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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1964)
Tuesday, June 23, 1964 Page 2 Summer Nebraskan I Illllllllllltllllll HIIIIIIHIIIllil'S llllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllM IIWIWI'INMIHIIIIIIIIIHM Illllllllllllllillitlll I MIMIIII'MllI I mi IIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHHHimiim I Illllimiimiiii i s I Laws Hard to Enforce I 9 By Robert Moraczewski and Jim Risscr Pornography is an ex pensive come-on game in Nebraska. And, it's danger ous, illegal, and disappoint ing. Americans spend between an estimated $500 million and $2 billion annually on alleged pornography. Some of that money comes from Nebraska. As part of a depth report ing study at the University of Nebraska School of Jour nalism, a series of maga zine advertisements for cos tumes were answered. The depth reporting studies are financed bv the WALL STREET JOURNAL and the READER'S DIGEST. The pulp and slick maga zines from which the adver tisments were answered, were purchased In news stands, drug stores, and sim ilar business places in Lin coln and small towns in Ne braska. As result of the study, the following mater ial was received: Two personal letters from Canada that were not or dered. They offered "inti mate" movies of men, wom en for sale in black and white or color. Questionable books and photographs were also for sale. Booklets c o s t i n g be tween $1 and $5 appealing to sexual deviates and bor dering on pornogography One of the $3 booklets which contained misspellings and numerous errors was esti mated to cost $.25 to print. Costume catalogs and advertisements were re ceived which offered ma terials for sexual deviates for sale. Advertisements for the sale of "sexual aids" were received. Similar aids have been declared subject to ob scenity laws and are often considered to be danger ous to health. Numerous other adver tisements were received offering materials bordering on obscenity for sale at prices ranging from $1 to $60. These materials were ex amined by United States Postal inspectors in Lincoln and left with them. Postal inspector T. R. Learn To Drive Driver education in a ser es of ten lessons will be of :ered to faculty, staff, or fam- lies of these, and the student Jbdy. This noncredit course costs $4. Information may be ob tained by calling Richard Klass of the Physical Educa tion Department at University extension 2480. I quentins A town & campm I 1229 R St. 432-3645 1 COOL FASHIONS f' C FOR SUMMER I 1 school M"; N i AND SUMMER k I ' RECREATION MWf DRESSES-SKIRTS-SHIRTS 1 I jff ' J f j BERMUDAS j I f $ COMPLETE STOCKS IN J '" I I SIZES 5 THRU 1 H!f 4 I ff I COMFORTABLE PRICES ' V just worn FUN :,. Spend your leisure at the Beach SWIM IN THE BEAUTIFUL LAKESIDE POOL! POOL OPEH MBLVK."' WWlWWfi Turn right 1 mile Can Pornography Morell said that most of the material that was received was borderline porno graphy, but it was not ob scene according to federal law. "The market on this stuff is fantastic," he said. "Tens and tens of thousands of al leged pornographic materi als flood the market areas." "Approximately 200 Lin conlnites have received and reported the receipt of let ters from Canada offering the "intimate" movies for sale. "Many of these letters were turned in by irate par ents," he added. Morell pointed out that the Postal Department had previously issued an "un lawful order" prohibiting the mailing "to and from" the company that sent the letters. "The letters re ceived in the study were sent to Washington, D.C. to be investigated. The company probably sent the letters after getting addresses from a mailing list, he said. "Often mailing lists are sold back and forth between companies. After materials are ordered, you may get one out of five orders back," Morell said. "About 95 of the hard core pornography that can be found in the United States is from foreign coun tries. And, a lot of it is stopped before it gets here," Morell said. 'Morell pointed out the tricks in the pornography trade. He said that the dirt dealers demand the receipt of the purchase price before sending any material. They frequently find it profitable to keep the money and not send anything. The sender seldom reports his involve ment to authorities. The dealers do not usually sell pornography, he said. Most of them sell borderline material. Much of this ma terial is comparable to that found in some magazines. A lot of the material of f erred for sale is to attract the deviate, he said. In the material recieved in this study, emphasis was placed on appealing to the deviate. Stories, and transvestism, masochism, and sadism were the "popular appeal items". - One of the wierdest devi-. ations that was stressed in the advertisments was the sale and use of rubber and leather garments. The devi ates loved the touch and confinement of the tight-fitting garments. Catalogs of fered these garments for sale at prices exceeding $250. Although laws regulating pornography are often made stiffer, it's getting harder all the time to successfully prosecute the distributors, according to Morell. ... ijg(ii)MIIIWMIiMBaMtotiMIWIiiiiiiiiiiii j on West "O' ' s '' 1 ' l "The standards have been relaxed tremendously in the last ten years," he said. Le gitimate nudism has been excepted from the obscen ity laws and many dealers take advantage of this, ac cording to Morell. "And in court, the people will use delaying tactics and keep publishing the whole time," he said. In this way, Love Library Staff Prepares