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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1964)
GROWING PAINS PART OF 1880's- "SB 21 1934 . Grave Robbing Brings Medical School Closure By Frank Partsch Senior Staff Writer The years 1882-91 brought the University a greater en rollment, an expanded faculty and a surge of physical growth, but each of these advances carried with it a num ber of serious sometimes unusual difficulties. The revived religious issue, coupled with the suggested innovation of newer educational concepts, led to the devel opment of a number of disagreeing factions within the faculty which culminated in several resignations. The controversy was stimulated by the arrival of sev eral Harvard and Yale-educated professors "whose liber al standards did not correspond to the mores of a staid religious community," according to Dr. Robert Manley, assistant professor of history. These men objected to the. idea of compulsory chapel and Sunday church attendance and, what was more cru cial, the narrow classical education offered by the Uni versity. As a result of the disruption of University affairs caused by the faculty's bickering, a hearing of the Board of Regents was held. Shortly afterward three of the professors resigned. But the old guard of the University, perhaps learning . something from these eastern influences, eventually agreed to modernize the curriculum, and by the late 1880's, more emphasis was given to modern languages and science. The University at this time was composed of three colleges, the College of Literature, Science and Art, the In dustrial College, and the College of Medicine, all located in Lincoln. In addition, the Latin School served as a col lege preparatory school for students without enough prep aration for admission to one of the colleges. The number of colleges was reduced in 1887 with the death of the College of Medicine under severe criticism from the people of Lincoln, who suspected the medical stu dents and faculty of robbing graves in Wyuka Cemetery to obtain material for anatomical research. Manley points out that this is a typical reaction of peo ple during this period. Fear, superstition and the belief that man should not disturb the dead resulted in a general opposition to dissection of the human body. The grave robbing rumors were not lessened by the actions of a mischievous group of students, who draped a large sign across the front of the University Hall reading "Cash for Stiffs." Further problems encountered by the college of Medi cine centered around three opposing philosophies of medi treatment and diagnosis. Each of the three doctrines demanded representation on the faculty, causing more discord. The matter was brought to a climax with the arrest of three faculty members for robbing a grave. The college was closed immediately and not reopened until 1902, in Omaha. Continued student opposition to the required military drill together with the fact that few of the self-supporting students could afford uniforms made the military depart ment a source of friction until General John Pershing's ar rival in 1891 created espirit de corps among the "Univer sity Cadets." The extracurricular life of a student of the 80's' cen tered around the literary societies: Paladian, (1871); Ad elphian, (1873); Union (1876); and Delian (1889). Nearly every student was a member of one of these groups. Competition for new members was fierce, accord ing to Louise Pound, writing in THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 1869-1919. "It became the custom to buttonhole new students, almost as soon as they entered the institution, and to ask them to join one or the other literary society." The societies held weekly meetings, which Manley calls "social functions as well as literary programs." The program included essays, recitations and musical numbers, and usually ended with a debate. Refreshments were served, including doughnuts, apples, popcorn and, rarely, ice cream. "In the 80's and 90's," says Miss Pound, "the height of elegance was thought to be attained when the more prodi gal members went to a local restaurant after the program for oysters." Manley says that the literary societies played an im portant part in the development of the individual. Many of the students had been born and raised on pioneer home steads, and had no training in the social graces. At the society meetings these students were given an opportunity to meet and converse with their fellow stu dents, both male and female. "Because nearly all of the students worked their way through the University, the feeling of equality was very strong," says Manley. Sometime in advance of a gathering, a slate bearing the names of the female members was presented by the official slate bearer to all male members, who scratched their mark beside the girl of their choice meaning that every girl had an escort to and from the meeting. In leap years the process was reversed and the wom en had their turn at "scratching the slate." The first student newspaper was the HESPERIAN STUDENT, founded in 1871-2. Manley notes with interest that a favorite subject of editorial writers is lack of school spirit. He says the literary societies did a great deal in generating student pride. The first fraternities to