The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 3

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Page 2
insight Slsewhere
Worthy of consideration . . .
by kenneth tabor
This column has tried to
maintain some kind of en
lightened partisanship
which its author hoped
would result in some level of
insight as opposed to pre
set bias. Admittedly this
aim has not always been
achieved. Only the reader
can decide whether it h a s
ever been so.
The fact that the state
primary election occurs to
morrow has prompted me,
however, to depart from
this goal to some extent. I
should like to call your at
tention to one of the presi
dential possibilities hoping
to call forth, not votes,
but rather some honest
critical consideration of
merits and demerits.
The man in question is
Governor William Scranton
of Pennsylvania. He is a
"non-candidate" candidate
for the Republican presi
dential nomination.
It may seem odd to write
about Governor Scranton
when most of the news to
late has concerned Gover
nor Rockefeller, Senator
Goldwater, and some men
tion of write-in candidate
Lodge. Further, with the
recent presence of former
Vice-president Nixon in the
state and the vote that his
presence may call forth, the
oddity of the topic may
seem to be increased.
In explanation then of the
choice of writing about
Bill Scranton, I will say
only that it seems to me
fitting to write about any
man mentioned as a presi
dential possibility and that
the more the possibility, the
more fitting it is.
To me, two things seem
presently to fit the facts of
the situation regarding both
Goldwater and Rockefeller.
First of all, whatever the
return! of the California pri
mary will show, Governor
Rockefeller's campaign is
now at an historic low ebb.
Secondly, the nature of the
strength of the Goldwater
forces does not look like It
will hold past two ballots at
convention, and it does not
look ai tiiis time like he
will have enough delegate
strength to carry either of
those ballots.
I make these remarks
neither to cast disparaging
Images of either of these
candidates nor to predict
what will happen at conven
tion. I am writing only
about how the situation
seems to me.
To supplement these re
marks, I will say that I am
also of the opinion that Am
bassador Lodge does not
hold enough sway with the
party leaders and that
Richard Nixon stated a not-so-private
view when he said
in Omaha that the party
should look for someone who
has not run before.
If this view of the situa
tion is correct, and to date
I have been given no reason
to think that it is not, then
Bin Scranton has a very
good chance for the Repub
lican nomination indeed. At
this point, any further com
ments as to whether he will
In fact receive the nomina
tion seem rather ludicrous.
The first question to
come to mind is, however
Inappropriate it may seem,
can the candidate win. In
1960, Scranton was drafted
to run for Congress in Penn
sylvania's 10th district
where the Democrats had a
34,000 registration majority.
Scranton beat the Democra
tic incumbent by nearly
"7,000 vote while Nixon
lost to JFK by 15,000 votes.
In 1362, the Democrats had
a statewdie voter registra
tion majority of 210,000. The
late President Kennedy
campaigned personally for
the Democratic candidate
Richardson Dilworth. Scran
ton won the election by
Dearly 500,000 votes, car
ried in but five of Pennsyl
vania's 67 counties winning
eae of hii major victories
In tha industrial center of
Another question which is
always asked pertains to
what has been a candidates
Monday, May 11, 1964
past experience. It should
be sufficient to say in this
respect that Scranton has
served one term in the U.S.
Congress, has been Assist
a n t to the Secretary of
State, and is now serving as
Governor of Pennsylvania.
He served in business for 15
years and is J graduate of
Yale Law School.
To all sincere voters, the
most pertinent question that
can be asked of a candidate
is 'what have been his ac
complishments in office?'
To this I offer a brief
synopsis of Bill Scranton's
career as governor. Dur
ing his tenure, unemploy
ment has declined in Penn
sylvania to the lowest an
nual level since 1957, more
than 1,000 jobs have been
eliminated from the state
payroll, and 56,000 persons
have been taken off relief.
During all of this, 700 new
or expanded industries have
come into the state, $70,000,
000,000 has been committed
to public and private col
leges while construction has
been completed on 2,500
classrooms. In addition to
all of this, Scranton has
succeeded in balancing the
budget of the state of Penn
sylvania. Governor Scranton con
siders Cuba a threat to our
security as a base for Com
munist infiltration and sub
version of Latin America;
he was, in the foreign
sphere, against the neutrali
zation of Laos and, on the
domestic scene, is against
deficit spending. Scranton
is for the civil rights MIL
the tax cat, and a redistri
bution of the tax revenues
of the nation. He favors our
participation in the United
Nations, but is against the
admission of Red China. He
feels that the solution to
our outflow of gold lies in
the control of government
spending abroad. The Gov
ernor reluctantly favored
the Nuclear test ban treaty.
He believes a cut in foreign
aid possible due to enor
mous backlogs in accumu
lated appropriations.
Such are the facts in brief
about Governor William
Scranton. You will play a
role in deciding both wheth
er he will be and whether he
should be our President.
