The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1963, Image 2

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Monday, December 16, 1963
Patriotic Words
I am a patriotic American. I worry about our repub
lic, though. We have strayed far from the heritage of our
forefathers . . . they knew just how it would be now.
Things really havent changed that much. You can see the
trouble we're in when you read about the President's assass
ination. I want to do something.
You know it's really conspiracy behind the whole thing.
That Oswald was hired by the Communists. He, wasn't sick
at all, he was just a clever agent And that Jack Ruby was
hired by the International conspiracy to shot him up . . .
they, didn't trust him.
They are getting stronger every minute. I know why
too. Those niggers and foreigners make all kinds of trouble,
and that leftist Supreme Court protects them. The Court is
part of the conspiracy too ... I can tell. You can just see
the signs. We have to be careful because none of those
people are really Americans. Why just look at all the Jews
in the government
I haven't gone to school much, but 1 read the right
things now and it helps. That Robert Welch and Billy
Hargiss and Fred Schwarz are good leaders and real Ameri
cans. They know what's happening.
The things I've said here, I've learned from my read
ing and I don't need worry about that much because I can
ten it's an right
You know they made me go to the hospital the other
day . . . Just for a check-up though. Thedoctormumbled
something about I was a fine example of a paranoid ... I
think he was saying patriot ... He was a fine doctor.
As soon as I leave the hospital, I'm going to get back
to work . . . There are a lot of things to do.
h. michael rood
How Stupid
Dear Editor:
How stupid is the Stupid
Council? It continually ad
vertises itself as the repre
sentative body of NTTs stu
dents. Is it? I think not
Unless, of course, it is rep
resentative, but naive.
The lead articles in the
Daily Xebraskan last week,
were as follows:
Wednesday 11 December
L A resolution to study
the problem, if any, of stu
dent drinking win be pre
sented at the Student Coun
cil meeting today.
2. Dennis Christie "I
think that there are many
more vital issues on this
3. Dean Boss They
(the Student Council) know
better than I if the prob
lem exists."
Thursday 12 December
L A motion passed to
study the problem, if any,
of student drinking and to
develop a solution that will
lend itself to student s u p
port 2. An amendment stated
, that the SC recommends
that we obey the law in fee
3. Susie Segrist "If there
Is a problem, and the SC
recognizes it enforcement
may become more rigid and
we win be hurting ourselves.
I see no hope for changing
the state laws."
Friday 12 December
L Do you drink?
2. Are the state drinking
laws toe harsh?
2. Should the SC try to do
something or should it table
another motion?
4. How would you solve
file problem, if there is a
problem? Mike Barton "If
the student don't feel there
Is a problem, we wifl drop
the subject there."
At this point, I feel like
tearing out my hair. Any stu
dent who does not sit in his
room and study every week
end know that a problem
exists. Students, law or no
law, drink. 09 44-100 of
them drink. Anyone who
swallows his tongue and
feigns ignorance should be
ashamed to call himself a
student leader.
Wednesday 11 December
1. Dennis Christie, More
vital issues indeed! I can
think of few other campus
issues which involve so
many students in such a vi
tal thing as breaking.a state
2. Dean Ross. Sir: If vou
have any doubt about
Th Daily Nebraska?.
0ff Wnmm, n..1n editors mm WOVTK. bw( Unnr; wwa ttwnr.
