The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1964, Image 1

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    j re ,.-.....! yf OF NEDS
Vol. 77, No. 52
The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, January 22, 1964
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Jack Frost Went Thataway . . . Temporarily
mann and Katie Roehrkaffe take advantage of yesterday's
63 degree temperature, an all time high for Jan. 21, in
Lincoln. The traces of snow lurking behind them verify
Builders Tap
Cheryll Crosier will head
the new Campus Promotion
.Committee of Builders, along
with her assistants Carol Bis
choff and Barb Atkinson.
Other results of the Builders
interviews held last week are:
Karen Schnurr and her as
sistants Dick Theis and Sandy
Stefanis will be in charge of
the Tours Committee and the
College Days Committee will
be headed by Percy Wood.
The Publicity Committee will
be under the direction of Carol
Van Steenberg, and publica
tions Vice President Jean Pro
basco will oversee the four
The Builders Calendar and
Directory will be compiled by
Jackie Allen, chairman, and
her assistants Betsy White
and Karen Westerberg.
Jean Holmquist, and assist
ants Jerry Kreifels and Diana
Focht, will direct the First
Glance Magazine, and contin
uing as editor and assistant
of the Special Edition are
Diane Steffensen and Cuz
Galen Frenzen, Ag Vice
President oversees two com
mittees, Ag Public Relations
and Ag Tours.
Ag Public Relations Com
mittee is headed by Jeanette
Coufal while interviews for
the Ag Tours Committee chair
man and assistant will be held
The new office manager is
Vicki Packard and the new
secretary is Marilyn Peterson.
Robert Kriz is the new treas- j
Agriculture Campus Boasts
Plethora Of Old Landmarks
By Marv McNeff
Ag News Editor
A graduating class hasn't
presented a memorial to the
University since 1921. But
the ag campus is rich in
landmark memorials given
prior to that date.
The tradition and inspi
ration attached to these me
morials Is almost awesome.
This has been added to in
recent years by gifts to the
University from private in
dividuals. .
For Instance, there's the
statue in Ag Hall, pre
sented by the class of 1915,
apparently representing La
dy Wisdom. North of the
Department of Information
Building is the Sundial pre
sented by the class of 1920,
in memory of World War I
soldiers. However its most
important part, the pointer,
is missing.
A landmark soon to be
torn down is the Chemergy
building, a versatile red
brick structure built in
1904. Besides the uses its
name implies, it has been
City-Ag Bus Discontinued
During Final Exam Week
The intercampus bus will
probably not run during the
period of final examinations,
according to Eugene Ingram,
director of purchases and
special services. .
"Our lease with the Lincoln
City Lines provides that the
buses be scheduled to run
only when classes are sched
uled," said Ingram. "If the
students would ride it, we
could probably do it. How
ever, if we run it for one
day and they don't ride it,
it could sink us."
He pointed out that much
of the bus use would be travel
to and from the library. Cut
ting down on the number of
runs and running just a few
times a day would probably
not help this situation much,
he said.
"The regularly scheduled
buses will still be available
so the students will not be
stranded," said Ingram.
The regular bus will pick
up students on 14th street to
go to ag campus at approxi
mately 8:15, 8:37, 9:05 ; 9:40,
10:15, 10:50, 11:25 and 12 in
the morning and in the after
noon at 12:35, 1:10, 1:45, 2:20,
255, 330, 3:55, 4:13, 4:40,
4:55, 520, 545, 6:18, 7:18,
8:18,9:18 and 10:18.
It will pick up students at
the ag campus bus stop on
Holdrege to go to city camp
us at approximately 8:15,
8:37, 9:00, 9:21, 9:50, 10:25, 11,
used as an animal meats
lab, husbandry engineering
machinery lab, for biochem
istry research and as a
home economics annex.
The Ag wishing well,
Fount Davisson, commem
orates the first principal of
now-extinct School of Agri
culture. The two benches
near the well were donated
by the classes of 1919, and
1921. The first is square and
the other round.
Living memorials were
planted in April of 4909 in
the form of pin oak trees,
Engineers Tap Spidle
Harold Spidle is the new
president of Sigma Tau, na
tional all-engineering honor
ary fraternity, at the Univer
sity. He succeeds Allen Otte.
Other new officers: James
L. Jorfgensen, vice president;
Stanley J. Knudson, secre
tary; Roger H. Schwabauer,
treasurer; James K. Linn,
historian; and Larry P. Wade,
that winter is not yet over, and the U.S. Weather Bureau
predicts overcast skies and rain tonight, with tempera
tures in the mid 59's.
