Wednesday, April 15, 1964 The Daily Nebrastcan Page 3 ii (reside Discyssooiro irogircairin ecaiKers vcqbqco Preliminary arrangements for the Student Council Fire side Discussions program are complete and any groups wishing to schedule a speaker through the program may do so by contacting the Student Council office. "We hope to get the pro gram off the ground this spring so it can be developed more fully next year," said Bob Kerry, chairman of the student welfare committee. The living unit or organiza tion may select a topic about which they would like to hear, and the welfare committee will refer them to a speaker from the faculty who has ex IIIlllIIIllllllfIllllllllllIflll)lfllItIll11llltIIIII1tlllllllllllttlllllllllltIllTIIIIIIUIltet)lllllllHllllllljlllllIllllll I Nebraskan Applauds I s H A book containing 90 re search papers written by in ternational authorities in the field of programmed instruc tion and edited by Dr. Wesley Meierhenry, assistant dean of the University Teachers Col lege, has been released by the National Science Foundation. The volume, "Trends in Pro grammed Instruction," deals with the latest information in nearly every phase of the use of programmed instruction and use of so-called teaching machines. The publication was an outgrowth of the first annual convention of the Na tional Society for Pro grammed Instruction, an or ganization which Meierhenry helped found. Claudia Westphalen is the new president of Towne Club for 1964-65. Other officers are Carol Lefler, vice-president; Teresa Holtgrewe, secretary; Jeanne Lukas, treasurer; Nancy Stern, activities chair man; Dianne Whittington, so cial chairman, and Sheila Schaffer, historian. New members of Rho Chi, pharmacy honorary are Gary Anderson, Girgis Bebawi, Wen-Nuei Chan, Robert Dob berstein, Mary Grenz, Ronald Hospodka, Ann Lemon, Cathy Origer, Surendra Shah, and Rauindra Shukla. Six electrical engineering seniors at the University have been awarded $150 Freier Me morial Scholarships for the present semester, according to Prof. James Blackman, as sistant dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture. Administered by the Universi ty of Nebraska Foundation, the scholarships were award ed to: Wendell Bell, James Jorgensen, Gary Schrack, Donald Schroeder, Khosrow Youssefi and James Linn. The scholarship fund was es tablished by the late Mr. and and Mrs. Albert Dreier in memory of Lt. Theron Dreier, a former electrical engineer ing student who was'lost in ac tion during World War II in the Southwest Pacific. John Gerlach has been elected next year's president of Unicorns, off-campus inde pendent group. Other new of- aiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiini illinium CROFUT INTERNATIONAL FOLK SINGERS I IN CONCERT Sea Fret ' Folk Music Forum Friday, April 17, at 10:30 a.m. Rooms 2324 APRIL 17 iSik I ADDIS & CROFUT s "Songs and Music from Around 1 the World" s i,in,i niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I""'""" "t i in ii minium niiiiiiiirs Prep pressed a desire to speak on that subject. I Kerry added that the groups may also request a speci fic speaker from the list pro vided by the committee. Reservations should be made at least a week in advance. "Response from the faculty has been very enthusiastic," Kerry said. "Most of them were more than happy to co operate." The welfare committee's list, excluding the depart ments of speech and econo mics, for which final ar rangements have not yet been made, includes speakers from a wide spectrum of colleges, departments and schools. Business Administration: Phillip McVey, marketing and advertising; Dr. Charles Miller, general business, banking; Dr. ficers are Jim Vogt, vice-president; Betty Ng, secretary; Shari Colton, treasurer. Shari will also be editor of THE UNICORN, bi-weekly newspa per of the club. Ivan Bartling was elected president of the Nebraska Fu ture Farmers of America Sat urday at the final session of the state FFA convention. He is a freshman In the College of Agriculture and plans to teach vocational agriculture after graduation. He succeeds Ed Heilman of Cambridge, Nebraska. Gary Fick has been elected new president of the Agron omy C 1 u b for 1964-65. Other new officers include vice-president, Mark