The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1964, Image 1

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Vol. 77, No. 95
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Life's W
Wives Also Give Advice
At Press Conference
A University graduate who goes East for employment
is more well-rounded than a student who has never left the
Atlantic seaboard, according to Harry Letton, senior vice
president of the Southern California Gas Company.
Letton, in Lincoln to participate in the Masters Program,
made the remark in answer to a question at the Masters
News Conference Monday at the Nebraska Center for Con
tinuing Education. Seven of the other eight Masters were
present at the news conference.
Masters val i'eterson and
Arthur Bryan expanded Let
ton's statement by advising
students not to limit their
goals within a certain geo
graphical area. "We are be
coming an international so
ciety," said Bryan.
Peterson, the only Master
who distinguished himself in
his home state, said that
"there is a real challenge in
Nebraska." He drew "huckles
from the audience oi . .;porters
and students when he said,
"Go where the opportunity is.
I'm here in Nebraska by
choice, but I wouldn't hesitate
to leave if necessary."
The Masters' wives also of
fered experienced advice to
today's students. Mrs. J. Ken
neth Cozier, wife of an indus
trial executive, told coeds that
it is important to "pick out
the right man when you're in
The Mastttrs offered a va
riety of answers to a report
er's question about what ad
vice they would give to stu
dents ol today
Students Hear Ruth Leverton
CBS-owned stations, remarked
that the caliber of students
seems to be higher today than
ever before.
Bryan stated two qualities
of success concluded from a
recent poll. He listed these as
deciding one's objectives ear
ly in life and earning a high
scholastic record. "In addi
tion," he said, "early in life
these men established a solid
work pattern".
Robert Hardt urced today's
students to keep learning even
after they leave school.
"Many gifted and educated
people have emotional prob
lems: tney become out of
touch with reality and intoler
ant of those who aren't as
brilliant as themselves."
Samuel Waugh listed the
wealth of opportunities open
ing in the near future.
Dr. Ruth Leverton said that
fear should be conquered.
"Don't be afraid of discom
fort, pain, hardship, failure,
or frustration," she said. "Out
of these things will come the
Merle Jones, president of I core of your training
By Frank Partsch
Senior Staff Writer
The first woman ever to
address a University Hon
ors Convocation told 1,500
students and their parents
yesterday that a job should
be a stepping stone rather
than a leaning post.
Dr. Ruth Leverton, a dis
tinguished home economist
and nutritionist, is also the
first woman to participate
in the Masters Program,
which brings prominent Uni
versity graduates back to
the University to meet stu
dents and visit the campus.
Chancellor Clifford Hard
in congratulated those
students who were honored
at the convocation by vir
tue of ranking in the upper
ten per cent of their re
spective classes.
Although some people are
born with ability, said
Miss Leverton, this ability
does not insure success,
and the honor students have
proved that they are able
to combine their ability
with hard work.
"You have used your
jobs as college students not
as leaning posts but as step
ping stones to a greater
future," she said. '"You
have disciplined yourselves
to conform to the standards
that lead to success."
Miss Leverton quoted po
et Robert Frost in telling
students that they have
miles to go before they
sleep. "'Look ahead 20
years," she told the stu
dents. 4'Ask yourself how
many miles have I gone;
how many miles should I
have gone?"
Success entails four fac
tors, said Miss Leverton,
some dominent and some
controlled. These factors
"can be capitalized on to
give you significant mile
age. Every ounce of stored .
up power must be put to
Ambition, she indicated,
should consist of more than
a desire for luxury, show
and conquest Reward is
merited and respectful only
when it comes as the result
of ambition, not of the goal
of it
In describing character
and brotherhood, Miss Lev
erton told the story of Jo
seph from the Bible. "Un
less your brother be with
you, you shall not see my
face," she quoted. Brother
hood must enter into human
relations, including public
health and safety, econom
ic welfare, public morals
and cooperation with lead
ers. Hardin presented C, W.
Boucher scholastic awards
to Linda Larson, senior
with the highest scholastic
average (8.649); Dick Cal
lahan, varsity letterman
with the highest average
(6.468); and James Davis,
ROTC cadet with the high
est average (7.5).
