J S j, 1: - -J Tuesday, February 11, 1964 Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Students At Winter Park or Mid-Semester Sluing I a trim IHlogih) $ t 0 I 1 , f t 1 5 The University conferred baccalaureate and advanced degrees upon 415 graduates Saturday, Feb. 8, at the mid year commencement exer cises. Honorary Doctor of Law degrees were awarded to Percy C. Spencer, chairman of the board, Sinclair Oil Co. New York City and Dr. Wayne 0. Reed, deputy com missioner, U.S. Office of Edu cation, Washington, D C. Hen ry F. Klosterman received the Nebraska Builder Award, Gary Dean Klussman and Judith Jeanette Johnson graduate with "high distinc tion." Chancellor Clifford M. Har din, presided at the cere mony and Dr. Adam C, Breckenridge, vice chancel lor and dean of faculties was master of ceremonies. Chap lain was the Rev. Alan Pick- ering of the United Campus Christian Fellowship. Those receivinug degree were: Designates wttk liirt distiwtto. Designees with distinction. College of Agriculture and Home Economics Ttsrlrflor f Srince Hi Arrfrvtara Arthnr E. Anderson m, Ono Donald G. Blwtis, Pswne City Jerry W. Carter, St, Edward James R. Chromy, Ceresea Gary R. Condon, Anrora Csr'tno G. Davis. Black River, Jamaica. W.l. Lanny R. ppnster, Bradshaw l.vle H. Hermance, Lincoln George E. Hermone, Davey IsTd R, Howe, lsvM City IVan R. Jacobs, StaMetmrst Harry R. James, Holdre Marshall H. Jursens. Minden. James R. Lee, Valentine Gal H. Marsh, Salem Thomas O. Milligan. Hooper Robert 3. Olsen, Venango Arnold E. Otten, Pilger Sam T. Schrock ID. HoMres Taniel E. Stiffler, Louisville Ralph W. Tolman, Wayne Jerry S. Vande Berg, Watertewn, S IX Thomas H Wake III. Sewart Gene D. Weil age, Crete Donald A. West. Oconte Glen A. Wiens, Ayr Billy M. Williams, Clarks Charles R. Williams. Ainsworth I. Merold Yates, Lerkpwt, DL Pale D. Yost, Harvard Barhelor of Science hi Hems Ecmstak-t Carol S. Crawford, Seneca Harriet J. George, Aurora Karen J. Leach Harsh, Ord Patricia A. Lindquist, Wahoo Mary Berck Mangelsen, Osceola Mat jorie A. Miller, Mullen Jean Schumacher, ebraska City Martina Ren Shaneyfelt, Lyndoaville, N.Y. Ruth Penningtoa Spencer, Wauneta -Bettye Decatur Thompson, Dallas, Tex. Frances Van Eaton Wightman, Llnoohi Marilyn Woore Williams, Ainswortk Nancy L. Wray, O'Neill College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor f A Ha Mary A. Behlen, Columbus Ted J. Bieserstaff, Aabura Roberta J. Cole, Kearney Sally Wick Dale, Lincoln Bess E. Day, Aurora. H. Roger Dodson, Vehswka Gunars J. TVtmbrovskis, Lincoln Michael L. Finigan, Lincoln. James O. Forrest II, Omaha Benny F. Hall, Lincoln Judith A. Harrington, Lincoln Kent R. Hildreth, Churdan, la. Kenneth A. Hilton, Cambridge Tomi'se A. Hughes, Norfolk Barbara G. Johnson, Loom is Patricia L. Kinney, Lincoln Dale A. Laurltzen, Neligh Jerry Lelchook, Sioux City, la, Patrick D .Manrose, BeUevue Robert L. McCaU, Lincoln H. Duame MoCormick, 8prinvlew Frederick D. McEvay, North Piatt Thomas R. McMahon HI, Wnhoo Dennis Emmptt O'Brien, Lincoln George A. Peterson, Loop City Janet X. Sack, Beatrice Janice Bree Schepmao, Lincoln Karlene K Senf, plattsmooth David S. Steinbruegge, Lincola Susaa A. Stewart, Scottsbluff Dixie L. Teebken, Waterioe Rogert L. Wait, Lincoln John S. Wand, Needham, Mass. Dean A. Weiss, Lincoln Joseph Whittaker, Norfolk. Va. Ann O'Connor Williams, ScottsbluB Dave C. Wohlfarth, Lincoln Bacneier ol Fin Arts Linda 3. Ash, Lincoln Roger L. Meisenbach, Beatrice Muth 