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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1964)
p Tuesday, February 11, 1964 Page 6 The Daily Nebraskan 2 1 1 . t 4 1 f'A 31IIIliniIIIlEttIIIIIMIlII1IIIIIIIl!ttllllIUIlllllIIIHIIIIlllIIIlIIIIIIIIltillIIIIIlIllIIIIIIIIUl!!!Illllf1l111initlMI1llll ! Athletes Busy j ufncf EAN8M STATE (73 !- ft-ft ink Pf to Gottfrid Mom Murrall . 1-3 0-1 7 J- a Ml 3-5 31 Nalaon 1-2 Paradia 34 Pom 0-1 Roblnrai 2-1 4-4 2 M 1 1-1 0 0-0 2 04 1 Simon .. 32 Sutt-wr 4-12 M 4 J-S 1-4 11 Williams Thjd nboundt Total SMI IT- n NEBRASKA () iC-ff MIU trek ( t Antnlia- S-f 1-1 2 3 Cehnm MJ M 1 1 12 Jobm 10-12 3-4 9 4 23 Kcrtua 0-3 0-0 0 0 Patach 2-5 3-3 2 2 BtUwrf 0-0 0-0 0 0 Simmon ....... 4-41 1-2 4 1 Spear 0-4 0-3 7 5 Webb 1-3 0-t 2 0 WrUM 04 0-0 0 0 Vale 4-5 0-13 4 Tcata rebounds 3 TeUla M-M M-ll 22 30-24 1173 Nakraaka ........... 5 24 4 OKLAHOMA f) (t-fa-a ft-fta rek f Ma Barrett 04 04 1 WMUock ....... 1-1 0-2 0 Fleetwood ...... 1-2 2-2 0 Flood 1-3 04 0 Gab-mod ...... 3-11 3-3 0 Kalaar 44 M WUaon ......... 0-10 04 Hawti-H ........ 8-0 0-1 4 JabMoa ........ 5-10 1-3 1 Maxes- ......... 04 04 0 Boberat Tetal ..... I4-44 MJ 24 21 t KEBBASKA 0 (t-fta ft-ft rek wt ta Antak-r 2-5 2-33 Cfibraa 1-13 2-4 Jons ......... 10-1 0-1 Pvtsch 1H3 3-4 StnraoQfl )) 9 7 .. -W 1-3 bt 17 V12 Wrigt ......... 1-2 2-3 Yate .......... 3-U 1-2 2 0 2 15 2 4 3 5 2 11 1 4 3 7 2442 24-1 I 45 17 7 31 2 2-C M 2 27 24 32 .....t...... NTJ (Mb auakak St. Free emtiie 1. Desnia Albeit. Ne braakal X tie bet we. n Francia Allen. Nebtufc. and Bob DeVbmy. Mankato. TramjeHna 4. Deani. Atber. Nebras ka ;1 Dick SeaboM. Mankato; J.Fraa mss Allen. Nebraska. BMtkecaa 1. Dooiils Alber, Nebraska S. Francis Alien, in-mai B9th kar 3. Francia ADca. Nebraska; 2. tie betwcea Jin Schmidt. Mankato. and Lenny Tbc-mpeon. Mankato ParalM kara 1, tie between Jim How ard. Nebraska, and Francis Allen. Ne braska; 3. Vie Dotkovk-h. Mankato. tta rtsss 1. Laanr Tnampson. Man kato! 2. tie between Francts Allen. Ne braska, and Jim Howard. Nebraska. TmMnur L Dennis Albert, Nebraska i 2. Fraads Allen. Nebraska; 3. Stev Weisser. Mansata. MJ 12 Air fares 25 4e-.ird asedter nUr 1, Nebraska (Bill Hemy. Mike Jadtsaa. Bill Fowles. Done Cotaar.) 3:51. JM-rat4 traeetrW 1. Tom Nk-ker-oa. NU; 2. Doa Talbot. AF; 3. Dave CNsoa. NU. T 1:57.2. s-ratd rrMstrta 1. Eeafa Lodwif. rn mi-mi Bireokl NU 2. Ray Torkowski, AFj 3, Koa Ga brielsoa. NU. T 22.8. 200-yafd Ind. medley 1. Dave Frank, NU; 2, Tom Chambers, NU; 3, Warren Leek. AF. T 2:12.1. Divine, 1, Dan McLean, AF; 2, Ron Murray, AF; 3, Ed Tice. NU .Scorr 259.10. 290-yard butterfly 1, Ron Grabel. AF; 2, BUI Fowles, NU; 3. Tom Cham bers. NU. T 2:18.5. .u . 1 irw. I nrlu i . ii-r,"i. , ,vv.v NU; 2. Tom Nickenon. NU; J, Hugh ft....- IEI T Ad C i Otuuifi nr a a-y.u. 100-yard backstroke 1, Bill Henry NU; 2. Dave Frank, NU; 3, Ken Kuch AF, T 2:11.0. vwt J js- f Vaaa lwrluriff NUi 2. Taylor Withrow. NU; 3, Terry uonneu, Ar. i Lu..(.tMv. 1. MikA Jark son, NU; 2, Sam Finch, AF; 3, Jim Hlgbam, AF. T 2:27.4. 