The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1964, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, February 24, 1964
NEBRASKA POM-POM GIRLS, who have supported Husker teams with enthusi
asm and have added color throughout the year will make their last '63-'M appearance
Mi's Spring Show 'Birdie' Termed
Nebraska's Biggest Stage Production
Kosmet Klub will spend
over $12,000 on its spring
show "Bye Bye Birdie."
The show is the "biggest
stage production in the state,
according to Tom Schwenke,
Kosmet Klub publicity direc
tor. "Birdie" will have the
advantage of the spacious
Pershing Auditorium stage,
which will allow more free
dom than any stage in the
"Technically, the musical
will be aided tremendously
with the sen ices of set de
signer Charles Howard who
was assistant technical di
rector for the Broadway pro
duction of the play, said
High expectations are abun
Nebraskan Is Named
President Of College
An Osceola, Nebraska na
tive who received his mas
ter's degree from Nebraska,
Dr. Donald C. Dearborn, was
inaugurated the fifteenth
president of Catawba College
last week.
Dearborn challenged the na
tion's liberal arts institutions
in his address to the Salis
bury, North Carolina, school
audience. He said students to
day must be able to "discard
knowledge no longer useful"
and preserve what is of use
to make way for new con
cepts. Dearborn, 53, earned his
bachelor of arts in education
from Hastings College and
later his doctorate at Duke
He joined the Catawba fac
ulty as math instructor in
1935, was named registrar in
1940 and dean in 1947.
House Sets Smoker
Delta Sigma Pi announces
a smoker to be held at the
Delta Sigma Pi house, 1141
H Street, at 7 p.m. Wednes
day. All unaffiliated male busi
ness administration students
are invited to attend.
7i I A70nfl
voifes vvq ye
By Jerri CNell
Junior Staff Writer
Students beware, we have John Eirch at the University
that is, Dr. John Birch, assistant professor of mathemat
ics. Birch, who received his Ph.D. at the University of
California in Berkeley in 1960, said that he wasnt ribbed
about his name then because the John Eirch Society wasnt
really famous at that time. "There is, however, a very
active chapter of the Eirch Society in southern California
now," Eirch said.
''When the John Birch Society became famous I was
here and my friends used to send me clippings from the
newspapers whenever tbey referred to the Society, so I
now know more than I want to know about it," Birch said.
Eirch commented that he has voted Democratic in
every major election and considers himself a liberal Demo
crat. "My politics are not at all the same as the John
Eirch Society, he noted.
With the increase in the notoriety of the Birch Society
the jokes about Dr. Birch's name naturally increased,
and, "at one time my wife and I jokingly thought of run
ning an advertisement in the paper asking people to send
money to John Eirch at our address, but some of our law
school friends discouraged the idea."
"My religian emphasizes the difference between my
name and the policies of the Society even more," said
Birch." "Unitarianism Is liberal in its belief and many of
the members used to rib me about being John Birch in
the Unitarian Church."
"But," commented Eirch, 4,the name has never been
dant at the "By Bye Birdie"
rehearsals according to John
Zeilinger, president of Kos
met Klub.
Rehearsals under the di
rection of Mrs. Richard
Hove from Lincoln have kept
72 University students busy
for over two weeks now.
With the March 21. show
time less than a month away,
rehearsals are going "real
well," says Zeilinger.
Rehearsals are being held
Simone, Mann To Appear
In 'Folk, Jazz Wing Ding'
The Ford Caravan of Music
will bring its "Folk and Jazz
Wing Ding" to campus March
6. It will be presented in the
Student Union ballroom.
The conceit will feature
Nina Simone and her quar
tet, Herbie Mann and his Afro-Cuban
quintet, Ron Eliran,
an Israeli folk singer and the
Moonshiners, a trio of two
guitars and three voices.
Miss Simone is a well
known vocalist and pianist
She first came into the public
eye in 1959. Some of her works
are the album "The Amazing
World of Nina Simone" and
singles like "Children Go
Where I Send You."
She has appeared at Car
negie HalL the Hollywood
Bowl and on television. Slie
is presently planning a Euro
pean tour.