Also honored at the con
vocation were Dr. Jasper
Shannon, professor of politi
cal science and Dr. Lloyd
Jackson, professor of math
emtics. Shannon and Jack
son were recognized as re
cipients of the Nebraska
Foundation's Distinguished
Teaching Awards. T. A.
Sick, chairman of the board
of the Foundation, made the
Governor Frank Morrison,
as well as the participants
in the Masters Program,
were guests at the convo
cation. Over 700 students, the top
10 percent of each class in
each collge, were also hon
ored at the convocation.
Organizations with one
third or more of their mem
bers among the honored
students received citations
from Vice Chancellor G. Ro
bert Ross, dean of Student
Students in medicine, den
tistry and nursing who
were recommended by fac
ulty members were also
These seniors who earned
superior scholarship by
ranking in the upper three
per cent or having been on
the honor roll each year
since their freshman year
Nancy Eriksen Anders, Diane
Armour, Leroy Baker, Alden
Bass, Walter Bauman, Bonnie
Naomi Dech Bevans, Dwain
Blum, William Busier, Wayne
Bostic, Robert Campbell, Shirley
Dennis Christie, James Chro
my, James Davis, Joseph Den
nison, Sally Dale Fleischmann,
Maureen Frolik.
David Fan-child, Judy Davis
Flanagin, Edward Fankhouser,
Nadene Gardner, Jerold Gunsol
ley, William Gregory.
Robert Healey, Randall Heck
man, John Hermanson, Vivian
High, Mary Hiskey, Douglas
Barbara Linnerson Imig, Shar
on Jacobson, Roger Jurgens,
Frederick Hazama, Eileen Kelly,
Patrick Kelly.
Sandra Keriakedes, Patricia
Kinney, Carol Klein, Gary Kluss
man, Thomas Kotouc, Douglas
Donald Kummer, Linda Lar
son, Thomas Lewis, Susan Linn,
Joyce Marfice, Roger Mattson.
James McCall, Doonna McFar
lin, Carol McKinley, Marilyn
Merrigan, Lance Mikkelsen,
Doris Mueller.
Dale Nitzel, Allen Otte, Rich
ard Ohme, Nancy Shaffer Pea
cock, Donald Philpott, Wayne
Gary Pokorny, Jerri Olson
Poppe, Gary Radii, Linda Reno,
Ronald Rogowski, Norman Ro
senberg. Robert Srhefflpr. Marv PlnnHn
Schmitt, David Scholz, Richard
Slama, Roger Smith, Larry
Bettye Thompson, Jane Fost
er Thompson, Carla Tortora,
Janet Vavra, Anne Wahl, Bon
nie Wahl.
Janet Watson, Lewis Weick,
Richard Weill, Donald West,
Michael "White, Gerald Wilkins.
Judith Johnson Woodward, D.
Merold Yates, Constance Coch
rane Yost.
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asters Praise
Sfudents' Effort
The Masters Program concluded with words of praisa
and suggestions for future programs at last night's evalua
tion session at the Nebraska Center.
The session provided an opportunity for the Masters,
their guides and the Masters committee to review the suc
cesses and shortcomings of the two day program.
Merle Jones, president of
CBS Television, set the tone
for one of the principle topics
of discussion by asking wheth
er the Masters shouid estab
lish "a two-way flow" with
Masters Urge Students To 'Find Their Own Opportunities7
The 1964 Masters have spent
a busy two days touring the
campus, meeting students and
talking with living units. The
has summed up some of the
topics discussed in the living
unit talks.
COZIER . . .
Cleveland industralist J.
Kenneth Cozier revisited his
old fraternity Monday night
and observed that "the old
Delt shelter still looks pretty
Cozier, the head of a wood
en box manufacturing com
pany, reminisced about his
college days, briefly recount
ed his success story and im
parted his code of life to the
intent audience.
There are two kinds os suc
cess, Cozier said: personal
and vocational. Important
factors in vocational success
are vision, desire, judgement,
imagination and hard work.
