The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 16, 1964, Page Page 4, Image 4
Summer Nebraskan Tuesday, June 16, 1964 KUON-TV To Present 'Of People and Politics' Tomorrow . Summer Nebraskan Business Manarer Hollr Spent 1 SUMMER NIBRA8KAN Is published each Information for publication may be I Tuesday during the Summer Sessions. KUON-TV, the University's educational station, will pre sent at 8:30 tomorrow night the first in a series of mean ingful looks at the American political system and the ex citement it generates during a presidential election year. TODAY 5:30 Fashion Sewing (:00 Prevlewi of Freshman English 6:30 We Care (Problem and practice of home nursing- care) 'Technique! to make the Pitlent'i Temperature" 7:00 Culture and Continents "Music of Africa" 7:30 Pot rait of Japan "Artistic Crafts men" 8:00 About Boats and Boatint "Rules of the Road" 8:30 Portrait: Polar Expedition "Trek to the Interior" 9:00 Room Down Under Special report on modern Australia WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 5:30 Portrait of Japan "Artistic Crafts men" 6:00 Previews of Freshmen English 6:30 The Green Thumb "More of Less Flowers" 7:00 At Issue An ln-depth report on a timely subject 7:30 This World of Credit "our Credit: What and Why" 8:00 Circus "Bulls, Bears, and Chim panzees" 8:30 Of People and Politics (A look at the American political system during a presidential election year) Ne braska State Auditor Ray Johnson Is interviewed 9:00 University Artist Series: The Facul ty Ensemble Special THURSDAY, JUNE 18 5:30 African Writers of Today 6:00 previews of Freshman English 6:30 At Issue A public affairs presen tation 7:00 About Boats and Boating "Rules of the Road" 7:30 Science Reporter "Report on the Fair" 8:00 A Time for the Art "The Modern Revolt" 9:00 Pathways 'The Pathway of Beau ty Mathematics and Science" 9:30 Frontier University "The Men" FRIDAY, JUNE 19 5:30 The Green Thumb "More or Less Flowers" , 6:00 Previews of Freshman English 6:30 University News 6:45 Social Security in Action 7:00 Music from Ohio State 7:30 Science Reporter "Report on the Fair" 8:00 Circus "Bulls, Bears, and Chim panzees" 9:30 Of People and Politic 9:00 N.E.T. Drama Festival "Hamlet" MONDAY, JUNE 5:30 Portrait: Polar Expedition 'Trek to the Interior" 6:00 Previews of Freshman English 6:30 Fashion Sewing 7:00 Under the Banner of Prophets Special Problems besetting Pakistan 8:00 Backyard Farmer 9:00 N.E.T. Drama Festival "Hamlet" RUSS' SNACK BAR WELCOMES YOU Homemade Roll Soft Drink Cakes Prtl 1227 R St. Page 4 Welcome Summer Students Your HooEcs Mew & Used Are Available At "nr jJL ' yfLgjj lgp HeWkal sUsA aaWu Mr (o)(u PJf CTF (o) r? a Reference Books Supplies Equipment Stamps and .Mailing Service " Browsers Welcome Hours 7:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.-Located in the Nebraska Union-Lower Level QUALITY GREETING CARDS 1 for Every Occasion ( ( GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th I JUST FOR FUN Spend your leisure at the Beach SWIM IN THE BEAUTIFUL LAKESIDE POOL! POOL OPEN iTE Turn right 1 mile on West "0' CONGRESS INN CANTONEESE RESTAURANT WE SPECIALIZE IN CHINESE AND AMERICAN FOODS LJU .901 West "0" St. 477-8567 auentins r town & campus 1229 R Sr. COOL FASHIONS FOR SUMMER SCHOOL AND SUMMER RECREATION DRESSES-SKIRTS-SHIRTS BERMUDAS COMPLETE STOCKS IN SIZES 5 THRU 16 COMFORTABLE PRICES 432-3645 7 2 LOCATIONS 865 NO. 27th Til 5305 "0" ST. look For The Golden Arches Pure. Beef Hamburger 15c Taity Cheeseburger ........ 1 9c Triple-Thick Shakes ....... 20c Golden French Fries. . ...... 