The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 20, 1963, Page Page 4, Image 6
Page 4 The Daily Nebraskon Friday, December 20, 1963 . j 1 ft 5 0. J $ 4 I I l 1 Huskers, Trojans Vie For Second Victory Nebraska travels to Los Angeles this weekend ,for a two-game set with Southern California in hopes of break ing a four-game losing streak. The Huskers have only an opening game 79-72 win over Wyoming on the victory side of the ledger. Propogated by a 64-58 loss to Houston last Saturday, the streak may be tough to break against the mighty Trojans who took a pair from the Huskers last year in a week end series. But Forrest Twogoods' squad is in the same boat. After winning its opener against Butler, Southern Cal has dropped three straight to Brigham Young and a couple of Big Eight foes, Kansas and Kansas State. Coach Joe Cipriano has juggled his lineup again, try ing to get some scoring punch into the lackluster Nerbaska aattack. Starting for NU will be Charlie Jones (6-1) and Grant Simmons (6-2) at guards, Daryl Petsch (6-5) and Jerry Spears (6-6) at the forwards and Jim Yates (6-7) at the post. However, the starting five may change before Friday. Cipriano may start Neil Nan nen (6-5) at a forward or Bob Antulov (6-7) at center, moving Yates over to for ward. Bob Gates, who scouted the Trojans against K-State and Kansas, says they arc an ag gressive poised ball club with good overall heigth and fine shooting. Friday's game will be staged in the Los Angeles Sports Arena before the two teams move over to Los Angeles State for the Satur day contest. sic IT Sow-1 ill 1 For ran CJeS BASKETBALL STATISTICS T?iold Obnm Charlie Jones Crant Simmons Bob Antulov Jim Yales Coley Webb Al Reiners Paryl Petsch ieil Nannen Joel Kortus Jerry Spout's fi-fra . J4 M . 26-61 ..15-34 . 13-37 ,.16-4 . ..6-11 ..4-8 ..7-14 ..5-14 ..5-14 .1-8 Earl Wright 6-9 Nebr. tot. 135 :184 Opp. tot. 135-303 Pol. flfla Pel. rh 34.4 3-8 37.5 9 52.6 8-5 600 44 44.1 16-22 72 7 22 35 1 13-16 81.3 27 33.3 2-6 33.3 26 26 1 5- 55.6 17 50.0 4-6 66 7 2 50 0 1-3 667 4 35.7 6-12 50.0 7 35.7 1-1 100 1) 7 12.5 2-4 500 9 66.7 0-3 000 5 TEAM KEBOINDS 34 3 5"-S5 57.0 08 43. 103148 69.5 197 trf 12 11 16 17 16 12 8 In 71 55 46 39 34 17 12 19 13 U 4 Av. 14.2 11.0 9 2 7.8 6.8 H 3.0 4.7 2.6 2. A healthy but chilled University of Nebraska foot ball team will fly to Miami Sunday morning to begin fi nal preparations for the Or ange Bowl game with Auburn on New Year's Day. Coach Bob Devaney will shepherd a 45-man squad and all hands have been declared fit and ready for full drills in Miami. Veteran halfback Willie Ross had been hobbled by a leg injury, but he has returned to full-speed activity and is at his familiar No. 1 left halfback spot. 114 84 65.4 75.4 Devaney Gains Raise, Keeps 24 LeHermen The Cornhuskers still have 8 hern unable in nrartifp niit- 1-2 ; j 1. - r r J . sine ut-cauae ui iii'u tem peratures 7 below to 17 above and a heavy blanket of snow. As a result, Coach Devaney indicated he may order a Sun day afternoon drill at Miami, plus a day or two of double sessions. Football Coach Bob De vaney and his staff received early Christmas cheer yester day as the Board of Kegents raised all their salaries for 1964. Devaney. who had been University head coaching post only days before, will receive a 2,000 dollar annual salary increase. Devaney, finishing his sec ond year at the University, also was accorded the staff rank of associate professor from the Regents. Coach Devaney's salary for the appointment year of 1964 will be $21,000 and members of his staff also received sal ary increases as follows: Cletus Fischer, up $1,800 to $11,600; George Leonard Kel Iv, up $1,800 to $11,600; John W. Melton, up $1,500 to $11. 600; James Ross, up, $1,000 to $11,900; Carl F. Selmcr. Jr., up $1,000 to $11,900; and Michael H. Corgan, up $1,000 to $11,900. AH America guard Bob Brown led Nebraska in min utes played during the sea son, but he just barely edged out All Big 8 tackle Lloyd Voss for heavy-duty honors. Voss logged 330 minutes during, the rugged campaign which saw the Cornhuskers win nine -of 10 games, wrap up the Big 8 title, and land a spot in the Orange Bowl against Auburn on New Year's Day. All of the first-unit linemen except sophomore end Tony Jeter saw 300 or more min utes duty, and Jeter just missed with 299. Here, by position, are the minutes played by the top 22 Cornhuskers: Brown and Voss also rank as the most experienced men on the Cornhuskcr squad. During their three seasons