Herbie Mann is an interp
reter of African and Latin
rhythms and has toured Af
rica in i960 as part of the
U.S. International Cultural Ex
change Program. Attracted to
the Bossa Nova during a tour
of Brazil, he assimilated it
into his repertoire of "folk
Ron Eliran toured with a
group of Israeli singers and
dancers throughout France
and Belgium. In 1958, during
Israeli's tenth anniversary
celebration, Ed Sullivan dis
from 7-11 p.m. on week nights
in the Student Union confer
ence room and ballroom.
Weekend sessions are alter
nated from the evening to af
ternoon times.
Zeilinger termed the play
itself as "one of the funniest
Boradway musicals ever."
"The musical parodies a
teenage star, teenagers in
general and contemporary
America," said Zeilinger.
According to Zeilinger, sets
and scenery "should be quite
spectacular this year."
covered him and brought him
to the United States for CBS's
special Israeli show.
Hastings' Paper
Gives Scholarship
Nebraska high school sen
iors interested in journalism
will have the chance u com
pete for $3,S75 in scholarships
at the University next year.
A $300 award from the
Hastings Tribune has been
added to the School of Jour
nalism scholarship list w-hich
is financed by 11 Nebraska
newspapers and the Nebras
ka Farmer.
Dr. William E. Hall, direct
or of the school, said this is
the largest number and
amount of newspaper-sponsored
scholarships ever avail
able. "These scholarships have
played a msjor role in en
abling us to attract outstand
ing Nebraska high school
journalistic talent, and in
making it possible for us to
compete favorably against
the best schools in the na
tion," Dr. Hall said.
In addition the University's
journalists ranked first in the
William Randolph Hearst
Foundation national news
writing competition bringing
awards totaling over $15,000
to the School of Journalism
ana us students. j
really embarrasing; poople always were jesting when they
made comments about it."
Eirch said he has taken the anitative at parties and
gatherings by commenting on his name first.
He finds that at parties people have no trouble remem
bering his name.
Dr. Birch's wife, Mrs. Eleanor Birch, instructor of
economics, said that when her husband made speeches
he used to start with the comment that he understands that
the original bearer of the name was shot in China for open
ing his mouth too much, and he hoped he wouldn't meet
the same fate at the gathering.
He has made it a practice to discourage students in
class from joking about the name, '"but now I teach gradu
ate students, and it.isnt much of a problem."
Birch has never seriously considered changing his
name '"because it isn't that much of a big deal, and be
sides, I had it before the Society did."
He has never made a concerted effort to study the life
of the other John Birch, but he do know the policies of
the Society, and doesnt agree with them.
His wife said that there were a number of run-ins with
the name when she went chopping, because people, seeing
the name on a credit card, didnt know whether to joke
about it or not because she might be in sympathy with the
beliefs of the Society. Mrs. Eirch overcame this by making
some comment herself. She said that she fell people were
relieved to find she wasn't a membr.
Dr. Eirch is going to teach at the University of Iowa
next year and when asked if he expected to encounter the
same jibbing there he said "Yes, but not as much as I
would have a few years ago."
Chuck Peek, president of
the University Young Repub
licans (YR's), said Sunday
that members of the group
who attended the tri-state
meeting of college Young Re
publicans in Sioux Gty Sat
urday did so as individual
members rather than as rep
resentatives of the University
YR group.
Although the delegates ov
erwhelmingly supported a res
olution endorsing Sen. Barry
Goldwater for the Republican
presidential nomination, Peek
Trust Is Cited
By Esquenazi
'The Alliance for Progress
in spite of some well
founded criticisms is still
the best program in inter-
j American cooperation," Dr.
Roberto Esquenazi-Mayo de
clared Saturday.
Esquenanazi, associate pro
fessor of romance languages
at the University, spoke at a
student convocation at the
Iowa Wesleyan College in ML
Pleasant, Iowa.
"The Alliance for Progress
is not a unilateral program;
it is not a U.S. aid program.
It is part of our inter-American
system in which every
nation has definte responsibil
ities," Esquenazi said.
"The worst enemy of the
inter-American system is the
threat of communist infiltra
tion in Latin America just
as it is in any part of the
world. In an effort to cope
with this problem, it is im
perative that economic and
social reform are established
and that we base our deal
ings and relationships on
mutual trust
"I feel that the two greatest
statements of U.S. policy
were made during the Eisen
hower and Kennedy adminis
trations," be continued. "Ei
senhower established the
'good partner policy' and
Kennedy announced the Al
liance for Progress. President
Johnson recently said that
we know of no more import-;
ant problem anywhere, at
any time than the problems
of our neighbors.
