The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 29, 1964, Image 4

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    Friday, May 29 1964
Nebraskan Applauds
The Daify NJebraskan
Marvin Criswell has been
elected president of the Amer
ican Society of Civil Engi
neers, University student
chapter. Other new officers
include: Lee Koch, vice-president;
Ronald Liston, secre
tary; Jerry Steinke, treasur
er. Walter Case was elected
vice-president of the Mid
Continent Conference (region
al ASCE Conference).
ft ft
The Cadence Countesses
has elected officers. The new
officers are: President, Pat
ty Johns; vice president and
drill commander, Linda
Sides; secretary, Harriet Han
sen1; treasurer, Sharon Sch
meckly; and -public informa
tion officer, Marian Fisher.
ft ft ft
Ronald Liston was elected
president of Chi Epsilon, Ci
Other officers include: Dona
van Endorf, vice-president;
Wendell Uldrich, secretary
treasurer; Marvin Criswell,
associate editor; Merlin
Lindahl, marshall. Initiates
are: Robert Meinzer, Wend
ell Uldrich, Donovan Endorf,
Kenneth Hurst, David Rath
jen, Dennis Simmons, Larry
Logemann, John Rebensdorf,
Dale Vodehnol, John Wagner.
ft ft ft
Bill Altevogt was elected
special services officer of Ar
nold Air Society executive
council, succeeding Larry
Rose. Mike Culwell was elect
ed information officer, suc
ceeding Bob Buckland. Other
named were Jim O'Neal, as
sistant special services; and
Dave Barnes, assistant infor
mation officer.
Sandra Mallet was elected
president of Sigma Alpha Io
ta, professional music soror
ity. Other new officers in
clude: Linda Haisch, vice
president; Linda Henline, re
cording, secretary; Kay Wal
ters, corresponding secre
tary; Lila Haisch, treasurer,
and Allegra Smith, rush chair
man, Newly activated mem
bers are: Joan Hudson, Kay
Walters, Loretta Tubbs, Mar
ilyn Mantel, and Mary Kay
ft ft ft
Phalanx, national military
honorary has elected officers
for 1964-65. They are: Andy
Sildegs, commander; Steve
Durham, lieutenant comman
der; Dick Neuman, finance
officer, and Gary Ramig, ad
jutant. ft ft ft
Jim Jorgensen was elected
president of Eta Kappa Nu,
national honorary electrical
engineering society at the
University. Other new officers
include: Jim Linn, vice-president;
Larry Wade, correspond
ing secretary; Khosrow Yos
sefi, recording secretary;
Steve Davis, treasurer; Ran
dy McConaughey, bridge cor
respondent. ft ft , ft
Elaine Ruff was elected
president of the Council on
Religion. Other officers in
clude: Troy Cleveland, vice
president; Kathy Kilpatrick,
secretary; and Pat Sullivan,
ft ft
New officers of Omfcron
Nu, Home Economics honor
ary, are Phyllis Proskovek,
president; Marian Cast, vice
president; Judy Gibson, sec
retary; Sheryl Saner, treas
urer; Nadine Gray, editor.
ft ft ft
Robert Hill has been elect
ed president of Delta Sigma
,Pi, business fraternity. Other
officers are Fred Neld, senior
vice president; Bill Wilbur,
junior vice president; Gary
Rosenbach, secretary; Cliff
Paulsen, treasurer; George
Vrba, chancellor; John
Hughes, historian; Daon Dls
chner, chapter advisor.
ft ft ft
Burbara Pandzik, Gamma
Phi Beta, was named Beta
Sigma Psi Sweetheart at the
Beta Sig Gold Rose Formal.
ft ft ft 1
Phi Mu Epsilon, mathemat
ics honorary has elected Ran
dall H e c k m a n, director;
Wayne Van Andel, vice di
rector; Leta Weltzenkamp,
secretary; and Marvin cris
well, treasurer.
Jucklc Flick was elected
president of Lambda Tan,
medical technology honorury
for . l4-65. Other officers
elected were Karla B a 1 1 1,
vice-president; Mary Sue
Townley, secretary; Pat
Mulxner, treasurer; Juanlta
Coli, historian, and Nancy
Ald'n, assistant pledge train
er. Newly Initiated members
are Cindy Crawford, Jo Lee
Ilrnicck, Alberta Bland, Di
ane Strobl, Judy Sclimltt,
Nancy Alden, and Sharyn
ft ft ft
Wllla Meyer, Pi Beta Phi
was selected Sigma Phi Epsi
lon Queen of Hearts.
