student tick
et sales will end at 4 p.m.
Oct. 9.
When attending football
games this fall, students will
be required to show both the
student identification card
and the football ticket at the
stadium gate, Pittenger said.
Students who have com
pleted registration and have
not received Football Ticket
Permits may obtain them by
presenting their identification
cards at the Athletic Ticket
Any married student may
obtain two student tickets.
However, if the Football Tick
et Permit does not stipulate
the student is married, posi
tive proof, such as a marriage
certificate, must be furnished.
Graduate students may ob
tain Football Ticket Permits
by presenting identification
cards or proof of registration
at the Athletic Ticket Office.
Leaders To Speak
YWCA Sponsors Freshman Camp
The deadline for men's reg
istration for the YWCA fresh
man camp has been extended
until tomorrow, the YMCA
announced yesterday. Regis
tration for women is closed.
One hundred freshmen,
composed of equal numbers
of men and women, will at
tend the camp at Camp Ki
taki Friday and Saturday.
The camp is designed to teach
freshmen to ask questions, to
solve practical questions of
judgement and to give them
a fuller meaning of their ex
perience. Small informal groups will
hold discussions concerning
morals, scholarships, activi
ties and religion. These dis
cussion groups will be led by
counselors who were picked
from student leaders on cam
pus. Some of the counselors are
from Ivy Day Court, a home
coming day queen attendant,
eleven different honoraries,
Outstanding Collegiate Man,
Ideal Nebraska Coed, Miss
Block and Bridle, Internation
al Shorthorn Queen, Innocents
and Mortar Boards and of
ficers in most of the campus
Also faculty members will
help lead some discussions.
Faculty speakers will be Dr.
Robert Manley; J. Winston
Martin, associated dean of
Student Affairs; Dr. Charles
Williams Will Replace
Soshnik As Comptroller
Robert Williams, an Iowa
CPA, has been appointed full
time comptroller for the Uni
versity. He will begin Oc
tober 1.
The position has been filled
by Vice Chancellor Joseph
Soshnik since the adminis
trative staff reorganization in
dents has traditionally been
Candidates for the awards
must be U.S. citizens and sin
gle, with at least a bachelor's
degree by the beginning date
of the grant and proficiency
in the language of the host
Grantees will live in uni
versity housing when avail
able and will be expected to
participate in the academic
and social student life of the
country assigned.
Students who wish to apply
for the graduate grants for
an award for study or re
search, or for teaching assis
tantships, must have the seme
qualifications as the Latin
American candidates. The
graduate grant candidates can
be married.
Selections for the graduate
grants will be made on the
basis of academic and profes
sional record, the feasibility
of the applicant's proposed
Vol. 78, No. 2
Top Rating
For the fifth year in a row
the Cornhusker has taken the
highest honor a yearbook can
receive the All American
Yearbook Rating.
The award was presented
by the National Yearbook
Critical Service of the Asso
ciated Collegiate Press at the
University of Minnesota
Journalism School on Septem
ber 10.
The Cornhusker competed
with other yearbooks from
schools of 10,000 students or
more. This was the largest
entry class.
A total of 7,100 points was
needed to win the All Ameri
can Rating. The Cornhusker
was awarded 7,350 points.
Editor of the 1964 Cornhusk
er was Mary Jo MacKenzie.
Assistant editors were Jane
Tenhulzen and Dan Rosenthal.
Business Manager was Sally
Photographs were planned
by Jack Riggle. Copy and
layouts were written and
drawn by the staff.
Patterson and Dr. William
The student counselors are
Laurie Clause, Jeanette Cou
fal, Kathy Hobbs, Marilyn
Peterson, Carol Phelps, Sal
ly Wilson, Troy Cleveland,
Lynn Corcoran, Larry Ham
mond, Tom Holeman, Dave
Kittams, John Lonquist, Gary
Pokorny and Doug Thorn.
Folk singing, dancing, hik
ing and other activities will
contribute to the fellowship of
t h e freshmen. Freshman
camp is an opportunity for
students to meet the other
freshmen, outstanding upper
classmen and members of the
Last year's camp was
Angel Flight Ups
Air Force Spirit
Sophomore, junior and sen
ior women are eligible for
membership in Angel Flight,
an interest organization spon
sored by the local Arnold Air
Angel Flight serves to ad
vance and promote interest In
the Air Force, obtain infor
mation about the military ser
vices and aid the Arnold Air
Society and Air Force ROTC.
