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Page 2
Friday, April 10, 1964
I Bad Seed II I
Let's face it, college stu
dents are getting more ma
ture. Just witness the epi
s o d e in Florida during
spring break. For once,
girls were being thrown off
blankets, which is just an
other way of proving the
bigger they were, the faster
they felL
In keeping with this adult
approach, it is only right
that we revise some of our
college songs with words
of significance. Memorize
carefully, and the next
time we have a parade,
demonstration, riot, or you
happen to be standing in
line, chant in unison: -
T the Tone f
In Delta Hall.")
In Eessey Hall, in Bessey
Hall, where all the fungi
In Bessey Han, in Bessey
Hall, our little spores we
With algae in a jar, well
toast the evening star,
And we dont even care
for the cadavers living there
in Bessey HaH
So here's to Bessey Hall
and its plants (and its
So here's to Bessey Hall
and its plants '(and it
So here's to Bessey Hall,
and the moss that's on its
So here's to Bessey Hall
and its plants.
(To the Tune of
"There Is No Place
Like Nebraska")
There is no place like the
About Letters
Thr T)n.V VEBRAMKA tnvllnt
Trurtwr Hi vnr It for cvpremiimK z:
: nf opinion on rurrrvt tonlnn roffurd- 5
irm of viowpolnt. Ijettara miMt be
:r aiemtll, nontnln a varlftahle ad- H
droHa. and be free of lihriloiM ma- H
rE tmiul. 3nn namee in a t be In-
nludMl and will be nUtansd u o a
wrltlffn Teaumt.
Brrvltr and lnrlhllltr 4nranae
thr nhannm of ftuhlination. lieiurthv
Irttfin may be dlted or omitted.
Abaoluteb wine mill he relumed. E:
Union, our dear old S Street
Where the girls are the
bleakest, the cokes are the
Of any old place we could
There is no place like the
Union, for trying to find a
We'll all stand together
in hot sticky weather.
While the Union turns up
the heat
(To the Tune ef
"Mine Eyes Grow Dim"")
Oh, its candy, candy, can
dy that makes teeth rot so
For the dent jocks, for the
dent jocks
Oh if s candy, candy, can
dy and the dentists are so
With their drills some
where in Andrews HalL
My teeth have holes, my
breath is rude
I can (hey,) not (hey)
chew my yummy food.
Oh, it . . , (Would you
mind getting your hand out
of my mouth, I'm trying to
(To the Tune of the Pi Phi's
Mary Margaret
Truman Was . . ."")
John J. Pershing was the
founder of our ROTC corps
"We're sure the general
must have been a military
Now, there's no use re
futing how good is re
cruiting. So many young men by
the score.
When you're issued uni
forms they always fit so
You keep it looking per
fect till semester's end is
Then you give back your
jacket rolled into a packet
pi? w
MRS MORRIS. iitnr: HRVTF J-.KRSIOV, mnni?inr flit(ir; tsa SMim
firm.I R Tied editor: FRWK rRTSOH. MlfK ROOB. anninr Dtatf tiTller:
ai l,I,IS I.t-VTIFFV, 1'R.OIS HTXTR.. jutliui staH H'l'IKM-s: KimtRn RAI KI CT,
lM,F HAH K. T MtfTSrmVSi. mrv editors; lFWIS Hi-US !., jihnlWBia
ihiir; ITiOfiV srr:PCE, nort dlr: fans BvUrRT N, assifitaitt spnrtt di
tnr. TRRSTON taVTE. nhculatinn maDamr: JIN ftH. nuhtmriptinn manHenr;
JOHN w:n,IXftT:R, business mnnaiei-4 BHX CUOJCkS, BOB CCVMNGHAM,
I'l lE t-aGG, busunew- assimtaiiK.
Subaerinclnn Tales 3 nor mestr nr IS wir year
The Dally Jlphraskan Is mbllsheo at TOnre SI, Student Onion, m Mimqw,
WedneHusv ThuiwJaj, Friday iw Ilnweraity nl Nebraska srodnntt under
the jurisdiction of the Fatmlty Suhoommlttee fttudent PUblitiatiomi Pub
hetations shall be tree ironi oensorship fer the SuhcommiUae r mf
person ouwirte the University. Mcmbe of the Nebraskan are responsible
for what they cause to be minted
St. Pcul
12 & M
Or. Clarence Forsberg Preaching
Services at 9:30 end 11. -00
H'e pine and redmrnt ',ovimuwty $armg timvp
OHO j Foreign .
SAID jr study isfoA
f Laitgiiige Oajors J
Only. y
Of count, 1ft for them, too.
But It's also for undergrade in history, political science,
International relations, economics, psychology, philosophy
and some other fields.
We know. Over half the students in our university centers
In Europe arent language majors. They're pursuing studies
In their own fields, and giving them a fresh, European di
mensionwithout interrupting their collage careers.
Foreign study may suit you, too. (It isn't for everyone.)
This is the time of life when the experience Df Europe CBn
vnean most. It will mean most if you use It to deepen and
extend your formal studies.
You might look Into It-and learn about our programs, in
cluding a new one opening next fall at the University of
Our centers dont offer mere "civilization" courses. They
aren't cozy little "ghettos" for Americans. Institute pro
grams immerse you in a great European university as deeply
as your abilities allow. (We supplement and guide your
studies, as necessary, to make sure they satisfy U. S.
