The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1964, Image 1

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Vol. 77, No. 61
The Daily Nebraskan
Thursday, February 20, 1964
Semester Averages In One Week?-
Studteonii" C
Will Work
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T Get Gra
yft S
Student Council yesterday
unanimously passed a motion
by Glenn Korff calling for
the Council to work with the
Faculty Senate and Adminis
tration in shortening the
length of time required for
students to receive their
grades after the end of a se
mester. Korff, in the discussion fol
lowing the motion, said that
he has conferred with Vice
IFC Sets Spring Rush Week;
Sessions Start February 29
By John Lonnquist
The first spring rush week
to be held on the University
campus will be conducted this
year. The IFC last night ap
proved a schedule for the
week which will run from
February 29 to March 7.
The purpose of the spring
rush week is to allow those
men who did not participate
in fall rush to pledge a fra
ternity, according to Tom
Schwenke, vice president.
Participation in the activi
ties of the week is open to
all male students whose ac
cumulative average is 5.0 or
Orientation sessions will be
held on Feb. 29 and March 4
The men will visit ten fra
ternities of their choice on
March 6, and then will return
to three of them on March 7.
That evening, they will
No rushee will be allowed
to wear a pledge pin until af
ter 7 p.m. March 7. He will
not be bound to any frater-
NU Heart Report
Appears On TV
A report on research at the
University in the radio tele
metering of heart activity will
take place on NBC's "Today"
show tonight at 7:30.
Dr. K. D. Rose, staff phy
sician at Student Health, and
F. Lowell, M.D., College of
Medicine, have conducted the
work in cooperation with
Samuel Fuenning, M.D., di
rector of the University
Health Services.
The project, financed by
a U.S. Public Health grant,
consists oU. attaching m ma
ture FM transmitters to per
forming track athletes to
provide records of their heart
activity for medical study.
Preliminary results show
that through radiotelecardio
graphy the performing heart
can reveal conditions which
go undetected in the ordinary
electrocardiographic (EKG)
According to Rose, the
"News of Your Life" segment
of the "Today" show will be
devoted to the Nebraska proj
IS THIS COW SACRED? No, but as student rush through Morrill Hall on their
way lo class on a cold winter morning, they will probably rotas this Cape Buffalo. How
ever it is one of more than two million exhibits ia the State Museum which attracts
visitors from all over the world each year.
Chancellor G. Robert Ross,
dean of Student Affairs and
Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar,
to determine what bottlenecks
in the present procedure
cause the week span be
tween the end of final ex
ams and release of the grades
to the students.
The most serious problems
in this area, said Korff, are
the failure of many teachers
nity, nor will he be recog
nized by the IFC as a pledge
until after that time.
There will be no organized
program for taking the
rushees around to the frater
nities as in the fall. The men
are responsible for meeting
and terminating their own
party dates.
The fee for participation in
spring rush will be $6.
The cost of the week in
cludes dinner March 6, a n d
lunch and dinner March 7.
The meals will be served in
Union 234-235. These rooms
will be the headquarters for
the entire week.
The registration and fee
payment must be completed
in the IFC office, Union 330
by 5 p.m. March 4.
All rushees will stay at
their present places of resi
dence during the rush period.
Except for bonafide party
times, the rushee may not be
in the fraternity house,
and may only be contacted
by phone. All University reg
ulations pertaining to conduct
will be observed. Anyone fail
ing to comply with these or
with any of the IFC's rules
will be subject to expulsion
from rush week.
Any man who fails to go
through rush week, fails to
pledge by 6 p.m. March 8,
or who breaks a pledge at
any time, must wait until
April 6 to formally pledge any
In other business, the IFC
memben heard Howard
Brady, business manager of
Miller Scholarships
To Be Awarded
Students interested in t h e
Donald Walter Miller scholar
ships must submit applica
tions to their respective col
lege deans by March 1.
A total of three or four
$1,000 Miller scholarships will
be awarded for the 1964-65
school year. Sophomores or
above who are registered in
any college of the University,
including Graduate College
and the professional colleges,
are eligible to apply for the
to submit their grade rosters
to the registrar's office with
in the specified five day per
iod following finals.
