The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 02, 1964, Page Page 4, Image 5
Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, March 2, 1964 iislcsrs CSC6 Brooks S" It "" g nnn :iu nia . uiiiiuiin UDiiuiiiii iiiiiii ill 1 n'l'-r'li i "warn raag . .1- l -x J ft It was a long night for Ne braska's track squad as they watched the Missouri Tigers win the Big Eight Indoor Championship Saturday night in Kansas City. Plagued by injures and bad luck, Nebraska, the de fending champion, could only muster sixth place, beating K-State and Iowa State. Mis souri piled up a substantial 57 points to win over Kansas who garnered 47 points the same number of points Ne braska won with last winter. The two brightest spots for the Huskers were Victor Brooks who won the broad jump with a 24-2 leap and captain Gil Gebo who won the 600 yard run in 1:11.6. It seemed from the start that the Huskers could not get rolling. The short dis tances, where their strength could have come, were lost mainly through injury. failed to qualify for the fin- place broad jump. Jim Belt- Ron Moore was the only NU hurdler to qualify for the fin als. Preston Love and Lynn Headley both had trouble with injuries. Moore qualified in the highs and lows but turned up lame for the finals and scratched from the events. Colorado's Jim Miller won both races. Kent McCloughan got a slow start out of the blocks in the semi-finals of the 60 and thus ! als. Defending champion Rick Beidner of Missouri took the gold medal in :06.2. The middle distances, where the Tigers picked up a lot of points, were disastr ous for. Nebraska. On Friday night they failed to qualify anyone for either the 1,000 or 880-yard runs. Dave Crook, after qualify ing for the 440 with ease on Friday, drew the inside lane for the finals. He got boxed in on the first lap and never did recover as O-State's Jack Mil ler won with a :50 time. The 600 saw Gebo win and Dick Strand finish sixth. Strand, like Crook, was the victim of circumstances. Starting the second lap, some one stepped on his shoe and it was wrenched off his foot, forcing the junior runner to complete the race with only one shoe- Missouri dominated the mile and Kansas . the two mile. Robin Lingle, famed Tiger runner, handily won the mile and equaled the 1,000 yard run record of 2:11.6. John Lawson of Kan sas won the two mile in 9:14.4. In the field events, Nebras ka took a fourth in the shot put in addition to Brooks' first zer tossed the shot 534Va. The only record set during the meet Was in the pole vault. Floyd Manning of Kan sas and Missouri's Bill Younger both cleared 15-8 to better the old record of 15-7Y4. Both vaulters thrilled the crowd as each apparently had cleared 16 feet only to have the bar topple off. First place was awarded to Man ning, who had, fewer misses at 15.8. The mile relay composed of McCloughan, Strand, Crook and Gebo was second to Ok lahoma State's fleet crew. The Huskers defeated the Cowboys in Lincoln a few- weeks ago and the O-State coach prophesied that Ne braska would not beat h i s mile relay again. Scoring Chart Scoring Chart On the Track I NU Cagers Get Lumps Nebraska suffered a jolt in its chances for a first division finish in the Big Eight con ference. Oklahoma State's Cowboys took an 81-45 decision to drop Gymnasts Witt Pair Nebraska's gymnasts gave a strong showing Saturday at the P.E. Building as they raised their overall dual rec ord to 10-1. the Huskers to a 5-7 loop; The Huskers feeat Kansas and Air Force in a double CU IS KS KU Mil NTT OS Oil 60 yd. Dash O 3 2 5 0 0 5 60-j'd. H.H. . 5 4 0 3 1 0 0 2 60-.vd. L.H 5 1 0 2 4 O 0 3 440-yd. Dash ..... 2 00 4 3 1 50 600-yd. Run 0000 4 560 880-yd. Run 0 0 0 0 7 0 4 4 10O0-yd. Run 0 0 1 6 5 0 0 3 Mile Run 2 0 0 4 9 0 0 0 2-Mile Run 2 0 1 12 0 O 0 0 Mile Relay 2 0 0 0 3 4 5 1 Track Totals 18 5 5 33 41 10 2? 