The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1964, Image 1

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CAMPUS . . .
tionally known veterinary
scientist from the University,
died unexpectedly of a heart
attack at his office Friday,
He was 47 years old and was
chairman of the department
of veterinary science.
AN ATTEMPT by over 500
students to submit a massive
constitutional change to t h e
spring Student Council ballot
met its final defeat Friday
at the hands of the faculty
committee on Student Af
fairs. DR. CLYDE HYDE, pro
fessor and chairman of t h e
electrical engineering depart
ment, resigned this week from
the University. D. Robert
Koehl, professor of history,
also announced resignation
elected president of the Uni
versity Young Democrats. She
is the first woman to h o 1 d
this position.
been in the making for the
visit of nine Masters to t h e
University to participate in
the Masters Program. They
will arrive Sunday and pro
grams will begin Monday.
The second annual Masters Program
will begin Sunday with the arrival of
nine of the nation's leaders in business,
law, government and education who are
united by the common fact that they
all are former students of the University.
Two of the originally scheduled Mas
ters, Herbert Brownell Jr. and Allen
Sutherland, were forced to cancel their
returns to the University earlier this
week because of personal reasons.
The Masters Program, started last
year by Student Council in cooperation
with administration, will feature this
year the first woman Master, Dr. Ruth
Leverton and the first Nebraska Master.
Val Peterson. Another new feature of the
1964 Masters Program is the inclusion
of the Masters' wives to speak to wom
en's living units.
The Masters and their positions are
Miss Leverton, a leader in home econo
mics and nutrition; Peterson, former
governor of Nebraska and Regent of the
University; Merle Jones, president of
CBS owned stations; Harry Letton, senior
vice president and board member of
Southern California Gas Company.
Arthur Bryan, president of Union
Carbide Consumer Products Division; J.
Kenneth Cozier, president of the Cozier
Container Company; Edward Stanley, di
rector of public affairs for NBC; Samuel
Waugh, former president of the Export
Import Bank; and Robert Hardt, chair
man of the board of the American Phar
maceutical Company.
Miss Leverton will address the Hon
ors Convocation at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in
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the Coliseum with the other Masters at
tending as honored guests.
During the two days that they are at
the University, the Masters will speak
to houses and organizations, tour the
University, visit with students and at
tend classes. All students are invited to
approach the individual Masters with
questions or topics for discussion.
John Lydick, chairman of the Masters
Program, emphasized that the program is
for the benefit of the students, so that
they can "talk about life and how to
make a go of it."
Lydick told the DAILY NEBRASKAN
that the program was suggested by Cha
cellor Clifford Hardin, who participated in
a similar program at Purdue University.
Other Big Eight Conference schools are
currently working on masters programs
styled after the University's, he said.
Schedule for the Masters:
Masters arrive at the Nebraska Cen
ter for Continuing Education.
8-10 a.m. Inaugural breakfast, Mas
ters meet with Chancellor Hardin and
program committee members.
10 a.m.-l p.m. Tour and luncheon
period; all Masters will have an oppor
tunity to tour the campus with guides.
Student guides will lunch with Mas
ters participants who are not assigned to
special luncheons.
Special luncheon assignments: Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hardt at the College of
Pharmacy and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jones,
Radio and TV Journalism.
1:30-2:30 p.m. Press conference for all
Masters at Nebraska Center.
2:30-5 p.m. Informal period for Mas
ters, with opportunity to tour Sheldon Art
Gallery and visit areas of personal
5-8:30 p.m. Masters on individual as
signment to student living areas for in
formal visits and dinner:
Arthur Bryan at Alpha Phi, joined by
Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Upsilon, and Phi
Kappa Pi.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Cozier at
Delta Tau Delta joined by Chi Omega
and Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardt at Kap
pa Kappa Gamma, joined by Sigma Al
pha Epsilon, Theta Chi and Phi Gamma
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jones at Beta
Theta Pi joined by Kappa Delta and The
ta Xi.
Harry Letton Jr., at Alpha Delta Pi,
joined by Zeta Tau Alpha and Sigma Al
pha Mu.
Dr. Ruth Leverton at Love Memorial
Hall joined by Fedde and Burr East.
Mr. and Mrs. Val Peterson at Ag
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanjey at Pi
Beta Phi, joined by Phi Delta Theta, Del
ta Sigma Phi and Sigma Kappa.
Samuel Waugh at Towne Club.
8- 9 a.m. Informal breakfast period.
