The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 29, 1964, Image 2

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Awards To Weill,
Vol. 77, No. 112
-TrW"Rily Nebraskan
Friday, May 29' 1964
TODAY is the last day of
classes on the University cam
PANHELLENIC president's
council decided to leave the
matter of the number of social
functions per weekend up to
the individual houses and to
speak to the InterFraternity
Council (IFC) about the mat
ter of too many functions.
cused as the cause for the
loss of two faculty members,
by E. F. Frolif, dean of the
College of Agriculture. He
said he had no advance con
sultation with State Agricul
ture Director Pearl Finigan
about cancellation of Ag Col
lege projects aimed at finding
new uses for farm products.
emerged from a period of un
certainty as an effective in
stitution which is regarded as
a "safeguard for students and
an aid to the Administration,"
said Dick Rosenberg, Tribun
al chairman, Wednesday to
the Student Council.
DENTS, with the exception of
those in home economics and
teachers colleges, wlil be re
quired to take one year of
physical education in order to
graduate, according to L e e
Chatfield, associate dean of
Student Affairs. Chatfield said
that the decision is "a current!
and interim policy and could
be changed after another
year." ROTC courses may be
substituted for the physical
education courses. Home ec
onomics and teaching students
must take two years.
iranfl1 T EC y INI
By Wallls Lundeen
Junior Staff Writer
KUON-TV received a $309
583 federal grant matching
state funds to begin activa
tion of the Nebraska Educa
tional Television Network.
The funds will be used for
a relocation of the Channel
12 transmitter at 40th and W
St. to Mead and to increase
Bill Ramsey, engineering
director of the ETV commis
sion, said that $304,314 in fed
eral funds was requested, and
$309,583 was received. "We
are anxious to find out what
happened," he said. The total
cost of the Channel 12 relo
cation project will be $441,102.
The 1963 Legislature m-
thorized the statewide educa
tional television network and
appropriated $600,000 to begin
work. Completion of the entire
network will depend on future
state support and federal
The $600,000 appropriated
by the Legislature will be used
for a new maximum power
station, which will be Channel
A RECORD $1,667,080 budg
et for fiscal 1964-65 was ap
proved Monday by the Ne
braska Wesleyan University
board of trustees. The budget
Is up $252,390 from the cur
rent spending.
broke its long-standing reluc
tance toward adding roads to
the state highway system and
approved the addition of 17.8
miles provided "satisfactory
local participation" is evi
denced. The four segments in
volved include 1.6 miles at
the North Platte interchange;
2.7 miles linking U.S. 30 with
the Seward interchange; 3.5
miles linking U.S. 34 to the
Phillips interchange and a to
tal of 10 miles north and
south of the Greenwood interchange.
TER, Scottsbluff, announced
Monday she was a candidate
for National Democratic Com
mute Woman of Nebraska
and promised "I'll give them
the damnest whirl they ever
A FORAGE dehydration re
search center of national
scope was urged at Mead
Tuesday for the 8,800-acre
University field laboratory.
I!lr, 74, the man who built
modern India, died of a heart
attack Wednesday. Former
Home Minister Gulzarilal
Nanda was sworn in as acting
Prime Minister. A spokesman
said the ruling Parliamentary
Congress Party would meet
within a few days to elect a
new party leader who will
become Prime Minister. Neh
ru was cremated yesterday on
the banks of the Jumna River
near the spot where Mahatma
Gandhi's body was burned 16
years ago.
lai T. Fedoreko Tuesday ac
cused Sen. Barry Goldwater
of urging the United States
to adopt a "cannibalistic poli
cy" of atomic warfare in
South Viet Nam. He suggested
that Goldwater be placed in
trait jacket.
Hardin Asks
Financial Aid
For Students
Chancellor Clifford Hardin,
in a commencement address
today at North Carolina State
University, called for greater
public determination to keep
higher education within the fi
nancial reach of all able stu
dents. He cited a recent research
study covering the average
levels of educational attain
ment and average production
per person in 75 different na
tions. There is, he said, a
clear relationship between the
two, a fact which emphasizes
the economic as well as cul
tural importance of education.
Hardin credited this na
tion's long-standing policy of
extending educational oppor
tunity on a basis of individual
ability for putting the U.S. at
the head of the list of nations
of the world.
"Mounting pressure to in
crease the proportion of the
college cost borne by the
American student and his
family is understandable,"
Hardin said, "but that does
not make it good business."
