The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 15, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Not Their Fault
In a letter to the editor before Easter Vacation a Uni
versity student wrote about Student Council that "Ann
Wahlism.. . . a catch-all term reflecting the conserva
tism, the fear of responsibility and concrete power, and
the general desire to dominate the rest of the Council by
the so-called executive committee," was on its way out
of Council by virtue of a younger member standing up
against the wishes of one of the exec members.
"Ann Wahlism", the letter said, was attributable to
the fact that younger members are afraid to oppose the
wishes of the exec because, in the main, the exec is made
up of Mortar Boards and Innocents.
This was a short-sighted underestimate of the quali
ties of Council leadership. If it is true that younger mem
bers are afraid to speak up because they are opposing
those who are, off the floor, Mortar Boards and Innocents
and they want to be ones too, it is not the fault of Council
leadership or the students who elected them.
It is clearly the fault of narrow-minded junior, and
below, Council members who would turn a potentially
, strong student organization into a path ' upon which to
tread with the cheapness of personal gain in mind.
That should be remembered in upcoming elections.
For JFK Library
An organization called "Letters' yesterday sent a
form letter to the DAILY NEBRASKAN asking college
students here to send whatever mail they received or
sent after and concerning the assassination of President
Kennedy to it to be included in the proposed John F.
Kennedy Library.
In a personal letter, Thomas H. Maher, Virginia Poly
technic Institute, and Kathryn I. Kulesher, Western Reserve
University, wrote, "Many students felt moved to pour
out their feelings during those tragic days in November
to someone they held close , . . sweetheart, friend or
parent ... and a collection of these letters would not
only prove a tribute to the President but would also be
of value to historians and other scholars who will attempt
to evaluate him . . . and us ! "
"Despite sometimes bitter opposition to his policies
among collegians, it seems that aside from politics there
was, from our generaf ?, an almost universal and gen
uine respect for the late President. This, we believe, was
a respect unique in history in that it was not adoration
or hero-worship but a very special admiration . . . born
of his youth, dynamism and personal integrity ... an ad
miration that now belongs to history."
The National Archives in Washington, D.C., has given
this group assurance that a collection of these letters will
be accepted, stored there, and forwarded to the JFK li
brary upon its completion.
As students with a limited budget, their only means
of obtaining such a collection is through an appeal to stu
dents across the nation to contribute their letters. They
will assemble them and forward them to the National
Archives as a unit.
The letters would not only serve as a tribute to the
late President and as a valuable asset to historians, but
would partially and clearly depict the impact of the trag
edy upon the thoughts of America's young people.
Miss Kulesher and Maher assure that they will at
tempt to acknowledge all letters. They will be examined
by competent and interested persons at the library, and
thus, any personal matters may be deleted or the letter
may be recopied omitting these parts.
If possible, they ask for the original envelope show
ing the postmark and date. If interested, send your let
ters to: Letters, Box 756, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060.
Evils Of Platform
System Need Correction
By Arnie Garson
Last year, 21 per cent of
the student body elected 31
organizational and college
representatives to serve on
the 1963-64 Student Council.
The 31 were elected from a
field of more than 85.
ran all the platforms of the
students who filed for col
lege representatives more
than 50. Now, when this
years' Council is nearing
the end of its tenure, their
platforms are rather comi
cal. John Lydick (Engineer
ing) suggested displaying
the recording minutes of
each meeting in the various
colleges. Not a bad idea. I
never saw any of them.
Tom Kort (Arts and Sci
ences) felt that Council
should act to make students
more aware of major state
and local issues and express
views on them. Sounds good,
Susie Segrist (Arts and
Sciences) and others felt
that periodical meetings be
tween Council representa
tives and their respective
colleges, would be beneficial.
It was tried, but alas, it
Denney Bargen (Teach
ers) was opposed to compul
sory ROTC and wanted Stu
dent Council to have a say
In cheerleader selections.
Good again, but this time
the faculty blocked the road
n both Issues.