"If you want to get to the
top, you won't get there be
tween the hours of nine and
five," he said.
Cozier defined personal suc
cess as "when the heart and
the mind and body combine
to work for the good of man
kind." Speaking in an indus
trial metaphor, he said "Hap
piness is a by-product of your
life." He urged the students to
give moral and financial sup
port to the church of their
choice as well as a political
party, "hopefully the Repub
lican party."
"Some Democrats will prob
ably get to heaven, too, how
ever," he added.
Nicknamed "Cows Ears"
by an English teacher who
couldn't pronounce his name,
the Master said that when
he faced serious problems
during his life he reminded
himself, "Cozier, hang on a
little longer. A rolling stone
gathers no moss."
JONES . . .
Master Merle Jones, presi
dent of CBS Television, de
fended the television medium
against pay television, rating
criticisms, .Federal Communi
cations Commission (FCC)
hearings and as an advertis
ing medium.
"Our system of television is
advertising-supported; if you
let pay television come along,
the public is charged where
they didn't have to pay be
fore," said Jones, a 1929 law
graduate from the University.
Jones foresaw growth of
television advertising because
of its difference from news
paper advertising, television's
larger rivaL Television ad
vertising is more salesman
ship than an advertising no
tice, a more personal, rather
than impersonal connection,
according to Jones.
Jones did see in television's
future programming more ed
ucational presentations, dou
bled air time for documen
taries and news programs and
editorializing on the local lev
el. The network cannot edi
torialize because of its close
relationship to the federal gov
ernment. BRYAN . . .
Master Arthur Bryan, who
was born in Minden, is pres
ently president of Union Car
bide Consumers Products Di
In his evaluation of college,
Bryan pointed out that the
educational process doesn't
end with the termination of
your college career. He felt
the techniques and basics
learned in college are certain
ly necessary, but in a large
number of enterprises, one
must learn many aspects of
the field while on the job.
Concerning the quality of
the midwest colleges, he also
pointed out that in a recent
background survey of 1700 top
business executives, over one
third of them had attended
midwest schools. He feels that
the University compares very
well with the top schools in
the nation.
"One of the advantages of
being from the Midwest is
that the only thing we know
how to do is work hard."
imoN . . .
A graduate of this Univer
sity has nothing to apologize
for when looking for a job,
according to Harry Letton,
senior vice president and
member of the board from
Southern California Gas Com
pany, the largest gas distribu-
mg company m the United
"University graduates have
full opportunities to compete
with those from all over the
United States." said the for
mer attorney for the office
ol the Solicitor of the United
States Department of Agriculture.
"Peoule of the Midwest
have a broader view of things
in general then those in the
t-ast, said Letton when
asked to compare the sec
tions of the country where he
has lived. He said "that mid-
westerners especially have a
clearer understanding of na
tional issues.
In order to be successful in
one's career, said Letton, one
must make an effort to do
the very best job and to stick
with it until it is done.
HARDT . . .
"Activities while in college
may be as important as
scholarship, when it comes to
hiring," said Robert Hardt,
pharmaceutical executive.
"A student needs a mixture
of school activies and scholar
ship. He must be able to com
municate," he said.
Hardt also brought out the
fact that an employer would
often rather have a person of
average intellience who can
communicate that one with
superior intelligence who
cannot get along with peo
ple. "You don't need an IQ of
140 to be an execellent execu
tive." Other things sought after in
an executive, according to
Hardt, are a willingness to de
liver more than one is asked
for, good conduct and will
ingness to make UBe of oppor
tunity." "What you learn before 21
isn't as important as what
you learn after 21," said
Hardt. "You must keep on
psychiatrists advise us
never to hire a boy who has
graduated and then gone off
on a European trip before
seeking a job," said the Mas
ter. "It is an indication that
he doesn't really want to
Val Peterson, a former gov
ernor of Nebraska and Ameri
can Ambassador to Denmark,
suggested a good, year-round
information and public rela
tions program to improve the
quality of the University and
to encourage the state Legis
lature to appropriate a higher
Because many people in Ne
braska didn't go to college,
and aren't interested in the
University, they have to be
sold on the idea, he said. "We
must crtate a climate of in
terest in the people, and the
legislature will know it."
