The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1964, Image 1

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Five Students Selected &
Of St. Louis
Five University students
nave been chosen as the first
of two teams to travel to St.
Louis, March 29, as a part of
the student Young Womens
Christian Association (YWCA)
voter registration project.
According to Betty Gabe
hart, executive director of the
student YWCA, a , second
team of five or fewer will be
selected today or tomorrow.
First team members are An
drea Block, Peggy King,
Carol Williams, Mick Rood
and Elvin Siebert.
The women are YWCA
members and Miss Williams
and Miss King have exper
ience on local tutorial pro
jects. Miss Williams also at
tended the National YWCA
Human Relations Project in
Chicago and Lake Geneva,
Tutorial project workers
help lagging high school stu
dents recommended by the
To Visit
Three Talks Set
Monday, Tuesday
Morris Bishop, a veteran
American scholar, humorist,
and poet, will visit the Uni
versity campus Monday and
Tuesday to address an open
meeting of Phi Beta Kappa
(PBK), scholastic honor so
ciety, and give two other
A faculty member of Cor
nell University for almost 40
years, Professor Bishop is now
a visiting lecturer for PBK
and president of the Modern
Language As
sociation, one
of the na
tion's largest
academic so
cieties. He will ad
dress the
PBK dinner
meeting Mon
day at 6:15
p.m.. in the
Student Un- Bishop
ion Pan American room. The
society has announced that
anyone interested may attend.
Those wishing to attend the
dinner, however, should make
reservations by tomorrow at
University extension 2770.
The subject of his PBK ad
dress is "Pascal and the
Creative Mind," a topic which
should carry the explanation
that Pascal was a distin
guished 17th century French
man, who, among other things
developed the mathematical
law of probabilities, much to
the satisfaction of poker play
ers and other scientists.
Professor Bishop will speak
on "The World as Absurdity,"
in 320 Burnett at 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday and at 8 p.m. in the
Student Union auditorium,
will lecture on "Light Verse:
Its Theory and Practice."
Professor Bishop's own
light verse has appeared in
The New Yorker as well as
in book form but as a writer
he is best known as a bio
grapher , of explorers and
scholars. He appears at the
University under the sponsor
ship of Phi Beta Kappa, the
department of Romance Lan
guages, and the Nebraska Ca
reer Scholars Program, the
latter financed by a Ford
Foundation grant.
hedges Initiated
Two fraternity pledges re
ceived waivers last night at
the Interfraternity Council
(IFC) meeting which focused
mainly on waivers.
A waiver was defined by
IFC president, Tom Brewster,
as an act performed by the
IFC which deals with the
eligilibilty of a fraternity
pledge for initiation.
Should a pledge not make
the required IFC standard for
initation, (5.0), he would not
usually be initated. However,
in special cases a pledge is
given the right to be initiated.
These "special cases" in
clude situations such as
hardship, financial problems,
or family difficulties.
The pledges are Bill Yoesel,
Acacia fraternity, and Ted
McConaughey, Kappa Sigma.
McConaughey's case was a
special consideration due to
the fact that he now holds an
average over 5.0. IFC laws
however, had ruled him in
eligible for initiation because
Voter AM
Malone Community Center.
Orientation sessions for
the teams will be every
Tuesday at 3:45 p.m. con
ducted by Mrs. Richard Wad
low, an instructor in the Uni
versity political science de
partment. Team members were se
lected from applications sub
mitted last week. Mrs. Wad
low and Carol Olson of the
University Graduate School
of Social Work selected the
The student teams plan to
finance the trip themselves.
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HE'S IMPROVING-It's easy now, but Frank Partsch,
DAILY NEBRASKAN staff writer, had difficulty turning
down cigarettes when he first began the five-day plan to
'Ex-Smoker' Nears
By Frank Partsch
Senior Staff Writer
The first question that oc
curs to many of us when we
resolve to quit smoking is
whether to quit abruptly or
to taper off.
E. J. Folkenberg, one of the
co-sponsors of the Five Day
Plan to Stop Smoking, has a
ready answer to the question.
He tells a story about a man
who felt compelled to cut the
tail from his little dog.