Angel Flight's scope is ex
tended from the campus to
the community, state and na
tion through its educational
and service projects, field
trips, hostessing activities and
area and national conclaves.
Selection is made by an in
terviewing board consisting of
present Angel Flight and Ar
nold Air Society members.
New members are chosen on
the basis of high scholastic
average, personality, poise,
social grace, knowledge of
current events and present
military situations and inter
est in Angel Flight and its ac
tivities. study plan, and personal qual
ifications. inree types ot grants are
available under the Fulbright
Hays Act: U.S. Government
Full Grants, Joint U.S. Other
Government Grants, and U.S.
Government T r a v e 1-Only
Application forms and in
formation may be obtained
from the campus Fulbright
Adviser, Harold Wise, Ad
ministration 306.
Students Invited
To Debafe Meeting
Students interested in inter
collegiate debate are invited
to attend a meeting tomorrow
at 7:30 p.m. in room 103C
Temple Building.
The national intercollegiate
debate question this year is,
Resolved: That the federal
government should establish i
work for the unemployed.
Previous experience in high
school debate is not necessary.
Airtnniy HTC lairoks
By Priscilla Mullens
Senior Staff Writer
Approximately one-fifth of
last year's freshman Army
ROTC students have contin
ued in the ROTC program
Funds Loom Big
1 fh
called very successful and
brought many favorable com
ments from the returning
freshmen. Comments were:
"a thought-provoking exper
ience," "a good place to meet
Gary Pokorny, one of the
counselors, said "The most
important benefit is that
these scared freshmen get to
meet the teachers someplace
other than the class room.
They soon find out that teach
ers are really human. They
can find out what most teach
ers really want and expect
from students."
Busses will provide trans
portation and will leave
campus late Friday afternoon
and will return early Sunday
afternoon. The fee for each
student is $13 and this covers
food, lodging and transporta
tion. Applications and further
details may be obtained from
the YWCA office, Union 335B.
Music Students Eligible
For National Sorority
Students majoring or minor
ing in music may be eligible
for membership in Delta Om
icron, a national professional
women's music fraternity.
Delta Omicron stimulates
an appreciation of good mu
sic, encourages perfection of
the individual's performance,
and strives for the highest
possible scholarship. Members
must have a 6.0 grade aver
age in music courses.
Delta Omicron grants fi
nancial aid to needy music
students and sponsors a spring
concert and Hie Christmas
Vespers, both of which are
open to the general public.
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A familiar figure at the University is William "Bill" Miller, who owns a house and small tract of land in the
northeast section of the campus. He is shown here on a return trip from the store, carting home supplies and feed"
for his chickens, which can be seen from parking lots south of Nebraska hall.
The Daily Nebraskan
since it was made non-compulsory
by the f-toard of Re
gents last spring.
Col. Elmer Powell, com
manding officer of the Army
ROTC attributed the drop in
Million Dollars
Received In Aid
University of Nebraska stu
dents are receiving over one
million dollars in scholarship
funds this year, according to
Edward Lundak, new director
of scholarship and financial
The financial aid is divided
among thousands of students.
This aid takes the form of
several types of scholarships
and loans, for which many
students are eligible to apply.
According to Lundak, stu
dents are eligible to receive
certain types of loans with as
low as a 4.5 average. A 5.0
average is required for a Fed
eral Defense Loan and a 6.0
average makes a student eli
gible for any of the upper
class financial aids.
"Before a student can get
upperclass financial aid he
must take the upperclass Re
gent's exam," Lundak empha
sized. "This exam is given to
all students wishing to take
it and is given early in the
second semester. All students
wishing to apply for financial
aid or for r e n e w a 1 ot aid
they now receive must take
this exam."
Recipients of the 300 Upper-
class Regents Scholarships
are determined by a compo
site of this test score, their
class standing in their college
and their overall grade
For other awards, these are
also the factors which deter
mine their recipients, unless
the trust agreement specifies
that financial need of the stu
dent also be taken into con
sideration. Financial need is
the main determinate of those
who receive loans.
