The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 29, 1964, Page Page 4, Image 5
Page The Dailv Nebraskan Friday, Mcy 20- 195 4 WenDD: Hash Pay A Clhaillleinige -nir ii ii m. in .ii h i ii i .. in, i iim nu n ., , , p-1 i m.. - fTf T i "2 -i:; - - ' rT 'cJfe l-md, ifci, . Z,,,,.,,,.,,,,.-.,-.!-,,.! I,,,.,,.,,!! u nJC -v.. ' Lft.... i f, .,... , ,J W WJ.,,)! 1 1 JIM IJBJRIUI, .. j MRMMMfMRMMMMHMMnnm I II. IHlUl.MnMMMHl .11 J), P,ilWUEllllU . , . JB.4U-.,lllMi. JHUIIUIMM I .niMNIIIWrnHMM ,..W6i. ft " AN Vv """"" "' ' - 111 ir- 1 1 in, inn imnrtin irr 'urnr If" - f ACTIVITIES. ACnON-otslandin; rbraskaa Dick Weill lrads a arird life as ane follows him through a norma!, day, from chatting with his boss. Com in Moor?, C P. A. (upper left) to pointing out pictures in th 14 CORXHUSKER to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weill He has spent hours in the Student Council office pouring over Council busi ness (far right). In his off hours, Weill enjors a chat with pinmate Jndv Branm (middle left). He ends his day over an adding machine finishing np assignments and closing books for one of the six campus organizations for which he has been treasurer. Scholar Ranks Second Treasyrer Weol 1TD VDS) Mr. InJ SlS DAILY NEBRASKAN Photographs by Dennis Detrain Time For 7:30 Finals Suggested By Hoover Times lor finals for classes meeting .at 7:30 a.m. have been suggested toy Dr. Floyd Hoover., registrar.. Hoover said that the finals committee Ihad at met to discuss the matter so he was acting m She policy set ;up for next year's finals. The suggested time for 7:30 a.m. classes meeting Mon day,, Wednesday and Friday, all five days or any two of these is 9:30 a.m. June :8. This is the same time as the 9:30 a.m. classes that meet on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Classes meeting at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and "Saturday will have their finals June 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This is the same time reserved for finals for 1:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes. FINALS SCHEDULE . . . Vufliduy. Hum X .I-I1:0 ,m. CIumm miwtiiw ul 4M p.m., TTh, or ithm onr at tlitwe two Hay All !iHicm u) E.iilurh 1. a. 4. J.OT- :M 4.m. CIim mmniiK al 4.W p.m.. 6 nr 4 duyii, nr MWT. or any oiw or twi, nl Ihiw died All wwtlnn al Euffllith B, 8. 7:I-ID;S0 p.m. All Motlona ni Zimlimy 2. limlwcy h 2. WKdnMdny, Hum 9 :jn-U:3D a.m.,Clamw mmttin m UiW .m.. 6 or 4 dny, MWT. or mm oi-. or two m thtm rt.v. 3:K- 4:10 p.m. CliiwiBii imaUnc W 11 M a.m.. TTh, nr any aaa or two at Ihew All mmtlraw of hiwrnMi t. 11. T!W-10:90 p.m. AU MCUtina of iEduoatlon Bl, tu. ThundRv. Sun 4 a.m. RIrmhk nmatma nt B:Mi .m S or 4 dun, or WW, or aiir on twn of thtm du.v. a:30- 4;J0 p.m. t'lniwos mnotlna nt R .m., TTh. or onv our or two of then dayi. All M!tiona of Budnam OraRnizutlon 21. ffvtdov. flunv t.M-ll.m a.m. 'Cham mmitinK at ill) p.m.. 5 or 4 tiny, or MWT. (nr any ow or 'twit of thew dovh. 1.30- 4:31) p.m. !! nwotlna at 2:.w p.m.. TTh, or althar of thaaa itwo All aatttmn ol French 12, 04. All taction ,of KnonomiLH ITi. All -HMTtiona of Hminiifh R2, M. All aactlona of Home B'imnili 41, 42. atiirdoy. Hum -4 a:X)'U:3D a.m. Cl(nw mmttuia at ,1:.W p.m., IS or 4, or 1MWT. or any on or twn of thww dura. i(.'laMi mmtltiK at b:'M p m.. or UWF, or any one or two of then duya. inwiwa mtmtmg at 12. 3D TTh, or any on or two of then duy. All amtlona of Economic It, 12. All amnion of Education 3, 31 il:,)- 4.M p.m. 'Oaaiwif maetlnc at 3:30 .p.m., TTti, or either one of theae two (lny. . Claimea maetlnc at 5:30 p.m.. TTh or althar one ef Ihtow T dv. Claaaea maatuiK at 12:311 p.m., S or 4 duya, or bTWF, or anv on or two of (tune day. 1:31). 3 Ml p.m. All auction of Muth 12. v 1:30-4.30 p.m. All aaetiow at Math 14. Ill, 1U, IIS. Monday, June :J0-li: a.m. Cluaaea moatlrut at 7 :30 and 8:30 a.m., S or 4 duya, or MWF, or any one m two of thaap duya. 1:J0- 4:10 P.m. Claaae nieatms at 6:30 a.m., TTh, or any out or two of theae duya. Tumtday. June R ..11: a.m. Claaae irMatlnc at l:n p.m., 8 or 4 dayi. or MWF, or any one of two iol thm day All aeetlnna of Huainrnm (rraantzatlon 3, 4. Claaaea maetlnc at 7.: a.m. OTha .or any one or ilwo of i thiw day. 1:H (.10 .m CImwi meatinc at 'l:3n p.m., Tl'h. or atther of theae two lay At) aaotlntH of HuAineaa trrganixation 3. 