Brown has logged 880 min utes, Voss 873. Ron Michka and Claridge are the other plus-800 players, with 854 and 815, respectively. Here are the total experi ence figures for the other seniors on the top two units: Tomlinson 771, Kirby 725, Ross 691, Johnson 667, Jones 678, Kiff in 346. Coach Devaney has recom mended 37 Cornhusker foot ball players for letter awards, pending scholastic qualifica tion, i JOHN KIRBY, John Dcrvin. Mike Kennedy. Centers RON MICHKA, Lyle Sittler, Walter Barnes. Right guards BOB BROWN, Duncan Drum, Bernie McGinn. Right tackles LLOYD VOSS, MONTE K1FFIN, Ron Griesse. Right ends Tony Jeter. DICK CALLAHAN, Chuck Doepke, Preston Love. Quarterbacks DENNIS CLARIDGE, Fred D u d a. Doug Tucker. Left halfbacks WILLIE ROSS, DAVE THE I SEN, Maynard Smidt, F'rank Solich, Bill Johnson. Right halfbacks Kent Mc Cloughan. Bobbv Hohn, Ted Vactor. Fullbacks RUDY JOHNSON, GENE YOUNG, Bruce Smith, Joe McNulty. "We will not start putting in defenses or our offense for Auburn until we get to Miami," Devaney said. "Be cause of limited workout space in the Field House, we have been confined to group work and physical- condition ing." , Devaney doesn't expect any changes in his top unit be fore the game. Miami work outs will open with the same players that helped NU run up a 9-1 record on the start ing club. Same applies to the alternate unit. Here are the two units: First unit Larry T o m linson, left end; Larry Kram er, left tackle; John Kirby, left guard; guard; Ron Mich ka, center; Bob Brown, right guard; Lloyd Voss, right tackle; Tony Jeter, right end; Dennis Claridge, quar terback; Willie Ross, left halfback; Bobby Hohn, right halfback; Rudy Johnson, fullback. Alternate unit Freeman White, left end;.. Bob Jones, left tackle; John Dervin, left guard; Lyle Sittler, center; Bernie McGinn, right guard; Monte Kiffin, right tackle; Dick Callahan, right end; Fred Duda, quarterback; Maynard Smidt, left h a 1 f back; Kent McCloughan, right halfback; Bruce Smith, full back. Coach Devaney announced that Nebraska practices at Miami, in preparation for the bowl game, will he closed to the public. Only persons including newsmen, with assigned cre dentials will be allowed into Husker sessions, Devaney said. "It's not so much that we're going to get real secretive," Devaney said. "But we have a lot of work to do and we won't be able to get it-done if we have hundreds of peo pie milling around our prac tices." l Staff Predictions MORRIS . GARSON CAY ROOD PATTY BIG IRON HOFF Orange Bowl Rose Bowl Cotton Bowl Sugar Bowl Nebr. 22-17 Illinois Navy ' Alabama Nebr. 29-14 Illinois Navy Mississippi Nebr. 24-16 Illinois Navy Mississippi Nebr. 27-13 Illinois ' Texas Alabama Auburn 21-18 Washington Texas Alabama Nebr. 30-21 Illinois Texas Alabama Nebr. 22-17 Illinois Texas Alabama Nebr. 28-26 Illinois Texas Mississippi (hailed out) , Illinois Navy Mississippi Mr. Moore is this week's guest expert. 7963 Big Eight Pre 'Season Basketball Tournament Bracket December 26 - 27 28 30 KANSAS STATE 10-Mvn. 4:00 p.m. Winmr S NEBRASKA . I-S't. 2:03 p.m. 1-TWi. 7:30 p.m. J. Winne, 1 7-Sal. 7:30 put. ; OKLAHOMA 1 i-Tlwes. JO p.m. I l I MISSOURI J 1 Wtnmr 7 Low i Umt WtftMr 4 -M. 1:00 p.m. low a -Sat. 4 00 p.m. 11-Mon. 7:30 p.m. Imw 7 Umt 1 COLOKAOO I-rri. 7:30 p.m. KANSAS Wtnmr S -Sal. JO p.m. f OKLAHOMA STATE Umt 4 4-rri. 30 p.m. IOWA STATE WitiMr 4 11 Mm. t:30 p.m. Wmmm CLASSIFIED ADS . ATTENTION: Ads will not be run until paid in advance. ROOMS: Room for rent Ar Colleire dlalrlrt. J?ll Starr, for working lrl or ftodent kitrhen nearbr. Other flria In haute 4H4-J170. WANTED The Huskers will have 24 lettermen back to defend their Big 8 title next fall Veterans will be available at every position. Nebraska's 1963 lettermen, with seniors in capital letters: Left ends LARRY TOM LINSON, Freeman White, John Koinzan, Bill H a u g. Left tackles Larry Kraner, BOB JONES. Left guards -tyi .f, :tm Deaire Rirtera to Wichita and Ft. Worth. Texan Leaving about Dec. 21 or 23. Returning Dec. 31. Call 477-2477. John Scott. To Buy Guitar. Call 435-5737. LOST: Red art notebook; art monument text Oeforr R. Bell. 1341 R, 477-K20. MISCELLANEOUS SLEEP-LEARININO. Hypnotiam! Tapen. records, books, equipment. Aatonishini detail!, Mnuige catalogue free: Sleep learning Rr-aearch Assn., Box 24-CP. Olympia, Wash. WOULD YOU LIKE TO FLY? Start to day, 5leton. Arrow Airport. 46-2.19 FOR SALE: Girnnn electric quitar. 