The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Attendance A Must
Evidence of the last year or so would seem to indi
cate a breakdown of communication between elected col
lege representatives to Student Council and the student
Last spring the Union talks and topics committee
scheduled a forum at which the student body would havp
a chance to question candidates for Student Council. Lack
of support from the student body forced the program to
Last fall Council representatives tried to hold period
ic meetings at which students in the various colleges could
talk Informally with their representatives. Again lack of
interest folded the program.
Now, the IFC has scheduled a forum for next Tues
day at which all IFC backed candidates will be present
to present a short platform statement and answer ques
tions. For the chronic complainers, for the students who
wonder what Student Council does for them, for those
who wonder why Council doesn't do more and for students
who care anything at all about the University thev at
tend, forums of this type are a must.
Anyone who does not attend
plain about anything Council does or does not do next
Intelligent voting is an impossibility if the voter
doesn't know the ideals and platform of the candidates
And voting unintelligently is worse than not voting at all.
mmm mmui
Dear Editor:
Students of human na
ture have frequently re
marked with amazement
how two persons, after hav
ing observed an event,
describe it so differently.
A good example of this
phenonenon was found in
the Campus Opinion col
umn of last Friday's DAILY
NEBRASKAN where a so
called "Stone-Age States
man" described last Tues
day's campus talk by Hom
er Jack, Executive Direc
tor of SANE. According to
Stone-Age,. Dr. Jack's talk
"showed the stand of the
ultra-left on a fanatic
binge," and Dr. Jack, "re
lied on emotionalism, n o t
facts and reasons." Also
Dr. Jack "saw the world
through the fog of this
emotionalism" and "chose
to remain blind to reality."
Furthermore, ' Stone - Age
Statesman, by means of his
supernatural clairvoyance,
perhaps, perceived that
"certain faculty members
held Dr. Jack's words as if
they were the Ten Com
mandments" and he as
serts, "only fanatics could
listen and believe (Dr.
Clearly then, the speak
er, Homer Jack, is an irra
tional, emotional fanatic on
V tl H h I I
Monday, April 27, 1964
a binge. Furthermore, cer
tain members of the faculty
accepted everything that
Dr. Jack said without reser
vation, and hence they also
are fanatics.
We wonder who is really
being "emotional" here?
We came away from t h e
meeting with entirely differ
ent impressions. It seemed
to us that the meeting re
flected a variety of opin
ions expressed by the
speaker and members of the
audience and represent
ing a wide spectrum of po
litical thought. During a
lengthy question and an
swer period, these opinions
were discussed in an at
mosphere of free and in
tellectual debate. Does this
sound irrational? It doesn't
to us.
Lloyd R. Cooper
Thomas A. Glass
Allen P. Gerlach
About Letters
reader to ne It (or exprenalnna S
of opinion on current Inplra regard-
Iran of viewpoint. Letlern muat be j
H ftlirnrd, contain a verifiable ad-
5 drras, and be free of llbeloua ma-
terlal. I'm namei may be In-
s eluded and will be releawed u p o n
written reauext. H
Brevllr and leflblllly Inereaae
the rbaneea of publication. I.entlhr
letter ma be edited or omitted. 3
s Absolutely none will be returned, s
Snstgkt fblsewh
'Where did
Among the many oddities
exhibited in the southern
part of this country is a
state capital which flies
above it the Confederate
flag in place of the flag of
the U.S.
It is much to the liking of
Alabama Governor George
Wallace that it be this way;
and, since he is the elected
Governor of these people,
we can but assume that it is
much to the liking of at
least a majority of Alabam
ans. This sort of thing strikes
boldly at the roots of many
Americans' political beliefs
and arouses strong feelings
on both sides. For all of
these feelings, however, no
one really thinks it a great
surprise when It happens in
one of the dominant states
of the old Confederacy, one
of the states of today's
South. We do not think it a
great surprise because such
Is our view of the South.
Well it might have stayed
this way. We could have all
continued to compartment
alize our ideas and notions
of good and bad according
to our country's geography.
That is we could have until
some time ago there began
to appear in many of our
northern cities what we
commonly call race riots.
he come from
As these spread through the
North in places such as
New York and Cincinnati, it
became rather apparent
that our old categories were
not only inadequate to deal
with the situation, but also
grossly incorrect.