He explained that, by using
a different type of class card,
which contains a slot for each
grade that could be filled in
with a pencil similar to the
type used in machine-corrected
tests would, with no ex
pense or addition to the Uni
versity's present IBM equip-
Westm i n s t e r Presbyterian
Church, present a program
for house moves to church on
Sundays. His church, accord
ing to Brady, would provide
a bus to take fraternity and
sorority members to church.
Each fraternity and sorority
would be given a chance to
choose a particular Sunday
when it would like to go
to church as a body. The bus
would be made available to
them on that date.
Next week elections for the
three standing committees of
affairs, rush and public rela
tions will be held. Those nom
inated for these positions up
to this time are Jerry Krot
ter, Phi Gamma Delta, af
fairs; Bill Mowbray, Sigma
Nu, and Chuck Clement, Al
pha Tau Omega, rush; and
Mike Barton, Phi Kappa Psi,
public relations.
Appointed chairman of the
expansion committee was
John Lonnquist, Beta Theta
Pi. His committee will consist
of fraternity alumni and sen
ior advisors.
Coed Will Study
At Detroit Institute
Carol Kramer, former Uni
versity student has been ad
mitted at the Merrill-Palmer
Institute, Detroit, Mich., for
study during the current se
The Mer
rill - Palmer
Institute is a
center for
the study of
growth and
ment, family
life and com
munity or.
Miss Kramer ganization. It
offers comprehensive pro.
grams of teaching, research
and community service.
Selected undergraduate stu
dents in sociology, home eco
nomics, psychology, educa
tion and related fields, from
65 colleges and universities
throughout the country,
spend a quarter or a semes
ter studying at the Merrill
Palmer Institute during their
junior or senior years.
raaro by mm vtmua
ment, allow students Jo re
ceive their grades within a
week after the end of a se
mester. The present system, Korff
said, creates a number of
problems for students who
need to know a course grade
before registering for a course
following in the sequence, "or
ganization initiations and stu
dents who do not know wheth
er they will be scholastically
eligible to continue in the Uni
versity until they receive
their average.
He added that after 11 day
some instructors have not
yet turned in their grade ros
ters. In other new business, Su
sie Pierce presented a motion
containing numerous changes
in the election by-laws. The
motion was seconded by Ann
Wahl, and, under Council pro
cedure, it will be discussed
and voted upon at next week's
Jim Baer, chairman of the
representation com
mittee, announced that h i s
committee and its associates
will conduct a poll on student
opinion concerning the pre
sent system of representation.
The poll, designed to con
tact about 500 students, will
be conducted by telephone and
personal interview. The asso
ciates will ask for student re
action to representation, ex
plaining the present system
if the interviewee is not fa
miliar with it.
Parking committee chair-
University Will Host
Intercollegiate Debate
College students from 33
schools in ten states will par
ticipate in the University of
Nebraska Intercollegiate De
bate Conference Thursday
through Saturday.
The conference, directed by
Dr. Donald Olson and Dr
John Petelle, will include juni
or and senior divisions in de.
There will also be a divi
sion in original oratory, ex
temporaneous speaking, and
interpretive reading.
Registration begins at 4:30
p.m. Thursday at the Temple
.The debate question will be
"Resolved: That the federal
government should guarantee
an opportunity for higher ed
ucation for all qualified high
school graduates."
Eighty-five teams will de
bate both sides of the ques
tion in six preliminary rtunds,
quarter-f i n a 1 s, semi-finals,
and a final round.
Certificates will be awarded
to each participant receiving
a superior rating in any of
the events. In addition, a
sweepstakes award will go to
the school that does the best
overall job.
Nebraskan debaters are
from Creighton University,
Doane College, Kearney State
CoDege, Nebraska Wesleyan
University, Midland College,
Discuss Adding
Wildlife Course
The possibilities of making
wildlife management a course
of study was explored by a
joint student-faculty discus
sion group Tuesday night at
the Nebraska Center.
