The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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A Biased Look At ROTC
Page 2
Thursday, March 5, 1964
On Coec Hours
The Associated Women's Student (AWS) Board de
serves credit for action taken Tuesday to lengthen the
hours of junior girls from 10:30 to 11 p.m. on week nights,
in what is hoped to be a series of reforms in that troubled
The change will take effect next fall. But, these are
still the facts: first semester freshmen women have to be
In at 9 p.m. on week nights, sophomore girls at 10:30 p.m.
and senior girls, sadly, at 11 p.m.
AWS said that this would help distinguish the upper
level classes from the freshmen and sophomores and Hel
en Snyder, associate dean of Student Affairs, concurred
in that it would be good to have the upper-division students
so grouped.
And that is the problem. There is too much grouping
and classifying. Maybe it is wise to restrict freshman girls
so much, but that is doubtful considering the type of people
that came to the University from our high schools this
Our coeds need not be classified, grouped and herded,
except maybe to be put in a group of generally intelligent
and responsible beings who are well qualified to take care
of themselves.
If administration fears that they do hot so qualify,
coeds have a right to reply that given a little more credit
(that is, confidence on Admlni's part) they would be more
than willing to respond responsibly to such freedom.
Which brings us to the question of senior keys. Mis
souri has admitted that senior girls, especially those 21
years of age, are adults.
Our senior girls, though, are cheated of the right to
even call themselves adults. It is a humiliating sight to
see a 21 year old coed racing for the door of her living
unit to make it home at a specified and unjust time.
There are two solutions: the University can recognize
these older girls as adults as does society or it can send
child-rearing booklets to their parents to get the girls ready
for restrictions usually not so strigently enforced at home.
It is doubtful the University can boast that it could raise
the girls better than their parents. But it tries.
Dear Editor:
As a truly biased and
compulsed ROTC basic ca
det, I would like to state
that the FIRETRUCK col
umn of the Feb. 27 issue
was very interesting and
Amusing? How could
such a pertinent, controver
sial matter as compulsory
ROTC be amusing? It
seems that the basic pat
tern of explanation con
cerning who is actually re
sponsible for compulsory
ROTC is that of 'passing
the buck'! According to my
ROTC instructor the Armed
Forces should not be
blamed, "It's the Board of
Regents who is responsible
for your being in ROTC."
According to the University
it is the responsibility of
Congress to inform the ad
ministration as to the most
appropriate time for abol
ishing compulsory ROTC
at land grant colleges.
According to Mr. Kerrey
and the Student Council
Welfare Committee it is the
fault of the University ad
ministration and the ROTC
people. This vicious, ridicu
lous circle clearly demon
strates the fact that no one
wishes to be held respon
sible for the whole ROTC
But the fact remains that
the Board of Regents could
abolish compulsory ROTC
at their discretion as was
done recently at Illinois.
Why doesn't the Welfare
Committee strike the prob
lem at its roots where the
real responsibility lies . . .
with the Board of Regents?
But being true to their tra- .
ditional practices the Stu
dent Council will table this
problem and its solution be
cause it might require a lit
tle initiative. The abolish
ing of compulsory ROTC
would relieve unwilling stu
dents from exposure to this
propaganda blast on the
relative merits of the vari
ous ROTC units.
But maybe we should look
at the whole program con
structively as was sug
gested by Mr. Garson. The
proposed constructive ques
tions would, in fact, aid the
"Student Welfare" Commit
tee to find out just what the
true feelings of the students
are concerning compulsory
ROTC. Let us look at a few
possible answers to these
constructive questions.
Question: What benefits
does a basic student derive
from labs?
Answer: Actually the stu
dent receives first hand
knowledge of the flagrant
waste of "our" tax money.
Did anyone ever bother to
consider who pays for the
shoes, books, uniforms, uni
form alterations, etc.? We
pay for it. It is a waste
and should be eliminated.
Question: How could class
sessions be better spent?
Answer: Probably doing
anything else. But, if we
must have class, why not
use the time as a compul
sory study period?
Question: What can be
done to remove the exist
ing negative attitude?
Answer: The most logical
method of removing the ex
isting negative attitude
would be to first remove the
existing negative element,
namely, ROTC itself.
Question: How could text
material be improved?
Answer: By changing the
material to its more basic
elements. This can be
brought about quite effec
tively by fire.
Question: What do you
think of the demerit sys
tem? Answer: The variability
of the liberal or conserva
tive presentation of demer
its by our fickle 'Napoleans'
results in an element which
is often termed absurd.
May I remind the reader
that these answers are com
pletely biased, but I am
sure they are similar to
those which would be given
by any compulsed ROTC
cadet. I would also go so
far as to disagree with Mr.
Kerrey and" argue that the
average student more than
cares about the ROTC prob
lem. In addition I would not
hestitate to assume that the
entire student body (espec
ially ROTC compulsed ca
dets) would join whole
heartedly in any positive
action needed to abolish the
program, now affectionate
ly Tef erred to as the;"Mick--ey
Mouse Club".
Junior Birdinan
Waoy or not. Here i :ome
Htnr ARNIE CARSON, manaslnir editor: SUSAN SMITHBEBGER. nws editor; FRANK PARTSCH,
- trtaff WriteraT JERI 0!NlT"? MIKE KKKDvV AL BRANDT, KAY ROOD, junior staH writer., RICH.
