The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2. Monday, April 20, 1964
'View' Was
Dear Editor:
Dear Mr. Recker: If I
were relieved of my posi
tion I would not quibble
about whether I had been
fired or not. Truman fired
MacArthur from the job you
and I are discussing, and
that is, I believe, the only
job I referred to in my let
ter. You say I "have" state
ments "which are both
pretentious and wrong."
But your pretentiousness, at
your age and in your posi
tition, in setting yourself up
as a judge of contemporary
historiography exceeds any
thing I could possibly man
age. Sdilesinger, Jr., is by
no means the only historian
to suggest Truman was
right. I notice that you
cite no reputable authority
to the contrary, and I find
this fact interesting.
It is true that the armis
tice did not satisfy Mac
Arthur, as his bitter and
pathetic tiades (recently
printed) show. Like Bucky
Turgidson, he apparently
thought the cause of world
peace would best be served
by laying down a barrage of
Revolution In Sex;
Has It Hit Here?
By Travis HIner
Junior Staff Writer
The greatly exploited and
little understood issue of the
sex revolution is the object
of discussion in today's
magazines, books, movies
and theater. Is it a note
worthy issue, or is it just a
big fraud?
Many of the older genera
tion are shaking their heads
and moaning "What, not
again!" It seems that the
first so called sex revolution
began in the 20's with the
invention of the "Orgone
Box." The inventor of this
contraption was Dr. Wilhelm
Reich, one of the more bril
liant disciples of Sigmund
Hundreds of Americans
bought this new product
which was said to "create a
powerful sex stimulant" be
fore the U.S. government de
clared it a fraud.
But according to TIME
magazine, the "Orgone
Box" has turned into a gi
gantic machine to the point
that the entire nation may
be considered "one big Or
gone Box." Night and day it
p 0 u n d s out the message
through magazines, books,
movies and dancing that
"sex will save you.and li
bido make you free."
This national revolution of
mores and corrosion of mor
als is turning our society in
to, as Dr. Reich puts it, "a
sex-affirming culture."
The -bible of many of the
modern enthusiasts, PLAY
BOY magazine, heartily
agrees (and condones) the
revolution. It feels that
much of the Puritan prudish
ness and hypocrisy of the
past is gone. And instead of
moral corrosion, man is
acquiring more moral ma
turity and honesty which
causes the soul and body to
be in harmony rather than
The question consequently
arises to what is the sex rev
olution. Before this can be
attempted, one must realize
that society today is inher
ently different than the so
ciety of the twenties.
The youth of the day were
somewhat limited in their
activities by their strict Vic
torian parents.
However, today's parents
are the reminants of this
first revolution. It seems
their mode of operation
tands on Ernest Heming
way's one-sentence mani
festo "what is moral is what
you feel good after, and
what Is Immoral is what you
feel bad after."
This has resulted in a free
atomic radiation in Man
churia, possibly involving
the West in a full-scale war.
Truman, fortunately,
thought otherwise. In refer
ring to Viet Nam policies
as insane, you seem to me
to be arguing for full-scale
military action, regardless
of the result, much as Mac
Arthur did in Korea. What
establishes, the sanity of
I do not think I delivered
an emotional tirade against
you, Mr. Recker. I merely
suggested that anonymity
is a poor guarantee of truth,
and that you did not estab
lish your right to speak as
an authority on the matter.
You have now revealed
your name, and I drop my
first charge. Your April 16
column still does not es
tablish you as an authority
of any sort, and you will
note that you have initiated
the charge of pretentious
ness. Frederick M. Link
Recker never concealed his
name. The editor suggests
that Mr. Link read the edi
tor's note at the bottom of
his first letter (April 15).
dom of youth which has
never been seen before. It's
a universal agreement that
today's youth are pushed to
ward adult behavior far too
soon. This . is partially
caused by ambitious parents
who want to see their chil
dren become "well rounded'
and popular.
From this stems the rea
son for teenage champagne
parties, padded brassiers for
twelve year olds, and "going
steady" at even younger
ages. Even the traditional
moral standards are less ac
ceptable to youth because
they sense that even adults
don't believe in them.