Classen; secre tary, Norman Helzer; treas urer, Joe Beais; ag executive representative, Dan'Knievel; news reporters, John Turn bull. Ruth Larson, Chi Omega; Susie Moore, Pi Beta Phi; and Linda Shaw, Alpha Xi Delta have been chosen as finalist for Delta Sigma Phi Dream Girl. The fifteen candidates were interviewed at tea held Sunday and the three finalist were announced Monday eve ning. The Dream Girl will be announced at the Delta Sig ma Phi Carnation Ball which will be held at the University Club on April 25. New initiates of Theta Nu, honorary pre-mcd fra ternity for students at the Uni versity and Nebraska Wes leyan, are Harry Andrews, Bob Ayres, Gordon Ehlers, George Farley, Bill Fowles, Richard Holmes, Robert Herner, Dick Jackson, John Luckason, Buzz M a d s o n, Dave Margaret, Loren Olson, Arnold Peterson, Dave Polick ky, John Rogers, Terry Rust hoven, Jimmy Song, Bob Stickney, Craig Urbauer, Steve Woodman, Earl Wright and Rowan Zetterman. Dr. W. C. Meierhenry, as sistant dean of Teachers Col lege, has been re-elected to the Board of Trustees of the Teaching Film Custodians, Inc., at New York City. The Teaching Film Custodians, Inc. is a subsidiary of the Motion Pictures Association of America, and is concerned with the production and selec tion of motion pictures for classroom use. inn niiiiiiiiiiiiiimii wiiiiiiif Tickets $1.00 Special Block Rate Buy 25 and Receive 5 Free coire ble LaVerne Cox, electronic data processing and cost accounting. Law: Dean David Dow, requirements (or law or anything concerning law. Pharmacy: Dean Robert Gibson, nee and abuse of drugs. Political Science: Dr. Arthur Winter, radical Nebraska public sower. Anthropology: Dr. Edward Fry, race, fossil man. Hong Kong and Tawai mens Dr. Preston Holder, general anthropology, plains Indians and archeology i Dr. David Kelly, Maya and other Mexican Indians, South American Indians and culture his tory. English: Dr. Dudley Bailey, method! of teaching, phonetics. Germanic Languages: Sr. William Gib. bon, Russian language and culture! Dr. Paul Schark, anything about Germanic languages and culture; Dr. R. L, Hiller. History: Dr. Robert Koehl, Nazism and Germany (next year); Dr. Robert Man ley, history of the University (next year)) Dr. Drivid Trask, American diplomacy, domestic policy and foreign policy: Dr. Robert Sakai, the Far East; Dr. M. Meier, Latin America (next fall). Journalism: Dr. William Hall, any gen eral area of Journalism, Latin and European government; Albert Book, ad vertising: M. Scheffel Pierce, radio and television: Robert Spearman, radio and television; Keith Blackledge, photography; R. Neale Copple, depth reporting, any thing about Lincoln; James Morrison, what makes Nebraska tick?) Dr. Robert Cranford, newswritlng. Philosophy; Dr. Robert E. Dewey, so ciety and cultural relativltism; Dr. Charles Patterson, business ethics; Dr. Robert Hurlbutt, ethics; Dr. Jasper Shan non, 1964 politics; Dr. Wlllard Hogin. recent development In United Nations, Red China; Dr. Edward Megay. con flict between China and Russia, conflict between Hungary and Austria; Dr. Roy al Sloan, Professional military depart ment; defense and state department. Psychology: Dr. Frank Dudek, rating of TV shows; Dr. Harry Shelly; Dr. Marvin Brodsky; Dr. David Levine, any topic in psychology; Dr. Clayton Gerken. Romance Languages: Dr. Roberto Es-quenazi-Mayo, Spanish- - American liter ature, problems on International affairs; Dr. Reino Virtanen, modern French lit erature; Dr. Christian Strzalkowskl, French literature, French civilization French school system; Dr. Charles Col man, recent trends in language teach ing, language evolution. 19th century French literature. Friday Meet To Consider Transfer Student Problems Members of the Nebraska Association of Colleges and Universities will. meet in Lin coln Friday to discuss tH e problems of the student who transfers from one college to another. The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Nebraska Center. Representatives of several colleges and universities will discuss what is expected from students during the first two years of college in regard to English, mathematics and science. Participants will in clude: Edward Corbett, Creighton University; Gene Hardy, Walter Mientka, Har ry Weaver and Henry Holtz claw, University of Nebraska; H. L. Hunzeker, University of Omaha; and Elmer Rass mussen, Dana College. Problems for students with credits in agriculture or en r DAY AFTER DAY Golds P OF NEBRASKA HAS MORE OF EVERYTHING BE COOL AND TRIM IN Van Heusen Traditional "417 V-Taper" "417 V-Taper" means pure traditional tailor ing: back pleat, hanger loop, tapered to a slim, trim line. For coolness: cotton batiste oxford short sleeves. White or stripes and solid colors. 