18 In the Field Broad Jump O 4 3 1 0 5 0 2 High Jump 0 0 1 7 3 0 4 0 Pole Vault O 0 0 6 4 0 3 2 Shot Put 1 0 0 0 9 2 0 3 Field Totals 1 4 4 14 16 7 1 1 Grand Totals 19 47 57 IT 27 25 PHOTO BY PEGGY SPEECE AT LAST Gil Gebo winner of the Big Eight 600-yard run accepts his trophy after a fine 1:11.6 clocking. After two years of frustration Gebo got his victory, and the trophy. ' ,' " - mum ! iff t 1 . TRACK EVENTS 60 highs. Jim Miller, Colorado; 2. Norm Johnston, Iowa State; 3. William Chambers, Kansas: 4. Mike Hewitt, Okla homa. 5, Calvin Groff, Missouri, T. :07.4. 601. Rick Beldner, Missouri; 2. An thony Watson, Oklahoma; 3, Dale Alex ander, Kansas State: 4, Robert Hanson, Kansas; 5, Frank Deramus, Oklahoma. T, :06.2. 60 lows 1, Jim Miller, Colorado: 2, Calvin Groff, Missouri; 3, Mike Hewitt, Oklahoma; 4, Gale Sayers, Kansas; 5, Norman Jon son. Iowa State T, :06.8. Mile 1, Robin Lingle, Missouri; 2, Charles Conrad, Missouri; 3, Tonnie Coane, Kansas: 4, Dave Wighton, Okla homa; 5, Herald Hadley, Kans. T, 4:10. 60O1. Gil Gebo, Nebraska; 2, William " Rawson, Missouri; 3, John Perry, Okla , I homa State; 4, John Winineham. Okla- State. T, 1:11.6. 4401, Jack Miller. Oklahoma State; 2, Tom Wright, Kansas; 3, Ronald Peters, Missouri: 4, Dick Burns, Missouri; 5, Dave Crook, Nebraska. T, :50. 1,0001, Robin Linele, Missouri: 2, Herald Hadley. Kansas; 3, George Brose, Oklahoma; 4, John Donner, Kansas; 5, Wes Dutton, Kansas Slate. T, 2:11.6 (equals record by Cm Cushman, Kansas, 1859). Two-Mlle 1, John Lawson. Kansas, 2, William Silverberg, Kansas; 3, Paul Ace vedo. Kansas; 4, Mike McCoy, Colorado; 5, Wilfred Lehman. Kasnas State. T, 9:14:4. 880 1, Charles Conrad, Missouri: 2, Tom Vonruden. Oklahoma State; 2, Walt Mizen, Oklahoma; 4, William Rawson, Missouri; 5, Phi Olviatt. Oklahoma. T. 1:54.1. Mile Relay 1, Oklahoma State Jack Miller, Dave Perry. John Perry, Haymon Bothwell; 2, Nebraska: 3, Missouri; 4, Colorado; 5, Oklahoma. T, 3:18:6. FIELD KVENTS Shot 1, Eugene Crews, Missouri. 57-11: 2, Robert Neuham, Missouri, 55-7'i; 3. Richard lnman, Oklahoma, Wh 4, James Beltzer. Nebraska. 53-412; 5, Tom Galbos, Colorado. 52-11. Hiirh Jump 1, Tyce Smith. Kansas, 6-6 (fewest misses ; 2, Russell Laverty. Okla homa State. 6-6; 3. Ross Tunnel, Mis souri, 6-6: 4, Charles Twiss. Kansas, 6-4; 5, Ken Winters. Kansas State. 6-4. Vault 1, Floyd Manning, Kansas, 15-8 (fewest misses); 2, William Younger, Mis souri. 15-8; 3, Prston Halsinger, Oklahoma State. 15-4; 4. James Farrell, Oklahoma, 154; 5, Jim Fanucchi, Kansas. 13-6. I Manning and Yunger bettered record 15-7V4 by J. D. Matin. Oklahoma, I960). Broad jump 1, Victor Brooks, Ne braska. 24-2'-a; 2, Steve Jacobson, Iowa State, 23-104; 3, Bob Hines, Kansas State. 23-54.; 4. Anthony W'atson, 23-5-',j; 5. Glenn Martin. Kansas, 23-Mi. mark David Wright led all scor ing with 21 for Okalhoma State before 4,500 fans at Still water Saturday night. The Huskers were outshot by the Cowpokes 45 per cent to 41 per cent, and were com pletely beaten in the rebound ing department. Bob Antulov led the NU rebounders with eight grabs. . .. Charlie Jones was the Husk- er to score more than 5, as he hit 13 on 6 field goals and 1 ot three free throws. Nebraska stays in Oklahoma and faces the University of Oklahoma Monday night at Norman. NEBRASKA (45) fr-lca ft-fta reb bI Antulov ' 1-2 2-6 Jones 6-12 1-3 Nannen 2-5 1-2 Petsch 1-5 1-3 Simmons 1-2 0-0 Webb 1-2 3-4 Wright 1-2 0-0 Spears 01 1-1 Yates 2-5 1-2 Puelz 1-1 0-0 Cebrun 1-3 0-0 Reiners 0-1 1-3 Team Rebounds 2 Totals 17-41 11-24 31 21 45 fe-tga ft-fta reb pf tp OKLAHOMA STATE (81) Cooper 1-6 5-5 13 7 Hassman 8-15 4-6 5 4 20 Hawk 1-8 1-12 13 Johnson 3-8 3-6 9 3 9 King 2-4 12 10 4 5 Swaffer 1-2 1 3 2 0 3 Wright 10-16 1-1 5 2 21 Berryhille 0-0 0-110 0 lha 2-2 0-0 0 0 4 LaBrue 1-2 0-0 2 2 2 Doyle 0-0 2-2 o' 0 2 Cooniield 1-3 3-4 3 O 5 Team Rebouads 4 Totals 30-66 21-31 44 19 81 Nebraska 22 3345 Oklahoma State 35 4681 Officials Pete Elliott, Pat