8. Williams, Lincoln Bachelor of Science Felix V. Aburime. Ilwessan, Jiigeri Harold M. Barnhart Jr., Brock Wilbur L. Bcnta, Waverty Thomas D. Calder, Lincoui Roger E. Casey, Oconto James R. Daifer, Lebanon Pamela Had Davis, Lincoln Joel F. Huk'hins, Lincoln Richard R. Kistler. Hasting Peter A. Maiurak, Lincoln Richard K. Miles, Lincoln Beula Cat Mjyer, Omaha Neil H. Munderloh, Sidney Roxane V Morris. Beemer John E. Peterson. Loup City Mary F. Pusatri. Lincoln Elmer E. Takenishi, Honolulu, Rawed Bruoe O. TohiU. Omaha. College of Business Administration Bachelor of tlclenee In Business Administratis Richard L. Anders, Mullen James. J. Amdt, Pierne Alden L, Bass. Lincoln Stanley J. Bednar Jr.. Blab Larry W. Berber. Omaha Robert L. Billesbach, North PltBt Ernest R BonisthJl, Lukevtom. N.Y. Kenneth D. Borrett Jr., Lincoui Charle W. Campbell, Lincoui Dwain C Carlson, Fullerton Ronald L. Coleman, Oakland Robeit J. Eaton, Fremont Jame A. Fisher, Tobias Norman R. Foreman. Grand Island Gary R. Fries. Lincoln Roy A. Gabel, Scottsbluff Richard R. Gerei-man, Hastings Kenneth L. Grehenick, Schuyler WiUiam G. Greaury. Tabor, la. Phi Eta Sigma Grants Available To Seniors Graduating seniors who plan to work for graduate de- grees and who are members of Phi Eta Sigma, freshmen honor society, should get in touch with Leslie Hewes, fac ulty adviser of the Nebraska chapter, at 103 Geography "building concerning scholar ships. The National Phi Eta Sig ma fraternity offers two $300 scholarships each year on the basis of the student's schol astic record, evidence of cre ative ability, evidence of fi- nanrial need, premise of suc cess in chosen field and per sonality. Deadline for applications is Feb. 21 Douglas L. Haefle, Hackettatown, N J. Gerald L. Hansen, scnoner David L. Havel, Bellevue Gary E. Hruhy, Omaha James V. Jacobson, Norfolk Sterlint R. Kosmicke, Bridgeport James D. Kranti, Bayard Anthony F. Kroenke, Columbus Robert L, Kuhn. Hastings Jon L. LawTilson, Lincoln John M. Lets, Fremont Eugene E. Lent, Ord Dale D. Marschman, Daykin Robert R. McMaster, Lincoln Carroll W. Mount, Northport Kenneth D. Neujahr, Seward Samuel F. Nichols. Beatrice Stephen B. North, Chadroa Donald J. Olsen, Alliance John M. Olson, Lincoln Jeffrey L. Orr, North Piatt Dick D. Pelham, Beatrice Jack F. Pittman, Columbus William C. Plains. Dentoa John F. Range, Lincoln Murray E. Ross, Aurora William B. Schenck, Washington, D.C. Donald L. Schindel, Aurora, ul. George T. Simmons HI, Lincoln DonaM G. Stevenson, Steettoa, Fa. Harold W. Tappe, Norfolk Larry L. Thomas, Lincoln James R. Trester, Omaha Richard A. Whitcomb. Columbus John D. Whited, Albion William W Wright, Sun City. Calif. Richard K. Young, Lincoln Warren B. Young, Sargent College of Engineering and Architecture Bachelor of Architertar Samuel A. Sloan, North Platte Bachelor of Science la Agrlrnltaral F.nginerinf Adelbert H. Leavitt, North Platte Bachelor of Science hi Chemical Engineering Gary R. Fleischmann, Lincoln Frank W. Rice, Bridgeport Bachelor of Science hi Civil Engineering Daniel A. Classen, Omaha Charles A. Coons, Omaha James L. Fowler. Albion Lavelle L. Ftanu, Holmesvffl Lee N. Gustafson, Lincoln Ranald R. Havekost, Hooper Gerald R. Henderson, Minooka, m. Ronald L. Krafka, Waboo George H. Kranre, McCook Kenneth G. Loebke, St. Libory Ido E. pistelli, Greenwich, Conn. John C. Sohreiner. Lincoln Kenneth L. Seeman. HoWrege Dennis D. Smith. Superior Rameshchandra Solanki, Bombay, India Gene L. Spence, Stanton