Mr. Lundak encouraged all
students to visit him and to
take advantage of the schol
arship program. "If students
have financial problems, this
is the place to come, and they
don't necessarily have to be
referred here by anyone," he
A retired Air Force lieuten
ant colonel, Lundak replaced
Eldon Teton as director of
scholarships and financial aids
this year. He had entered the
University as a graduate stu
dent in 1960 after serving 22
years as a B-17 pilot and per
sonnel officer in the Strategic
Air Command.
We Have
D) ir a
enrollment to the new volun
tary program, but said that
there are still sophomores
volunteering to continue in the
program who wish to further
their preparation as leaders in
the Army.
Powell said that fraternity
men in the advanced courses
are talking to this year's soph
omores in their houses trying
to convince them that the
program has merits and
should be continued. He said
he hopes this will boost the
present enrollment.
The University, as a land
grant college, must offer a
ROTC program. The Board of
Regents, until last spring
maintained that the program
be compulsory, but at that
time decided that University
Classes Big,
But Problems
Thanks to pre-registration
the traditional freshmen Eng
lish enrollment problem has
grown no larger this year.
There has always been a
problem getting students to
the right classes at the right
time, and with the increased
enrollment the problem has
become even larger, Ned
Hedges, assistant director of
freshmen English, said yes'
Twenty-five member class
es are still possible because
of the increase in the English
department staff.
The problem of finding
rooms for the greater num
ber of classes has been solved
by holding freshmen English
in Lyman, Morrill, Bessey,
Burnett and Stout Halls. On
Ag Campus classes are held
in Ag Hall, Ag Engineering
building and even in the Dairy
Industry building.
"Though we expect the us
ual long lines of students
wishing to drop and add or
change hours of classes, I
have been sitting here almost
ten minutes and have not seen
a student," Hedges com
mented. Fellowship Group
Holds Fall Picnic
The Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship will hold its an
nual fall picnic Saturday at
Pioneers Park.
A special invitation is ex
tended to all new students.
Transportation will be pro
vided from the south en
trance of the Student Union
at 4:30 p.m. Tickets can be
purchased at the picnic for
,50 cents.
No Bananas!
September 23, 1964
enrollment was becoming so
large that it would be im
possible to handle all the t in
coming freshmen male s t u
dents in the program.
The Regents, besides being
influenced by the expense of
handling such great numbers
of students, also considered
the law approved by Congress
which provided for a camp
to be held between the sopho
more and junior years to take
the place of the elementary
training received in the first
two years of training.
The Air Force ROTC en
rollment has increased this
year to 665 freshmen, as com
pared with 595 freshmen last
year. Lt. Col. Shimmonkeviz,
acting professor of Air
Science, attributed this in
crease to the fact that the Air
Force lifted its ceiling of 600
students this year, not know
ing how the new ruling would
affect them. He said the Air
Force has always felt that the
voluntary program was more
adaptable to its purposes, and
that the ruling has been ac
cepted happily by the Air
Capt. A. C. Mullen, com
manding officer of the Navy
ROTC said that the Navy has
not been affected much by the
ruling, since the Navy offers
a four year program, and
students who join the pro
gram now and those who
joined during the compulsory
ruling for the most part
joined because they were hon
estly interested in serving the
four years and going on into
the Navy as a career.
Tea Will Honor
Freshman Women
All new women students are
invited to the Dean of
Women's Tea, to be held Fri
day from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30
p.m. in the Pan American
room of the Nebraska Union.
In the receiving line will be
Miss Helen Snyder, associate
dean of Student Affairs, Miss
Madelaine Girard, Panhel
lenic adviser, Mrs. Jane An
derson, assistant to the dean,
Miss Mary Frances Holman,
Mrs. Margaret Wenke and
Mrs. Betty Cooper, residence
hall directors.
AWS Representatives
Will Meet Tomorrow
An Associated Women Stu
dents House of Representa
tives meeting will be held
tomorrow at 5 p.m. in t h e
Nebraska Union.
According to AWS Board,
representatives from all or
ganized houses and student
assistants f r om the dormi
tories should attend this
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