The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1963, Image 1

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FederahAic) To Education
TopicOf UNSEA Meeting
Federal aid to education
was discussed at the Univer
sity of Nebraska Student Edu
cational Association meeting
by Dr. Allen P. Burkhardt,
executive director of the Asso
ciation of Nebraska Taxpay
ers, and Erwin H. Golden-
stein, chairman of the Depart
ment ot History and Princi
ples ot Education.
Dr. Burkhardt contended
IFC Reps
In East
For Meet
- Three members of the Uni
versity Interfraternity Council
(IFC) are attending the 54th
annual meeting of the Nation
al Interfraternity Conference
which begins today in New
York City.
University representatives
are John Lonnquist, affairs
chairman; Tom Brewster,
secretary; and Tom Schwen
ke, rush chairman.
Attendance of one thousand
Is expected at the meeting
which will last three days,
with participants from the
sixty member fraternities rep
resenting chapters in the Uni
ted States and Canada. Also
in attendance will be college
officials and businessmen ac
tive in fraternity administra
tion. The meetings are conducted
In an effort toward self ex
amination of American college
fraternities and to develop
more effective ways to attain
their goals.
Special emphasis at the con
ference will be given to the
ideals of college ' fraternities
in terms of their public im
age, dedication to principles,
development of leadership ca
pabilities, and adjustment to
the trends of higher education.
The keynote address will be
given at the principle banquet
on Dec. 6 by Justice Tom C.
Clark of the U.S. Supreme
Opportunities Conference
Held Today At Ag College
The fourth annual Profes
s i o n a 1 Opportunities Co
ference at the University Co!
lege of Agriculture and Home
Economics will be held
today, starting at 1 p.m.
Ag classes will be dismissed
during the afternoon to al
low students to attend the
The conference is held to
allow students to become in
formed about fields of study
and job opportunities avail
able in agriculture and relat
ed areas, designed to provide
both encouragement and new
According to Prof. Charles
Adams of the animal science
department, faculty advisor I
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CCUN FORUM Joann Stratenaann relates her ex
periences at the Midwest Model Convention to Zaudnah
Yimtatu, David Juhn, Bobby Kotecha, Susie Segrist,
Asks Student Opinion
Seven students discussed the possible establishment of
a Collegiate Council for the United Nations on the Ne
braska campus at an open forum last night.
The panel consisted of David Juhn, Zaudnah Yimtatu,
Hem Tipnis, Bobby Kotecha, Gary Radii, Joann Strate
mann and Susie Segrist. They gave their reasons why they
were In favor of a chapter of CCUN at Nebraska and
asked for opinions from the students in the audience.
Radii, Miss Stratemann, Tipnis and Miss Segrist went
to the Midwest Model United Nations which is a conven-
, tion of all colleges in CCUN and some other colleges that
wanted to attend. Radii said that through this convention
he became aware of the problems of other nations. He
and Miss Stratemann said that at this convention they
; took the part of the delegation from Algeria, and that in
order to know how that country would vote they had to
learn the politics of the country.
Mr. Tipnis went to the MMUN two years earlier and
was impressed with the management of the convention.
He said that the CCUN would be a good platform for
that to accept federal aid was
to accept Federal control. He
cited several cases of people
in a community accepting
federal aid to help finance a
school or hospital and then
having to build the building
according to Federal specifi
cations. He also .related sev
eral personal incidents about
his contact with Federal
agents who were checking on
various phases of Federal Aid
in the junior college of which
he was president.
Dr. Burkhardt said that any
money from the Federal Gov
ernment Is raised on the local
level by taxation and then
sent back In a small fraction
of its original value.
Later Dr. Burkhardt con
tended that the Government
sometimes passed bills such
Chance To Travel
Offered To PTP
People-to-People members
will have the opportunity to
spend a summer in Europe
again this summer.
There are two programs
that are available to the par
ticipating students. The first
will be for students who wish
to travel around Europe visit
ing many countries while the
other will be for students who
wish to spend the first half
of their summer in a single
European country.
All participants will be pro
vided with extensive materi
als so that they can make res
ervations abroad for jobs,
conferences, work camps,
holiday centers, and student
The countries and areas in
cluded in the program are:
Israel, Greece, the British
Isles, Scandinavia, the Ne
therlands, and Germany.
Although the cost of t h e
program will not in any case
exceed $390.00, University stu
dents must meet these re
quirements. Be a member of People to
People before December 15,
1963; fulfill the, campus chap
ter eligibility requirements
and be recommended by the
campus chapter chairman.
for the event, 24 different ca
reer areas will be represent
ed. The conference will start
with an address by Dr. Keith
McFarland of the University
of Minnesota, at 1 p.nv. From
2 until 5 p.m., three one-hour
sessions will convene at vari
ous points on Ag campus, al
lowing each student to attend
sessions in three areas of in
terest. A special session for women
relating to Ag and Home Ec
opportunities will be held in
the auditorium at 2; the
speaker will be Dr. Beatrice
Paolucci, Prof, of Child De
velopment and Management
at the State University of
J Supports
as the National Education De
fense Act which provides
loans to students in higher
education, as temporary
measures and then forgets
that they are temporary. He
said that this aid sometimes
emphasizes one subject at the
expense of another.