400-yard freeetyle relay 1, Nebras ka (Tom Cabrieiwn, uave uison, oav Frank. Tom Nickerson). T 3:28.8. Iowa State 50, NU 45 480-yard medley relay 1, Iowa State. T 3:51.2. 200-rard freestyle 1. Dan McQuil len. IS; X Tom Nickerson, NU; 3, Dave Olson, NU. T 1:53.9 (meet and varsity record). S-yard freeatylo 1. Keefe Lodwig, MJ: X Bruce McDonald. IS; 3, Ken flucke. IS. T 22.1 .(meet record). 20-yard Individual medley 1, BUI Muter. IS; 2, Dave Frank, NUi 3. Dan Mcauillen, IS. T 2:11.5. Divine U Wayne Or as. TS; 2, Fritx Rutn, IS; 3. Terry Tice, NU. Points 266.35. 3M-yard kutetifly 1. Jim Rugiles, IS; X BUI Muter, IS; 3, Bill Fowles, NU. T 2:19.5 (meet record). 100-yard freeilyle 1. Keefe Lodwie NU; X Dan McQuUlen. IS: 3, Tom Nick- arson, NU. T 49.6 (meet recrod). M-yard kackatroke 1, Bill Henry, NU; X Dave Frank, NU; 3, Paul Bak- ken. IS. T 2:11.0. 305-yard freestyle 1, Bruce MrDon aid. IS; 2, Keefe Lodwi. NU; 3. Taylor Withraw, NU. T 5:37.0. 200-yard kreaststreke 1. Mike Jack son, NU; 2. Jim Soppe, IS; 3, Chuck Hamburg, NU. T 2:27.4. 440-yard freestyle relay 1, Nebras ka (Ron Gabrtelson, Dave Olson, Dave Frank. Tom Nickercon). T 3:28.8. MJ X Wyaming 33 4A5-yard medley relay: I, Nebraska (Bui Henry. Mike Jackson. BiU Fowles, Keith Lodwti). 3:50.0. 200-yard free atyle: 1. Tom Nickerson. Nebraska. X Dave Olson, Nebraska. 3. Doug Shiel. Wyoming, 1:55.9. 50-yard free atyle: 1, Ron Gabrielson, Nebraska. X Ken Zuhr. Wyoming. 3. Tom MUand. Wyoming, :23.4. 2t-ranl IndlvMaal medley: 1. Dave Frank. Nebraska. X Lloyd Williams. Wyo ming, X Tom Chambers. Nebraska, 1:13.0. Divine: L Brace Gresley. Wyoming. X Terry Tice. Nebraska. 3. Mike Unite, Wyoming, 220.9 points. 2M-yard tintterfly: BiU Fowles. Nebras ka. X Rich Chlubna. Wyoming. 3, Rich Fisher, Wyoming. 2:19.3. 10 free style: I. Keith Lodwig, Nebras ka. X Uoyd Milliman, Wyoming, 3. Ron Gabrielson. Nebraska ,:50.3. 20-rard back stroke: 1. John Ploehr. Wyoming. X Doug Suttoa. Nebraska. 3. Dick Schmidt, Nebraska. 2:15.3. Sa-yard free style: I. Taylor Withrow, Nebraska. X Don fShiel. Wyoming. 3. Mike Waidron. Nebraska. 5:46.4. 20-rard kreast stroke: 1. Charles Flansbm-g, Nebraska. X Gary DeFrancc. Wyoming. X A. J. Kontrick. Wyoming, 2:31.5. 4-yard free-style relay: 1. Nebraska (Dave Frank. Dave Olson. Tom Nicker aon. Keith Lodwig). 3:25.5. THOUSANDS MORE POGB BXS PURCHASED c o ni'-Hw AfJ 3 1 J u ULnl ZJ LJuL across mm sheldon galleiy i!iiiia;iiiB!na!iuiBiiu!i I SPORTS PAGE mm ooers Nebraska's rapidly improv ing basketball team knocked off Oklahoma State in hard fought contest at the Colise um. The loss bumped the Cowboys from the Big Eight lead. With a 4-3 mark in confer ence play the Cornhuskers have a renewed hope of fin ishing in the upper division. The win was the fifth for the cagers in their last eight games. They next see action Satur day night as Colorado's Buf faloes invade Lincoln. Tipoff time is 8:05 for the tilt with the present leader of the con ference. Nebraska's recent improve ment has been marked by bal anced team play. This was shown again last night against the Cowboys, as eight of the nine