Research must also be
stepped up, and finer profes
sors drawn to the University,
so that industries would be at
tracted to the state. "Modern
indusries go to the staes
with the best collection of
brain power," Peterson noted.
Today's reporters need to
write from an informed point
of view in order to transmit
the background, color and
smell of the event they are
reporting, according to Ed
ward Stanley, veteran jour
nalist and now Director of
Public Affairs for the Nation
al Broadcasting Company.
"There is no formula for
reporting that hits the mark,"
he said. "The who, what,
when, where and why form
ula taught to me in school
does not alone make for good
reporting. A reporter must
understand what he is writ
ing, write a lucid sentence
and have his own style. Style
distinguishes a writer
from a hack. "
"A reporter has to like
words and worry about
them," he said. He suggested
that a reporter write poetry
in order to develop cadence,
Btyle and voice of the proper
"Teachers and journalists
have much in common," he
said, "because they both dis
seminate information." He
said that nowadays television
is concerning itself more and
more with educating and in
forming the public. Television,
he said, has done very much
to bring culture and informa
tion to the American family
who would otherwise have
little chance to know them.
WAUGH . . .
Samuel Waugh, who is
presently Washington consul
tant to the International De
partment Bank of New York,
and from 1955-C1 was an ad
viser to U.S. Export-Import
Bunk, commented on the great
number of Nebraskans who
hold government positions in
Washington. He said, "It's
getting to the point where you
can't throw a rock in Wash
ington without hitting a Ne
braskan." He was tremendously im
pressed with the interest the
students show all over the na
tion, and felt that students
have changed since his school
days. Today students realize
that they are faced with a
cold, competitive world and
therefore are more conscien
tious than students of Ms
era, he said.
When asked what was the
biggest contribution to his
success, he replied, -"probab
ly it was because I picked an
awful smart mother and fath
er, but seriously if you pick
the job you really like, then
it isn't work anymore, just
One wouldn't think that a
woman nutritionist would tra
vel as much as Dr. Ruth Lev
erton has. "Food and nutri
tion cross many paths", said
the only woman in the Mas
ters program.
The interrelationships of the
nutrients in the body and the
effects of vitamin concen
trates are some the fields in
which Dr. Leverton is now
working. "We are beginning
to study the finer aspects of
food interrelationships in the
human body; working with
food quality and the process
es that foods go through be
fore they are used in t h e
body," she said.
The former professor of nu
trition at the University sug
gested that a balance of ac
tivities and the responsibility
of "stepping stone jobs" which
one holds before actually es
tablishing a career are as
helpful to students as an education.
University students. Jones
explained that he had great
difficulty steering conversa
tion away from his own area
of business.
"In other words," Jones
continued, "should the Mas.
ters try to learn as much
from the students as the stu
dents learn from the Mas
ters." Masters Committee chair
man John Lydick answered
that vocational areas were
covered thronph vicitc uri i
ct" " li 4
...I i i ii
y-iuiessionai college groups.
"I don't know what we
could teach you, but I would
like it to be a two way flow,"
speaking generally about life,"
Lydick said.
Suggestions made by those
connected with the program
included keeping the meetings
with students as informal as
possible, exposing more stu
dents to the Masters for long
er sessions, letting more Mas
ters speak in the classrooms
and the possibility of a three
day instead of two day pro
gram. Reaction of the Masters
was enthusiastic:
J. Kenneth Cozier "The
dedication, maturity and ser
iousness of purpose in the
students' approach to educa
tion and life, confirms my
faith in their ability to meet
the problems of their gener
ation." Edward Stanley -"The
Masters Program is like feed
back you get back as much
as you put into it."
Samuel Waugh "You here
have renewed our faith in the
generation ahead, and, quite
frankly, I'm more worried
about my own generation."
Val Petersen "I think
that it is a very fine program
and I was delighted with the
arrangements that were
made and the students who
made up the committee."
Merle Jones "I could
have gone on for two or three
more days, but two days is
about all 1 could afford to be