4 Wtrtlm-iiiiy. Uun III 0:30,11. 30 a.m. Cla nuMllna at 1 1 ::'. a.m.. 6 or 4 dy. or MWT, or any on or itwo iM thear dny. s 1 at- 4 : p.m , Clae nwatiiic at l(i:Wi a.m., TTh, or any on or two f 'the, 'duya. Traffic Injuries Result From Fire Three women were injured yesterday afternoon as a fire truck which was answering a call to Cather Hall collided at 14th and F Streets with a dar driven by Linda A. Clantz. Miss Glantz, 18, who suf fered hack and head injuries., was listed late yesterday In fair condition at St. Eliza beth's Hospital. The two pas sengers in her car, Dorothy Blessing and Coy Copley, were treated for minor injur ies and released. The fire at Cather Hall, which w as in the trash avhutp was rtinguished before the fire trucks arrived on the scene. The fire had apparent ly been caused by a smolder ing cigarette. The fire truck, driven by Kenneth Williams, was head ed ast on F Street. The car driven by Miss Glantz was going south .on I4th. She ap parently did not see the fire truck coming. The Clantz car ifjontinued south, struck a car on the cast side of 34th, then swerved hack and struck a car on the west side of 14th. Both cas were unoccupied. By Frank Partsch Senior Staff Writer Part of the enviable record compiled by Outstanding Xe braskan Dick Weill is the tmiue fact that be has served as treasurer for six campus organizations. During bis four years at the University, Weill has kept books for Phi Eta Sigma, Sig-: ma Alpha Mu. Delta Sigma Rho, Student Council. C t r jj ,i Cobs and the Innocents So-1 ciety. j An accounting major. Weill i ranks second in his class in! the CoDege of Business Ad-! ministration and has the top scholastic average in his ac counting class. In addition to balancing books, he was Stu dent Council vice president and participated In speech and debate for four years ith many honors. ""I really enjoyed these ac tivities,'" Weill said yester day during a DAILY XE ERASKAN interview in which he lived aip to the title ilfrona the letter which nominated him for the honor') of "'.one of the most articulate mem- til as the project which most completely captured his in terest '"although debating was very satisfying. ", '"Student Council always has the aspect erf the unex pected, for example the var iety between an angry soror ity protesting a shortage of j looiDaii jackets and the re warding evaluation of the Masters Program."' "Student Council bas now reached a turning point Pres ident John Lydick and execs will have to come to pips with something that those in the past have side stepped." ""Because Council members and leaders are transient they, have an obligation to the University to provide vigor ous leadership. The nly jus from activities is the better ment f the University. Activ ity points and glory are empty foonors when the good of the University is secondary..'"' Weill said that a major fail- "All of these fteps are iajship has provided, I could the right direction and yet, for the system to continue ia the lifht of growing dormi tory complexes, their present attitudes must be reevalu ated. Fraternities cannot hope to dominate the campus, but have found public accounting a very interesting profes sion..'" "This University bas gotten tougher in four years. And that is good. They're demand in; a lot more from fresh- they have to work as part! men ia both regular and hon- ners with non-fraternity mem-; rs courses than they did of bers to develop the best Uni-; ray class, tersity. .n eTj this is no more ""In the end, fiiey must te ; than an academic comiraunitv re$-:able to answer the question, and ever" attempt should be hi SWny should I belong to a ! made U keep it that way. In fratermtv rather than Jiviiis in that beautiful iew dormi tory?' Weill defined his greatest 'disappointment at the Univer sity as the fact thai in bis opinion, he did not get full value from the classes be has taken. "It is typical that stu- four years I couldn't help but be astounded mith the excel lence of ur faculty." La bis infrequent spar time. Weill plays handball and tennis. "Judy takes up a lot of time, too..'" "Judy" is Weill's pinmate. Judy F.ramm. I met her at dents learn only as much as 1 Campus barbeqae when we were freshmen, and we were both ea the debate they bare to pass the ex aminatons.. Onlv afterwards do we wish we'd gone deep- j Vd. Yes. the Ag Barbecue er." Miss Brumrn has awDitiMl Sflf118 ? acti"ties is ! peciallv wanted to Ulk abtrnt I a that they fear to tvmss an is. .i.