men in the game scored. Leading the scoring parade was Charlie Jones. His 14 points followed a 23-point output against Oklahoma two nights earlier. Next in line were Grant Simmons with 12, Jim Yates with 10, and Oaryl Petsch with 8. Jones also led re bounders with 7. Gene Johnson of Oklahoma State led all scoring with 16. The Huskers hit a hot 51.1 per cent from the field com pared to a 30:7 effort from the Cowboys. Oklahoma State is one of the national leaders in shooting percentage. But it ; was from the field where the Cowboys fell behind, as they failed on ten consecutive at tempts at one point midway in the second half. nn I la inr JOIi-Jl ft.- '. 1 1 ill AT OTHER SCHOOLS ARE ADDED TO OUR STOCK NOW EACH DAY MORE AND MORE CHANCES FOR YOU TO SAVE MONEY. CHUCK mnmmmMmMmmmmmmmmmHmmmi Jolt Nebraska gave one of its best defensive performances of the year, starting with a 1-2-2 zone and switching to a SATURDAY FEB. 29 t. wj -ev UULf u Starring IW rtnnoi uinniruw f?Htsf ONE PIUFORMANCI OMIT The Broken Bow Beauty All Seats Reserved DONNA MARIE BLACK $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 (tax ind.) 'Miss Nebraska l vw JUST MAIL this Reserved Seat Order Form, together with check or Money Order to: PERSHING MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM, P.O. BOX 706, Lincoln, Nebraska. Enclosed it Check O Money Order O (Do not mail cash) TOTALING $ FOR TICKETS FOR FRED WARING SHOW, SAT. FEB. 29TH 8:15 NAME (please print) ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE STATE PHONE PHASE ENCLOSE SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE FOR PROMPT RETURN OF TICKETS. SIM A u) 0) i SALEM Sports Editor I man-to-man late in the first half, then confusing the Cow boys in the second half by in terchanging the defenses. PERSHING MUNICIPAL 0 imik tnim uNcout. mhawa MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW! Stoto r n rflfi MlUU PRESENTS A Spectacular New Show SI .nriiueviUAUlAlJQ ' v A )i )vnn UVi u do r - l J I il I i I I 17 Depth Gives Title With three out of the four semi-finalists in the doubles event Phi Delta Theta won the Intramural Ping Pong Championship. Ali Shafiee won the singles title for Fair field, while Dick Hawkes and Ken Kokes, Andrews, took the doubles crown. i Singles Flight Winners (Certificates) 1st All Shafiee, Fairfield 2nd Jim Mlsner, Benton 3rd Fennl Ayorlnde, Cather 41h Norman Halser. Farm Hons 5th Ira Saberl, Benton WE NEVER CLOSE i i ,v x PERMANENT TYPE ANTI- 29 FREEZE IJ gal. DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 16th & P Sts. Downtown Lincoln - I M L r4' I i i c3 5 To Phi Delta Theta 4th William Davis. Sigma Nu Doubles Flight Winners (Certificates) 1st Ken Kokes and Dick Hawks, An drews 2nd Dirk Preston and Norman Belser, Farm House 3rd Tom Lewis Mike Klrkman, Tbl Delia Theta 4th Rudy Fuller and Charles Salem, Phi Delta Theta Stb Don Anderson and Bay Mnebllng, Delta Tan Delta FMU TEAM STANDINGS PK Team Folnls 1st Phi Delta Theta 1M 2nd Fairfield, Hons .,, 1 3rd Farm Hons " 4th Andrews Sth Benton tth Phi Gamma Delta Ilk Cather N OJ