arrive on campus were Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi in 1883. By 1888 Howard) Cald well, in his book, "EDUCATION OF NEBRASKA, lists four other "Greek letter houses" and added that "these houses furnish the nearest approach that has yet been made to dormitory living." Kappa Kappa Gamma colonized at the University In 1884, at the invitation of the Sigma Chis, making It the first sorority. Other houses organized during this period were Kappa Alpha Theta (1887), Delta Gamma (1887) and Beta Theta Pi (1888.) The "Greek letter houses" were immediately con demned by the powerful literary societies as being undem ocratic. The Hesperian was especially harsh in its criti cism of the Greeks and a spirited contest ensued for con trol of the paper. In 1887, Laura Mills, a Kappa Kappa Gamma, became the first Greek associate editor of the paper. Class pride came with the adoption of a game called "canebreak," in which the members of the freshman and sophomore classes battled with no holds barred for 15 min utes for the possession of a cane. If the freshmen were victorious, they had the privilege of carrying canes throughout the year. The game sometimes assumed riot proportions, and it was not unusual for several participants to be knocked unconscious during the festivities. The people of Lincoln, as expressed through the local newspapers, were shocked when the young ladies appeared Continued on Page 3 ' NEVER AN ELGIN FACTORY The first Nebraska Hall was not first an Elgin fac tory as was the present Nebraska Hail. It was built in 1888 on a plot of ground that is now faculty parking across from Avery lab. It was razed four years ago. The building housed the Industrial college which included, physics, chemistry," zoology, and agriculture. Vol. 77, No. 62 New Program Established Iinll'eiresf Ion By Mike Keedy Junior Staff Writer A Latin American program is being established by the College of Arts and Sciences, Dean Walter Militzer revealed yesterday. A growing interest in this field, coupled with the contri butions of Latin America," said Dr. Roberto Esquenazi- Officials, Students Conflict Chicago (CPS) A long- simmering conflict over al leged discriminatory admis sions policies at Northwestern University has erupted into a full-scale war. Combatants are the Dally Northwestern, the student Hu man Relations Committee (HRC), and Northwestern Di rector of Admissions C. Wil liam Reiley. The Northwestern Student Senate last Thursday, by a vote of 19-4, passed a resolu tion which censured Relley's actions towards students in volved in the controversy. The Senate resolution stated that Relley's action were "to tally unbecoming an admis sions officer of a great uni versity . .. a man committing such alleged behavior has no place in such a postlon." Charges of religious dis crimination in Northwestern admissions policies were made public in the Jan. 30 issue of the Daily Northwest ern. In the story, members of the HRC said figures in dicate that percentages of students of several religious groups attending the school have not changed for seven years. Reiley denied the HRC ac cusations. He stated that Northwestern has not asked questions about religion on its applications since 1956. He told the Daily Northwestern that the university has no rec ords of an applicant's religion. Said Reily. "You can come over to the office and check our records." On Feb. 12, Daily News Editor Al From phoned the admissions office for permis sion to see the records. Reiley is said to have threatened From with the withdrawal of of scholarship aid. Members of the HRC took action Feb. 12. They filed a complaint with Vice-Presi dent and Dean of Faculties Payson Wild based on the treatment they received in Reily's office. Wild said he was "extremely sorry" and was investigating the incident. ' Joiiruvafini Mayo, associate professor of romance languages, "has helped precipitate this innova tion." ,.,,..,.,..., ,.. Dr. Gene Hardy, assistant professor of English, stressed that the program would not involve any new courses at present. "Instead", he said, "it will coordinate Latin American courses in several depart ments.. These include Latin American history, politics, an thropology, geography, litera ture and art." "The departments involved, each of which has jurisdiction over its specific field, will in effect coordinate in forming an inter-disciplinary minor," indicated Bernard Rosen, as sociate professor of sociology. Professor Norman Stewart, secretary of the committee which is helping to head the program, said, "We don't want relations with Latin America to develop out of ig norance." He noted further that many issues are decided in the American public's mind out of rumor and word-of-mouth mis conceptions. Other members of the co ordinating committee are Alex Edelmann, David Kelley, Michael Meyer, and Bernard Rosen. Departments of anthropolo gy, art, geography, history, journalism, political science and romance languages are cooperating to initiate the con ceived program. Esquenazi indicated that a student participating will ma jor in a specific field as usual, drawing a strong minor from NU Senior Coeds Apply For Queen Applications for May Queen are available in 207 Admin istration and must be re turned to that office before 5 p.m. today, according