Gary Oye (Business Ad
ministratlon) advo
cated manditory roll call
voting and making voting
Wednesday, April 15, 1964
records available to the
public. That would certain
ly make some people think
twice. I don't remember any
motion to this effect,
Clearly, these are random
samplings of the platforms.
Many of the ideas of these
students and others were
carried out. They included
Quiz Bowl, enlarging the
Masters' Program and re
organizing the Associates
program, to name a few.
And the students cited
above were not the only
ones who espoused high
sounding ideals and then
either forgot them when
elected or could not get
them implemented. Almost
all of the Council members
are guilty of having sold the
student body short at some
time during the last year.
The purpose of this is not
to make obscure the good
which Council has done this
year. It has been multitudi
ness. But, it has not been
all thai it could have been.
.This year, the platforms
will again be run in the
offensive to the intelligence
of the student body when
the candidates utilize the
space allotted to them for
presenting little thought
about Ideas or programs
which they do not intend to
Likewise, however, it is
unfortunate when only 21
per cent of the student body
turns out to elect their rep
resentatives. Perhaps these
two phenomena are related.
If the candidates for Council
Brazilian Reshuffle Temporary
Suspension In Familiar Pattern
By Eric Sevareid
Maybe we do, after all,
grow in common sense
about the present, if not in
wisdom about the future.
The American reaction, of
ficial and
popular, to
the dra
matic re
shuffle in
Brazil has
b e e n in
fairly sensi
ble propor
tion to the
real size of
the event.
What has Sevareid
happened is not the destruc
tion of constitutional pro
cesses but their temporary
suspension in a familiar
pattern. What has been
averted is not communism
but a violent rending and
tearing of " that country,
possibly including a politi
cal breakup along regional
lines. The emotional Pres
ident Goulart has passed
the point of no return in his
move to the left. He had
upset the delicate balance
of forces which has alone
made possible the bare
administering of the coun
try. And he only spoke for
his varied collection of sup
porters, he did not really
command them.
His next moves In h 1 s
desperate personal situation
would have had to be giv
ing the Communist union
leaders their heads and the
outright organizing of his
own army within the army.
Brazil's military structure,
like its political structure,
is too loose, too much of a
federation for this to have
resulted in anything but
anarchy and a confused,
but possibly tragic civil
war. This would not have
been the social revolution
many people think Brazil
must go through, sooner or
later; it would have been
merely a mess.
Brazil may have a sur
face order now, for a time,
but the basic forces making
for social upheavel are
still there, getting stronger
every year. Any man who
pretends to positive predic
tion as to just how this will
all be resolved is either a
fool or a knave. As an
amateur of Brazilian af
fairs who has had the
privilege of several re
ported trips in most areas
of the giant country, I would
like to believe those agree
able people can make the
basic, necessary reforms
without the direction of a
strong-man, quasi-dictorial
rule. I would like to be-
would present platforms
which are vital and stimu
lating, then maybe more
students would take the
time to express their opin
ions at the polls.
At any rate, if effective
student government is to
continue at the University,
then some of the evils of the
current system must be
lieve this, but I cannot
quite do so.
If to govern means to
lead, to plan, to effect, then
Brazil is not governed and
has not been governed for
a long time. It has merely
been administered
and badly.
It would be an effrontery
to pretend to summarize the
profound ills of that . f ascinat
ting country in this short
space, but thinking about
Brazil cannot even begin
unless three seminal facts,
at the least, are kept in
1. The lack of "social dis
cipline." The mysterious
chemistry that brings a
sense of common cause,
common trust and individ
ual responsibility for others
is not there. It is present,
indeed, in very few coun
tries, and it cannot be im
ported, not even from the
United States Treasury. In
Brazil it has meant three
hundred years of plunder
ing, boom-and-bust econom
ic cycles and currently a
lunatic inflation.
2. The lack of imperson
ated government. This
grows directly out of the
lack of social discipline.
Former President Quadros,
with all his weird faults,
tried to make a beginning
toward government by for
mal rules, but quit too soon.
An immense, and immense
ly complex society is ruled
by a political ethos much
too much resembling that in
a tiny, Central American re
public. In form, Brazil is
governed by laws, not men,
but only in form.