James J. esely. wilber Bachelor of Science hi Electrical Engineering. Dale E. Anderson, Omaha Jamil V Ayoub, Irbid. Jordan Ahsan V. Baqai, Karachi. Pakistaa lJirrj' N. Bay, North Platte Fay E. Blair. Chambers Ronald D. Blenis, Hemet, Calif. Jerald J. Brandenburg, Fairburr BUI J. Caldwell. Omaha Orville D. Dodd, Gothenborg navMi o. rairchiid, North Piatt Robert E. Healey, Lincoln Dean A. Hofer, Mitchell. S D. rary D. Klnssman. Lincola Paul B. Kohl. Cozad Ste'en C. Lange, Ord Dean L. Larsen, Omaha Paul J. Lies. Wood R ver Patrick J. McDonald. Omaha John M. Reynolds, Omaha Elmer D. Sattler, Naper Marry w. Webb, Grand Island Barhelor of Science in Mechanical Engineeriac James M. Atche, Columbus Arliss E. Brash. Aberdeen. S.n. Michael J Csllihan, Col umbos Raymond C. Ciuba, Columbus Crald L. Goedert, Sutherland Kicnani Gottula, LiBoola .arry L. Grage. Lincoln Wendell H. Grasz. Lincoln Jack L. Hershberger, CnlbertsoB Roger J. Mattsnn, Lincola George W. Mcachen, Huntington Park, Calif. Rodney H. Ottoman, Fender Ferdinand R. Pane, Omaha Louis A. Paska, Omaha Robert L. Scheffler, Madison William F. Schula, Wisner Robert M. Stearley, Gibboa uuane E. Strandberg. Lincoln Glenn L. I'rban, Grand Island Carleton B. Waldrop, Weston, W.Va. Lewis R. Weick. Falls City James T. Wilbur, Lincola College of Law Bachelor f Laws Carl C. K opines. Lincola College of Medicine Barhelor of Brk-aos ta Medieln Jerold R. Heelan, Emerson Barhelor of Science ss Marshal Carol Johnson Berreckman, Liaoola Teachers College Bachelor of Fine Aral la Edocatasa Gail V. Buehols, Omaha Ronald G. Watson. Grand Island Bachelor of Musir la Edurstioa Nancy Shaffer Peacock, Lincola j Bachelor of Soieacc hi Edacatloa Laura J. Abernethy, Lincoln Enis Alldredee Jr., Scottsbluff Nancy Eriksea Aaders, MaUaa 1 Norman W. Brown. Lincoln Robert S. Brown, Cleveland, O. Jeanette A. Brae, Wither ! Dorothy Williams Bush. Goring 1 Janet Levander Carnes, DeWitt Virginia S. Chudly. Lincoln Kevin CoDeran, Spalding Darrell L. Cooper, Celina, Ten. Virginia Hagarity Culwell, Linoola Rixlney G. Davis, Scottsntufl Larry D. Donelson, Fullertoa Dewayne C. Eckhof, Hersher Barbara A. Edward, Lincoln Thomas A. Ernst, Columbus Patricia Doyle Eye, Falrbury Anne Loch Farmer, Lincoln Sophie Fedorchik. Mitchell Judy Davis Flanagin, Grand Island Robert W. Foiw. Oakland N'ancw Dreessen Fortney, Llaeda Kenneth A. Fonts Jr., Belleva Beverly Wallin Franklin. Linoola Dennis J. Frye, Byron Marr Jeffrey Grubb. Linoola Guyla R. Barrisaa. Chadroa Karen A. Havekost, Hooper Robert G. Helmsoth, York Irene A. Hiunchs, York Ferol Tnotnpsoa Happes, Burwell Robert B Jones, Hyannis Betty L. Karle. Grand Island Marilyn Parks Kent. Lincoln monte u. Minn. Lexington Beverly B. Kaauuier, Lincola Judy A. Kollmoraea, Lincola Miriam R. Kratina, Ralstoa Mary A, Leefers, Avoca Eliea K. Lohaus. O'Neill Derlen M. Lotl. Fairmont Linos L. Loekaag, Roldrege KNUS Staff Spots Open Campus Radio KMJS has openings for students with or without experience second semester in the following po sitions. They need: business and ad vertising personnel, news and editorial writers, an office manager, production nti ager, record librarian, a sports director, and broad cast engineer. Pick up application blanks at the KNUS studios, 334 Ne braska Hall, or at the Speech department office in the Tem ple building. Final day for applying will be Friday Feb. 14. For further information call Lyime Morian, at Uni versity Extension 2437. Elols