ULbtoafasJI Rflgular university coimm at the University
f Freiburg, In the Black Forest: taught In Barman, with tutorials,
for B-avarsge Juniors with Intermadiata German. Das OautKhe
-Jahr: $2,380 . Dm Dautscna Semester: $1,605
fi- Mem'. : , r-
French-tauRht Honors Program In Contemnorarv
turopean Civilization for B-avarap )uniort (and soma top sopho
mores) with one year of college f ranch. Academic year: $2,650.
aaHiM,kkaJ Spaniihtatigttt program at the Univeralty, for
.B-avarage juniors (and soma top sophomores) with two years of
collega Spanish or one year of college Spanish and two in high
achool. Hispanic Year: $2,ei0
a.iat English or Garmantaught courses at the Univer
sity of Vienna for C-plus luniors and sophomores, previous Carman
enquired only for spring semester. European Year: $2380. Spring
-Semester: $1,B0S.
Include tuition, frrtaneiv lansuaK Instruction, orientation,
room, moat meals, two tieltf tripe, round-trip ocean paaaaga.
For man Information, an yur arefasara m write
lit a t "-fc
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r X
Gsared Tor SorlnE . . . thene crisp, cool ahnrta po snvwhtrre In
comfort. Chooutt from a Rtiliy ol EprinE Sriadc"- ' Fnbrlea
Includlne; lona-waarint: blnncls of .5 "Deicn -nter
ainel 35 combed cotton. DuPont's Ree- T ""v
pnet -a.
lbs Institute 0 of Ecrcscsn Stctfies
If E. Waoker Dr. Oilcan. HIlMa tasoi
'View' Was Emotional
Dear Editor:
The author of t h e un
signed article appropriate
ly liUed "View From t h e
Right" uses rather emo
tional language about mat
ters of tact
ile is entitled to his hero
worship, but he should
have some respect for
knowledge if he g o e s be
yond expressing his person
al feelings.
Although he says the late
General Douglas Mac Arth
ur's career was ended by a
small vindictive mas be
cause be voiced the words
he felt that America had to
bear, I assume be means
that MacArthur voiced the
The fads are easily as
certainable here: Truman
fired MacArthur because
he flagrantly disobeyed or
ders from his superior.
MacArthur would have
undoubtedly done the same
thing had a subordinate dis
obeyed a command of his.
A second fact is thai
most responsible historians
agree that Truman's deci
sirMi was correct, and that
MacArthur was wrong. Be
fore the aaonjinous author
dismisses these historians
as "grossly distorted," per
haps he should state his
qualifications. It seems t
me that anonymity is more
ftei the cloak for irre
sponsibility than a guaran
tee of freedom.
Frederick M. Link
author f "View From The
Right" is Dick Recker. His
name was missing from
the questioned column be
cause of a mistake by the
editor. He has, unafraid,
put his name on all previ
ous columns. The paper and
its columnists do not con.
done anonymity in its edi
torial content
Where Is Pink Rag?
Dear Editor:
Well, where is it? Its been
nine days now and still no
Pink Rag! There's a limit
to the patience which some
of us must exert in waiting
for this editorial endeavor
to hit the stands.
It is easy to recognize the
difficulty which you would
have had to meet the stand
ard publishing date of the
first of ApriL However,
there is no excuse for ne
glecting the, publication en
tirely. As soon as you finish cov
ering the trials and troubles
which Wanda Furd is hav
ing trying to get the NU Tid
dlywink Team recognized
on Student Council, let's
see you give some sincere
thought to the production of
a 1964 Pink Rag.
II r X VJfe W . r; 7 at I T 1 ' sf M a
Can yon &void
living In "Jamovlff a"?
3t v cm't be easy. By 2 980 most Amer
icans will live in 40 large metropoli
tan areas each with more than a mil
Lon population. To keep your t:om
m unity from becoming a '"Jamsville'"
will take people with ideas ideas
that can help cities move more traffic
swiftly, nafdy and economJcally. ,
Some of the i deas come f rom theroen
arid women of General Electric who,
in fEect, form a "Progrese Corps
3n major cities, they're helping1 to
develop halanred transportation
built around rapid rail-transit Bye
terns ... and they're providing
advanced quipment to power and
control the trains. Th ey're also devel
oping a TV monitoring system that
enables a single engineer to control
miles of auto traffic ... a jet engine
that speeds commuters in a fcydrof oJI
ship over the waves . . . and another
jet engine to lift travelers ever traffifll
via turbocopter at 1 DO mph.
Traffic is only one of many prob
lems General Electric people art
working on. Their numerous proj
ects, in this country and around the
world, .demand a variety of talentfj
engineering, finance, muxketing, law,
physi cs and many other.
If you'd like to join the "Progresi
Corps" after graduation, talk to your
placement director. He can help qoal
if ied young people begin their careen
at General Electric
&2k Our Mat hfortt Fted
visit benhiim electric pfwcftrssLANp a j (fogfrg,. msmm '. tturtm
A S Tf m c5 A QD U Sr
9:00 -1:00 (2:00 o'clock hoUr) April 11