1s Paul model, I7:. Call Dave, 435-5078. Mens' Figure Skates. Good condition. SI . Call 48H-S9.1:). Alter 6:00. FOR RENT: Wont to share apt. 1748 B, Apt. Jr4. Call 432-7WI3. $.l2.5(lmomh. Spacious new basemen! ant. (or couple Kitchen furnished. DirecUv south of Alt. Campus. Utilities paid. Call 4C-34M -' ? ..-'. ',, '.,. L s '" , ., " . rjm nsil W ' - 1" 1 ' ?' 1 1 it' ferry shndtmas I d ?V from the ' ;j Business Staff I 1)1 John Zeilinger . I' j q ' ttob Cunningham j f tjl Bill Gunlicks I , ' z iY . ' Pete Lage ' J '! !0 Mike Jefferys : 1 1 tf J I From The Stick . . . by rick akin And as the wind blows across the Mall and smacks you in the mouth, it's time to see how all the boys are going to do down South in the next couple of weeks. Making predictions at this time becomes a bit haz ardous when one realises that the bowl-bound teams aren't close to being ready, and there is the heat factor in some of those Southern cities. Turning on the dusty with-no-use crystal ball, Bay lor appears to have the better team in the Bluebonnet Bowl, which can be caught on the tube Saturday. Don Trull passed the laces out of the ball this fall for Baylor. Baylor 28, Louisiana State 14. Of most interest, of course, is the Orange Bowl in which dear old Nebraska U. will go at it with Auburn the day after New Year's Eve. Miami may see that the Huskers are no fluke as it becomes hard for some to realize that there is quite a football team out here in Indian country. The big problem for Coach Bob Devaney will be to get the Huskers ready. Auburn uses that I, and the I in either the slot formation or the wing. This gives a lot of options for Auburn and much for the Huskers to get ready. However, in viewing the films, it appears the Nebras ka has the raw power over the near-by Alabama team and so let's call it a premature . . . NEBRASKA 21, AU BURN 14. In the Cotton Bowl Texas and Navy will stage one of the greatest battles in its history. Navy did not im press this prognosticator in the Army game, but that one is an even battle no matter what the odds are. Caught the Longhorns in the squeaker against Texas A.M., in which Texas had to hustle in the last quarter to eek by, 15-13, to go undefeated. The Texans will probably get the favorite's nod, but I'll go with the Middies and Roger Staubach on the basis of a better offense . . . Navy 16, Texas 14. In the classic Rose Bowl Illinois will take on the team that beat Southern Cal for the title, Washington. Though the Illini won't bring the best Big Ten in Bowl history . . . Illinois 21, Washington 6. In Kansas City Keep in mind that the basketball will go to Big Eight Tournament over the Christmas holidays, and things don't look real bright. The cagers were far from sharp in losing to Houston, 64-58, last Saturday. And the Big Eight is improving. Kansas and Kansas State should meet in the finals if the Jayhawks can get by Oklahoma State. The Wildcats supposedly have all the horses, but I'll go with KU in finals for the crown. More mileage has come from their sophomores than first expected. How will the Cornhuskers fare? 'Tis hard telling. Much improvement needed, and Joe Cipriano can't find the combination. Right now, seventh place seems to get the nod. Who's NOT Going? By the ticket office statistics, about 8,000 Nebraska fans will see the Huskers in Miami. Quite an accom plishment considering only 1,000 went from Colorado when the Buffs were in the Bowl. Outstanding representation. Gold's OP NEBRASKA Ha MOM O' rVIKIKINO SHOP MONDAY AND THURSDAY 930 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M., OTHER DAYS TO 5:30 P.M. THE CAMPUS COBBLER TELLS: Where The Yellow Went! It hasn't gone. The yellow is right there with every other color in the spectrum of shoe polishes and laces in Gold's Shoe Re pair. So if you're searching for purple polish or scarlet laces, find them at Gold's. They can dye fahrics to match them too. Even chartreuse. CoMs Shoe Repair Service Include Shoe Repair Briefcase Repair Shoe Polishes, Laces Zipper Repair COLD'S Shoe Repair , Fabric Dyeing Key Duplicating Waterproofing Purse Repair Downstairs Store tU3 Daau3 I txiiSmn J 1 iff f m xiwim It. WWWaj . Jj ym9 J IT V mm. -m, m . w iREEiT TOPI i mil From out of the Isolated Brazilian jungle comes Los Indios Tabajaras and their "Maria Elena." Now it's the title tune for a fascinating new album. A treasury of tribal folk songs like "Haran CarLua," "Los Indios Canzan" and "Baion Son." Get this album and hear the most intriguing new sounds in masic today-at your record shop. J The most trusted name in sound Car 010 III