O. Marvel, Arlingtoa, Va. Gerald A. McCall, fawa City Harr' V. MeClatn, Parks Mm E. McKinney, De Motnaa, ta, Samuel A. McMillan. Mllbum Marilyn Miller Merrigaa, Uacola Terry D. Miller, Creighton Dian C. Moody, Lusk, Wyo. Donald B. Mjtts. Lincoln Vance E. Nelson, Bayard Virgjia L. Panning , Lincoln Jar4ucline Peterson, Lincola Anne Miller Piper, Holdreg Ruan S. Pohlman, Davey Kay Kant or Pomeranut, Lfnoola Zane K. Quible, Merriman Catherine Stuart Schmoker, Lincola Janet Allen Searl, Omaha Gwynn G. Sho alter. North Hollywood, Calif. Juliet Rowsey Simpson, Uacola TVIpha S. Stevens, Mitchell Sharoa A. Strauss, Lincoln David L. Theisen, Milwaukee, Wis, JoAnne Thompson, Bloomfield Jan L. Wall, Lincoln Fred W. W ilke Jr., Omaha Katherine A. Willard, Albion Judith Johnson Woodward, VaDeF Darlya R. ZickfeM Doctor t EdacaHoa Donald L. A-ila, Uvnwsod, Calif. George W. Bailey, Believe Edwin Coen Jr., Denison, la. William L. Gogan, ScottsMaft W'Uham J. Ptacek, W shoo Mauler of FdarsOo Beverly Kiebarth Ashley, Lincoui Irene Meltcar Perhy, Bellewt Paul C. Ginaini, Lincoln Glenn L. Heideman, Lewistoa De R. Hickman, Lincola Robert W. Jeasea, Fremont Arnold M. Kugler, York Richard D. Lewis. Millard Carole A, Matthes, Lincola Alfred A. Newman Jr., Lancet Doris Gunter Thiemann, Saitbor. la. Graduate College Master of Arts William C. Andersen, Uncola Ronald O. Childers, Shawnee, Ok! a, Thomas F. Crawley, Central Falls, R.l. Reuben H. Fanders, Council Bluifs. la. John L. Farrald, Boys Town Oskar Feichtinger. Lincoln Wendell P. Frantz, Goehner LawTenc D. Freemaa. Lincoui , flarold L. Gustafson, Oakland Kenneth W. Haug, Wheaton, DL Howard S. Izaa. Tulsa, Okla. Martin F. Koolea, Lincoln Margaret A. Murphy, Omaha Gail L. Osnen, Lincoln Student University students who failed to pick up student dis count cards during second semester registration may do so this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at the north end of the Student Union, accord ing to Bob Kerrey, chairman of the Student Council welfare committee. Kerrey said, approximate ly 6,000 tickets were picked up, and he encouraged stu dents to take advantage of the second distribution this week. The discount cards offer from five to twenty-five per- I interview Forms Due For Ag Union Interviews for Ag Union program council will be held Saturday with applications now available at the Ag Union program office. Applications for chairmen and assistants of the Ag Union are also available. Interviews for these positions will be Feb. 15. Applications for program council are due Thursday and those for chairmen and as sistants are due Feb. 19. Applicants should sign up for interview times in the Ag Union program office as soon as possible. To make this their bank away from home. Cash their checks and open a Corn husker ThriftiCheck checking account if a bank-connection is needed. Two bcatkns close to lb Ccnipus to serve yao. Patio Office, 10th & 40' John C. Tannahlll, IJncoln Nobuko Tsukui, Tok-o, Japan Helen M. Tynar, Weeping Water James F. Vivian, Cedar Rapids, la. Perry D. Weddle, Redwood City, Calif. Huseyin Yalrin, Burdur, Turkey Zaudneh Yimtata, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Master of Mnsle Connie L. Hod son. Gothenburg Marlen M,eyer McPeck, Bertraad Master a Psychiatric OceaaalMHisj Therapy Martha Finch Goll. Kankakee, Di. Master ef Scleace Narar Y. N. Ahmed, Baghdad, Iraq Salih A. Al-Yasiri, Hindis, Iraq Sarah Moenter Andersen, Fremont Satya P. Baluia, Delhi, India