Youth today live as though
adolescence were a last fling
in life, instead of a prepara
tion for it. Children have few
rules to rebel against. Par
ents, teachers and guardians
of morality still say "don't",
but only half-heartedly.
The Reverend Mrs. Jerry
Mclnnis of the Wesley Foun
dation here at the University
feels that "As Americans,
we always talk of freedom.
We have more freedom than
anyone else, but we don't
know how to handle it. Many
children are complely free
with no restrictions. Howev
er, it's a proven fact that a
child can function better
knowing what the limits
The change is a logical
consequence of the national
attitude toward youth. Moth
ers used to ask "what shall
I tell my children about
sex," now the question is
"What is there left to tell
them?" A few years ago
parents were shocked to
hear their daughters were,
accustomed to be kissed, to
day they're glad if that's all
, they do.
It is said that the Victorian
age knew a lot about love,
but little about sex; today
little about love.
The blame for the sex rev
olution is commonly put on
the college student. How
ever, as Mclnnis feels "col
lege is jv;st a reflection of
society in general, just as
is the drinking problem."
The problem is well de
veloped before college, as
can be seen by the high
number of high school drop
outs caused by pregnancy.
Time magazine says the
same thing in different
words. "Few communities
anywhere are as compulsive
about the dicta of modern
psychology as the contemp
orary U.S. college campus
. .. . and the typical coed
quickly learns a short hand
'-and distorted version of
the Freudian manifesto:
Continued on Page 3
Mil, h'i : rM&m
n i. qi
The Pristine
This column may well
vary somewhat from the
usual treatment, but the
last few days for this writer
have been spent in bed
fighting another part of the
"Communist conspiracy plot
thing" called the flu.
I urge you all to try this
recuperative measure, not
as patients, but as a once-in-a-lifetime
experience. You
will be amazed at how much
goes on in this old world
while you are sleeping, tos
sing and turning. In fact
you do not need to go to the
world scene. If you just take
a look at our own wonder
ful America, you w il 1 be
fascinated at how much
takes place in the short per
iod of, for instance, a week.
During the week that I
waged warfare on germs,
virus, and sundry other
waylayers, an untold
amount of activity was tak
ing place. The Mormon
Church held a national
meeting out in Utah. That
was one thing. For another
instance, some Indians in
the Southwest held some
sort of pow-wow, confer
ence, forum, or the like. .
There was a presidential
primary in the eastern Mid
west and a party Founder's
Day in the western Mid
west. Fishing season began
in many places. Now there
is an event for you.
Well, that's just a start.
There was someone from
Jordan in Washington de
manding action from our
Federal government (which
is rather ironic in itself);
and in reply the President
took visitors and newsmen
on tour of the flower gar
dens around the White
All this activity has sure
ly gone on before, but it has
never arrested my attention
before. It is surely a mani
festation of spring fever,
and everyone is happy ex
cept Hubert Kumphrey and
Kenneth Tabor.
The cause of our discon
tent is very simple to relate.
It seems that all of the
above mentioned little af
fairsall of them some
how involved members of
the U.S. Senate.
Though it is considered
very improper, allow me to
quote from one of my own
"Perhaps even more im
portant: how to preserve the
issues ... from the veil of
esoteric confusion which us
ually settles over such mat
ters during a political cam
paign." Well, there is at least one
set of issues that have not
been able to withstand the
onslaught of the prepara
tions for the coming con
xyastaut KDisewuere-
JOHN MORRIS, editor, ARNIE OAHSON. managing editor; MJ8N SMITHBEHOKR. news editor! FRANK PARTSCH,
edi!iij D".NNIH DrPRAIN, photographer! PEOOY SPEECE. sports editor; JOHN HALLGREN, assistant sports editor!
PRESTON LOVE, etrculatinn manager: JIM DICK, subscription manager! JOHN ZEILINGER, business manager! BILL
Subscription igtes V) per semester or $5 per year.
En'erei- a econd class matler at the post office In Uniuln Neunska. under ne act of August 4. 1012.