Interest in the wildlife
course has been generated by
the Wildlife Club on ag camp
us. Vice Chancellor Adam
Breckinridge, dean of Facul
ties, answered student ques
tions about the idea. Mel
Steen, director of the State
Game Commission, and Dr.
Franklin Eldridge, dean of
Residential Institutions were
present Dr. Arthur Ward, di
rector of Adult Education at
the Center moderated the dis
cussion. Discussion topics were the
chance of creating a school
of natural resources and the
use of specialized Game Com
mission employees as instruc
tors in the program.
man Gary Oye announced
that the parking appeals
board will meet at 7 p.m. on
Thursdays in the future.
He said that University Po
lice have been instructed to
make appropriate notation or
a mete i umei u uie uueuuei
returns while the officer is
writing tne ticket.
The ticket must be turned
in to the office of the Univer
sity Police, said Oye.
The police may either waive
the fine or refer the matter
to the parking appeals board.
Susie Pierce, chairman of
the election committee, an
nounced that organizational
representatives must be elect
ed before March 27. Filings
for the general elections will
be on Apr. 6.
The Peace Corps placement
test will be given at 9 a.m.
The council is working with
representatives of the I o w a
State Student Council on the
possibility of arranging char
tered flights to Europe for
Big Eight students during the
summer vacation. President
Denny Christie emphasized
that no tours would be in
volved and the students would
be on their own when they ar
rive in Europe.
He said that they would
have their choice of several
planes leaving and returning
to New York and that the
plan would represent a sav
ings of about $200 on a
round trip.
the University of Nebraska,
the University of Omaha, and
Wayne State College.
AWS Sets Selections
Interviews for Associated
Women Students (AWS) board
members will be held Satur
day at 9 a.m. Students chosen
by the senior board members
will run in the all women's
elections March 11, for board
Freshman, sophomore and
junior girls may apply if they
have a 5.7 average. Applica
tions may be picked up in
the AWS office and must be
returned by 5 p.m. Friday.
The English department
plans to administer three
literary competitions this
spring including the Academy
of American Poets award, the
lone Gardner Noyes awards,
and the Prairie Schooner Fic
tion awards.
The Poets award, being of
fered for the second consecu
tive year, is available to both
graduate and undergraduate
students, and will be pre
sented to the writer of the best
group of poems submitted.
The University is one of 30
colleges and universities in
America selected for partici
pation in this event.
The Noyes awards are of
$50 and $25. Offered for the
eleventh year, the competition
is open to undergraduates
Prairie Schooner awards of
Religious Conference
Convenes At Center
The Nebraska Center will
host a two-day conference on
religion and race March 2-3.
Discussion at the conference
will center around the con
cern of religion, religious
groups and religious leaders
in regard to civil rights as
dealt with by and through the
government, communications
media, business and labor,
and educational institutions
and programs.
Guest speakers at the con
ference will be Rev. Dr. Wyatt
Walker, Rev. Dr. George
Dunne, Marvin Oberg and
Rabbi Myer Kripke.
The conference is open to
all religious groups, lay and
clergy, as well as civic, com
munity, professional, labor
and business leaders.
A NEW WAY Dr. Robert
Clyde Hyde have developed an electric method of an
alyzing heart activity.
NU Researchers Discover
Heart Measuring Method
A new method of measuring and recording heart ac
tivity without wire attachment to the body has been de
veloped by three University of Nebraska biomedical-elec-tronic
Given the name Magnetocardiography (MCG) the new
approach has proved highly reliable in measuring the
magnetic field associated with the heartbeats of guinea
pigs and turtles.
The new technique was discovered by Dr. Clyde Hyde,
professor of electrical engineering and department chair
man; Dr. Robert Stratbucker, M.D.., and assistant profes
sor of physiology and pharmacology; and Steven Wixson,
a graduate student.
They have shown, through correlation with the use of
computers, that their early experimental technique com
pares in reliability with the electrocardiogram (ECG) in
the measurement of heart rate and rhythm and certain
characteristics of conduction, injury, and heart size. Ex
periments with refined equipment are continuing to deter
mine whether MCG is capable of showing heart activity not
generally revealed by the conventional ECG.