5.00 COLD'S Men'j Store . . . Street Floor TODAY FMA Treasuers will meet at 7 p.m. in the Union. STUDENT COUNCIL will meet at 4:30 p.m. ' TOMORROW ASSOCIATED WOMEN STUDENT (AWS) House of Representatives will meet in the Union Conference rooms at 5 p.m. VHEA-ATA BANQUET will be held in the Union Pan American room at 6130 p.m. Foyd Miller, state commis sioner of education, will be the featured speaker. GAMMA THETA UPSILON, National professional geogra phy, fraternity, will meet at 8 p.m. in 334 Union. Howard Ottoson will speak on "Agri culture and Economics De velopments in Argentina." The public is welcome. Rings Are On April Diamond rings seem to be the order of the day, as five coeds are now sporting those bright and shiny pieces. Plnnings Susan Luddington, Alpha Xi Delta junior in Teachers Col lege to Bill Peters, senior in Law College. . . Engagements Jaclyn Hammer, Alpha Xi Delta senior in Teachers Col- gineering will be outlined by Franklin Eldrige and James Blackman of the University. Lee Chatfield of the Univer sity will discuss prospects of college success and J. H. Horner, Kearney State Col lege, will outline problems of admission. University Vice Chancellor G. Robert Ross will discuss "Learning on Our Campus" at the noon luncheon. The afternoon program will include a panel discussion on problems of the transfer stu dent. Panelists will include; Dallas Evans, McCook Junior College, chirman; Paul Gaer, Kearney State College; F. Don Maclay, Norfolk Junior College; and Kirk Naylor, University of Omaha. Dr. Adam Breckenridge, University vice chancellor, will preside at the meeting. SHOP MONDAY AND THURSDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS TO 5:30 tfZSi 'tJlW ,ev'g l ,Cc Share the thrill of X. :- f .. ( ' discovering diamond S. ! ,V ' " rings that satisfy tradition W : J . fh-i and yet complement your most A I! ( ; j jr y fashionable taste. Only Columbia X.X 'y . I fT-"' could have created such exciting stylesN. W- fy Sy: Come in and ask to see our Continental SeriesT I j I Special 10 Discount I U j Sl To All Students 1 We Meet ... We Beat All Prices ... at Steven's PLUS '9C GREEN STAMPS Freshmen Scholars Named; 8.929 Average Tops The List All Nebraska is fertile ground for the production of premium scholars, judging on the basis of grades earned by entering freshman students at the University this year. Virtually every section of the state is represented among the top scholastic one per cent of the freshmen at the University. A ranch country boy, Fred erick Leistritz of Lakeside, emerged at the top of the list of 2,700 first-semester fresh man students with an aver age of 8.929 on a scale which has 9 as the highest grade possible. He Is a Rushville high school graduate. The number two freshman student comes from the other Rage Scene lege from Kearney to Charles Nease, Sigma Alpha Epsilon alum from Hugo, Okla., pres ently food manager of Twin Towers. Betty Ann Harsh, Delta Gamma senior in arts and science from Creston, la., to Bill Reichenberg, Sigma Chi senior in business administra tion from Scottsbluff . Joan McGuire, junior in home economics from Bassett to Joe Scahill, Tau Kappa Ep silon senior in philosophy and religion from Ulysses. Patricia Rose, graduate of Marquette School of Dental Hygiene from Lincoln to Wil liam Wittman, arts and sci ences graduate from Pitts burgh, Pa. Susan Steiner, freshman in elementary education from Henderson, la., to Doug Deitchler, sophomore in busi ness administration from Hastings, la. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiii I ToNi&HT'S 1 ScKeDutsr t p.m. Theta XI pledges vs. EE Beta Theta PI pledges I. 7:5 p.m. PI Beta Phi II T. Gamma Phi Beta. 5 7:50 p.m. Pound Hill vs. Out- easts el Campus Flat. 5 8:15 p.m. Kappa Alpha Theta s 5 II vs. Pharmacy College, semi- finals. .illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli" end of the state, Falls City. He is Garry Watzke who fin ished with 8.8, His twin broth er, Larry, not in the top one per cent, came through with a 7.6, a grade well above the approximate a 1 1-University average of 5.3. In third place among first time freshmen carrying 12 hours or more of college work is Kenneth Cada of Schuyler; in fourth, the highest ranking girl, Joan Spivey of Anselmo ; and in fifth, James Johnson of Omaha, a graduate of Oma ha Westside. The top one per cent Uni versity freshman scholars who first enrolled last fall and .carried at least 12 hours of course work: Fredrick Leislrlti. 8.929 for 14 hours In As; Garry Watzke, 8.8 for 15 hours in Arts & Sciences; Kenneth Cada, 8 7ii5 for 17 hours in Arts & Sciences; Joan Spivey, 8.750 for 18 hours in Arts Sciences; James Johnson. 8.68R for 16 hours in Engineering; and Phillip Board- man. 8.647 for 17 hours in Arts and Sci ences. James Kinvoun. 8.533 for 15 hours In Arts 4c Sciences: Dale Spinar, 8.533 for 15 hours in Enffineerine: Gail Larsen. 8.533 for 15 hours in Teachers: Barry Kort, 8.500 for 16 hours in Engineering; Laura Lake, s.suo tor 16 Hours in Teach ers; and Gerald Marquart, 8.500 for 16 hours in Teachers. Gary Larsen. 8.500 for 14 hours In Arts & .Sciences; John Goedeken, 8.471 for 17 hours In Ag: Donald Mimes, 8.438 for 18 hours In Engineering! Erma Winterer, 8.438 for 16 hours In Teachers; Richard Elliott, 8.438 for 18 hours in Arts Sciences; Rlrhasd Vogt, 8.438 for It hours In Arts ft Sciences. Russell Fuller, 8.400 for 15 hours In Arts 8c Sciences; Linda Marsh, 8.375 for 17 hours in Arts & Sciences: Mark Beech, 8.353 for 17 hours in Arts c Sciences; Hipp Memorial Loans Set Up By University Contributions totaling $1,173 from Omaha residents in the memory of Patrick Hipp, who died in a highway accident in Ireland in the summer of 1963, will support a student loan fund at the University. Herb Potter, Jr., secretary of the University Foundation, said the "Patrick Hipp Me morial Fund" was set up this week by his parents, Mr and Mrs. Charles L. Hipp of Omaha. The principal of the fund will be used to make loar.s to University students who are "judged worthy and deserv ing by the General Student Loan Committee." Hipp was a 1960 graduate of the University. ------UJU-.JULIPBMlJI ,..,,.... , ,ps.siiii vv. 'ift' i Open Mondays, and Thursdays Until 9 P.M. Kent Bearhler, 8 333 for 15 hours In Art tr Sciences; Allan Harms, 8.267 for 15 hours in Engineering; and Kaye Kerpen brock, 8.2K7 lor 15 hours in Teachers. Burton Thomsen. 8.250 for 17 hour la Ag; Frank Surlier. 8.250 for 16 hoar in Engineering; Gary Wahlgren, 8.250 for 16 hours in Agi Paul Noe, 8.250 for 1 hours In Arts it Sciences; and William Struyk. 8.250 for 16 hours In Art l Sciences. University Will Host Conference Colleges Send 100 Economists The importance of econo mic education in colleges and secondary schools will be dis cussed in a conference at the University April 24 and 25. More than 100 representa tives of four-year colleges and various secondary schools in Nebraska have been in vited to participate in t h e Economic Education Confer ence sponsored by the Ne braska Council on Economic Education. "This conference is de signed to explain the import ance of economic education and how this subject can be included in teacher training programs and secondary school curriculums," said Dr. E. S. Wallace, director of the University's Bureau of Busi ness Research. "It is one of the first activities sponsored by the Nebraska Council on Economic Education." Dr. John Coleman and Dr. John Haefner, two educators who presented the nationally televised program "The American Economy," will lead discussions. Coleman, professor of eco nomics and dean of the divi sion of humanities and social science, Carnegie Institute of Technology, will discuss the "Content of Economic Under standing" with college repre sentatives. Haefner, professor of social studies education, State Uni versity of Iowa, will address secondary school representa tives on "Economic Under standing: Where and How?" partsch wrag