Tin' Dully N'braakan is puhllched at room 31, Slude-it I'niun, on ft.' .rd.iy Wednesday. Thursday. Friday by University
of Nebraska students under the jurisdiction of the Faculty SiiIh-'oiii i'tt' e on SKfient Publications. Publications shall be
free from censorship by the Subcommittee or any person outside the f'niversity. Members of the Nebraskan are r'
ipoixlble for what thev cause to be printed
World of the
ventions, and that set of is
sues is the pending civil
rights legislations.
Last week, for the f i r s t
time in two years, there
were not enough senators
on the floor for that house of
our Congress to even con
duct its own business. Over
60 Senators were missing.
A good percentage of that
number are supposed sup
porters of the civil rights
bill. Among that number
are some of Humphrey's
lieutenants. Senators were
off talking to Indians. Sen
ators were off talking to
Mormons. Senators were off
talking to foreign visitors.
Senators were off talking to
Republicans, and Senators
were off talking to Demo
crats. Only thirty-nine Sen
ators were not off some
where doing everything un
der the sun except the very
thing which every single one
of them was elected to do
prepare, study, and pass
In a word, most of the
members of the U.S. Senate
were acting every bit as if
they were the picnic com
mittee of the local PTA. And
how the world situation at
the time of this writing could
appear to them as one big
picnic at which they could
eat, romp, and play is be
yond the poor mental pow
ers of this writer.
When the members of the
world's foremost legislative
body start thinking that
re-election is more import
ant than passing laws, then
we are indeed in a rather
potty mess, I should say.
It breeds one big viscious
circle of stagnation of the
legislative process, passage
of bills with regard not to
the Nation's interest but to
the return to Washington of
the "status quorum" of Sen
ators, further stagnation,
and, eventually, an open
and blatant "sell-out" of the
rights of the citizenry. As an
additional note, it also de
bauches moral values and
subverts national unity.
Now, I fully realize that a
Senator can not be expected
to be on the floor all of the
time. I also fully realize that
a Senator has to do much of
his own work to get re
elected. I would not ask that
it be otherwise.
But I also realize that
since the dust hit the plans
three decades ago, farmers
have been awaiting some
solution to their problems.
I also realize that for one
hundred years a racial mi
nority in this country has
begged for public attention
to their plight; and that they
no sooner get this attention
than our Senate decides to
sit on its collective duff or
hit the campaign trail until
U.S. Senate'
by kenneih tabor
the nation's attention span
is exhausted.
Perhaps the members of
our Senate are not aware
that the issues and clashes
which the United States is
involved with do not cease
and desist for several
months just so we can go
through a three-ring circus
every four years; that mi
norities are not going to
quit screaming for their
rights just so half of the
Senate can go out and please
its constituency; that farm
ers faced with a loss of their
land and livelihood are not
going to quit pushing for
solutions just so the Senate
can pull another leg of
chicken out of the picnic
I cannot ask a Senator to
be on the floor every day,
and I can't ask him to go
about in complete disregard
of his own career. But by
damn, when there is an is
sue on the floor which may
affect half the known world
and at least affects every
single American living and
yet to live, I can ask them
to be there and be about the
business they were elected
to do.
And if they don't want to
be there at times like that,
if they are not prepared to
be about their business, if
they do not choose to act
like U.S. Senators, if they
would rather hop off around
the country side, then the
American system of govern
ment offers the means to
answer their every desire.
What has happened is an
intolerable abuse of the
trust of 180 million people.
The voters of this populous
must make sure that it is
not repeated.
Rosenthal To Get
New York Trip
Dan Rosenthal, associate
editor of the Cornhusker and
cartoonist for the DAILY
NEBRASKAN, will be the
guest of the New York City
Advertising Club next week
in New York City.
Each year the top student
in the advertising sequence
at the University is given an
invitation to the Inside Ad
vertising - Marketing Week
Program, Rosenthal will be
also taken on tour of the
World's Fair.
He will be accompanied to
the marketing - advertising
meetings by Albert Book,
associate professor of journ
alism and director of the
Journalism's School's adver
tising sequence.