Rather than subjecting the
animal to the pain of having
the whole tail removed at one
slice, he cut it off inch by
inch to spare the pain.
Anyone who is addicted to
cigarettes has felt some de
gree of discomfort compar
able to what toe puppy goes
through. Their reactions are
sometimes grotesque, such as
YWCA Changes Date
The Young Women's Christ
ian Association (YWCA) Lead
ership Conference, originally
scheduled for Saturday has
been changed to March 14.
Pat Theimer will lead the
conference and will speak on
"Group Dynamics." Work
shops will be held in group
discussions devoted to improv
ing group leadership. This
conference is sponsored by the
campus YWCA.
he is not attending the Uni
versity of Nebraska this sem
ester. He is attending the Uni
versity of Mexico but will re
turn to Nebraska next semes
ter. Tom Schwenke, vice presi
dent, reported that there are
67 men going through Spring
Rush Weekend this week.
Each rushee will attend ten
houses of his choice Friday
night. Each twenty minute
party is designed to allow the
rushee to look at his favor
ite house. The rushees then
file for the three houses to
which they wish to return Sat
urday. The parties Saturday
will be an hour and a half
long. The rushees will then
choose the one fraternity to
which they wish to pledge.
Bill Mowbray, IFC Rush
Chairman, reported that a
program designed to intro
duce high school seniors to
fraternity life has been
planned for March 14, Mow
bray asked the houses pres
ent to encourage .any high
school rushees to attend this
Vol. 77, No. 69
muscle twitches, and some
times just depression.
Folkenberg went around the
auditorium Tuesday night and
asked some of the reformed
smokers to describe the symp
toms that accompanied their
release from nicotine.
One woman related that the
first day was easy until late
afternoon, when she felt a
strong urge for a cigarette.
She promptly remembered
the buddy system and rushed
over to talk to her "buddy."
"Did that help you?" asked
Folkenberg, his face lighting
"Yes," she answered quick
ly. "We went out and had a
cigarette together."
Another woman told about
how she went for two days
without smoking and finally
yielded to the urge and lit up.
"How did it taste to you?"
said Folkenberg hopefully.
"Real go-o-o-od," she said.
World Assembly
Sponsors Tours
Of Eastern U.S.
Nebraska students have an
opportunity to accompany in
ternational youth visitors on
their tour of the eastern half
of the United States this sum
mer. The tours will follow the
fifth General Assembly of the
World Association of the
World Assembly of Youth,
an international democratic
youth organization composed
of youth councils in 56 coun
tries. The Assembly is hosted
by the United States affiliate
of the World Assembly of
Youth, the United States
Youth Council. It will be held
from July 31 to Aug. 12, 1964,
at the University of Massa
chusetts. The guides must be (1) be
tween the ages of 18 and 30;
(2) proficient in either French
or Spanish; (3) familiar with
American youth organiza
tions; (4) able to explain and
have a basic understanding
of the economic, social, and
political structure of the
United States; (5) interested
in world affairs; (6) able to
work well with international
visitors; and (7) available
for either two or four weeks
during the period of July 25
to August 28.
All room, board, and travel
expenses for the guides will
be provided,, plus a salary.
Application forms and addi
tional information may be ob
tained by writing to the
United States Youth Council,
345 East 46th Street, New
York, New York 10017.
quit smoking. Now he reports all he has to do is take a
deep breath and whisper the magic words, "I choose not
to smoke." i
Five Day
Morale is good, however,
and the greater number of
the "patients" seem to be re
sisting the habit quite strong
ly. The controlled diet, which
eliminates foods that stimu
late the urge to smoke, is a
strong factor in the treatment.
In addition, the deep breath
ing and the "magic phrase"
provide additional weapons
with which to fight tempta
tion. My personal problems are
slight in comparison to some
of the trials my comrades in
misery are enduring. A hor
rible hunger is first, lasting
all through the day and being
satisfied by no amounts of
Later Hours Claim
Approval By Many
By Barb Berney
and Nancy Anderson
"Definitely a step forward.