Robert B. Bennett, Omaha Dan R. Blarek, Omaha David H. Bliss, Lincoln Norman R. Bray. Mdaa. Saak., Canada Marillvn J. Caldwell, Lincoln Edward C. Collett. York Donald E. Pahlstrom. Woodhull, 01. Dwight T. Davy. Merna Jerald A. Dietrich. York Charles T. Doty, Spencer Thomas C. Duncan, Scottsbluff Verne I. Dvorak, Hastings Ronald W. Gomel. Pawnee City Surendar K. Goswamy, Gandhi Marc, Allahabad I, India Francis M. Green, Louisville Gene S. Heidemann, Seward Richard D. Hentzen, Seward Fa Hua Ho. Tainan, China James 4. Hossack, Omana Robert N. Klein, David City Andns Kleinhofs, Lincoln Robert L. Lebruska. Kimball William G. Lace, Beaver Dam, Ky. McCleda Gortey Maas, Norfolk Ronald H. McKnight, Cnlbertnoa IJod G. Miller, Brighton, Com. Bvong Hoon Moon, Seoul. Korea Walter W. Mullen Jr., Silver Spring, Md. Marvin D. Nelsn. Lincola Pan! H. Nielsen, Westers Lemoyne E. Ott, Pilger Ranch hod ji K Patel, Bntvada Sunt, India Roberta R. Petelle, Shaftsbnry, Vt . ChUlapalli S. Rao, Visakhapatuam, India Ijtwrence E. Reynolds, Lincoui Ryron G. Richard, Venango George L. Rolofson, Lincoln Reena G. Roy, Bchar, India Edwin C. Schuett Jr., Cairo Jagjit Singh. New Delhi, India Gordo R. Sloggett, McCook Kenneth R. Snyder, Troy, N.Y. Stephea J Sommer, Lincoln Jerome L. South worth, Anrora, Ind. Ga,vle D. Starr. Edgar Discount Cards cent discounts on merchan dise and services offered by twelve Lincoln businesses. The local merchants who are Speedway Motors, 1719 N Street; Hertz Rent-A-Car, 1017 Q Street: Ben Your Hairdresser; Model Cleaners & Laundry, 239 North 14th; Montgomery Ward. Lincoln Gateway Shopping Center; Courses Open in E"l O eliffio University Credit (No Extra Charge) For Information Call 477-6909 Or Come To Cotner School of Religion 1237 R Street The Bank Closest To The Campus cordially invites Year S dney J. Stohs, Scrlbner Charles L. Streeter, Buffalo Gap, S.D. Ilaniei E. Timms, David City Adnan Tongul, Ankara, Turkey Jeary R. Vogl, Seward Robert D. Willey, Lincoln Gerald L. Wolf, Sidney I-arry S. York, Lincoln Robert R, York, Lincoln Master of Science la Dentistry O'NeU J. Clinch, Scottsdale. Aria. Doctor of Philosoaky Robert C. Badger, Lincoui Clifford E. Bowman, Sioux aty. Ia. John R. Donoghue, Lincoln WMHam A. Eraser, Lincola Paul J. Gardner, Omaha Dwayne W. Hamar. Ocorto Raymond G. Hinders, Happy, Tex. Maine W. Lang. Craig Juan M. Munos, Mexico, D.F., Mexico James D. Nutter, Windham, O. Naomi Bruey Patterson. Fort Collins. Cora. Rodney D. Peterson, Brookings, S.D. Chester A. Sautter, Lincoln Burt K. Scanlan. Waukesha, Wis. Jasilt Singh, New Delhi, India Kamla Singh, Torawa, Disc Varamaxi, India Douglas T. Spite, Monmouth, ni. Robert A. Stratbucker, Omaha Emmett J. Vaughan, Iowa City, la. Abraham T. Wan, Taiwan, China CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATES Granted hut not conferred at the com mencement exercises Certificate la Cytology Registered in College of Medk-uM William J. Rook, Sioux Falls, S.D. Colleen M. Sheets. North Plait Certificate In Jearnalina Degree received from Collec of Arts and Sciences Bess E. Day, Aurora James O. Forrest II, Omaha Judith A. Harringtoa, Lincoln George A. Peterson. Loup City Certificate ia Physical Kdacetlea Degree received from Teachers College Judy A. Kollmorgen, Lincoln Juliet Rowsey Simpson, Lincoln Certlfiesl la Physical Edacattoa aad Athletics Degree received from Teachers College Robert S. Brown, Cleveland, O. Parrel! L. Cooper, Celina. Tex. Thomas A. Ernst. Column