Our Gift Of Time
I . Can Rebuild Heritage
Eric Sevareid
It is beginning to appear
that history may be offering
to this generation of Ameri
cans a precious gift, and
that if we do not recognize
and use this
gift we will
lay a curse
on the gen
eration to
come. The
gift is time.
For twen
t y - f i v e
years of the
great war
and the cold
war per
haps for thirty-five years of
fighting depression, noi war
and cold war we have not
enjoyed this precious bene
fit. Our nerve ends and our
very speech have adjusted
to the emotional state of hur
ry and combat. We are un
able to think of anything
ignorance, poverty, discrim
ination, cancer, mental ill
ness, cold war or space
save in terms of "conquest"
or "race."
If it truly be so that we
are now offered time for re
adjusting both our thinking
and out actions, this has not
been brought about by our
common sense; events have
forced this upon our unready
Only the very hasty will
now say that the cold war
is over and the world is go
ing to leave us alone. The
cold war continues in a hun
dred subterranean ways and
places but not in the mas
sive, frightening fashion we
knew. The many movements
lor subversion in Latin
America, Asia and Africa
hold danger for us, in their
totality and in the long run,
but this form of cold war is
not a form that can com
mand our full energies or
the attention of our whole so
ciety. This is a fragmen
tized, very specialized con
frontation. What seems almost every
where evident is a forced
slowing down of great expec
tations, indeed, of practical
timetables. Red China is not
able to expand either her
economy or her territories
anything like the pace her
leaders seemed confidently
to expect ten years ago; the
best estimate is that she has
had to put off her nuclear
power expectations by sev
eral years at least. Khrush
chev obviously has no real
istic hope, anymore of
"catching up with America"
culture in his own time. Rus
sia has failed to outmatch us
in weaponry and she has,
pretty surely, been forced to
abandon the "race" for the
We, on our part, have had
to extend radically our own
timetables for reaching the
moon, for putting manned
platforms into space and for
achieving the much talked
about anti-missile missile.
We have come to under
stand that it is simply not
within our power to make
the poor countries econom
ically viable on anything
like the schedules we had
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set for ourselves. What we
said we would do, with help,
In Latin America in ten
years we obviously cannot
do in less than a generation,
If then.
The relationship of time to
resources, financial and oth
erwise, is a direct one. As
timetables are lengthened,
yearly budgets can be re
vised downward, since we
are learning that money
cannot force the pace of
these projects as much as
we once thought.
But a great people must
have great enterprises al
ways in hand. Since our en
terprises abroad have lost
their drama and their pace
(even the Peace Corps be
comes a chore, not a cru
sade) we must look inward.
The tasks ahead are im
mense and challenging, if
not dramatic. They are not
so exciting as settling the
wilderness or creating an in
dustrial base.
What we have to do now
is not to move mountains
the mountains have been
moved but something
much more on the order of
cultivating a garden. The
American garden is over
grown with weeds, raddled
with bare spots and becom
ing ugly to look upon. We
have to rebuild our educa
tional system, fill up again
the many pockets of sheer
poverty, rationalize city life
and transportation, make
civilized existence possible
for our Negroes, save what
natural beauties and grace
ful old buildings remain and
take back every Inch of our
natural heritage that we can
get back from the concrete
spreaders, the billboard
erectors, the builders of raf
fish motels and all the other
get-rich-q u 1 c k vulgarians
who are turning America in
to what Senator Fulbright
foresees as a "honky tonk of
continental proportions."
We have lived on easy
space and easy resources;
we have been devouring our
heritage. With this genera
tion we have reached the
point that smaller, older
European countries reached
long ago. Unless we learn
now that civilized progress
does not mean only "more,"
"bigger," "higher," "loud
er"; unless we learn that
the operative verbs for our
lives must also include "to
conserve" and "to refrain,"
we shall never achieve what
our ancestors never doubted
a distinctly American civ
ilization of a high order. The
"air-conditioned nightmare"
will have become inescap
able reality. America, in
truth, will have failed.
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