Esquenazi pointed out that
economic development should
proceed in Latin America
within the framework of dem
jcratic and constitutional gov-
said that the University club
has not endorsed Goldwater
and "as far as I am concerned
we are not going to support
one candidate before the con
vention." The resolution was in
troduced by Steve
member of the University
chapter of the Nebraska Youth
for Goldwater and former YR
Peek added that daily news
paper accounts of the meeting
AUF Announces
Board Members
The new All University
Fund (AUF) board members
have been announced by John
Lonnquist, president They
Publicity: Barbara Beck
man, chairman; Linda Ma
honey and Larry Meyer, as
sistants. Special Events: Dale Stev
ens, chairman; Bonnie Rob
inson, and Bruce McCuUen,
Art: AnnKeezor, chairman;
Margie Der and Kathy Flig
inger, assistants.
Speakers Education: Shir
ley Voss, chairman; Bev
Armstrong and Janet Con
nell, assistants.
Faculty and Organization:
Joe Carroll, chairman; Joan
McCiymont and Jean Fauss,
Ag Campus: Jim Jobman,
chairman; Judy Jacobson,
Jean Grotluchen, and Galen
Plihal, assistants. . ...
Fraternities: Kip Hirsch
bach, chairman; Jim Demars
and Mick Sumnick, assist
ants. !
Sororities, Karen Johnson,'
chairman; Barb Pflasterer
and Donni Maclay, assistants.
Independent Men, Carl.
Clark, chairman; Jerry Mar-;
tin, assistant
Independent Woman, Toni
Poulos, chairman; Judy Mc
Regents' Grants
Will Be Available
To Law Students
Students enrolled in the
University of Nebraska Col
lege of Law next fall may ap
ply for one of six Regents'
full-tuition law scholarships.
In addition, a single appli
cant may apply for an appoint
ment as a men s residence
hall counselor, which would
help to defray living expenses,
according to Dean David Dow
of the College of Law. j
Applications for counselor-1
ships mrst be received before
March 27. The deadline for
scholarship applications is
July L
Scholarships and counselor
ships will be amarded on the
basis of character, pron ;s:
in the field, college record,
results of the law aptitude ex
amination and other pertinent
information. In cases where
two or more applications show
equal qualifications, the need
for financial assistance win
be considered.
AH applications shoud be
sent to Dean David Dow, Col
lege of Law, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Med Freshmen
Get Scholarships
Three Freshmen at the Uni
versity College of Medicine
have been selected to receive
Aralon Foundation Scholar
ships this semester.
The winners are Grace
Buehrens, Harold Kairnan
and Donald Ray Townsend.
Each winner will receive
I2C2J5Q. i
Students receiving the Ava-
lon scholarships were selected
by the Scholarship and Awards
Committee with the approval
af J. Perry Tollman, M.D.,
flean of College of Mpiicine.
The awards are designed to
afford partial or full tuition to
scholasticaUy worthy students
in financial need. I
have incorrectly identified
Stastny as University YR
chairman and William Herzog
as press secretary of the
Chuck Marr, treasurer of
the group and state chairman
of the University chapter of
I the Nebraska Youth for Gold-
water, said that he asked
Herzog to make a statement
to the papers about the events
of the meeting. Marr said that
Herzog is press secretary of
the Nebraska Youth for Gold
water. Cartney an L Joanne Renier,
Lincoln Drive, Karen Roeg
ner, chairman; Sally Mor
row and Sandy Stefanisin, as
sistants. Assistant treasurer. Bob
Marvel's Choice Expected;
School May Be Affected
A decision which will un
doubtably have some effect
on the University's next
"battle of the budget" is ex
pected this week
State Senator Richard Mar
vel of Hastings, chairman of
the legislative budget com
mittee, will announce his po
litical plans.