11:35 in the morning and in
the afternoon at 12:10, 12:45,
1:20, 1:55, 2:30, 3:05, 3:40,
4:15, 4:35, 4:55, 5:22, 5:40, 6,
6:30, 6:55, 7:55, 8:55, 9:55 and
The schedule on Saturdays
Film Schedule Altered
Richard Scott, assistant
program director of the Stu
dent Union announced a
change in the schedule of the
Foreign Film Society. "La
zarillo," a Spanish drama, will
be shown in place of the Rus
sian Drama, "My Name is
Ivan," tonight at 7 and 9 p.m.
Pi Phis, Pharmacists
Vie In Q-Bowl Tonight
The regularly scheduled session of Quiz Bowl competi
tion will start today at 7 p.m. in the New Party Room
of the Student Union with the Phi Beta Phi I team
. academically pitted against Pharmacy College.
At 7:25 the Theta Xi team will compete against the
Phi Gamma Delata team. At .7:50 the Beta Theta Pi II
pledges vs. Theta Chi and at 8:15 the Delta Tau Delta
No. 1 team will meet the Delta Sigma Phi team.
All team members should be at the New Party Room
of the Student Union 15 minutes before their scheduled
match. At least four members must be present or the
team will be disqualified. Team members will be given
name tags when they arrive at the Party Room.
Disqualifications have to be made if the teams are
late because of the tight schedule that the Quiz Bowl is
run on. The double-elimination style tournament must be
run on strict schedule to be finished by May 5.
The field will be narrowed down to five teams through
the double-elimination tournament. The last games will
be televised by KUON-TV.
17 in all, which border the
Ag campus mall. Each tree
is named for a famous Ne
braskan including Univer
sity faculty members, gov
ernors, University Regents
and early pioneers.
Located in the dean's of
fice in Ag Hall is a huge
four by six foot hand-stitched
tapestry, donated to the
Home Ec Department in
1941 by a lady from Gering.
Similar to needle-point, the
outdoor scene required over
a year to make and is com
posed of thousands of in
dividual stitches.
Another War memorial is'
a large boulder with
plaques attached donated in
memory of men from the
class of 1914 who were
killed in the war. The bould
er was obtained near Sal
tillo, ' Nebraska, a whistle
stop located along the Missouri-Pacific
tracks south
west of Lincoln. It was
hauled on the railroad as
close to ag campus as pos
sible, and rolled the rest of
the way. Approximately
two-thirds of it is buried.
and Sundays is a little differ
ent. Schedules and bus stop lo
cations may be picked up on
the intercampus bus or the
regular bus at any time.
Students will not be able to
use their intercampus .bus
tickets, which are puchased at
reduced prices, on the regular
bus. The fare is fifteen cents
per ride.
Ingram reported that the
last total count of passengers
riding the intercaniDus bus
last week showed 3,465. "This
may be off a little," he said.
"I think it was more than
Davisson, presented to the Ag
1919 and 1921, commemorates
School of Agriculture.
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IFor CCcip
The Residence Association
for Men (RAM) Council Man
day night unanimously passed
a motion recommending the
"waiver of, or change in, the
ruling by the Intramurals De
partment concerning their re
fusal to award the first place
trophy in the fraternity divi
sion of Indoor Track to the
winning team from Kappa Al
pha Psi fraternity."
Gene Young, president of
Kappa Alpha Psi, explained to
the Council the events sur
rounding his fraternity's pro
test. He said that, although
the fraternity was given per
mission to compete in the fra
ternity division, the trophy,
which they won, was not
awarded to them because of
an Intramural Department
rule that a group without a
house cannot receive a trophy.
Young added that Charles
R. Tulloss, resident advisor
of Selleck Quadrangle, where
most of the fraternity's mem
bers now live, has agreed to
let them display the trophy
in the Selleck award case un
til the fraternity moves into
its own house.
A letter was drafted Monday
night and delivered Tuesday
morning to Vice Chancellor lx.
Robert Ross, dean of student
affairs, J. Winston Martin,
AWS Announces
Eligibility Change
Associated Women's Stu
dents (AWS) announced today
that in accordance with the
new University elegibility
rules they have changed the
necessary grade average of
those who will participate in
Coed Follies from a 4.0 to a
AWS will ask the presidents
of the six sororities competing
in Coed Follies to verify that
all of the girls in the skit are
carrying at least 12 hours and
have a 5.0 grade average.
Educator To Speak'
Members of Alpha Tau
Alpha, University vocational
education fraternity, will hear
one of the top men in the field
at their meeting at 7 p.m.
Thursday in the College of Ag
riculture Activities Bldg.