"Now at a time when our
country needs even greater
participation in higher educa
tion," he said, "we seem to
be slipping away from our
time-tested pattern not ov
ertly, but little by little, and
mostly by indirection,"
Most universities, he said,
are falling far short of pro
viding the financial help nec
essary to enable all potential
ly promising students to start
and stay with their college
3 for Lexington. This will be
located near Atlanta. Some of
the funds will be used to build
a 1 o w-power transmitter
(Channel 16) at Omaha Uni
versity. In addition, the funds
will provide for the Channel
12 relocation, some terminal
equipment and master control
equipment to facilitate feed'
ing programs from KUON to
With the strengthening of
the Channel 12 signal, educa
tional television broadcasts
will reach 50 per cent of the
Nebraska population. The 889'
foot tower at Mead will pro
vide maximum power and a
city-grade signal to Omaha
and Lincoln. KUON will reach
into Missouri and Iowa, and
will serve some 800,000 people,
including 254,000 students.
Plans for the statewide net
work include ETV stations at
six Nebraska cities, which,
when completed, will cover 90
per cent of the Nebraska pop
ulation. ETV stations are to
be located at North Platte,
Alliance, Bassett, Lexington,
Albion and Omaha.
The NU Board of Regents
is the licensee for KUON-TV
and made the application for
federal funds. The commis
sion will make additional di
rect applications for the com
pletion of the six stations when
additional state funds are
The total amount the fed
eral government has made
available for each state is one
million dollars. Nebraska has
a balance of $600,000 remain
ing for the future.
Total funds available are
3.9 million dollars. This
amount includes the $600,000
state grant, one million dol
lars in federal funds and 2.3
million dollars in additional
This $3.9 million will be for
use in the next biennium
which ends in 1967. It includes
the cost of the transmitting fa
cilities at each of the seven
ETV station locations, and
the connecting and operation
of the stations.
Objectives of the ETV pro
gram are to cover the entire
state with a television signal
which will reach 90 per cent
of the population, according
to Ramsey. ETV will reach
all state colleges and univer
sities, as well as all primary
and secondary schools, which
will be an educational asset
to outstate Nebraska.
Nebraska's plan for a state
ETV network is exceptional,
because it is one of few states
who have made complete
plans for a network, Ramsey
said. Other states who are
working on plans are Maine
and Florida, while Alabama
has a fairly extensive n e t
work already in existence.
KUON's signal is important
because it can be received on
standard VHF receiving sets.
Ramsey said UHF sets will
be able to receive educational
programs from Channels 16 in
Omaha and Channel 25 in Al
bion. Omaha can receive
Channel 12 directly from
The University has not re
ceived formal notification of
the approval.
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Stories On Pages Four And Five
Dr. T. A. Kiesselbach, retired University agronomy
professor, questioned the validity of tests conducted on a
plant growth stimulator being offered for sale by the Uni
versity Department of Agriculture.
In a 750-word paper, Kiesselbach said it would have
been fortunate if a co-operative arrangement existed
whereby the Ag College had evaluated the new compound.
The compound is supposed to speed germination and
growth of certain crops. It was discovered in the Ag De
partment's research program to find new uses for farm
Kiesselbach said, "If, as may be entirely possible,
the compound fails to deliver superior productivity, as
may be ascertained later by authoritative experimental
tests, the market demand may fail almost overnight and
the manufacturer might suffer great financial loss."
He said he would not like to see this, since it reminded
him of two commercial hormone dust treatments which
he investigated and proved ineffective in stimulating plant
growth in 1942.
The administration of the industrial-uses research
program has been criticized not only by Kiesselbach, but
Clare Porter, former Ag College professor, who suggested
that the entire program be turned over to the University.
Dean E. F. Frolik of Ag College said he would like to
have more projects in the program.
Approximately one-fourth of the 300 thousand dollars
available annually for University projects has been used
for the Ag Department, with the remainder going to pri
vate research agencies.
According to State Agriculture Director Pearle Fini
gan, at least 10 marketable products have been developed
or discovered to date, and none has come from Univer
sity projects. The program began in 1959.
Kiesselbach's criticism was based on a prospectus dis
tributed to chemical companies indicating an interest in
bidding on rights for further development and production
of the growth stimulator.
The prospectus lists 18 different crops which are said
to have given positive responses after the seeds were
treated in suitable concentration.