Dr. Goldenstein, on the oth
er hand, emphasized the his
torical role of the Govern
ment in' education. He main
tained that the Government
has always had a role in edu
cation. Dr. Goldenstein said that
even before the Constitution,
the Articles of Confederation
provided that there be a sec
tion of land in every town
ship for educational purposes.
Later on the Service Acade
mies of Annapolis and V.'est
Point were founded by t h e
b ederal Government. The
Morrill land grant act was the
one that the University of Ne
braska was founded under,
and another act two years
later founded Agricultural ex
perimentation stations.
Dr. Goldenstein talked about
the large role the Federal
Government played in educa
tion during the reconstruction
period and later during the
depression years.
After World War II the G.I.
Bill of Rights came into effect,
said Goldenstein, and the gov
ernment gave financial sup
port to thousands of veterans.
Goldenstein said that even
if there was not Federal sup
port to education there still
would be some control of edu
cation and he cited the recent
Supreme Court rulings on de
segregation, religion and Bi
ble reading in schools as evi
dence to this fact.
UN Official Tells Council:
Benefits Will Come Later
Kwame S. Adusei-P o k u,
representative of the Division
the United Nations, spoke
briefly at the Student Council
meeting yesterday.
He pointed out that often it
is not until later that one be
gins to realize the values of
being a part of a council.
"You are preparing yourself
for service not only to your
state and country but perhaps
to the whole international
community," he said. He was
president of the Student Coun
cil when he was in college.
The Council passed a motion
to move meetings back to 4:30
p.m. next semester because
of the class schedule change.
Dick Weill, vice president,
pointed out that setting the
time back would allow more
interested students to attend
the Council meetings.
Jim Baer, chairman of the
representation committee, re
ported that the committee
was studying possible
Hem Tipnis and Gary Radii at the open forum on the
Collegiate Council for the United Nations.
developing leadership for America, and for the world.
He wondered how some Americans could not be interested
in foreign affairs, but still buy foreign goods and use
foreign products.
Zaudnah Yimtatu said that we are all international
citizens and the CCUN would be an excellent opportunity
for American students to learn about different countries
through their individual representatives. He also said that
this was an opportunity for students to contribute some
thing to society.
David Juhn said that while it takes a lot of money
to travel to other countries, and it takes time to read
about them, the CCUN takes relatively little time and
still is informative.
Miss Segrist mentioned that this venture has the sup
port of the American Auxiliary of the United Nation which
is in Lincoln, and after the CCUN gets its national char
er, finances are supplied by the National CCUN.
At the end of the meeting a straw vote was taken to
determine if the majority of the students were in favor of
the project. The vote was favorable.
Vol. 77, No. 34
& I? THC?i vkjpr S
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WELCOME TO NtJ-Susie Segrist of Student Council
and Bill Harding of the Union welcome Kwame S. Adusei-Poku
of Ghana to the University at the Lincoln Mu
nicipal airport. Other greeters were Tom Mills, Bobby
Kotecha and Eugene Nwofude.
changes in representation in
the organizational s e t up.
"Our present setup is ade
quate but not ideal," said
The new setup would group
the activitites into classes and
each class would have rep
resentatives. This woulft al
low all organizations on cam
pus to be represented, accord
ing to Baer.
There will be an opinion
poll in the future to get new
ideas on representation
The parking committee has
been studying city campus
parking and will soon begin
investigation of ag c a m p u s
parking, according to Gary
Oye, chairman. "We found
that the new parking near
Avery gives 750 new stalls,
which meets the demands for
two to three years.
Oye said that when the
three-year period is up, the
University may rent fair-
The Daily Nebraskan
grounds area for resident
Doug Thorn, Quiz Bowl
cairman, pointed out that
Quiz Bowl applications are
due Dec. 18. The mock Quiz
Bowl between Innocents and
Mortar Board will take place
Dec. 11.
He said the all-star team
which will represent the Uni
versity at the Big Eight meet
will be chosen on the basis of
points accumulated during the
Mike Barton, publicity
chairman, urged Council
members to set up discussion
sessions with their colleges to
inform the college of their
work and the work of the
whole Council. He also said
that efforts are being made
to inform students of their
rights in Student Council and
to publicize Council elections.
Students voting in the Ne
b r a s k a Sweetheart-Prince
Kosmet elections Nov. 23 to
taled 1501, according to Susie
Pierce, second vice president.
Bob Kerrey, student wel
fare chairman, reported that
his committee is investigating
the book exchange with Alpha
Phi Omega. A letter of ex
planation of the exchange will
be sent to all living units Fri
day. He also reported that a
ROTC opinion poll will be tak
en in the near future.