- , . ' i Lont? Island - . ... . , mm uic iiiiivuHura rnufiKfi : " opnnon. rear ?ara Lf bis college. "The CaVllege SfS 7t:eL l Administi-ationrs hers of the University com-UJ:" rJnT 1 A ' ta"-ging as any and for .mnnit-t- '''' ; uuces in couege, you 'Qont w- thsi , ntrfi i. learn anytlung. As far as, aKpect rf btiuMtr u is Council us concerned, I prob- lflM. u&cti place. In the end. ably made more mistakes j outside f engineering sta than anyotxer deats. business mouiN But 3ontnversv for con-! ha ... . " IT" munity 'I enjoj-ed both oratory and ! debate, but 1 was more suc cessful in oratory.-" During his sophomore year, Weill was ranked in the top three speakers in all but one iaf the contests in which he partici pated. One if 20 national winners of a Root-Tilden Scholarship to study law at New York Weill expressed an enthusi astic optimistic outlook when he said, in conclusion, "Life comes day by day and yoa play each day as it comes. Half of life is luck." treversy's sake alone a valueless. Having an (Oppor tunity and speaking it is the nly way progress wiD come.."" Suddenly changing his top ic, Weill said. ""Can I talk vniversiiy, weuj is content to i about fraternities?" and pro Jet the future take care of it-1 ceeded the present four self. At the moment ran in- year's experienced knowl terested in corporation and I edge off toe successes and tax law air possibly some as-1 failures of the Greek svstem. poet f government senice.. An astute campus politician whose record speaks for it self, Weill said he is mot in terested in entering politics alter graduating. When asked if be would I seek his future in Nebraska, Weill, who is from Lincoln, oiu t luilla. iinmrr Val Peterson luid the best answer to that question al the Master's News Conference w hen he said "Go where the opportunity is." If I were for tunate to have an opportun ity to come back to Nebras ka. I would."" Weill viewed Student Coud- 1 Mmbr, Upcoming finals have claimed the time for this week end tis parties dwindle to almost, nothing. TODAY Alpha Gamma Rho Sweet heart Formal, 6:;30 to 12 p.m. at the CornhuKker Hotel. i Arnold Air Society-A s g e 1 Flight Charity Dance, 9 to 22 in the Student Union. Delta Sicma IPi. Recopni- tion Dinner and Dance. 6:30 to 12 p.m. at Knoll Heights. Gamma Lambda Steak Fry. 2:30 to 5 p.m. in Pioneers Park. 1 Since 1 ve been at school the fraternity system has made tremendous progress. Pledge training is construc tive, fraternities have re alized their obligation to com munity service and scholas tics have taken Kin renewed emphasis." tunitites for real fine jobs." Concerning Ids choice of ac counting, Weill said he was (undecided when he came to the University as a fresh man. "'Since that time I was for- tunate enough to get a job with the accounting firm of Miller and Mb re. If it weren't for the chance to study Haw which the scholar- EDK01M ELOMGREN Portraits Placement Photos HE 2-6686 318 South 12rh Doors open 12:45 STARTS FRIDAY TRIBUTE TO thi frfafrfr with tht gcteat j fun Beef Hamburger... J 5c Iriola-Thidk Shakes 20c Tasty Iheesehurgar 20c Golden French fries. I2c Thirst-Quenching Coke JOc Delightful toot eer 10c Steaming Hot Coffee 10c Delicious Orange Drink.. JOc Refreshino Cold Milk ,...J2c 5305 "OT Sh 865 No. 27th St. err aii nu- SATURDAY IGHT 't Miss The Memorial Day Races JUT 39 CAT RACING KSSSiFO B&iii'ES ' ' WH3I t ItM TE&CK LINCOLN SPEEDVAYS North .4 -4 . iao mo. iaTM . IMItC 1 Jmnv- 'B 5 w m en At l Jll.t ifAkiMfc' im a miDT F i THE OLD f -0i.Sh9mie.. IB" 4 air: lli nu. fiffl m Cr f ant Wane 3 U-irmJka-lJai Hie Vi m lr , 13-rh i, :C s . t f- Mij NOW SHOWING U - f$ If I' V I 1 amm)-'1 ft w ffwfwn v.;