His choice is expected to
come from among four alter
natives. Most speculation around the
statehouse has him running
for re-election to the unicam
eral If he does this, and is
successful, he will probably
be reappointed to the chair
manship of the budget com
mittee. Rumors have been widely
circulated that the tall, thin
lawyer will seek the Republi-
'Combo Clash' Stars
Four Musical Croups
The "Sig Ep Jags", the
Beta Sigma Psi "Marauders'',
the "Nomads" and the "Chal
lengers" will join sounds in a
"Combo Clash" Feb. 29 at 8
p.m. in the Student Union
Ballroom, sponsored by An
drews House of Selleck Quad
rangle. Each combo will be playing
two half-iiour periods between
S and 12 midnight
Tickets will be sold at the
door. It is hoped that the
"Combo Gash" will become
an annual event.
Five Spend
In Europe
Five University coeds
will study in Europe this
summer under the Nebras
ka Career Scholars pro
gram, financed by Ford
Foundation funds.
The students are Linda
Miles, a sophomore Ger
man major; Karen Wood
ward, a junior French
major; Doris Mueller, a se
nior German major; Mary
Schmitt, a senior German
major; and Kathy Robert
son, a junior French major.
The students will spend
the summer visiting France
and Germany to exchange
cultural views and to fur
ther develop their lan
guage skills.
All five coeds rank high
scholasticaUy and have an !
interest in making a career
of college and university
teaching. They are also
members of the three-year
masters program, an ac
cntuated course of study
in the arts, sciences and
Departments now partici
pating in the program, in
addition to French and
German, include English,
chemistry, educational psy
chology, history, mathema
tics, philosophy, and physics.
Some 70 delegates from U
colleges and universities in
South Dakota, Iowa and Ne
braska attended the meeting
to reaffirm YR principles and
to conduct a mock vote en
dorsing a presidential candi
date. Nebraska Lieutenant Gover
nor Dwight Burney and Fulton
Lewis III, representative of
the Young Americans for
Freedom, spoke to the group.
Stastny emphasized that the
15-20 University students did
not represent the University
YRs "although the results of
the voting probably represent
the feeling of most of the
members of the organization.''
Marr echoed Stastny's
words, adding that all of the
delegates at the meeting were
there as individuals and voted
as they saw fit He said that
the heavy individual support
for Goldwater, however, is in
dicative of strong sentiment
existing for the Senator with
in the YR groups over the
three state area.
can gubernatorial nomina
tion or the post of state treas
urer which Clarence Swansan
must vacate due to state law.
The fourth choice would be
not to ma for anything. Mar
vel himself has given some
credence to this talk with his
oft-stated ambitions of teach
ing political science at the
University leveL
Conversely, Marvel has us
nally listed only the draw
backs to a try for the gover
norship. He has said he hasnt
the money or the organiza
tion necessary to win.
If be should file for gover
nor. Marvel's principal com
petition to date would be Lt.
Governor Dwight W. Burney.
Leo Bartunek of Lincoln has
also filed for the post as a
Wins Debate
On Saturday
The University of Minnesota
won the sweepstakes of the
1964 University of Nebraska
Intercollegiate Debate Con
ference Saturday, outsconng
33 college and university
teams from a ten state area.
The Minnesota team led the
field with 172 points followed
by the University of Kansas
with 12, William Jewel Col
lege of liberty. Mo, with 159
and the University of Mis
souri with 158.
Superior senior division
ratings for schools went to the
University of Nebraska, Min
nesota, Wichita, Washburn
William Jewel College and the
United Stales Air Force Acad
emy. University of Nebraska stu
dents receiving superior rat
ings were Linda Hilly er, ex
temporaneous speaking; Gary
Pokorny, Bud Kimball, Don
RojeskL, senior division de
bate; Roger Doerr, Terry
Sehaff, junior division debate.
Red Cross In Error
A representative of Bed
Cross has reported that some
of the offices as given to the
incorrect through their own
The correct officers aret
Handicrafts Wanda Brao
mer. chairman; Karen Wes
lerberg, assistant.
Stale hospital, adult-Mary
Beth Wright, chairman;
Betsy White and Karen Gap
ford, assistants.
State bOEpilaL specific
Kathy Adams, chairman;
Judy Mortensen and Kariyfi
Elmer, assistants.
Quitting 1$ Reguloted
A student withdrawing from
school must comply with
specific regulations if he does
not want to fail the courses
for which be is registered.
They are: return all labora
tory equipment, library
books, key aod BOTC uni
forms; fill out withdrawal
forms at Administration and
turn in library and ID cards;
take the withdrawal notice
from student affairs to the
registrar; and check wilh in
structors to insure good