c v Mondoy, March" 23 1964 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 .,, I -.. I " Lwir i.-iii.iiim.h nil iwi iii Ai- v- -iWinniA W r..i,, PROGRAM IN PRACTICE First grade teacher Mrs. Alice Schnabel at the Prescott school in Lincoln is shown using the English Curriculum Development Center's new curricula for teaching English. Training To Be Offered For English Teachers The Nebraska English Cur riculum Development Center, which was organized in 1961, will again be held this sum mer. The purpose of this pro gram is to upgrade the teach ing program in Nebraska pri mary and secondary schools.' The Center has received, acclaim from educators throughout the United States. The program has been imple mental in the retraining of over 100 Nebraska teachers in new techniques of teaching English. Results of the first four years of this program were com piled by Dr. Paul Olson and Profes sor Frank Rice, both of the Depart ment of Eng lish. Dr. Olson More than 75 Nebraska schools are using the curric ulum and seven teachers col leges in Nebraska are using this material in the training of their elementary and Eng lish teachers. Attendance to the summer session includes over 1,500 Nebraska teachers. Over $35,000 worth of books is purchased by local school systems pertaining to the ma terial. The Woods Charitable Fund, Inc., has donated another $30,000 to the center. This brings the total amount don ated to this program by the Woods Charitable Fund to $100,000. "I know of no other program in the United States in which a pri vate founda tion has given so large an a m o u n t of money for summer fel lowships to Rice help create better English curricula,", said Dr. Olson. Olson described the interest in this program as revolution ary. It is effecting tens of thousands of children. "It is no longer out of the ordinary see first and second graders in Nebraska write coherent compositions of considerable length," he stated. The program has created so much interest that they re ceive ever five letters a day Unionizing Activities For tt By Bill Harding For those readers sitting in the Crib puzzling over what to do, here is the word. There are no events for this week. That's right, no action in the Union this week. No foreign film, no Jazz'n'Java, no week end film, no speakers . . . But all isn't lost, those who won record albums at the Ford Co. Road Show can pick them up this week in the Pro gram Office. It should also be noted that thfrr is a bi event comin? up the second week after vaca tion. Make plans now to go see tfdiss and Crofut on the 17th of April. They are folk singers who have recently traveled around the world for the State Department and have, a tremendous act. They will also give a seminar on folk wusic from around the world on that morning. If : UL from school systems through out the United States demand ing information concerning the program. Nebraska teachers as of to day are able to apply for Woods summer session fellow ships. There are forty such scholarships of 700 dollars each made possible by the re cent Woods Donation. The summer session lasts from June 15 thrugh August 7. The courses will be in rhet oric, linguistics, composition and method. Applications can be made by writing the Ne braska English Curriculum Development Center and the University. Half Of Grads Will Remain In Nebraska Salaries of $614 a month for technical and $515 for non technical professional jobs are now being earned by Uni versity mid-year graduates. This equals the national av erage for college-degree peo ple. , Of the 1964 mid-year class, one out of five stayed with academic work leading to ad vanced degrees, according to the March issue of NEBRAS KA ALUMNUS published by the University Alumni Asso ciation. Forty four per cent walked right into jobs; 21.5 per cent went on to graduate study; 14 per cent are looking for jobs or deciding on offers; 8.8 per cent went into the armed forces; and 11.5 per cent got married, accepted self em ployment or a variety of oth er pursuits. According to the report, made by Frank Hallgren, di rector of the new consolidat ed placement service at the University, and Dr. Wesley Meierhenry, director of t h e Teacher Placement service, nearly half of the mid - year graduates remained in Ne braska. Fifty-one of the 67 who left Nebraska are in the areas of engineering or business where the starting salaries are not ably higher outside Nebraska. The report is based on 295 of the 300 recipients of bac calaureate degrees. Scrip Announces ExiendedDeadlin The deadline for entries of short stories and poems for publication in SCRIP under graduate literary magazine has been extended one week, from April 11 to April 18. ac cording to Susan Stanley Wolk, editor of the publication. The magazine will present a prize of $25 to the authors of the best short story and the best poem or group of poems submitted. The works must be original and should be the work of full time undergraduate students of Jhe University, although the writing of part time under graduates and graduate stu dents will be considered. TODAY PANHELLENIC will meet at 4.30 p.m. in 332 Student Union. YF'L SQUAD practice for tryouts wil be held for inter ested freshmen at 4:30 p.m. on the colesium stage. TOMORROW ASSOCIATION OF CHILD HOOD EDUCATION (ACE) wil meet at 4:45 p.m. in, 200 Teachers. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE hos pitality comittee will mtet in the Union south conference room at 4 p.m. Ii Mi uiImmBbmiswMmwm 'llllllllinillllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIM Some Con't. from Page 1. Anderson attended Oak wood College in Huntsville, Ala., then Union College in Lincoln, prior to the Univer sity. Both are Seventh Day Adventist Schools. Young, although empha sizing that he would come to Nebraska again if he had to make the choice, hinted at the subtle discrimina tion. He said he would not recommend the University to another Negro because if he decided to come here and had unpleasant experi ences, "I wouldn't want him to blame me for them." Moore was more emphat ic. He said he would def initely not recommend Ne braska to either of his two younger sisters. Also, when asked to recommend the University to a high school All-American basketb a 1 1 player, he told Negro John Thompson, who eventually enrolled at Providence Col lege in Providence, R.I., that Nebraska was "social ly lousy." On the other hand Miss Adams followed two of her older brothers to Nebraska and said she hopes her two younger brothers will also enroll here. Jeter, who is the second youngest of six children, said he would not recom mend the University to his younger sister. He would rather see her go to a school with a greater number of Negroes. Jeter's older brother, Bob, attended State University of Iowa, where the Negro-white proportion is about the same as Ne braska, and was quite hap py there. Bob now plays professional football for the Greenbay Packers. His fa ther works in a steel mill. Young feels that one of the major benefits he has received from Nebraska has been learning how to live better in a white society. "When I came here, I was only 18 and not nearly as mature as I am now at 22. I have learned to observe better," he added. Moore also noted that the University has done a lot for him. "It has made me view life differently." Ne groes in Washington, D.C., are better off than any where else in the country. After living at Nebraska, the problems of discrimina tion have become clearer, he explained. Prior to leaving Baton Rouge, Anderson had never discussed racial issues with whites. "I wasn't aware of the racial situation which does exist, although I had many white friends," he said. Anderson first began to become aware of these problems at Capitol High School, a segregated school in Baton Rouge which has students from many parts of the country. "Although my mother avoided discus sing problems with me, I would want to confront my children with as many prob lems as possible, discuss the problems with them, show them the alternatives and let them make their own decisions." Anderson has five s t e p brothers and stepsisters. His father died before he was born. His mother has had three years of college and has taught public ele mentary school in Baton Rouge. She now runs a nursery for Negro children between the ages of o n e and six. Anderson enjoys music and for a while, con sidered the ministry as a profession. Wills feels that Negroes in Detroit have done more for themselves than elsewhere. The city is about M Negro and immigration stopped 20 years ago. Detroit has had a chance to adjust to Ne groes and Negroes to De troit. Wills is a sixth genera tion American whose father came to Detroit as a phy sician in the early part of the 20th century to start a hospital for Negroes. Wills attended a city-wide high school in Detroit which re quired tuition and entrance exams. The mixture of stu dents there was so great that their individual differ ences did not matter so much, he explained. Wild, passionate experi "IMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIlHMIMl:iHIHH1IMIIMMilIIIIIIIIM Megroes mentation or crusading is a part of an individual's develonment as a student, Wills feels. He added that he went through this picket ing and psychoanalysis phase while at Michigan and is now at Nebraska to study. "I found out what it means to take chances, but I only take them in archi tecture," he said. Miss Adams is the sec ond generation of her fam ily to attend Nebraska. Her father graduated from the University Law School and is now an attorney in Oma ha. Her grandfather, John Adams, a Methodist min ister, came to Nebraska from Georgia and was a state senator from 1948 un til his death in 1962. Two of her brothers are in the service. One of them in an Army interpreter in Viet Nam and the other is in the Air Force. Another of her brothers is a drafts man for the city of Omaha and her older sister is em ployed at Omaha Univer sity. Miss Adams was a mem ber of student council at Omaha Central High School and vice president of A Capella Choir. SJie gradu ated 74th in a class of 430. Her family has long been active in integration work in Nebraska. Her grandfa ther was instrumental in getting Nebraska's m i s cegenation law dropped. Her father was one of the attorneys who broke the segregation lines for Oma ha bus drivers and she was among the first group of Ne groes to swim at Peony Park in Omaha. Young thinks that now that he has adjusted to the University, he doesn't feel the discrimination a keen ly as he used to. He at tended a high school in Cleveland which was about 13 Negro and the rest Jew ish and Italian. V's parents did not attend coinge. Moore thinks that the Ne gro situation at Nebraska has improved in the three years he has been here. When he enrolled there were only 13 Negroes at the University, all of whom Exciting things After Ford's spectacular debut in last year's Indianapolis 500-mile race, many people won dered what we would come up with. next. Well it's here! Ford Motor Company engineers have developed a brand-new V-8 especially for this year's competition at Indy. Although it's the same size as the 1953 version, this racing engine is a much livelier" performer because of four overhead gear driven camshafts and other refine ments. Overall results of these revo lutionary changes: an increase of at least 44 horses, delivering 420 hp or more at 8,000 rpm. THERE'S A FUTURE FCR Shiff Outlook, were athletes. Now, of the 50-some Negroes at the University, about V are not participating in the