The two systems differ in that the MCG senses and
records only the fluxing or cycling magnetic field which
accompanies the heartbeat, whereas the ECG senses only
the electrical currents produced by the heart muscle tis
sue. The MCG method, unlike that of the electrogram, does
not require the use of direct wire attachment to the skin.
Therefore, the researchers believe that perfected equip
ment may some day make it possible to give large num
bers of persons heart checks in much the same way they
are given chest X-rays.
Dr. Hyde said he could envision a device in the future
that might fit around the human chest and which could be
moved easily in a van.
The working principle involved in the use of MCG re
quires that the heart be somehow surrounded by a spe
cial shield to eliminate stray magnetic fields such as those
from power lines and the earth's stationary field. Dr.
Stratbucker explained that the successful use of this prin
ciple is similar to that used by watchmakers to make
their products antimagnetic.
The initial contribution of the physician and the engi
neer in the search for a workable MCG came several
months ago when they showed that the electromagnetic
field associated with the self-triggering action of the heart
was strong enough to measure.
The groundwork for this discovery and the continued
biomedical-elcctronic research is made possible through
the close cooperation between the department of Electrical
Engineering and the College of Medicine, who shared equal
ly the work for this recent development.
The University of Nebraska is the only school work
ing on a project of this kind using this principle.
To Conduct
$50, $30 and $20, made possi
ble through a fund initiated
by Mari Sandoz, noted Ne
braska author, will be offered
for short stories written by
either graduate or under
graduate students in the uni
versity. In charge of these events is
Coed Follies Will Present
life, Liberty,
Associated Women Students
(AWS) will present "Life, Lib
erty and Leap Year" for its
1964 Coed Follies program to
be held at Pershing Muncipal
Auditorium at 8 p.m. Feb. 28.
Skits, sororities and skit
masters participating in this
year's Follies are "Baubles,
Bangles and Billboards",
Gamma Phi Beta, Karen
Pflasterer; "The Lady is
Luce", Chi Oega, Anne
Swanson; "Phi Folklore", Al
pha Phi, Judy Birney; "The
Abscoundable Snowman,"
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Cordy
Seward; "Black, White and
Read All Over," Pi Beta Phi,
Linda Goth; and "The Status
Seekers", Kappa Alpha Theta,
Shirley Voss.
Traveler's Acts to be pre-
I Scoreboard
bu Tiut w n. m. n m
Phi. 1.
Kdpm Rlfma, US, T. Phi Delta
Tbeta, W.
Wema AliHu EmUon. lit
Alpha Gamma fUrma, M.
j iUnmer Ball, Mi, vt. Fana-
Bauaa. N.
Stratbucker (above) and Dr.
a committee consisting of Ber
nice Slote, Marjorie Ixiehlin,
Frederick Link, and Hugh
Luke, all from the English de
partment. Manuscripts for the con
tests should be submitted in
221 Andrews by 5 p.m. on
May 1.
Leap Year'
sented are "Crow Bait", Chi
Omega, Kay Christiansen,
skitmaster; "My Fair Lady",
Alpha Omicron PL Mary Ann
Griffiths, skitmaster; "Cock
roaches", Alpha Chi Omega,
Diane Steffenson, skitmaster;
and "To the Blues", Alpha
Chi Omega, Jean Grotelusch
en, skitmaster. .
The Ideal Nebraska Coed
and the Outstanding Collegiate
Man will be revealed during
the evening.
Coed Follies chairman if
Bonnie Knudsen.
Architectural Students
Get New Scholarship
A $300 yearly scholarship
for architectural students has
been established by the Ne
braska Bureau for Lath and
Plaster, Inc., through tht Uni
versity Foundation.
The scholarship will be
awarded each year to a fifth
year student op the basis of
character, leadership, aca
demic accomplishments and
financial need.
The recipient win be se
lected by the architectural
scholarship committee,