9- 10:30 a.m. Campus and class visits
arranged by student hosts.
10:30-11:30 a.m. Honors Convocation,
Luncheon period, Masters not as
signed will attend Honors Day Luncheon
at Student Union.
Special Assignments:
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanley, radio
and TV journalism and Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Cozier, Kosmet Klub.
2- 5 p.m. Informal period for Masters.
Special arrangements can be arranged
for this time with student hosts.
3- 4:30 p.m. Special event for ladlm
Tea with Mrs. Clifford Hardin, 2110 A
6-8:30 p.m. Masters on individual as
signment to student living units for din
ner and informal visits.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bryan at Delta
Gamma joined by Sigma Nu and Acadia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Cozier at
Beta Sigma Psi Joined by Alpha Omicron
Pi and Chi Phi.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardt at Pound
Harry Letton Jr., at Kappa Sigma
joined by Delta Delta Delta and Triangle.
Dr. Ruth Leverton at Freshman Wom
en's Residence Halls.
Mr. and Mrs. Val Peterson at Alpha
Chi Omega, joined by Alpha Tau Omega
and Alpha Xi Delta.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanley at
Cather Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jones at Alpha
Gamma Rho, joined by Alpha Gamma
Sigma and FarmHouse.
Samuel Waugh at Sigma Phi Epsilon,
joined by Gamma Phi Beta and Sigma
9 p.m. Evaluation session for Mas
ters and Masters Program committee at
Nebraska Center.
TENTIARY ended Tuesday
with unconditional surrender
by the 165 inmates who went
on strike Monday morning.
The balking inmates sent
notes to the warden late Tues
day morning asking to return
to work in order to end the
administration - imposed "no
work, no-eat" edict. The sit
down followed the escape and
recapture of five inmates last
weekend. The escape hole
burrowed through the prison
cell caused Warden Sigler to
cancel all yard privileges Sun
day which was the cause
given by inmates for the
Monday night strike.
has denounced the City Coun
cil's redefinition of f a m i 1 y,
which affects student bousing,
as being unconstitutional. Stu
dent Council is now seeking
out students who will be af
fected by the action of the
Krueger To Edit
1965 Cornhusker
Keith Krueger has been
named editor of the 1965
Wilson has been named to her
second term as business man
ager of the year book. The ap-
j pointments were announced
j following interviews for paid
staff positions by the Subcom
mittee on Student Publi
cations yesterday.
Ann Shuman, associate edi
tor (photography), and Du
ane Francis, associate editor
(copy), round out the senior
editorial staff.
Krueger is a junior mem
ber of Beta Sigma Psi frater
nity and has been section edi
tor and managing editor for
the CORNHUSKER. He suc
ceeds Mary Jo MacKenzie.
Miss Wilson, a junior member
of Kappa Kappa Gamma, was
a business assistant prior to
being business manager.
Jane Crabill was named
panel editor and Betty Senna
bel office manager for next
year's book. Business assist
ants will be Bruce Wright, ad
vertising, and Jean Hoffs
master, organizations.
The five managing editors
are: Susan Leonard, Tranda
Schults, Barbara Beckman,
' Vol. 77, No.
I y j
A - "V m
- " - I
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, April 24, 1964
more than 13 thousand signa
tures petitioning for the recall
of Mayor James Dvorak be-
n fAttffaw TTa Ifarkr an-
nounced that be would not go j Tanner and Gerry Kreif'
to court to stop the recall
election. "jf it if
IOWA Boundary Commission "lib Board Positions
formally agreed Friday to To fa FiecJ Sunday
make the center of the stabi- '
lized Missouri River channel
the boundary between the two
states. The action was the
first formal move of the joint
commission. .
SALES registered a 4.8 per
cent gain over a year earlier
and a 2.4 per cent jump over
January, a University publi
cation reported Wednesday.
RISON observed Arbor Day
by planting an evergreen in
the yard of the Mansion
Wednesday morning. Arbw
Day, which was originated at
Nebraska City, Is one of 11
official state holidays In Ne
braska. The State Capitol
closed for the day.
NATION . . .
nounced settlement Wednes
day night of the five-year-old
railroad work rules dispute.
The settlement, w h I c h re
quires ratification by the five
unions involved, removes the
threat of a nationwide rail
stoppage scheduled to start at
12:01 tomorrow.
got off to a dismal start
Wednesday, beset by a cold,
relentless rain and besieged
by hundreds of surging,
shouting, persistent racial
demonstrators. There were
294 arrests made as p o 1 i c e
battled civil rights crusaders.