athletic program. "My friends who have gone to predominantly Ne gro universities have had a ball, those who have gone to schools where there is an acute minority of Ne groes, are not happy," he explained. Moore attended a high school in Washington, D.C., which had about 1,500 Negroes and 100 white stu dents. Moore's father and moth er did not attend college. His step father has a civil service job with the Army map service. He has had seven years of college but remained at the level of GSA 8 for ten years until the Kennedy Adminis tration's upgrading of Ne gro government workers, he said. Moore would like to live in a place where he is just another person. Even Wash ington is a ghetto because Negroes just don't go to neighboring Maryland or Virginia, he said. He has Maryland Students Fight Color Barriers Princess Anne, Md. (CPS) Students at Maryland State College are putting this quiet eastern Maryland shore com munity into the national limelight in an effort to tear down the barriers of racial segregation. The two-year Maryland State College part of the Uni versity of Maryland is Princess Anne. Of the student body, 460 are Negro and 80 are white. About 400 or half of the comunity is Negro. Princess Anne stores, shops and other businesses mostly with segregated counters would fold tomorrow if the students and the campus' $1 million an nual operation budget were withdrawn. The key student leader John Wilson has taken his pro tests to Annapolis and Gov. J. Millard Tawes. While the State of Maryland passed a public accomodations law last year, the county in which Princess Anne is located was per mitted along with others to exempt itself from the statute. The high point of the students' efforts came this month when they staged a sit-in in Princess Anne's main street, de manding that restaurants and other public facilities stop segregation practices. Many were injured when Maryland State Police, under the authority of Gov. Tawes used fire hoses, cars and po lice dogs to break up the demonstration. But one student leader told CPS that similar action during upcoming demonstrations would lead to all-out vio lence. "The next time dogs are used," he said, "there'll be shooting." are happening exermheri at Ford Motor Company! I Wh K 1 Si- I 1 II i ' 1 i- I I it 11 I ii ; H I u X " ":W Ford'.1964 I .. . j'i aJ . . Indianapolis ; f V-8 Engine YOU WITH F0RO always wanted to travel, but after living in Nebras ka, he is convinced that he should consider Jamaica, Trinidad or Panama f o r permanent residence. "I am a citizen here because the constitution says I am, not because I am treated like one," he added. Miss Adams doesn't paint quite as dreary a picture. As a native Nebraskan she expressed a desire to live on the West Coast or some where else for a while after graduation. This is the same desire which is so common among many Uni versity students, regardless of race. "But I would event ually like to return here to live," she added. Still, many of the Negroes who have come to Nebras ka from larger cities ex press a desire to return to metropolitan areas. "I plan to teach on the East Coast or the West Coast, not in a state like Nebraska where there is lit tle or no opportunity for Negroes," Young said. Young lived most of his life in a predominantly Ne- Ford engineers met many challenges in develop ing this engine. But this is just typical of the challenges being accepted every day by our employes . . . that's what makes Ford Motor Company such an exciting place to work. And not only in engineering. Exciting opportunities exist in manufacturing, finance, sales, marketing, industrial relations, purchasing, traffic, product planning, styling and research. All types of career opportunities for all types of graduates. If you're looking for an interesting career look to Ford Motor Company. A growing company MOTOR COMPANY Tht American Road, Dearborn, Michigan AN IQUM OPPORTUNITY IMPLOYt Ideas gro neighborhood in Cleve land. He would like to live in an integrated neighbor hood if the opportunity ever arose. He doesn't feel that he will have that chance anywhere in the next 25 years, but when such op portunities do open up, they will open up on the coasts first, he explained. Young's feelings toward the state have developed in the four years he has been at the University. Conserva tism, or preservation of the status quo, has more of a negative effect on the Ne gro than the white, he said. Jeter also would like to live near an area where there are more Negroes. He is presently considering Pittsburgh, Chicago or the West Coast. Anderson would like to re turn to his native Baton Rouge where he is anxious to help relieve discrimina tory conditions. Nebraska doesn't fit his personality, he explained. "I am a per son who likes warm rela tionships, and people here, both white and colored, are more reserved than in Bat on Rouge," he said. He feels that Negroes are progressing more rapidly in the South than in the North. Some communities in the South are actually ahead of Northern cities in solving their racial problems. He cited four new residential areas in Baton Rouge where Negroes and whites live equally in homes valued from $5,000 to $150,000. The Negroes are pushing into suburban areas along with the whites. Wills also would like to return to his native city. He plans to start his own archi tectural practice in Detroit. "It is hopeless both as a Negro and an architect in Nebraska," he noted. Yet he has no ambition to cru sade as a Negro for the Negro. He plans to confine his crusading to archi tecture. But the racial situation at the University is not in tolerable, he added. "The Negro has had his whole life to get used to d i s crimination and can with stand almost anything." in a growing industry. f r ! K i I- E ft- I I: 11