"The data as reported were limited to the first 10
days after planting and are shown in part by way of
graphs and photographs," Kiesselbach said.
"It would not be possible to project these seeding re
sults in terms of crop performance in the field at time
of maturity. No such data are presented as the tests re
ported have not gone beyond the small flower-pot stage,"
he continued.
He maintained that the testing was inadequate, and
the reliability of the results can't be judged.
Kiesselbach also criticized statements placing the po
tential market demand at more than 25 to 50 million dol
lars a year.
"As a personal thought, the consuming public would
finally pay this bill," he said.
He said the compound could be purchased with posi
tive knowledge of performance if it had been turned over
to the Ag College for evaluation.
Kiesselbach said that after conferring with Governor
Morrison and Assistant Agriculture Director Jeff Broady,
"We were evidently in complete agreement as to the in
adequacy of evidence for recommending use of the com
pound for seed treatment."
He said that the Governor and Mr. Broady told him
that production rights are being offered to the highest
bidder without recommendation by the state.
Kiesselbach said the Governor explained the law pro
viding for the research forbids a co-operative arrange
ment with the University for testing products. If this is
the case, Kiesselbach said, "I would urgently recommend
a revision by the law" by the 1965 Legislature.
Finegan issued the following reply to Kiesselbach:
"This is 1964, not 1942.
"We do not feel that companies such as W. R. Grace,
Allied Chemical, American Cynamid, Car gill and Spencer
Chemical need to be defended by a former college pro
fessor. "We feel that their experts and qualified research
staff are competent to evaluate the Nebraska work, and
if the work does not in their judgment have potential,
they will so advise their companies.
"The research directors of a number of these com
panies have indicated that their companies will submit
"If the successful bidder feels that a college evaluation
of the chemical is worth while, the company is free to
contract with a college for such an evaluation at no ex
pense to the Nebraska taxpayer.
"The chemicals have been field tested on a varity
of vegetable and field crops in the Rio Grande Valley as
well as in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Tennessee
and West Virginia.
"T. A. Kiesselbach could not have evaluated any of
the Nebraska growth stimulator when it was not discov
ered until 1962 and none has been made available to any
source from which he could have obtained a quantity for
According to State Senator Terry Carpenter, the Stata
Agriculture Department has "no qualifications" in the
field of research.
Carpenter said "We've spent one million dollars so
far, and all we have to show for it is a fancy cracker to
be consumed in the case of atomic blast."
He was referring to the Nebraskit, a wafer designed
to be used as a survival ration.
He charged Governor Morrison with failing to accept
the responsibility for conduct of the Agriculture Depart
ment. Carpenter also criticized the employment of Kansas
City Attorney Roger Langenheim as the State Agriculture
Department's tag research co-ordinator while Mr. Lange
heim remains a member of his Kansas City law firm.
Indian Students Express
Shock At Nehru's Death
By Marilyn Hoegemeyer
Indian Students of the Uni
versity sent telegrams last
night to their government to
express their sorrow and con
dolences over Prime Minister
Nehru's death.
The Indian students all
were shocked and expressed
their deep loss of "one of the
best men ever to lead India."
Elizabeth Kuricn, a nutri
tion major, said Nehru put
her countrymen's point of
view very well to the world.
"He has shown the true heart
of India their belief in toler
ance, patience and other vir
tues," she said.
"This world and life is too
short for quarreling. I give
credit to Mr. Nehru for be
lieving in peace and compro
mise. This belief is especial
ly vital to the world as we
face the possibility of a third
world war," Miss Kurien said.
Mohammad Anmad, an en
tomology major, compared
the loss of Prime Minister
Nehru to President Kennedy.
"We have lost one of the
greatest leaders; it will be
hard to replace him, but just
as when the leader of this
country was killed a new
leader was found so will the
Indian government find a
man to replace Mr. Nehru,"
he said.
"There will be another Neh
ruIndia needs another lead
er like him," said Raden Hat
tari, a graduate student in
economics. Hattari said that
not only the Indians, but
many nations share the grief
and sorrow of Mr. Nehru's
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THE LIGHT IS HORRID Lynn Faris finds the top bunk of her bed a good quiet
place for preparing for finals but has trouble seeing the type.
IT'S A BUSY LIFE Bob Van Dewallc has a hard time finding time for studying for
finals so he takes aew snatches while milking a cow. The cow seems quite cooperative.
' .