It seems rather curious that
Nebraska men are on their
own, while women are
deemed incapable of handling
themselves," said Mike Bar
ton, one of the many young
men left twiddling their
thumbs at 10:35 p.m. "But
apparently girls have ma
tured within the last year, be
cause they have been re
warded with 1,800 more sec
onds of responsibility.
I look forward to the day
when the University will de
sist from legislating morals
reminiscent of the Victorian
Era, said Barton. I'm sur
prised AWS hasn't tried to
approve all pinnings and en
gagements." This and the following opin
ions resulted from the recent
change . of junior women's
hours from 10:30 p.m. to 11
p.m., effective next fall. Other
opinions were similar to Bar
ton's. Charles Miller, a junior in
Arts and Science feels that
the new 11 p.m. hours are
good. He thinks that any girl,
by the time she is a junior,
knows what she wants out of
Cheryl Moss, freshman, be
lieves the 11 p.m. hours are
a good idea because more in
dividualism is stressed.
"I think it's all right and
that it should have happened
a long time ago," said Mark
Ramaekers, sophomore. "Al
so, I believe, that sophomores
should have been included in
this new change."
Charles Bennet, a married
senior in Engineering ex
pressed, "Actually It doesn't
affect me, being married, but
sJksii fi . 'ft
The Daily Nebraskan
food or liquids (incidently, al
coholic beverages are prohib
ited during the five day pro
gram). .
My second problem is a
horrible compulsion to smoke
anything that will burn.
Luckily the urge comes only
once a day, but it comes then
with a rush that is complete
ly wiped out by a timely men
tal block, and, as of yet, I
have not had a perfect day
That is my goal for the
third day. Twenty-four hours
with no nicotine, no 27 or 24
poisons of which 15 cause
cancer, no cough, no watery
eyes ... NO CORRODED
I think it's a real good idea
and I'd be willing to go along
with it!"
A Phi Delta Theta alum,
Bob Schrepf stated, "Glad to
see they're liberalizing it.
I'm certainly in favor of it.
However, I think they could
even be extended to mid
night." An anonymous AWS Board
member told the DAILY NE
BRASKAN that the reason
that this finally came about
was because Dean Snyder has
had many 21 year old junior
women coming in and re
questing extended hours for
various reasons. She finally
decided to bring this matter
before the AWS Board, who
in turn considered it and
passed it.
Bill Neater, a junior in Bus
iness Administration states
his opinion this way, "It's
fine with me. I think it's a
fine incentive. It gives them
something to look forward to,
being juniors."
Bill Pfeiff, senior in Teach
ers College summed up the
majority of the student's opin
ions as follows, "I believe
that this is a step in the right
direction. Hours should be ex
tended to all girls who have
proved themselves scholasti-
One lone junior woman
bravely expressed her opin
ion contrary to the others. "I
don't think hours should be
extended," said the junior.
"There is a tendency to slough
off and not get your studies
done. We're here for going
to school, and you should be
"However, seniors should
have more privileges than
juniors and both more priv
ileges than freshmen."
Weekend Matches
Are A Possibility
Student Council yesterday
passed a motion introduced
by Doug Thorn allowing them
to sponsor a Quiz Bowl dele
gation to the Big Eight Quiz
Bowl in Norman, Okla., on
Saturday, May 2.
Thorn told the Council that
the University quiz bowl pro
gram will have to rearranged
in order to have a winner
in time for the Conference
competition. Dan Wherry,
chairman of the Quiz Bowl
Committee said that addition
al matches might be held on
weekends in order to bring
the matches to a close by
May 2.
The winning team from the
University will represent Ne
braska at Norman, accord
ing to Thorn, rather than the
team consisting of outstanding
individuals as original
ly planned.
Miss Means At
April 11 Meeting
..Marianne Means, the only
woman correspondent on the
16-m ember White House
press corps, will speak at the
University April 11.
Miss Means will be t h e
featured speaker at the an
nual Matrix banquet spon
sored by Theta Sigma Phi,
professional fraternity for
women in journalism.
The banquet will be held
in conjunction with the re
gional convention of S I g m a
Delta Chi, professional fra
ternity for men in journalism.