Supplementary Book List Science Reading Room Rapport, Samuel, cd. MATHEMATICS. One of the books in a series entitled THE NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF SCIENCE, each volume of which deals with an individual science. This volume is a biography of mathematics, a collection of sketches of people, ideas and problems. Stein, Sherman K., MATHE MATICS: THE MAN-MADE UNIVERSE; AN INTRO DUCTION TO THE SPIRIT OF MATHEMATICS. In this introductory work for the general reader, the author treats mathematics as com pletely the work of man in this sense, concrete; where as he believes the world is abstract. He covers number theory, topology, set theory, geometry, algebra and analy sis. Selected aspects of the book include the primes, til ing, memory wheels, congru ence, map coloring, strange algebras. Wilks. Wiilard E., THE NEW WILDERNESS; WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT SPACE. A good introduction to the varying philosophies of space research with a discussion of rockets and space vehicles (including engineering as pects), the laws of' space, the role of the military in space, and the possibility of life on other planets leading to the ultimate conquest of the so lar system. . Lytel, Allan Herbert, ABC's OF LASERS AND MASERS. A small yolume which ex plains in simple terms basic techniques, applications and j types of electronic devices ; known as lasers and masers. Sax, N. Irving, DANGER OUS PROPERTIES OF IN DUSTRIAL MATERIALS. (2d ed.) A revision of a useful reference work. Over 1,000 chemical.uand food additives have been added to the new edition. Descriptive informa ! QUALITY GREETING CARDS ( for Every GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th 1 w im-waniim iffiiiiiiiiiiMiii,iii,ij'iiiwgiiBin-Ma For teachere-who went money, a man congenial lotuuun or ipctioi ouiiianc in meeting a particular situation, contact: THE DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE 501 Stuart Building Lincoln, Nebraska Phone: 432-4954 arvic covws tin U.S. No less or rhmsM until yon btivt received acceptablt sorvic they can keep taking in money and can pay for the cost of defending against the prosecution. A person who is convicted of violating the federal ob scenity laws can be hit with a fine of $5,000 and five years in prison. For subse quent convictions, this goes up to $10,000 and ten years. tion on hazards and counter measures is given for 10,000 common industrial laboratory materials. Also included are tables of substances which cause allergies, chapters on radiation hazards and reactor safeguards, information on storage and shipment of po tentially dangerous mater ials. Humanities Reading Room Ekwensi, Cyprian. BURN ING GRASS; a story of the fulani of northern Nigeria. Written by a Nigerian author, this novel is filled with the flavor, magic, customs and beliefs of the Nigerian coun tryside. The central charac ter, Mai Sunsaye, is Fulani chief who is bewitched by the wandering sickness. In spite of great family troubles at the time, he follows the magic dove and wanders among his tribesmen and before the book's end manages to help resolve his family problems. The authenticity of the back ground and the unpretentious style of writing are an excell ent combination and result in a fine book. Ducasse, C. J., A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF THE BELIEF IX LIFE AFTER DEATH. A thorough discus sion of the various theories, philosophies and religious be liefs of life after death is presented in this book. A ma jor portion is devoted to re incarnation and the various studies presented include a discussion of the Bridie Mur phy case. Other aspects are also given, as well as refer ences to other material re lated to the subject. Kazakov. Yuri. GOING TO TOWN AND OTHER STOR-j IES. This collection of short! stories by Kazakov have been translated from Russian by ! Gabriella Azrael. The stories j explore the various facets of j Russian life with a bitter sweet flavor. These are not party-line policies in fiction, Occasion Be Stoppe "Most of these dealers stay just one step ahead of the law," Morell said. "They'll operate in Los An geles for a month or two, and then move up to San Francisco." Two fairly recent addi tions to the federal code have aided the prosecutors: In addition to the per son sending the material or receiving it, the person who sends for the material can now be prosecuted. In the past, the sender could only be prosecuted in the state from which the material was mailed. The new laws also make him subject to prosecution in the state of receipt or in any state through which the ma terial passes. Some states such as Cali fornia have less strict ideas of what is hard-core porno graphy than do states like Nebraska, Morell said. As result, it was hard to get a con viction in California. With the new law, the per son can be tried in Nebras ka. Another aid to the prose cutor has been the fact that the courts have intercepted the obscenity laws to in clude sexual deviations such as sadistic whippings of nude women. When suspected porno graphic mail from a foreign source is received in Lin coln, and a complaint is made to the postal inspec tors, Morell forwards the material to the Inspector in Charge in Kansas City. It is then sent on to postal of ficials in Washington. Many postal authorities in foreign countries try to co operate with the United States in stopping the ma terial sent into this country. Canadian officials have rather they are descriptive of a bleak atmosphere and sadness which