ARD HALBERT, DALE HAJEK. CAY LEIlcHUCK, copy editors! DKNNI? D'MtAIN. photographer; CHVCK 8M,
lit,... vov axr.-r . PRiTtiTAN li VF.. ri rmla t ion manager; JIM DICK. subscription
manager! JOHN ZELUNGER, business manager! BILL GUNLIChS, BOB CUNNINGHAM, PETE LAGE, Business Milstants
Subscription rate $3 per semester or $5 per year.
Entered u second class matter at the post oHIca In Lincoln, Nebrrska, under the act of August 4, 1912.
The Daily Nebraskan is published at room 51. Student Union, on KmAoy. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday by Uitfversity
of Nebraska Students under the Jurisdiction of the Faculty e on Sd.dent Publications. Publications shall be
free from censorship by the Subcommittee or any person outside the University. Members of the Nebraskan are re
sponsible for what they cause to be printed.
To Our Cal Playgirl
"Better adjust your watch, sweetie, we've Just be
gun moving into a new time zone."
following letter refers to a
feature article in the Daily
Callfornian that was re
rinted by the Daily Nebras
kan. It was supposed to
represent what becomes of
a girl after she enters col
lege from an Individual
point of view.
Your (Calif, playgirl)
contention is that you be-
live in God yet you disobey
His rules a contradiction,
wouldn't you say. The for
mer contention does not
disturb me to the extent
that your reasons for such
actions do. You separated
yourself from your religion
because your parents did
not live up to God's com
mandments fully. Then you
joined your friends (who do
not sleep too soundly on
certain nights from what
I gather).
Why did you depart from
your religion and God?
Did you just find out your
parents had some evil in
them? Sin does exist in all
of us if you would have
listened to some people you
would have discovered that
religion was there to com
bat this evil. But, I still
have not answered the
question. I think that you
dropped your religion be
cause you found that God
demands self sacrifice and
effort to fight sin. In short,
the easy way out. It is more
to your convenience and
comfort to elude your re
sponsibility to God and
man. Shame shame, you
are not in the lenten spirit
of self sacrifice.
If you live Him pick up
your cross (which He gives
to all) and follow Him.
It's always easier to lay on
the ground and never get to
Calvary. If you believe in
Christ, you will want to fol
low Him no matter if it is
socially unacceptable.
The Evangelist
f 'I
26th and "O" St.
(Campus Location)
Suit 1.25
Pants 05
Sweaters 60
Sport Shirts 60
Sport Coats 65
Jackets 75
Overcoats 1.25
Dress (plain) .
Short Coats . . .
Medium Coats
Long Coats . .
.1.25 s
. .651
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South Street at 16th
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dry cleaning is in the "PERFECTED" one-hour process
... by using the newest, most modern equipment, and
applying our own spotting techniques, deep-cleaning
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-A- Garments Stay -V Cleaner, Brighter
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(Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!"
and "Barefoot Boy With Cheek.")
They met. Hie heart leapt. "I love you!" he cried.
f'Me too, hey!" she cried.
f'Tell me," he cried, "are you a girl of expensive tastes?"
"No, hey," she cried. "I am a girl of simple tastes."
"Good," he cried, "for my cruel father sends me an allowance
barely large enough to support life."
"Money does not matter to me," she cried. "My tastes are
simple; my wants are few. Just take me riding in a long, new,
yellow convertible and I am content."
"Goodbye," he cried, and ran away as fast as his little
stumpy legs would carry him, for lie had no yellow convertible,
nor the money to buy one, nor the means to get the money
short of picking up his stingy father by the ankles and shak
ing him till his wallet fell out.
He knew he must forget this girl, but lying on his pallet at
the dormitory, whimpering and moaning, he knew he could not.
At last an idea came to him: though he did not haVe the
money to buy a convertible, perhaps he had enough to rent ouel
Hope reborn, he rushed on his little stumpy legs (curious to
tell, he was six feet tall, but all his life he suffered from little
stumpy legs) he rushed, I say, to an automobile rental company
and rented a yellow convertible for $10 down plus ten cents a
mile. Then, with many a laugh and cheer, he drove away to
pick up the girl.
"Oh, bully!" she cried when she saw the car. "This suits my
simple tastes to a TV Come, let us speed over rolling highroads
and through bosky dells."
Away they drove. All that day and night they drove and
finally, tired but happy, they parked high on a wind-swept hill.
"Marlboro?" he said.
"Yum, yum," she said.
They lit their Marlboros. They puffed with deep content
ment. "You know," he said, "you are like a Marlboro-clean
and fresh and relaxing."
"Yes, I am clean and fresh and relaxing," she admitted.
"But, all the same, there is a big difference between Marlboros
and me, because I do not have an efficacious white Selectrate
They laughed. They kissed. He screamed.
"What is it, hey?" she asked, her attention aroused.
"Look at the speedometer," he said. "We have driven 200
miles, and this car costs ten cents a mile, and I have only
$20 left."
"But that is exactly enough," she said.
"Yes," he said, "but we still have to drive honied
"Oh," she said. They fell into a profound gloom. He started
the motor and backed out of the parking place.
"Hey, look !" she cried. "The speedometer doesn't move when
you are backing up."
He looked. It was true. "Eureka I" he cried. "That solves
my problem. I will drive home in reverse. Then no more miles
will register on the speedometer and I will have enough money
to pay!"
"I think that is a smashing idea," she said, and she was right'
Because today our hero is in the county jail where food, cloth
ing, and lodging arc provided free of charge, and his allowance
is piling up so fast that in two or three years he will have
enough money to take his girl riding again. 1(M m
Marlboro Cigarette, good as they are, should not be smoked
backuards. He, the makers of Marlboro, most earnestly
urge you to light only the tobacco end. Otherwise your
mmkiny pleanure trill be slanlially diminished.