It became possible to han
dle these incidents several
ways for political advant
age, the choice of ways be
ing governed by the side one
was on.
The northerners found it
somehow possible to pass
these riots off as "isolated
incident s", happenings
which did not reflect the
feelings of the general citi
zenry, uncalled for ex
plosions incited by meddling
Citizens of the southland
were equally able to start
building some cases of
varying reliability and sub
stance to the point that the
Negro in the southern part
of our country was really
better off than his northern
' counterpart.
At this juncture northern
whites began an all out in
tellectual attack on these
claims on the part of the
southern whites. Outside of
the fact that many thought
it odd that this give and
take was being conducted
almost entirely by whites
both in the North and the
South and many thought it
unusual that neither in the
North nor in the South was
the Negro asked for his
opinion or feelings outside
of these little flies in the
ointment all seemed to be
going rather smoothly tak
ing into account the topic
under argument.
After the North hud begun
to attack the arguments
from the South, all that
seemed to be needed was
for the South to expose
Northern sentiment. But
that seemed rather unlikely.
It continued to seem un
likely that such should hap
pen until just a few weeks
ago.. Then it did happen, and
it happened in the purpose
of that very Governor whose
name started this column,
Alabaman George Wallace,
Wallace decided to run for
the Presidency; and, amidst
laughs and various and sun
dry derogatory comments,
he began his campaign for
that office. He entered his
first primary just some
weeks ago. When it was ov
er, so were the laughs. Na
tional observers stated that
one hundred and twenty-five .
thousand votes would be
not only substantial, but
JOHN MORRIg. editor! ARNIK (MR BON, manaainii edllon SDH AN SMITH'
KERCH R. newt editor: FRANK PARTNCH, MU'K ROOD, aenlor rtajf wrtlerai
DALE BAJF.K. CAT LKITKCHIICK, cony dltorai DENNIS Del' RAIN, photoara
phen PEGGV IPEKCK. Porte aclltari JOHN HAMOREN, Militant porta edi
tor, PRKNTON LOVE circulation manner i JIM DICK, tubarrlptlon manaiert
PETE LAOC. buainaa aealatanta.
RuhacriDtlon rate V per wmeater or ID per rear.
Entered aa aecond clue natter t Um Boat office In Unoolo, Nebraeka,
under the act of AuKual 4. MIX
The Dally Nebrakin I ptibllehed at room II, Student Union, nn Mondav,
Wednexla.v, Thuraday, Friday by I'nlveririly of Nebraaka atudenla under
the jurladlrtlon of th faculty subcommittee on Student Publication. Pub
llctalton ehall he free frim cenanrahlp by tho Subcommittee or any
peraiin outalrte .he ('nlverally. Member of the Nebrankan are reeponalbl
for what they eaua to be ornied
ME NoT..."
. . and why?
by kenneth tabor
surprising. Governor Wal
lace's campaign yielded
just about double that num
ber of votes.
He has not kicked off his
campaign for the Indiana
primary where he promises
to do even better. First of
all, there will be the begin
nings of the old band-wagon
phenomenon. In addition
to that his opponent will be
Governor Matt Welsh, a
Lyndon Johnson favorite
son stand-in, w hose popular
ity has slipped a healthy
notch over a taxation bill
that he signed into law and
who cannot legally run
again for Governor.
Governor Welsh was still
making with the derogatory
comments, but the laughs
and smiles were gone. He
has charged Wallace with
being responsible for the
death of southern children
in Sunday School bombings.
Wallace answered the
charges at Butler College,
saying that he was not a
racist that all he was fight
ing was inter-racial marri
age which he feels would be
the result of integration.
Student reaction to the
speech was enthusiastic.
At this point, we should
realize that the fireworks
have just started. More than
that we should realize that
"truth, right, and justice"
are not the sole property of
either side.
If Wallace's campaign en
lightens the North as to the
condition of their own back
yard, he will have done the
North a service. If the
entire "debate" reaches a
deadlock, then, perhaps, the
Negro himself will be given
the opportunity to express
opinions and work for a sol
ution. If the South will lis
ten to the charges made by
the North, then they too
may benefit.
What we all must recog
nize, both North and South,
black and white, is that ov-:
er and above the question
of civil rights, is the ques
tion of the just and due
processes of government.
What we must be aware of
is the virtue of the AmerK
can system in ailowinir
change without the coup !
a eiais we nave oeen read
ing so much about of late.
