Librdry rc waa, . 1 n USRA Announoss ftSCSfvk HI i 1 Changes i , MM During Vacations The Public Service Commit tee has announced that Love Library win follow the follow ing hours during Christmas vacation and during the se mester break. Dee. 21 Sattu-dajr, 7: SO am. 12 noon Sauinfay, 7 50 am. 12 noon ftundar. dosed Man. Tues., 7:50 4:5 p m. Mno. It Tuse., 7:90 am 4 SO em. Wednesday, ckffcd TlKirt. fc Fit, 7:S .m. pm. Sal. It Son., closed Monday, resume, regular sched ule Frvdar, 7:M a m.-10:50 p.m. Wednesday, 7: a.m. ;S0 p m. 22 Dec 2i-24 TVc 25-5S Dec 30-31 Jan. 1 Jan. 2-1 Jan. J- S Jan. Jan. 31 Feb. S F. - 7 Thurs. t Kri., 7:s am 4 J! P to. Feb. I &riarday. 7. so a.m--I2:0 tKKffi Feb Sunday, elated Feb. 10 Monday. Itlini resolar schedule Agriculture, Law and Med ical libraries may be on slightly different schedules, and these hours will be post ed at those libraries and at the Loan Desk in Love Li brary. The Public Service Com mittee has also announced that all reserve and short term materials may be checked out for the vacation period beginning Friday noon. All of these books will be due Jan. 6 by 9 a.m. Log Causes Fire At Phi Psi House A smoldering log in th fjrplace ash pit at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house Saturday night caused a fire wnicn orougni u.e iimuwuic - . a - 1 A f response oi live companies 01 fire fighters from the Lincoln Fire Department. The log caused enough heat, according to John Unthank, Phi Kappa Psi member, to Ignite the floor below the brick lining of the pit. The fire burned directly over the ceil ing of the chapter room, lo cated in the Phi Psi basement, and caused a burned area in the ceiling about 15 feet in diameter and extensive smoke damage to the walls of the room. I Unthank said that when the fire was discovered several! of the men who were in the house at the tame tried to fight it with fire extinguishers. When their efforst proved fu tile, the fire department was summoned at 8:37 p.m. A smoke ejector was used to remove the smoke which filled the house and emerged from the west attic window, causing observers to believe I teat the fare was located in the dormitory room. Xo financial estimate of the damage is available at the present time, according to Unthank- Nebraska. To Get Two New Staffers Jmdi Peterson and ACan Brandt will be appointed to the positions of Junior staff writer m the DAILY VE ERASKAX, subject to the ap proval of the Student PuMica tk;ns Board. Hiss Peterson fs a fresh nan majoring in jeamalisra. She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. Brandt is a freshman ma joring in business administration. Tuesday's Forum In Union Will Concern Assassination la aa effort to giive Univer sity students a comprehensive picture of the as$asisatka of Preside Kennedy and its conjtexiuent'es, the Union F?r oms Committee is presenting a "New Forum," This forum will be luM in the South Party Room of the Nebraska Union Tuesday at 4 p.m. Featured act the forum wSU be Dr. Wallace Peter of tiu Vj&ntttmk DeparUnest, Dr. Carl Schneider of the IV .1 Dr. ScbBeidT i-riiimnisrsmiiiira mi f " ' namTVmm ... , , " - - ... ' , t r:t$&taJl zli w - - :- . Vol. 77, No. 40 An estimated crowd of 3,500 Sanday Wmed the ranks ..... . DnAnA thousands wio have attended the University Singers' pres entation of "The Messiah" by Two Students Win Scrip Writing Prize A grandmother from Be atrice and a Lincoln Junior were announced Monday as winners of the Scrip Short Story and Poetry Contest. Jessica Griggs Woodward from Beatrice, a senior ma joring in English, in Arts and Sciences, won S23 in the short story contest for ' I Hardly Ever Write About Sex," a humorous narrative about her days in New York City in the latel920's. v, A The mother of two former ZZ:7a i Woodward has attended school in Nebraska, New York, I and Europe and has. "finally broken dewn and taken a lab oratory science," so that she can receive her degree. Gay Ifrsn. a junior French major in Arts and Sciences won the $25 poetry prize for a group of poems which ap pears in the current issue of Scrip, which goes on sale to day in the Student Union. The printing of this poetry is her first published effort, She is currently studying writ ing with Karl Shapiro. ltoy Scheele's short story, "Various and Changing Light," won an honorable mention in the contest, as did the poetry of IJennis Fritzing er, a freshman Physics major lilkal Science Departinet, b4 Dr. Ilermaa Turk f the Sociology Department. "The political tnsenc of Vm assassination of Presi dent Kennedy," said Dr. Schneider, "are still being felt, and a complete analysis f the assassinate win take sever al years to compile." Dr. Schneider raised never- al questkms which be will an swer at the Urum. They in clude "what does it mean to the people, especially the younger gufneration?, how w in it aflect Vne American politi cal scene?, and how will it help the American people for me in the future?" He will is 4tecuM