The question is not which
way you decide. The ques
tion is whether or not he is
worthy of consideration. I
believe he is.
lit I I
if Mr!
Kill vou love me
Dear Editor:
I would .like to commend
Mr. Stout on his cheerful
and complementary letter
(April 23) concerning my
articles. I'm rather sur
prised that I haven't re
ceived more of the same kind
I did note a tone of irritation
in Mr. Stout's letter caused
mainly by his misinterpreta
tion of my articles.
I'm very sorry Mr. Stout
if you felt that the articles
were a personal insult to
your mode of living. The
only person I was intention
ally criticizing or trying to
help was myself. To every
one else, they were intended
only to be of an informative
nature. I'm afraid I am not
the sterling character you
make me out to be.
I'm not proud of my past
and I don't make a point to
Dear Editor:
I am tired of articles
about Sex on the Campus,
and after reading Friday's
editorial, I can no longer
restrain the desire to pro
test the warped, sick, mor
bid, joyless, ignorant, and
irreligious attitudes you pre
sent constantly.
(1.) It is my understand
ing that sexual promiscuity,
according to the statistics,
is greater by far among
non-students than students
in the same age groups.
(2.) My sexual behaviour
is no business of any school
official, legislator, or editor.
They have other business.
Where is it?
in December like
Intent To Change
brag about it, especially in
public. Consequently, I re
ject the implication that I'm
some kind of a Bible-thumping
abolitionist and guardian
of morality.
I had no intention of
trying to conform or change
anyone. I personally don't
care how anyone else lives.
As for myself, I do feel
that these rules are in my
best interest and I do oc
casionally trytoliveby
I will admit that the very
fact they were on the edi
torial page implied that
they were a personal opinion
rather than a news report.
But one will find when
writing on a subject such
as morality that it becomes
exceedingly hard to include
all the various opinions. I
originally intended to write
Tired Of 'Sex' Articles
(3.) The "release of sex
ual standards en masse" is
considered by a number of
human beings as long over
due and a trace, a sign
that unhypocritical, idealis
tic youth may yet arise
from the shambles of sex
ual stagnation and desexed
(hence dehumanized) Puri
tanism inherited from the
tradition. All your articles
have assumed rather than
shown the Evil of sex. You
have supposed a Billy Gra
ham morbidity, a shame
rising from natural desires
for physical and psycho
logical union, whereas a
healthy, religious view
. 1
you do in may?
a direct follow up and sum
mation of various magazine
articles and personal inter
views including both pros
and cons on the subject.
However I decided to
keep it one-sided hoping that
I'd arouse some comment
from the other side of the
fence, and obviously I did.
Although your letter showed
a writing ability far ex
ceeding mine, the total
thought said nothing excep
tional in regards to the de
fense of your position.
Next time you sit down to
write a letter, sir, cool off
before you begin. I'm afraid
that in your angered and
imbittered state, your letter
sounded more like the rav
ing's of a child who just got
his wrists slapped than the
mature adult you consider
yourself to be.
T. F. Hiner
would encourage students
in their search for meaning
ful relationships.
(4.) The only "sin (and
even sin is private) involved
in the "release of s e x u a 1
standards" arises out of
treating sex as a status
symbol rather than finding
in it the supreme expres
sion of the noblest gift to
man love.
(5) William Blake wrote
pale religious letchery call
that virginity that wishes
but acts not!"
V. E. Barnet
GAN, menacinc editor; SI'KAN
HMITHBEEGEB, , editor;
wiuor taff writer) KAY BOOD,
it m riTEEsoN. bakbaka bek-
ataff writer; BJCHAED HALBEBT.
copy editor; DFNVIS Def'KAIN,
Photographer; rrAHi spEECE,
Porte editor; JOHN BAU.fiitFN,
wietant (porta editor; pfcKsTON
rirculu1" manaaerj JIM
;lifC.- f" CUNNINGHAM.
""wiiiwi raws J m
ur 15 nr
Entered ae mono' claea matter at
the t office la Lincoln. NrtiSkL
noer lb ct ef Aucuat 4. IMi
Wl Honda, exeellrut oendltioii. reaaon.
ab Call M.)7, rveXri
Houae or apartmrnt cheap, for the warn.
mer. Juat cot the trax. 1 blocka aorta
of cunpua. 2-tar7.
BIrt echoed taet-ber attendinf eurrir
Khool want to euMeaa a furniahed
apartment (ur lamilr at tuer from
WouM you Ilk te ears m per work
tM cummrr In four iwi home Iowa
and alaa have a Uk wrn ron coma
back te Unoolp arxt laU' Bote can
be ouri wit Stanley Product, car
neceataiT. no investment. ra inter,
view call 77-7741! or 435-2421.