KTSU.f.H, .HA VT tVrr.HWJH, Kit FARIUCM, -mUn mlt rtlr; LAKHY
ama, makv vbtswr. ,tHt o'kkjix. jkhhv w irrr.Y.r.k.
m.ll wrttri FrrV KJKAFP, MKSIK GAR, CAT I.WT;HIX;fc, w
'!L!.J. rtunm, vHmwr: wen wkiU. m-n uun uikk
jf.rff.KY, phnuunrm mrwrr; JIM VMM, oowrtwtini manuwri hILL
UUHUIM&, mm aw.fM.HA, mete lmz. kuuwT
tttwrtyOMl mm tt pm twtmmUr r H pur ftmr
tjTa M tm-nnt euum mmtr M U fM alflc In Hamtm, Wafer,
MM!r lb at M Aufu4 4, 1Ui2 '
Ttm Imtv MhTMkan I vuMlnhMf Bt mm SI. (kal-n VnUm, w Mmd.
trtnlr, Tharav, yrum In IMommtr til fhr muamt mMm im
XnMutum n thm f-wultr tuttrimmuxmrn m fttadm RutiUnatvtM. Putilu ukma
hall hm irm Irnm tmtmirfhlp lit Um ftuhnmnmliuw or mir prtm onuulo ttm
Hwi Mmntm Urn Mmtn arc iwaowlM far what Una taaa
is lw pfttHmt,
.nnu fh :
Is Council?
existence of a problem, why
were all those meetings held
two weeks ago? I mean
those meetings with student
leaders about drinking on
Thursday 12 December
1. Fine. Let us work out
a solution.
2. Fine. The SC says that
we should obey the state
law. We had better do it.
3. Guilty conscience Miss
Segrist? Better hush it up.
or they wiU find out and
you might have a problem.
Friday 12 December
1. Yes I do.
2. Who cares? The law is
nearly unenforcable.
3. I think that the students do
not support the investiga
tion of a solution to the
problem, if there is a prob
lem. Reason: the Student
Council wiU not do any
thing anyway. They will
table the motion. If we sup
port their action, it will ease
the conscience of any of
them who have a conscience.
4. If there is a problem.
Its only solution lies with
the state legislators. They
are like the Student Coun
cil. They win do nothing.
Why get excited. Who is ex
cited? The students are not
excited. They are never ex
cited. They are like the Stu
dent Council. See Puff run.
Run, Puff, run. See Puff run
away. Far, far away . .
A Student
Dear Editor:
One quotation of Dean
Snyder's not included in the
summary of her speech was,
"Men and tugboats toot
loudest in a fog." We have
found an excellent example
of this vocal ignorance in
your letter.
Some of your hasty com
ments which you based on
nothing but blind prejudice
are the following:
1) "Dean Snyder sent
mimeographed copies to an
women students in the dor
mitories." The truth is that
several of the members of
the audience that night were
so impressed with the depth
of understanding evident in
her thong h4-provoklng
speech that they had a sum
mary of the mala points
given to each girt
m mi jm m. w , k it .iv.Bwj -mi'- w -aw m m i
2) The Dean did say that
a "bad" statement often
made is that "the adminis
tration is aU wrong." May I
suggest, however, that this
is not "brainwashing" but a
fact to those who choose to
regard objectively the rela
tion between administration
and students. From the tone
of your comments you
might very weH be one of
those persons who can see
only the faults of adminis
trative policy.
3) To say "the purpose of
education" is "change" and
"what yon are is what yon
can be" is no contradiction.
Through education people
acquire a capacity for criti
cal thinking and a standard
of excellence they try to
realize through their
lives and thoughts. One of
Dean Snyder's comments
that j on seemed to overlook
is that a "need for change
in growth, discrimination,
ability and in depth is felt
by afl people." Of course,
there may be some people
who gradesie from coDege
without ever admitting to
this need and choose instead
to label it "conformity."
Carolyn Johnsen
Chairman, Presidents'
Louise Pound Hall
trolng placet In a hurry, Conn,
ecticut Mutual Uf hut n in
surance plan which is a natural.
CML's Graded Premium Life
Insurance allows you to create
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Ask us for facts and figures
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naeds of young men.
itik mum
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Lincoln Building
Mutual life
Interest, Accusations Keen
At Hectic Council Meeting
Student interest ran at fever pitch all throughout the
day. Long before the 4 o'clock meeting hour had arrived,
the council chambers were filled with rabid students, both
drunkards and anti-drunkard.