bm ft wtH affect the relationship be- tweea the executive and legb? Jative braecbet f the fevers rowi. Dr, Tetermm says that the tax cut will be tnore tcessary than ever before, "The econ omy," he says, "is in good shape at the present time, but it has det uned in th pm, few we?ks. Prefcident Johnson is iwre cnervalJve than Pre)- ioVnt Kennedy was; Jhnvn 'will cut public spending M 7Q0 Singers Present Prophecy Of Christ's Birth I he Doily Nebrciskon 1 George Frederick Handel since the program was first given in 1S15. Tiv program features only undera-aduate soloists, who compete through auditions for ? in Arts and Sciences. Scheele is a junior Greek major. "We were very pleased with the avalanche of material turned in for the contest this 'ester," said Susan Stanley, Scrip Editor. "The amount of both prose and poetry far ex ceeded entries submitted for any previous issue, and much of the material we were forced to reject for space rea sons could easily be primed in future issues." Students may pick up both published -and imp unpublished Woris in the English Depart- ! roent, 221 Andrews. ti PonhelleniC Tea Set For Today A PanbeSenlc Christmas tea will be held at 4 p.m. today in the Union for mem bers of PanheUenic Council, Junior Panhe'lenfc delegates and pledge class presidents, and Independent Women's As- satiation (IWA) board mem-j bers. Itev. Durum W. Patterson of the United Campw Christian Fellowship will sjmk en Christmas Traditions. Karen Shaw will lead the group in Christmas carols. Petero attempt to reduce the defSdt," Dr. Turk believes thai Preilt?t Kennedy assasi ation has streagthened the bonds of our society. "Sees ia a broader contot, tiris situa tion confirms tne growing twspkitm that the diTupthe aspects of crime, calamity, tragedy, war, or disaster, are of ta outjtiadowed fey their po tential to retittito communities and errtire matfems into viable wfe&tes - ! : ; v: X " L ' - ' ' - f Dr. The soloists Morris, so- prano: Roderick Gibb, Tenor; Rosella Lange, alto; and Irvin Pearson, bass. The 750-voice choir was di rected by Earl Jenkens, pro fessor of music, and accom panied by the University Or chestra under the direction of Emanuel Wishow, director of the department of music Pi anists Mary Haight and An drea Johnson assisted orchestra. Singers were selected from six groups: Coi'ege of Agri culture Chorus, University Singers, Madrigal Singers and the University Choruses I, II, and III. "The Messiah" according to 4g Students Recognized With Grants Forty-five scholarship win ners enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics were guests of hon or at the 4-H Club's 10th an nual- recognition banquet last week. Among the group were 22 University students who were announced previously as scholarship winners and 12 who were revealed for the first time as scholarship re cipients, j i TV following students were j awarded scholarships at the banquet, held at the Nerbas ka Union; Verlene Magsuwn, David Lang-smeire, Jeanette Coufal, Nancy Chamberlain, Janet McCord, Kenneth Mass, Son dra Corneites, Ardth Lynn Day, Natalie Ilahn and Vkrki Cline. Scholarship winners previ ously announced included 23 agricultural and home eco nomics students who bold f2? Union Pacific Railroad schol arships; two students, Delrae Beenwan and Larry Axthelm who bold tZX Charles Pfizer k Co. scholarships; Bob Cas ter, who holds a 150 KFAB scholarship for public speak ing; and Carolyn Cilek, wha recently was announced as a National winner ia the 4-H leadership program and was awarded a $3W scholarship,! The composite fist f scbof arsblp winners is part of a group oi swwms nsrmsem at the Uufversity fe bav e bises awarded scholarships Uh tailing ver $nm tbrwgti the 4-H prgrs. Following the club's desire to encourage high scholarship among its members, eight University students were re cgJiLd or high grade av erages and received symbolic awards. They were; Fresh men Jeanette Cottfal and Ronald OndvaH Sovbtmares Gary Fkk and Joan Mo Guire, Juraor Douglas Kmfels and Marilyn Wiffl ams. Seniors Sfjerry Bergh, and Larry Langemeicr. Mai Hansen, former radio and teievfeton personality in Nebraska and turn assodatod with Travel and Transport, Inc., of Omaha, was the main speaker at the banquet. He is a torjMf feita 4-li tteaiber. tbeir positions, were Lorraine Monday, December 16, 1963 legend, was written in only three days, in the year 1741. The oratftrio by Handel, in which he tells the Christmas story, met with little popular reception at first, to the com poser's disappointment. Overnight popularity came when "The Messiah" was sung before King George III of Eng'and. The King was so entranced by the music that i he rose to hk fe riurin? th j Hallelujah Chorus. The re ! mainder of the audience, see ing their King on his feet also rose, starting the tradition which has lived to this day. Christmas carols were played on the Ralph Mueller Carillon Tower before and after the Messiah concert. Dutchess