All interested students are
invited to attend the ban
A University graduate and
native of Sioux City, la., Miss
Means, is currently serving as
correspondent for the Hearst
Headline Service.
She will speak on the ad
ministration's transition from
the late President John F.
Kennedy to President Lyndon
Johnson and problems en
countered covering the events
in Dallas, Texas last Novem
ber. Miss Means was a member
of Delta Delta Delta sorority
when she attended school!
here. She was also a member
of Phi Beta Kappa, Theta
Sigma Phi, Gamma Alpha
Chi, Kappa Tau Alpha and
Alpha Lambda Delta, all
After graduation Miss
Means was a copy editor for
She went to Washington after
meeting Senator John F. Ken
nedy when he came to Lin
coln. She went into the Wash
ington position when he took
over the presidency.
Outstanding women journa
lists in Nebraska will be rec
ognized at the banquet.
Awards will be presented to
winners in three contests
general news and features,
women's page news and fea
tures, and women's page gen
eral excellence. All fuil-time
and part-time women staff
members of Nebraska news
papers are eligible to enter.
Delta Sigma Pi Picks
Rose Queen Finalists
Delta Sigma Pi has chosen
five finalists for their Rose
Queen to be named at the
annual Rose Formal on April
The finalists are Kathy
Glade, Delta Gamma; Barb
Smith, Kappa Alpha Theta;
Suzie Young, Alpha Delta Pi;
Virginia Ferrara, Gamma
Phi Beta and Carolyn Dau
bert, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Thursday, March 5, 1964
In other business the Coun
cil, by a vote of 19-9 passed
a motion by Jean Probasco to
recommend that all Univer
sity Fund (AUF) investigate
the possibilities of campus
drives to support the John
F. Kennedy Library in Bos
ton. At the present time AUF
is the only organization al
lowed to collect money on
Miss Probasco said that
many students were very in
terested in supporting the
drive, which is being con
ducted on 2100 campuses.
The Council defeated a mo
tion by Bobby Kotecha to cre
ate a committee to explain na
tional and state government
to students and students to
the legislators. Tom Kort re
minded the Council that the
senators' and public issues
committees already handle
the work of the proposed
committee and, to avoid du
plication, the motion should
be defeated.
Mike Barton, chairman of
the public relations commit
tee, said that the Council has
the necessary structure to ex
plain national and state ac
tions to the student body.
Bob Kerrey presented a
committee action report out
lining a plan for a type of student-faculty
discussion ser
ries in which the teachers
would specify the areas in
which they would like to
Then the students would
make the first move in set
ting the date of the meeting,
a type of forum. Dick Weill
proposed to amend the re
port by making it possible to
include business and profes
sional men in the forum.
The motion, as amended,
was passed.
All students interested in
the Big Eight charter flight
to Europe should contact Don
Hertz or the Student Council
office during he next week.
Full details will be available
within the week, said Presi
dent Dennis Christie.
Don Lydick, chairman of
the masters committee, re
minded any organization in
terested in having the mas
ters speak to their meetings
should contact him.
Susie Segrist announced
that interviews will be held
Saturday, March 15 for dele
gates to the Midwest Model
United Nations at Nebraska
Wesleyan University April
Sixteen representatives will
be chosen for four delegations
Lima Council
Picks Hardin
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
has been' named a member
of the executive committee
of the Council on Higher Edu
cation in the American Re
publics. Hardin returned this week
from the annual meeting of
the organization at Lima,
Peru. Others named to the
committee were Dr. Grayson
Kirk, president of Columbia
University and Dr. 0. Mere
dith Wilson, president of the
University of Minnesota.
Twenty-one Americans at
tended the Lima gathering.
Discussions centered around
strengthening cooperative ed
ucational relations in the
western hemisphere. While
at Lima, the group was en
tertained by President Be
launde of Peru.
Theta CM E 175. Theta XI 1
Beta Theia Pi Pledget 180. PI S
Beta Phi II 45. ,
Pound HaU 140, Gamma Phi
Beta 60. S
Kappa Alpha Theta H 310, PI
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Beta ra 1 iu.
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