Accusations of "Lawbreaker" and "Prude" flew
through the galleries as the members of the council, regal
in their representative costumes, filed to their places.
After the caU to order, his supreme chaimess, Dennis
the Utmost Cool, took off his sun glasses and announced
that there were many more vital issues on the campus. At
this point the State Troopers rushed in, grabbed aU of the
drunkards, and spirited them off to the hoosegow.
There being no further vital issues, the anti-drunkard
adjourned herself and went home.
twmw'ir;v wwi?'7;'v''
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Franklin . Roosevelt, Founder
O'Neill's long Journey'
Is Last Spit At World
The evening I spent at the
HoweU Theatre watching a
University of Nebraska cast
perform Eugene O'Nejli's
agonizing but honest play,
v Long Day's
Journey In
to Night"
was one of
the most
worthwhile evenings I have
ever spent. The evening,
however, was not one of
the most pleasant I have
experienced, thanks to Mr.
' "Long Day's Journey In
to Night" is an autobiog
raphy in play form of a
part of Eugene O'Neill's
life. In the play his mother
Has just come back from a
sanatorium where she has
been under treatment for
drug addiction. She comes
home to an alcoholic, worth
less son, Jamie, a cruel
husband James, who is
haunted by his past, and a
son Edmund, who is very
ill with consumption. In the
course of a stage day the
audience watches O'Neill's
mother, whom he calls
Mary Tyrone, fall back in
to her own dreamy world of
drugs to escape the hell of
the reality that she must
live with. The audience lis
tens and sees with horror
and a quiet pity as O'Neill
drags forth from the closet
of memory the awful skele
ton of his family, his hate
for them and their hate for
each other.
O'Neill's play seems an
ultimate confession, his last
spit at the world, a world
he feels people make ugly
and twisted. Yet, O'Neill
admits by his very confes
sion his savage attachment
to what he feels to be the
only truth he knows.
For the University actors
this attempt at performing
O'NeiU's play presented a
great problem. There are
only five characters in the
play, and they are with the
exception of Cathleen, t h e
hired girl (played by San
dra Watkins), a tough
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bunch to portray. The youth
of the University players is
the main problem they
must overcome in present
ing the members of the real
O'Neill family. There is a
depth of experience that
O'Neill's characters Jamt3
Tyrone, his wife Mary, and
their two sons James and
Edmund, that the players,
Andy Backer, Karma Ib
sen, Jerry Mayer, Gary
Gue, and even Sandra Wat
kins, do not have. It's not
their fault. They simply
haven't lived long enough
In spite of this problem
of their youth, the Univer
sity players did an out
standing job of acting.
Andy Backer as James
Tyrone gave a somewhat
inconsistent performance
but nontheless a good one
as O'NeiU's real father.
Backer was able to make
"Old Man O'Neiir come
alive, from his phobia about
spending a dollar to his
strange fierce profile.
Mary Tyrone was played
by someone new at Univer
sity theatre, Karma "Ibsen.
Miss Ibsen's face gave away
the secret of her youth that
the make-up man failed to
hide successfully. Yet with
a great measure of success
she carried off her part of a
woman hopelessly and des
perately addicted to drugs,
wracked by her past and
unable to face the present.
I believe that both Miss Ib
sen and Andy Backer gave
their best performances in
the last act, particularly in
the part of the play where
Mrs. Tyrone comes wand
ering down the stairs, drag
ging her wedding gown be
hind her. As her husband
takes the gown from her
the pathos of their situation
is quietly expressed, and
Karma Ibsen and Andy
Backer play the scene with
an understated finesse.
O'Neill's play has i t s
amusing parts, pathetic
though they always become.
Jerry Mayer as James
Tyrone, the alcoholic, is
realistic and outrageously
funny, especially when he
tells his brother of his
journey down to the local
(C'on't. on Page 3)