Leads List QS0 By Judi Petersoa This University is going to the dogs. Ia addition to running onto an occasional flock of chick ens, one often encounters vari ous dogs that seem to be more fat home on campus than the I students. These canine coeds and frai men are the pride and joys of six fraternities---Alpha Tan Omega, Chi Phi Delta Upsi loft, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, and Sigma Chi Perhaps the most well known membee of the animal kingdom is Dutchess, the Phi Kappa Psi's sixteenth mmes ter pledge. "She's smarter Med Tech Group Selects Members Zeta chapter of Lambda Tau, medical technology hon orary, has announced their new members. They are; Nan cy AMen, Karen Bals, Carol Bjeck, Nancy CarrolL Juawta Cole. Jackie Flick, Bonnie Hoff man, Nancy Johnson Pat Maixser, Karen Roegner, Mary Sue Townley. University Extension Offers Coding Course The Fortran coding course, sponsored by the University ExtemUm Division, win en able persons to give the prop er coded directions to com puters and involves vie use of the University's new IBM U19. EmoHment is limited and registrations wffl be taken on a first come, first served basis. Dr. Nelson said the course may be repeated at a later date if demand is sufficient Department To Offer Phyf fofogy J 70 Scrtn la response to a camber of requests, & Department of Zoology and Physiology will offer a second section of Phys iology 170 on Thursdays from 15:30 to 17:38, according to F. W, I lower. Registrar, "The department reserves the right to cancel tliis sec ond section if tl number of students regtetwing for it is too fHiill," said lioover. In 1963 'Messiah' V-v k': t I rvw- lUc i-- -A v VI i ( ? rmmm tln SANTA SITTER While Uncolnites and University faculty and students attended "The Messiah" yesterday afternoon, Santa Claus bad a new duty that of baby sitter for children of those attending the show. If HU RfflV VfflralS EglwS VMaaV than a lot of people," says Mrs. Hyrd Strjker, bouse mother. This pedigreed Saint Ber nard is Mrs. Strjker's room mate. However, she spends her nights in the rooms of her best friends. This year she sleeps in Dick Gash's room, and last year she chose Larry Berger. She spent Thanksgiv ing and last summer at Dick Decker's ranch near Hold rege. Eight year old Dutchess was presented as a puppy to the Phi Psis by the pledge class of eight years ago. Because of her gigantic size, she was mistaken for a cow by a tilling stat'on attendant as she slept in the back seat of Jim Kubkkek's car. Every day she eats a large cake pan of dog food and leftovers. When it's time for ber to take a bath, the Phi Psis put her in the showers. Play ing in the snow and riding in cars are some of Dutch ess's favorite pastimes. "She ha been knw to nip those wb tease her, but she's really a good dg, says Mrs. Stryfcer. MacavefU, "Mac" for short, is Delta UpsiJon's talented collie, lie was bred to be a show dog, but because of a bent ear be spends his time entertaining his owners. Mac is proficient at shaking hands, or rather shaking paws. He sleeps his back with bis feet straight up ia the air. The DU's often have to check to see whether or not he's dead. Four year old Mac gets into "normal mischief of a dog bis age," says one of bis owners. He was bought two years ago because, according to one DU, "It's eke to have a 4g around the bouse," Last Thursday PM Garana Delta invested in a German Shepherd puppy- This so far unnamed dog was a gift from the freshmen. Right now he is in a goif ball craze. Tie speaks broken Arabic, says one Fiji. Abba Tau Omega bought a German Shepherd two weeks ago. According to oust ATO, PHOTO CZ ttl roRn rmto ar tu rmxtm, s he eats furniture, and some times the DAILY XEBRAS KA.. The Chi Phis are having a problem bovebreaking their new Dalmatian. They bought Mat a month ago ia Omaha. Delta Sigma PI had such a problem with a boxer three years ago they they had to get rid of him. They claim that be ate pledges. However, be did protect th house, and, according to one former owner, he kept the girls off second floor. Before last spring Aeacfa owned a 14 foot Anaconda. This mfce-eatiag snake scared everyone wh visited the bouse. After six months of terrorizing the bouse the trett ture died. Another problem pet who is no longer on campus is Sigma Phi Eplon' boxer. He was given away last year after h became notorious for tearing up a dean's flower bed. Ho also gained recognition when he chawd a cat vp a tolephr pole. The cat's picture ap peared in the DAILY NI BRASKAX Sigma N'u's basset hound. Sam, who lived with them for only four months, ran away lat year. Henry, Sigma Cbi's six month old Basset Hound, is a real blueblood. He is regis tered with the American Ken nel Club and lias a pedlgrea cf four generatkjns. be longs to Sigma Cld's house mother. His skin is very loose, and be has Kg feet He loves to bowl and chew socks. feirwr wjr liP';!f V WHAT ONLY & OJWSTMAS 7 o - i '4 i I j 1 l!1 V fit K ( , 4 4J