10c Thirst-Quenching Coke 1 0c DcKghtful Root Beer...... 10c Steaming Hot Coffee..... .10c Delicious Orange !)rink 10c Refreshing Cold Milk 12c OPEN ALL YEAR Day Ph. HE 2-5001 Night Ph. He S-3M1 MATTICE LOCK SHOP SAFE AND LOCK REPAIRING CARS OPENED KEYS MADE SAWS SHARPENED 920 M Street WATCH & CLOCK REPAIR 2 day service! Student Prices! DICK'S WATCH SERVICE IN CAMPUS BOOKSTORE Swede's Coffee Shop Lunches Snacks "Where Campus Friends Meet" NEXT TO NEBR. BOOKSTORE This advertisement does not constitute an offering with respect to the securities described herein. That offer is made only by the prospectus. an o a teachers URITY orfunify to invest in insurance company . jfg?gy UdL&Vsl fysiulbl HI ft ,sb. . jgr -"so. mL. J, f & w3re smr ,t k mr rr m :r fW i : fr m m 'tr m W: W W4 r im M m - nM fen M M ffri NEAL S. GOMON NORMAN L. FRANCIS R. BACK EARLVON J. D. E. NELSON E. O. NICHOLS RICHARD A. H. VAUGHN HANICH Director LAMBERTY Director Director PETERSON PHELPS Director Superintendent, Director Superintendent, tw ii Director Director Director President, Peru State College Principal, Holdreie Ainswortk Public Junior High School Schools LAMBERTY Director Superintendent, Seward Public Schools D. E. NELSON Director Superintendent, Ralsten Public Schools E. O. NICHOLS Director Physician Secretary-Treasurer Superintendent, Omaha Westslde O. J. ROBERTS Chairman Board of Directors HOWARD F. SCHROEDER Director Superintendent, Holdrrie Publio Schools AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO THE EDUCATORS OF NEBRASKA "Teachers are good insurance risks" How familiar is the assertion, and how true! The integrity, temperance and high moral value of the Teachers of Nebraska have long been the source of pride to the profession. These same values will en able your Teachers Insurance Company to write lower net cost coverage. Educators Security Insurance Company exists for the purpose of supplying low cost protection to the Educators of Nebraska and surrounding states who have long desired a life insurance company controlled by their own Board of Directors. Since the teacher is a good moral risk they can make lower insurance rates A SERVICE PROGRAM FOR EDUCATORS Realizing that members of the Teaching profes sion have long been entitled to their own teacher in surance program for many valid reasons, a group of prominent Nebraska Educators have agrted to serve on the Board of Directors of this Company to safe guard the ideals and principles upon which such an institution should be operated. possible and at the same time pay a higher average return to investors. The extent of the market for reasonable rated in surance policies of all lines for teachers is unlimited. The Company is managed by Educators of Ne braska. The Board of Directors are familiar to you as professionals, teachers and friends. Benefits in the form of dividends can be paid to stockholders. . Similar plans are being successfully operated in other states and without exception arc showing increas ing benefits to Teacher-stockholders. x We recognize the fact that it will take the whole hearted support of the school people of our state to bring about the establishment of & sound dignified in surance institution that will function primarily for their welfare. We strongly feel that it is a compliment to the integrity and standing of the Teachers and School administration in our State that such an oppor tunity is being offered to us. Being an Educator, we invite you to participate in the program and its accompying benefits. The Board of Directors GLEN E. SHAPES Director Superintendent, Golhenburc Pnblle Schools ELMER L. STROB Director Superintendent. Ashland Publio Schools !. AID GARY R. TREADWELL President-Director G. B. UFCHURCH Vice-President and Actuary Director STEVEN N. WATKIN8 Director Superintendent. Lincoln Public Schools CHARLES C. MATTHEWS Director Omaha Bensoa High School us coupon fodkiy i EXPERIENCED INSURANCE AND TEACHER SALES PERSONNEL The management of the Company is vested in a Board of Directors composed principally of outstand ing Educajtors who are active in the profession. The Board, by receiving regular reports and establishing policies, supervises the actual operations by experienced executives in the field of teacher insurance operations. EDUCATORS SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY 414 Anderson Building Lincoln 8, Nebraska Date. ,19. 1 1 am interested in additional information concerning Educators Security i ! Insurance Company. ; Investing Insurance ! Name . . 'Address The securities described in this advertisement may be purchased only by bom fide residents of Nebraska.