Cattrrr ride aiaia! After recuperat
mi from a ahort rounw la economics,
the Incurably optimiatie editor of
Callrrr maaaruie prew-m Itirir win
iaaur. If foil !ik- rood prow, sorttir
and artwork, plrk up a eoto- at: N.
iH-ttttl.J. RfMikufnr. MiUj.'ii U.w.k.
or bbeldoa Art GaUerr'.
Only Ike, Lodge Can Fill
GOP's Leadership Vacuum
By Eric Sevareid
The political party is per
haps the most amorphous
and liquid institution of na
tional scope that America
exhibits, and there is no law
of man or
nature au
t o m a t
ically pre
venting a
party's dis
solution if it
is d e t e r
mined to
leak away
through the
holes and
dissension. In trap any
fights ought to be healthy
for a party, but the present
disarray in the Republican
party looks more and more
like the last stages of dis
ease. This year's quarrei within
the Republican party is not
healthy because it is abnor
mal. Among its prospective
nominees for President not
one has established himself
as a masterful politician
or as an overridding intel
lect and personality worthy
of the name of statesman.
With two months to go be
fore the convention, the par
ty faction with the most ded
ication to its beliefs the ex
treme right wing is the
philosophical faction with
the smallest following
among American voters at
large. The candidate who
will go into the convention
with the biggest bloc of dele
gatesSenator Goldwater
is only a poor third in na
tionwide party popularity
among the five possibilities
for the nomination. He is al
so a poor third in the choice
of American independent
voters, as the opinion polls
reveal; and independence of
party labels is becoming
more and more the style of
American voters.
In the polls, which have
to be taken seriously these
days, Goldwater is ahead of
only Rockefeller and Scran
ton; he enjoys only one-half
of Nixon's popular Republi
can support and not much
more than a third of
Lodge's. Yet his nomination
is conceivable. We would
. then confront the spectacle
of a man enjoying only mi
nority support among Re
publicans trying to win the
White House for a party
that is distinctly the minor
ity party in the country. Un
less something spectacular
ly awful happens to Presi
dent Johnson's prestige in
the meantime, because of
race riots or something else,
it is entirely possible that
the Republican party can
suffer a November shutout
approaching that of 1936 un
der Alf Landon.
No postconvention magic
is going to make Senator
Goldwater suddenly popu
lar in the country; no magic
is going to unite his party
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behind his leadership any.
more than it would be uni
ted behind Governor Rocke
feller. Only the most pas
sionate and blinded of part
isans can think so. But if a
catastrophe happens to the
party in November, it will
be wrong to blame the Ari
zona senator; the true fault
will lie with the vacuum
withl'i the party.
If reason ruled,
w h i c h it doesn't, this vac
uum would not be permitted
to continue right to the con
vention itself. If it does, the
blood spilling in San Fran
cisco is going to be an awe
some sight, leaving the par
ty badly weakened for the
fall campaign, no matter
who is the nominee.
I can think of only two
ways in which the precon
vention vacuum of lead,
ership could be even partial
ly filled and the parth's self
mutilation at the convention
dimished. One would be the
return of Ambassador
Lodge and his demonstra
tion, if he can so demon
strate, that he is as well
regarded while present and
vocal as he is while far
away and silent. The other
would be if the grand old
man of the G.O.P., the only
figure around whom party
members can rally in spirit,
would end his own silence.
Mr. Eisenhower has spoken
and written a very great
deal lately but he has said
nothing that changes any
thing. He has spoken with the
calculated ambiguity of the
Delphic Oracle, leaving all
petitioners free to interpret
his words as they severally
choose. The original Delphic
Oracle set more than one
catastrophe in motion in
that manner.
This hope is small. Mr.
Eisenhower will very prob
ably continue to endorse all
and none of the candidates
and after the convention
choice, will behave as if the
nominee is the one he
wanted all along. That is the
privilege of a remarkable
old man who would like to
end his days with the
esteem of his people and
his party antiseptically un
blemished. What is objec
tionable is perpetuation
chiefly by journalists of
the pretense that Mr. Eisen
hower, any day now, is go
ing to commit an act of
political leadership and pro
duce some order out of the
mess his party is in, before
the convention adds bitter
ness to confusion.
I About Letters
Tke D4II.V XEBKASKAK hrrltet
s reader le eae l isr expreaneai
ef epiniea ea current topic retard-
leaa ef rievpeint. Letter nut be
icaed. eeataia a verifiable ad-
dre. and be free ml libelee ma-
terial. Pea name aa a r be hv
eluded and will be releaeed a
nrrttten request.
Brrvitr and Irilbllltr lncreae
the ehaneei of pakliratiea. Leaatbr
Inter mar be edited er emitted. S
Abaoletelr eae vlU be reUirad. H
i n
p Sts.