seems to be always present in the Rus sian personality. Social Studies Reading Room Heinsohn, A . G editor ANTHOLOGY OF CONSER VATIVE WRITING IN THE UNITED STATES. The con servative viewpoint on pub lic issues dominates this col lection. Topics covered in clude TVA, social security, foreign aid, and federal aid to education. Barghoorn, Frederick, THE SOVIET CULTURAL OF FENSIVE. The professor of political science at Yale ex amines the place of cultural exchanges in Soviet foreign policy. He points out the value of such exchanges to the Soviets and to the free world. Clapp, Charles L THE CONGRESSMAN; HIS WORK AS HE SEES IT. Based largely on interviews with members of the House of Representatives, this read able book gives insight into the workings of the House and into the nature of the job facing a member of the body. Hughes, Langsteon, and Milton Meltzer, A POLITI CAL HISTORY OF THE NE GRO IN AMERICA. Many photographs, cartoons, and drawings illustrate this nar rative of the Negro in Ameri can life. 2 LOCATIONS 865 NO. 27th' 5305 "O" ST. Look Fpr Tho Golden Arches Pure Beef Hamburger . . . Tasty Cheeseburger v." '. , Triple-Thick Shakes..... Golden French Fries Thirst-Quenching Cok . Delightful Root' Beer."... Steaming Hot Coffee . . . Delicious Orange Drink . . Refreshing Cold Milk . . . OPEN ALL YEAR 15c : 19c 20c ,oc! J m It- 10c 10c . 10c 1 12c ; j hppn tiiiHfifid of the letters being sent into the United States, Morell said. Domestic pornography is sent by the Lincoln postal inspectors to the point of mailing. A U.S. attorney at that point then decides if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a prosecution. Although the Postal De partment "does not attempt to edit every magazine and other publication," it will intercept suspected mail In the case of foreign mat ter, the interception is made by customs officials. The addressee is sent a notice telling him of the mail and asking permission to open it. If the person denies per mission, the mail is re turned to the sender, but if he says yes, the material is opened and examined. If it's obscene, permission to destroy it is requested from the addressee, and here again, if permission is re fused, it goes back to the sender. Many of the contacts by those who want to get pono graphs material are made through the advertisements Peace Corps Training To Begin At Center The third Peace Corps training program begins at the University of Nebraska Center this weekend and a request has been received for another training program this fall. Forty volunteers from a 1 1 parts of the U.S. are assembl ing for a two-month, intensive training program for assign ments in Bolivia, according to Max Hasen, project director and chairman of the depart ment of industrial arts at the University. The University has received a request to train Peace Corps volunteers for Colombia next fall. The first two Peace Corps training programs at the Uni versity were held last summer and fall for volunteers who are now in Colombia. The current program for volunteers to Bolivia is being carried out by the Peace Corps in cooperation with the Heifer Project Inc., a non-profit, world-wide, s e 1 f help program. The Heifer Project, organized in 1944, shares livestock, poultry, technical aid and educational information with people in de veloping areas where assist ance is needed and requested. S r J4A I . PIROUETTE . PRICES f .- a,,.;,,. 1200 "O STrtEET KtSISTIiBtO JtWiURi AMtRltAN OtM SOCIETV d? which appear in magazines available on the newstands. Inspite of this, the post of fice has no power over the magazines to make 'them stop carrying the adver tising, Morell said. Usually, the material sold directly through the ads ere not pornographic nit tb re sult Is that the person boon finds himself on one of the mailing lists and receives letters such as the one from Canada. Much of the real porno graphy is sent by express, delivered individually, or comes from local sources, in order to avoid postal regu lations, Morell said. The Lincoln area is not a souce of pornographic literature, obscene letter, he said. The Postal Department has campaigned to stop pornography by complain ing to the publications and by trying to get people to inform the Post Office when they receive something in the mail, Morell said. But stopping the smut-sellers, who keep preying upon the gullible public seems an endless task. Some members of the Peace Corps group will work at a large dairy plant in Bolivia. Others will work in rural areas to improve living and economic conditions, Hansen said. The volunteers will attend training sessions for 70 hours per week. The training pro gram will include instruction in dairying, community de veloping. Other topics will in elude language, American studies, world affairs, com munism, health and medical education, physical education and recreation. Volunteers also will learn how to operate tractors, bull dozers, jeeps and boats. They will spend two weeks in Puerto Rico attending an in tensive physical . program which will include mountain climbing and horseback riding A special feature of the Ne braska training program will be talks by three guest lectur ers for the University's sum mer session. They include Lucius D. Battle, assistant U.S. Secretary of State; Dwayne Orton, editor of THINK magazine and Norris E. Bradbury, director of the Los Alamos Research Center. NEW!! Plan as?! ISLAND PARTY Clubs , Businesses v 'Portie bia end small vr eleatvr . ' I...?. fhene - 435-981 1 after 4 p.m. 6 N N PROM $13 TO 91000 i - f ".