We must be aware of this,
not only - that we may use
our system to accomplish
ends, but also that in work
ing for this accomplishment
we know how far to - go at
what time. And this entails
listening even to Governor
George, Wallace.' ; ,
North Dakota Sioux Mark
Last Vestige Of 'America'
Mi not, N.D. - Eighty
years ago reservation Sioux
or a wandering Blackfoot
would ride their tired
ponies up to a U.S. Army
fort10 . .rf-1
s c a v e n- f
ge any bits
of leat her '.
or a trying 4
nan n fpw AJ
m a tches,
or a piece
of f 1 i n t.
vpars aeo.
in the time Sevareid
of my childhood a few miles
down river from here, an
occasional Indian family
passed through town in a
wagon. They might pick up
a sack of beans or a pail
of lard. They would head
out again over the prairie,
visible a long way off, a dot
on this inland ocean of
grasses, nothing between
them and the sky but the
darting flicker and the
gliding hawk.
Let me tell you what
happens now where boys
used to snare the gophers,
chase up the prairie chic
kens and long for the sight
of an airplane like the one
that fluttered in for the
county fair and drew the
farmers in their buggies
from miles around. As you
drive out from Minot now,
the horizon moves up to re
veal an endless complex of
towers and flat topped
buildings. There is a new
city on the prairie where
there was only the stubble
and the cactus just three
years ago. It is an air de
fense and missile control
center, and more men in the
federal pay work there al
ready than the total of all
the state's employees. Short
ly there will be more than
sixteen thousand people in
the complex, more than the
popultaion of Minot itself
when I was a boy.
The age of the atom and
the intercontinental missile
has arrived on these plains,
almost before their people
had accustomed themselves
to the age of the diesel loco
motive and the airplane. At
another air base in North
Dakota there is more con
crete, In the form of run
ways, than in all the high
ways of the state.
But the Sioux, who lost
his will and his civilization
when Sitting Bull fled to the
border he remains in the
same relative position to the
world imposed upon h i m.
Now his representative
drives a pick-up truck from
the reservation. He pauses
at the gate of the missile
center for inspection by the
trim air force sentry in his
snappy white neck scarf.
Then he drives inside t h e
complex to a fenced-off sec
tion of land not far from
warehouse - like computer
16th & P Srs.
Downtown Lincoln
installation. There he can
acquire an old cot, a stove,
a bathroom tub, discarded
by the Great White Father.
North Dakota's motto is
"Strength from the Soil."
In my father's time it was
the topsoil that gave life to
the people here. It gave
strength, no doubt, but it nN
so absorbed, broke and de
voured a man's strength.
But it is not the top soil
alone that the people thnk
of these days. Great re
serves of crude oil lie deep
down in this soil. So do an
estimated 350 billion tons
of coal, which in another
generation may supply pow
er for half the Great Plains
states. A vast, deep lake,
which man and federal mo
ney made, covers a consid
erable fraction of the state's
surface now; and one day
pipes will mingle the waters
of the great Missouri with
those of the winding Red
River of the North to the
east, on the borders of Min
nesota. And there is something
else new, many feet below
the topsoil, down in the shale
and the gumbo the trim,
erect capsule of metal with
its terrible power. They lie
several miles apart, these
missiles, in a great arc from
this command center. One
acre of land, bought, rented
or got by easement, for each
of these vertical fox holes.
These acres, God's little
acres, each neatly fenced,
all electronically connected
by hidden cable, spread
over a total of 10.000 square
Save for the taciturn,
indigent Sioux, the life we
once knew in that quiet,
once distant and isolated
part of America is gone or
going fast. There is money
now; there is stir and bustle
in the cool spring air. Con
crete is spread, schools and
colleges go up and every
other family now is ac
quainted with New York
and Europe. In their collec
tive life, two contrary move
ments may be perceived
a swing toward liberal,
Democratic politics and the
slow rise of a social caste
system based on money,
even among the farmers.
This is something we never
knew in those distant days
of hardship, Bible reading
and the purest of pure
Clinic Offers Services
The Dental Clinic, located
on third floor, Andrews Hall,
is designed to give experi
ence to dental students and
to provide services for those
in need of dental care. Any
one on or off campus may
take advantage of the serv
ices. The Clinic is closed
during all University vaca
tions and during finals. Ap
pointments must be obtained
for services.
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