3. The social imbalance
of Brazil. The country is in
a condition very much like
the United States after our
Civil War but with the
georgraphy reversed. In
dustrialized southwest Bra
zil grows richer while the
agricultural northeast
grows poorer. Like our
northeastern states then,
southwestern Brazil now
sucks the capital and the
brains out of the northeast
while forcing the northeast
to pay more and more for
the southwest's manufact
ured goods. Again like us In
Seven Parts In Model
Any group wishing to be
come an official University
activity must first adopt a
constitution. A model consti
tution would include seven
articles: name of group, pur
poses, membership, officers,
organizational structure, ad
visers, meetings and proced
ures, finance and amendments.
Interviews For
Spring Day Workers
Sunday, April 19, 2:00-5:00 p.m
Application on Student Council Door, 236
the last century, there is a
vast hinterland, a "third
Brazil," all but untouched
by modernization, all but
one of control by the cen
tral authority. Add to all
this a frightening birth
rate, so explosive that more
than one-half of Brazil's
population is now under
nineteen years of age. Birth
control is scarcely discussed.
These are among the mas
sive, immutable facts. But
we will still be told by some
earnest people that if only
Washington will issue firm
er statements "in support
of democrac y," and
or guarantee a better cof
fee market, Brazil will be
gin to get well. It is hard to
resist the impulse to pat
such people on the head
and tell them to run along
and play.
YD's Will Hold
Officer Election
Election of officers for
Young Democrats will be held
tomorrow at the Young Dem
ocrats meeting.
Officers slated for election
are: president-Karen Nelsen;
first vice-president, Mark
Raemaker and Steve Davis;
second vice-president-Jim De
Mars; correspondent secretary-Sabre
McCall; recording
secretary-Sam Thomas;
treasurer -Mike Jeffries and
Jay Pokorny.
The chairman and official
delegation to the Young Dem
ocrats Convention in Omaha
this weekend will also be ap
pointed at the meeting.
Everyone is welcome to at
tend the meeting.
GARSON, managing e&ior; SUSAN
8MITHBERC.F.R. iiii editor:
senior staff writer! J KAY ROOD,
staff writers: RICHARD HALBERT,
copy editor; DENNIS DeFRAIN,
Photographer; PEGGY 8PEECE,
Porte editor; JOHN BALLGREN,
asii.itant porta editor; PRESTON
LOVE, circulation manager; JIM
2KI':..ubcripUon "' I IOHN
ZEILINGER, business manager; BILL
PETE LAGE, business aesiaUataT
Subscription ratea $3 per aemeeter
or $5 per year.
Entered aa second clasa matter at
the post office in Lincoln. Nebraska,
under the act of August 4, 1912.
The Dally Nebraakan Is published
at room 51, Student Union, on Mon
2",, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
by University of Nebraska students
under the Jurisdiction of the Faculty
Subcommittee on Student Publication.
Publication shaU be free from cen
sorship by the Subcommittee or any
person outside the University. Mem.
bers of the Nebraskan are responsible
for what they cause to be printed.
Cruise and explore tht Quotic
Superior wildernet; exciting
dvenrur for everyone only
$6.50 per person per dayl For
folder and roiorvatloni, wrltet
Bill Rom' Outfitters, Ely 7, Minnesota.
Views Not
Dear Editor:
After reading your series
on "Negroes at NU", I can
not help but disagree with
some of those viewpoints
stated by some of the Ne
groes interviewed.
Basically speaking, the
Negroes all seemed justi
fied in their views except
one individual, Ron Moore.
Singling out Moore does
not mean I dislike Negroes,
I consider Ron a nice fellow.
However, I consider Mr.
Moore's views of prejudice
and the social stituation at
NU to be rather one-sided
and short-sighted.
Mr. Moore stated in an ar
ticle that he was discrim
inated against in at least
two classes. Well, I was in
Mr. Moore's class a short
time ago and it seems to
me that he didn't show up
enough at class to give the
instructor a chance to at
least associate his name
with a face. This resulted in
Ron receiving a low grade.