SUBWAY shuttle train be
neath Grand Central Terminal
burst into an inferno of smoke
and flame Tuesday, buckling
heavy steel beams and
threatening a pavement col
lapse along busy 42nd Street.
Six firemen suffered minor
injuries. No passengers were
Applications for positions on
the Publications Board are
due in the Student Council of
fice tomorrow at 5 p.m.
Applicants must be current
ly in their freshman, sopho
more or junior year and have
an overall average of at least
5.0. The board consists of one
student representative from
each of the upper three
classes as well as several fac
ulty members.
Interviews for the positions
will be held Sunday from
3-5 p.m. in the South Con
ference room of the Student
Union. Six candidates will be
selected at this time by a
By Waliis Lundeen
Junior Staff Writer
The housing ordinance
passed by the Lincoln City
Council to regulate the num
ber of students who may live
; in a family dwelling may be
unconstitutional, according to
! Lincoln attorney Robert Guen
zel. The ordinance which was
passed primarily because of
the traffic problem, was
based on one complaint to the
police department, several
complaints to the Lincoln City
Council and the recommenda
tion of the city Planning De
partment. Any student who is affected
by the ruling is asked to leave
his name in the Student Coun
cil office, 232 Student Union.
Guenzel said he believes
that the ordinance is right in
wishing to do something about
the traffic situation, but it is
going about it in the wrong
way. A regulation to keep
cars off the street, or to pre
vent noise after a certain hour
would be more constitutional
legislation, he said.
John Comstock, city coun
cilman, said there were peo
ple at Monday's city council
Council interviewing
The Student Welfare Com
mittee is planning to petition
the City Council in opposition
to the ruling. Student support
would aid the committee's ef
forts, said Bob Kerrey.
Dancer Presents Recital
"l regard as my mission
to breech the gap between
the East and West through
my dancing," said Vija Vetra,
the dancer, choreographer
and teacher who will present
a dance recital tonight at
8 p.m. at University Theatre.
Miss Vetra will present a
program of Indian, Spanish
and modern contemporary
dances. The thirteen selec
tions will include "Pushpan
jali," "Radha," and "Kurati"
which are traditional Indian
music selections.
Spanish selections will in
clude: "Allegrlas' "Seguiri
yas," and "Farruca."
Miss Vetra, sponsored by
the Latvian Association of
America and Canada, recent
ly returned from a 14 month
overseas concert and study
Miss Vetra toured India on
a "personal cultural m i s
sion." She gave dance recit
als, TV performances and lec
ture demonstrations in N e w
Delhi and Madras. She also
performed in Rome and
toured Spain.
In London Miss Vetra ap
peared as a principal dancer
at the Sadler's Wells Theatre
In the opera "Carmen" where
she also was invited to in
struct the Opera Ballet Com
pany in Spanish dancing.
In Switzerland she toured as
soloist and partner to famous
Ram Gopal, with his Indian
Ballet Company.
Members of Miss Vetra's
group who will appear with
her are: Verna Howard, Gied
ra Kalpokas, Dca Soffici and
Alex Parish.
Admission for the perform
ance at University Theatre
Model Resusci Anne
Mistaken For Kappa
By Marilyn Hoegemeyer
Hey fellas, change your major to P.E. A beautiful, sharje
ly, blonde Norweigian may appear in your classes. Her name
is Anne Resusci Anne.
This Norwegian dish, a life-;
like demonstration doll leads j t0ns without charge of
a very UUSV me says .YllSS rntirco vnn miifft fair har
Celeste Knipmeyer her chap
erone and overseer.
back. Maybe you'd like hav
ing one of your own! You
can for 8225!
Girls Groan;
Dorm Lacks
Resusci Anne is used in
nursing schools, physical ed
it c a t i o n and Red Cross
classes to show the proper
nay to give artificial respira
tion. The University's Resus
ci Anne has several thousand i . . ,
sisters just like her. Th e lAflfpr rlOlA
iirsi mooei was uoeivrca in
will be $2.50. Miss Vetra in j Norway four or five years
her American-Canadian Tour ago. Miss Knipmeyer, who
appearea in an r ran- has charge of Resusci Anne
at Student Health, said there
are four or five models in
has appeared in San
cisco. Los Angeles, Portland
and Seattle.