He is Cecil Stanley, assist
ant commissioner of educa
tion in the State Department
of Education. Stanley is a
past president of the Ameri
can Vocational Assn., and re
cipient of the American Voca
tional Achievement Award,
the highest honor in the field.
-' 3
. -1
Campus by the classes of
the first principal of the
"m .
s 1 i
pa Alp
is Mhi
dean of men, and Ed Higgen
botham, assistant professor
of physical education.
The letter, signed by Gary
Pokorny, RAM president, and
Frank P a r t s c h, secretary,
asked that the rule be clari
fied, "to insure fairness to the
men of Kappa Alpha Psi as
well as anyone who might en
counter this rule in the fu
ture." Pokorny said that the track
championship was the first
campuswide honor given to
the Kappa Alpha Psis and,
since they are in the process
of recolonization, it would be
a tremendous psychological
boost to the men of the fraternity.
Union Contract Covers
Miami Hotel Damages;
Negotiations Undervky
The Student Union has been charged for damages
done to the Hotel Schine McAllister in Miami by Nebras
ka fans attending the Orange Bowl game. The Union
officials are still negotiating with the hotel concerning
the amount of damage. The Hotel originally sent a bill
for $480 but agreed to cut this amount in half since some
of the damage could have been done by other hotel
The Union has written to the hotel and agreed to pay
half of this second amount. No reply has yet been re
ceived, according to Robert Barnes, assistant director of
the Student Union.. ,
Carl Carlisle, program director of the Union, said that
most of the damage was done by water released from
fire extinguishers by the guests. Other damage was done
to the paint on the walls and a door stopper wis torn
off. Most of the damage was little things, said Carlisle.
The Union had signed a contract previous to the trip
which required that they be responsible for damage up
to $1,000, according to Barnes.
"The students behaved themselves very well general
ly," said Barnes. "There was no trouble New Year's Eve.
There were parties in the rooms the night after the game
but they were generally quiet."
The total expenses of the trip have not yet been com
piled so the Union does not know if they will be able to
cover the damage expenses without dipping into other
Union funds. These figures should be available soon, said
Nebraskan Slates Times
For New Statf
ftarv T.aopv. editor of the
yesterday that interviews for
writing, editing and business
nnsitinns on the second se
will be held Saturday morning
in the Union.
The following positions, with
their monthly salary in paren
thesis, are: tnree senior siau
writers. ($35). four junior
staff writers ($17.50), three
copy editors ($35), one ag
news editor ($17.50), one as
sistant sports editor ($17.50),
one photographer ($40), three
business assistants ($20 plus
10 commission on all ads),
and a subscription manager
Annlioations for these posi
tions are due in the DAILY
Football Stadium
Gets Flag Poles
Two new aluminum f 1 a e
poles are being installed on
the southwest and northeast
corners of Memorial Stadium
this week.
The new flag poles replace
the old ones which were
struck and destroyed by light
ning this past year. The new
poles are protected against
this same diaster by being
The new poles are counter
balanced for maintenance and
safety reasons. Counter-balanced
poles bend so that a
ladder does not have to be
put up against the pole to
change pulleys and ropes.
The new poles are twenty
feet high, weigh about five
hundred pounds apiece and
cost about $1,500 apiece. Bill
Fisher, athletic business man
ager, said that the poles are
paid for from receipts from
the athletic office, not taxes.
Ihco Psd;
The question of the trophy's
future was somewhat simpli
fied by Sigma Chi fraternity,
which finished second in the
track tournament and would
receive the trophy if it were
not given to the winners.
At their Monday night meet
ing, the Sigma Chis agreed
that they would not accept the
award if offered to them.
Steve Brammer, vice presi
dent of Sigma Chi, told the
day that the members of the
house felt that the trophy
should go to the Kappa Alpha
"We have no qualms about
it," he said. "We don't feel
that we have earned the tro
phy." Interviews
NEBRASKAN office no later
than 5 p.m. Friday. The in
terviews will be conducted by
the new editor, and senior
staff who will be named Fri
day afternoon.
Students who file for
tions must have completed at
least 12 hours of work at the
University with a 5.0 average
by the end of first semester,
according to Curt Siemers, co
ordinator of student activities.
Delegates Attend
National YD Meet
Loron Weatherwax, chair
man of public relations, and
Karen Nelson, program com
mittee chairman of the Young
Democrats (YD) organization
on campus, will attend a Na
tional YD Convention in Las
Vegas on Jan. 29 to Feb. 1.
Weatherwax will be the
bearer of YD proxy votes from
the University and from other
YD groups in the state.
He will vote for the National
YD president and for other
offices of the national organ