Monte G. Kiffin, Lexington Gerald A. McCall, Pawnee City Donald B. Myers, Lincola Jan L. Wall. Lincoln Certificate ef Professional Imsreresne Degree received from College Of Agriculture Russell D. Hughe. Fremont Rosewell Floral Company, 118 North 14th. ( Chicken Delight, 25th and 0 Street; Steven Credit Jewel ers. 1338 O Street; United Rent-Alls, 710 North 48th Street; D XService Stations, all stations: General Tire Service, 33 South 11th Street : and Bloom Typewriter Ex change, 323 North 13th Street. n BANKofCOMMERCE M TRUST &miNGS W luuoln'tFam! tank with the Opn Deer etmkad"Cr A mid-semester ski trip' to Denver, sponsored by the Stu dent Union, was an apparent success, said Richard Scott, director of Union activities. A group of about 120 stu dents departed from Lincoln last Wednesday night from the Burlington station, arriv ing in the mile-high city at about 10 a.m. Thursday. From there the group contin ued by rail to Winter Park, a nearby ski resort, where a four-day stand ensued. Skiing was available to many of the students that aft- Address Kappa Sigs The fifth in a series of ca reer conferences was conduct ed by Kappa Sigma fraternity last night. John Frobenius and A. B. Walther of Bell Telephone Co. spoke to the group. They emphasized the bene fits of a college education and pointed out the practical ap plication of a college educa tion, especially in the field of Bell Telephone. The series is intended as a suppliment to classroom edu cation by providing a chance to see what is done in the professional field, according to Tom Sahwenke, president of Kappa Sigma. Available All five of the businesses consulted indicated that there has been considerable activity and use of the cards, and that they are generally "very pleased." "(gtoiltutg for GJmnplrat Qkutlnttau SAVE 20 TO 30 NOW ON MEN'S WINTER CLOTHING Yes, it s time for our annual clearance. So visit us now and save 20 to 30 of the original prices on our fine clothing Sport coats, sweaters ties, shoes, slacks, socks, dress shirts, sport shirts. Remember we are now open till nine on Thursdays. 1127 R" Street Main Bank, lSth & 0' El- - y&9 1 w ernoon; the rest headed for Hochlanhof, the ski lodge, where the Sig Ep combo en. tertained at a dance that evening, as well as the two nights following. The cost of the trip was $75 per student, which included everything but the price of tow tickets, an additional $11. 50 for three days. Each aspir ing skier was allowed two free lessons, ranging all the way from novices to seasoned veterans. The slopes were sparsely populated for the first two days of the vacation, said Scott, but were rather con gested during the weekend. However, the weather was magnificent throughout, as snow fell for the first three days, producing ideal skiing conditions. Injuries incurred by the trawlers were heldlo a min imum; compared with the ap palling t o t a 1 of ten broken legs suffered during a similar jaunt last year by Kansas University students. The Husker skiers returned having sustained only one broken ankle and three sprains. Ag Y Officers Picked Ag YMCA recently elected officers for the following year, including Lee Grove, Alpha Gamma Sigma, president; Fred Boelts, Burr Hall, vice president, and Ron Thomp son, secretary-treasurer. The new district YMCA representative is Keith Olsen, and Ag Exec Board repre sentative is Jon Kruse. 432-2042 IIOITELL THEATItE Pt'ceinVs Opera MADAM BUTTERFLY Crart&fsit-S P.BI. PHOXE 477-8711, ext. 2072