Barb Schneider was select
ed as Acacia Sweetheart.
ft ft ft
Orchosis, modern dance
club, has recently installed
their newly elected officers for
the coming year. They are:
president, Lynn Smith; vice
secretary, Susan Bardo, treas
urer, Dee Burtch; publicity,
Pat Kelley; assistant public
ity, Sharon Sato.
ft ft ft
Lyman James, a sopho
more in the College of En
gineering, is the 1963-64 win
ner of the Physics Achieve
ment Award. The award is
given annually by the Chemi
cal Rubber Publishing Com
pany to honor the student
with the highest record of
achievement in an elementary
physics course.
ft ft ft
Stanley Knudson has been
elected president of Pi Tau
Sigma, national honorary me
chanical engineering fratern
ity. Other new officers in
clude: Dwaine Francis, vice
president; Richard Klabunde,
recording secretary; John
Schutz, corresponding secre
tary; Wayne Leslie Howlett,
treasurer; Robert Brightfelt,
historian; and Dr. Russell
Nelson, associate professor of
mechanical engineering, advisor.
Nebraska industrialist
W. D. Behlen of Columbus
was a guest of honor last
night when the University in
stalled a new chapter of Sig
ma Pi Sigma, national phys
ics honor society.
A Behlen family contribu-
Effort And Understanding
Called Key To Progress
Lots of effort and improved understanding are needed
to break down the barriers of progress in developing coun
tries, a University physicist declared last night.
"We will not solve the problems of developing countries
with fancy formulas," Dr. Paul Byerly, Jr., told those at
tending installation ceremonies for the new chapter of Sigma
Pi Sigma, national physics honor society at the University.
He returned last year from
a five-year assignment with
the Agency for International
Development. During the five
years he worked with re
search and science education
programs in the Philip
pines and Taiwan.
the Far East. Japan is highly
westernized, has high educa
tional standards and can com
pete economically with other
Taiwan and Korea have a
and the people are interested,
"The Peace Corps provides i but these countries lack t h e
political and economic stabili
ty to"blossom." Taiwan i s
exporting its talent indefinite
ly to other countries, but pro
gress is being made in train
ing scientists.
The Philippines is
characterized by pockets of
wealth while most of the popu
lation lives in poverty. The
literacy rate is low and pro
gress is very slow at the pres
ent time, Byerly reported.
an example of what can be
done when people with in
genuity and understanding ap
ply themselves in develop
ing countries. The effect
would be tremendous if y o u
could bring about a two-way
exchange involving larger
numbers of people between
various countries," By
erly said.
He noted many differences
in the countries he visited in
tion made possible the con
struction of a new physics re
search laboratory which
opens next fall.
Sigma Pi Sigma chapters
are restricted to colleges and
universities of recognized
standing which offer a strong
physics major. Membership
is conferred on the basis of
scholarship and professional
"The University chapter of
Sigma Pi Sigma is being es
tablished because of the grow
ing number of students ma
joring in physics," said Dr.
E. J. Zimmerman, chairman
of the department of physics.
The main address of the in
stallation program was given
by Dr Paul Byerly, Jr., as
sociate professor of physics
at the University.
Guests of honor included
Dr. A. C. Breckenridge, vice
chancellor; Dr. W. G. Levitt,
chairman of the department
of mathematics; and Dr. W.
E. Militizer, dean of the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences.
The National society of Sig
ma Pi Sigma was represented
by the president, Dr. L. W.
Seagondoller, professor
of physics at the University
of Kansas ; the vice president,
Dr. Walter French, professor
of physics at Nebraska Wes
leyan University; Prof. W. M.
Barrows, Jr., Doane College:
Prof. Robert Green, Morning
side College; and Prof. Rog
er Crawford, Park College.
Richard Smith was named
president of the newly-established
chapter of Sigma Pi
Sigma, national physics hon
or society at the University.
Other new officers Include:
Richard Denton, vice-president;
Carl McKinley, and
Leta Wcitzenkamp.
Installation ceremonies for
the new chapter, members
and officers were held yester
day at the Nebraska Center
for Continuing Education.
Charter members of the fra
ternity are Richard Smith,
Miss McKinldy, Miss Weit
zenkamp, Shari Colton, Lyal
Gustafson, Randall Heckman,
Donald Kummer, Ronals
Lockard, William Odell and
Sam Samuelson.
Charter associates include:
Tim Barnes, Art Dybdahl,
Paul LaGreek, Irvan Grooth
nis and Robert Murphy.
Faculty members are:
Byerly, Dr. Henry Valk, pro
fessor of physics; and Zimmerman.
Nebraska Union
Summer School Students
Part-time Employment
Apply: Mr. Barnes
Nebraska Union 111
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