Resusci Anne is so lifelike
many persons have been
scared that someone had
passed out when they saw her
lying in the classroom.
By Kay Rood
Junior Staff Writer
Imagine not being able to
wash, take a shower, brush
your teeth, use restroom faci
lities, wash your hair, or get
a drink of water.
This is the dilema in which
the residents of Piper, Ray
mond, Love and Heppner
Halls found themselves yes
terday. "All Water Off for Re-
"She reacts just like a hu- Pair wort-aorry reaa utue
man," said Miss Knipmeyer, j f" siSns throughout the
her chest rises when you dorm' .. ... At
breathe into her. Unless you 1 According to Mrs. Ruth
have her head held back prop- Meierhenry, . manager of the
erlv and her thrnat i rlar Residence Halls for Women
you cannot force air into her
the water was turned off at 9
a.m. to repair a leak in the
main water line close to t h e
Resusci Anne comes zllmainve
packed up in a suitcase. Her One resident returned to
legs, arms and trunk must be her room covered with baby
i Inflated which can be done ini after several hours of sun-
3 or 4 minutes. Her head, ! "mg to find that Uie showers
neck, hands and chet are of I weren't working and there
pliable rubber.
Recently Resusci Anne
made a trip to the Kappa
Kappa Gamma house donned
, appropriately in slacks and
was no way to wash the oil
off. And she had a class in 15
Another girl returned to the
dorm after her swimming
class, hair string straight and
an N.U. sweatshirt. "Is she I wind-dried, to find that her
j dead?" asked one of the girls
' who believed Resusci Anne to
; be Nancy Anderson. The girl
I tore off her coat and knelt
down before she realized it
j was a dummy.
I Sniru nt thp ca1 fhnnpht
coiffure could not be reset, at
least until the water came
back on.
Hall residents filled the
showers in Pound Hall be
cause it was the only place
left to go. Girls spent nickles
Miss Vetra
Connie Rasmussen, the eve-'and dimes for Cokes because
ning's demonstrator, had' there was no water for coffee
'blown Resusci Anne up too land the drinking fountains
heavy! (were dry.
Fellas, if you can't switch But at 3 p.m. the sink
majors to P.E., there's anoth- j faucets gurgled, the shower
er way to h a v e the beauti-1 p i p e s sputtered, and the
jful, shapely, blonde Norweg-' water fountains spewed forth
ian in your life. Resusci Anne i again. And now there is water
lis loaned out for demonstra-i water everywhere.
hearing who complained
about traffic and noise, but,
in his view "they were no
sign of a majority."
Comstock - also said t h a
Planning Department was
concerned. Robert Holsinger,
Traffic Engineer, said he did
not present his view at the
meeting, and he did not know
if he affected tbe decision. He
said he was concerned about
the residential areas, where
there is available off-street
parking for only one car.
When several students live in
residential areas, they must
park their cars on the street,
and this creates "undesirable
effects," he said.
The effect on the housing
program of the University
was discussed with University
officials before the decision
was made, Comstock said.
Carl Donaldson, basineti
manager, appeared at the
council meeting, but. he did
not give a definite opinion,
according to comstock.
Ralph Nelson, city attorney,
restated the ruline. savins the
decision affected areas zoned
for single family, two-familv
or four-family homes.
The ruling does not include
areas zoned for multiple
dwellings which includes
apartments, boardinz houses.
lodging houses, sororities, fra
ternities or cooperatives.
He said anv student is wel
come to come to his office at
any time and discuss the nil
ing, the zoning laws or the
areas to which the law applies.
Quiz Bowl Final
Will Leave Five
The five winning Quiz Bowl
teams will be determined to
morrow at 2:30 p.m. in t h e
final matches in the Student
Union Pan American Room.
The foDowing is tomorrow'
2 .30 Kappa Alpha Theta
II and Theta Chi I.
2:55 Delta Sigma Phi and
the IF's.
3:20 -Phi Kappa Psi and
3:45 Sigma Nu and Beta
Theta Pi II.
4:10 -Theta Chi II and
the "Outcasts of Campus
The five winning teams
and four to twelve members
of other teams will compete
Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in four
matches to determine who
will be on the team for the
Big Eight Quiz Bowl, ac
cording to Dan Wherry, Quiz
Bowl committee member,
team will consist of four mem
team will consist of our mem
bers and two alternates. Ac
cording to Wherry, these team
members will be selected for
their past performance, Sun
day performance and fields of