Haggerty. Attendance 4,500. dual. The scores were Nebraska 84, Kansas 28; Nebraska 64, Air Force 48; and Air Force 85, Kansas 27. Dennis Albers and Francis Allen set the pace for the Cornhuskers. Albers got six firsts and Allen got three and five seconds. The meet was the Nebraska warm-up for the Big Eight meet next weekend at Iowa State. NU 84, Kansas 28 Free exercise 1, Albers, N; 2, Allen N; 3, Dobbins, K. Rebound tumbling!, Albers, N; 2. Allen. N; 3, Carpenter, K. Side horse 1, Albers, Ni 2, Allen, N; 3, Drug, K. Horizontal bar 1, Allen. N; 2, Howard, N; 3, Burkel, N. Parallel bars 1, Allen, N; 2. Burkel, N; 3, Dobbins, K. Rings 1, Sitzman, N; 2, Albers, N; 3, Burkel, N. Tumbling 1, (tie) Albers, N. and Al len, N; 3, Dobbing. K. NU 64, Air Force 48 I; A OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE Dennis Albers shows his form on the side horse on his way to an afternoon of six firsts. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS T NEBRASKAN WANT ADS FOR RENT: 1418 L St. Single rooms for men. Down town. Approved. 435-7357. Free exercise 1. Albers. N: 2. Allen. N; 3, Howard, N. Rebound tumbling 1, Albers, N; 2, Hardee. AF; 3, Packer, AF. hide norse-1, Albers, Ni 2, Allen, Ni 3, King, AF. Horizontal bar 1, Higgins. AF; 2, Al len, N; 3. Albers, N. Parallel .bars 1, Allen, N; 2, Hlgglns. AF; 3, Albers, N. Rings 1. Cole, AF; 2, Stizman. N; 3, Howard, N. Tumbling!, Reynolds, AF; 2, Kopf, ir , j, ,ue Alien, n, ana Albers, N. WANTED: Male student roommate to share nice 2 bedroom apartment preferably under classman. Very reasonable living ex penses. Call 477-6615 before noon. Male student to share 2 bedroom apart ment with 2 others. 642 So. 17th. 535' month, utilities paid, Phone 477-3096 alter 6:00. Basis guitar player for combo. Call Larry, R 6310. Selleck Quad. Opening for qualified secretary and prop ria manager avauaoie mis summer to supervise Campus Religious Foun dation with House and Chapel. Will need a student couple to serve on its professional staff in these capacities. . If .vou are interested or believe you might be qualified please call 432-6561. THE ENGAGEMENT RING WITH THE PERFECT CENTER DIAMOND TCe 3p s ake True artistry is expressed in the brilliant fashion styling of every Keepsake diamond engagement ring. Each setting is a master piece of design, reflecting the full brilliance and beauty of the center diamond ... a perfect gem of . flawless clarity, fine color and meticulous modern cut. The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on the tag is your assurance of fine quality and lasting satisfaction. Your very per sonal Keepsake diamond ring' is awaiting your selection at your Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find him in the yellow pages. Prices from $100 to $2500. Rings enlarged to show beauty of detail Trade-mark registered. f H3W TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDIKST I Pteoss srtd two new booklets, "How to Plan Your rgag&- 1 merit esfnd WnAAmn" R bolh for only 25c. Also send special offer of beautiful 44 i f rrf-ft Bride's Book. - 1 WE NEVER CLOSE Wrestlers Pinned Rick Allgood, sophomore wrestler, salvaged Nebras ka's only points as Iowa State pinned the Cornhuskers, 27-2. Allgood drew with Ernie Gillum, 4-4. Next on the Nebraska slate is a dual meet with Denver at the Coliseum Saturday night. s i wi i i i " i - i . try ' j- ' t, r. i MB! 'YOU MAY K WELL OPEN UP - 1 OVgKMEAPP Ofe OF Trig npWNrSTAlES AY VOU MAP A fit Fridoy, Mar. 6 ot 7:00 P.M. BALLROOM NEBRASKA UNION FORD CARavan of Music KfgPSAKg PiAMOhfP RMVI.ACUEJSIEW VORKj U r ELIRON ' ' A I 'lyl' m Flk Si"gerSalirist ' - j 2'K P $) THE mmm:thi-M MOONSHINERS I UU-.LWSLkl Vfill,. p t ' Folk Trio jut ' with IQQr6?i6S .,... I W A HEKBIE - ,.- r IMOMP MA MM DIVIDEND BONDED GAS . I 6th & P StS. TICKET PRICES $1.25 & $1.00 - I I Downtown Linrnln I nn CI. -a. ki.i l. 11. . J -li W"'W" . . . a ' ..LuiftilNMn