Is that discrimination?
Socially, the Negroes and
whites have the same prob
lem little to do in Lin
coln. Fraternities and sor
orities are too restrictive
and should be punished,
perhaps banned altogether.
Not everyone who wishes to
join a "frat" or sorority is
allowed to; here there is
certainly discrimination. I
don't think this is really a
problem in the true sense of
the word. I'm a white and
I also feel that there is a
lack of social events around
town, but I have found out
that if a person really wants
to socialize, he can do some
thing about it. Even if it's
just sitting around the Crib.
I didn't come to the Univer
sity to socialize although I
don't exactly sit home on
weekends. If you come to
college and can't find any
thing to do socially, I feel
it's your own fault.
I am not prejudiced or
bitter towards Moore. I just
wanted to make some things
clear which I felt Moore left
a little foggy.
The Negroes I have come
in contact with are no bet
ter or worse than anyone
I know taken as 'a whole.
However, one person I had
the opportunity to know was
Bill Thornton who is a cre
dit to the human race as
well as his own.
I understand Mr. Moore
is no longer a University
student and that he dropped
out. I feel that if the edi
tors were interested in pre
paring and presenting a con-
Student Attends
Ministry Seminar
William Hunter, a junior at
the University, was among 30
college students representing
as many institutions from
coast to coast attending a
seminar on the ministry at
Garrett Theological Seminary
this weekend, according to
Garrett president Dwight Lo
der. Loder said the men and
women attending this meeting
are selected by their profes
sors on the basis of fine ac
ademic performance and a
dep interest in Christian ser
vice. The seminar is designed
to help them evaluate their
vocational plans.
Issues Number 6,000
circulates 6,000 papers daily.
Approximately 250 of these
are mailed to regular sub
scribers. The remaining issue
are distributed to students and
faculty on city and ag campuses.
New S-64 directory lists 20,000 summer job openings
in 50 states. MALE or FEMALE. .Unprecedented re
search for students includes exact pay rates and job
details. Ws employers and their addresses for hir
ing in industry summer camps, national parks, resorts,
etc., etc etv. Hurry!! jobs filled early Send dol.
lars. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send to: Summer Jobs
Dn-ectory-P. 0. Box 13593-Phoenix, Arizona.
ooi tme mot r
scientious ana true picture
of the issues they discussed,
they could have chosen peo
ple to interview who at
least were interested in gen
uinely bettering themselves
than that type of person
who cannot see the value of
a college education.
Mauro Attizio
editors had chosen only that
type of person, they would
rwe distorted the picture
of the Negro and'NU, as
would have been the case
with any race. At any rate,
the editors did not kpovv
personally any of the Ne
groes interviewed and (he
interview with Moore took
place only before he dropped
out of school.
Dear Editor:
It seems to me that a
sad commentary on the
Student Council members'
knowledge of their Consitu
tion that the protests of non
members were necessary to
stop an obviously unconsti
tutional proceeding.
Mr. Weill now talks, at
least, as if it were obvious
ly unconstitutional. Surely
he and other members of the
Judiciary Committee were
present at the lengthy meet
ing which ended in passage
of the AUF proposal. Why,
then, did none of them raise
the issue of unconstitution
ality? Was there a con
spiracy of silence, or was
the fact simply that none of
them were familiar enough
with the Constitution to see
the conflict?
In either case, our re
spect for the Judiciary
Committee's abilities is
hardly enhanced. If there
was a conspiracy of silence,
then they are guilty of fast
and loose dealing with their
responsibilities. If not, their
ignorance is- downright dan
gerous. Murray Merton Martz, Jr.
About Letters
readers lo use It for expressions
of opinion en current topics regard- 55
less of viewpoint. Letters must be 5
signed, contain a verifiable ad- 5
Ej dress, and be free ef libelous ma-
jpj terial. Pen names may be in-
eluded and will be released u p e n
written request. s
Brevity and legibility Increase
the chances of publication. Lengthy
letters may be edited or emitted.
E Absolutely none will be returned.
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