to Judy Luhe, of Mortar Boards. Applicants for May Queen must be senior women reg istered for 12 or more hours and must have a 5.0 average or better. Ten finalists will be chosen at a May Queen Primary on March 4 to compete for the title in the March 10 all women's election. Junior and senior women will vote for two candidates, one of which will be Queen and one lady in waiting. The Queen and her court will be present ed on Ivy Day. i;.iw" The Daily Nebraskan Latoui courses in at least three of the departments involved. "In addition to the required courses taken at the Univer sity' he continued, "students chosen by the committee will spend a full year of study in Mexico City, at El Colegio de Mexico." The committee indicated that the students will make the trek on a full scholarship basis, with all expenses paid including a round-trip ticket. "The students' tuition and insurance will also be cov ered," indicated Esquenazi, "as well as a $1200 sum for the ten-month trip." Alex Edelmann, associate professor of political science, urope "Europeans came too late, stayed too short a time, and left too soon for the tech niques of government to be firm in Africa," said Colin Jackson, British Broadcast ing Company analyst, in a speech sponsored last night by the political science de partment of the University. Speaking on "Trends and Problems in Africa," Jackson said that, while in India the British government had been there for 250 years before it became a nation the Euro peans had, for the most part, only been in Africa since the end of the last century. Thus the Africans could not be fully educated to the responsibili ty of government. ' "What Americans and Brit ons should do," said Jackson, is to encourage the African people to change as they want." "The visits of Chou-en-Lai to Ghana and of Khrushchev to parts of Africa have Drought up the question of a Communist take-o v e r in Africa." "Actually, I believe that communism is one of the smallest threats in Africa," Jackson said, "because in Africa there is plenty of land and little chance of malnutri tion which could provide a basis for communism." Two other reasons given for Jackson's belief that Commu nism will not take over Afri ca are the tribal influence which is very strong in Africa and "the wonderful sense of humor of the Alrican peo ple; they don't take them selves too seriously." Speaking on specific coun c HKetfmtmtum IN SHADOW OF PROGRESS Who would have dreamed when Grant Memorial was built for $29,000 in 1888 the then-outstanding building would stand only 20 yards from a ZV2 million dollar gallery some 70 yean later? ED cited the fact that although his department appeared to have more weakness than Ex-Grid Star Naviaux Joins Boston Coaches Former university of Ne braska football star, Larry Naviaux, has been named to the coaching staff at Boston University. The native Nebraskan will take up duties as offensive backfield coach this spring. Naviaux played halfback for Nebraska and aided with the freshmen after gradua tion. The past three seasons he has been on the backfield staff at Southwestern Louisi ana University. Analyst On Out Too tries, Jackson said that there is no reason for Ghana to be in the mess it is now. "Nkruma has betrayed him self and Africa," remarked Jackson, "and the world aks if this police state is the re sult of giving Africans their independence." Nigeria is an encouraging story," said Jackson. "This country of 40 million people is to Americans and British in Africa as India is to them in Asia." He said his Nigerian friends strike him as being "comfortable," that is, peo ple who are from a large country with many resources. "Their Prime Minister, Abu bakar Balewa, is one of the most distinquished men of the Commonwealth." Jackson thinks that Uganda, Tanganyika, and Kenya should join in an East African con federation of some sort so that they would not have to call in the British to help them out during army revolu tions. In talking about the Union of South Africa and its posi tion of apartheid, Jackson struck a less encouraging note. "It is almost impossible to be optimistic about South Africa," said Jackson, "be cause the white Africans be lieve they can establish a sep arate administration which assures white supremacy. Johannesburg is a city of fear, with locked doors and barred windows. I don't see how the Mau-Mau terror a thousand times over is to be avoided in South Africa." In a final analysis Jackson quoted Dr. Albert Schweitzer . ... v - - m y-T Friday, February 21, 1964 DYDOirn many of the others participa ting, new courses may be in stigated within the near future. "Even though at present there is no program for a ma jor course of study, even now we offer as many courses in the realm of a minor as sev eral other schools do for ma jor programs," Esquenazi said. "The indicated desire on the students' part to have their horizons broadened is hearten ing," he concluded. Applications for the new program must be submitted by March 15. The program will get into full swing this June. nco; 0013 as saying "I don't foreget that a piano has black and whit keys and if you want musia you must play them to gether." Jackson said that this appied in Africa where white and black must work together for progress. r COLIN JACKSON r