Student Effort
Readies Plays
The University drama de
partment will present two
lab plays, The Elegy, an origi
nal play written and directed
by University student Fred
Gaines, and A Raisin In The
Sun written by Lorraine Hans
burv and directed by Brock-
ford Gordon on Saturday andxl
The Elegy, Gaines's third
play, has a cast of two men
and two women, Jan Healey,
Judy Waldman, Pat Drake,
and Rich Mahood. It will be
presented in 303 Temple Build
ing. A Raisin In The Sun will
star Curtis Greene and
Lenora Letcher and will be
presented in 201 Temple
There is no admission
charge for these plays and
they will be held at 8 p.m.
Hallam Tour Set
For December 7
Ag Union is sponsoring a
tour to the Hallam Nuclear
Power Plant on Saturday
morning, Dec. 7.
A charter bus will leave
the Ag Union at 9:00 a.m. and
return by noon. Cost will be
50 cents. Sign up at Ag Union
I by Dec. 5.
By Jerry Hofferber
Junior Staff Writer
"Any student of a sovereign country is a foreign stu
dent to the United Nations", said Kwame S. Adusei-Poku,
speaker at last night's International Week Banquet held
in the Student Union Ballroom.
Mr. Adusei made the statement to clear up the fact
that his speech, "The United Nations and International
Students." was not aimed solely at foreign students at
the University.
Adusei, who graduated from the University of Ghana
with an Honors Degree in economics and was Ghana's
delegate to the United Nations in 1960, spoke of the
UN's history and Its purpose n the world.
"The UN was established io prevent world wars," said
Adusei, "and also to find ways and means of peaceful
settlement of international issues." "The UN is a forum
for discussing problems of the world in order that nations
will not have to go to the battlefields to settle them,"
he continued.
Adusei said that before peace could be preached to
countries; the world will have to have a full belly. "You
cannot preach peace and democracy to hungry people,"
he said, "a hungry man is an angry man."
Adusei also cited several aims of the UN. He said
that "Advancement of human rights" was a major aim
of the UN. In addition he listed respect for international
law, assistance to dependent countries and the develop
ment of better understanding between peoples of the
He cited the relationship of the international student
and the UN as parallel lines. He said that the student of
today is the leader of tomorrow. "These students who will
be tomorrow's leaders must be familiar with the UN's
operations," he said.
Adusei continued to say that the UN invests in its
future much as the students of today do. Therefore, if a
student is preparing for leadership in his country, he must
realize the role that the UN plays in the world.
In answer to a question from the audience concerning
the future of the UN, Adusei said that if all the members
of the UN want a bright future, it is possible to have
the same.
"My conviction is that all countries in the world should
be able to be members of the UN," replied Adusei to a
question raised concerning Red China's admittance to the
UN. He said that the question of admittance is the exist
ence of two China's R6d China and National China.
". ...It Red China is to be admitted, what will be done
with National China?"
Unemployment Merits
Tax Cut: McConnell
By , Frank Partsch
Senior Staff Writer
A substantial federal tax
cut at this time would stimu
late the nation's economy and
help ease the unemployment
problem, said Campbell R.
McConnell, professor of eco
nomics, in an interview with
the Daily Nebraskan.
"First and foremost," he
said,"- a tax cut is expan
sionary. It would mean larger
incomes for wage earners and
greater after-tax profits for
most businesses. Hopefully,
this would increase consumer
buying and create more
McConnell explained that
about five and one-half
per cent of the nation's
work force is presently
without jobs. Although eco
nomists differ on the exact
percentage of unemployment
which constitutes a serious
problem, most agree that five
and one-half is a sufficiently
large percentage to merit ac
tion. "There is some question,
however," he said," about
whether the $11 billion tax
cut now DroDosed would be
large en'ough to cope with
rising taxes in other areas
such as state and social se
curity taxes. These will defi
nitely offset a federal tax
"In my opinion a tax cut is
needed; it's overdue. The
main question which arises is
whether it will be large
enough to be effective," he
In reply to those who sup
port a tax reduction only if
accompanied by a correspond
ing budget reduction, McCon
nell said that the benefits of
the tax cut would be offset if
federal spending was simul
taneously reduced.
"In such a case, the effect
would be that of spinning our
wheels and not going any
where," he said, "and anyone
who follows this argument
doesn,'t have a basic grasp of
what our fiscal policy is."
McConnell said that the tax
cut would probably not bring
about a danger of inflation
Thursday, December 5, 1963
until the unemployment fig
ures were lower.
"At the present time," he
continued, "this is not import
ant. Easing of the unemploy
ment problem is more import
ant, than the danger of infla
tion." He explained that some
types of unemployment will
naturally not be improved by
a tax cut. Such things as dis
placement by automation and
unemployed, uneducated and
unskilled workers can be
remedied only by area rede
velopment and similar proj
ects. A tax cut and higher gov
ernment spending, which
alarm many, should not b
considered a serious problem,
said McConnell. "The nation
al debt, if measured properly,
is actually not rising. The per
centage of the nation's eco
nomy spent by the govern
ment has actually decreased
since World War II."
"I see no reason why our
economy should not continue
to be prosperous."
NU Receives
Protest Mail
In a statement made yes
terday, the University Public
Relations department said
that only 19 letters of protest
have been received by the
University concerning the
Oklahoma-Nebraska game.
A Public Relations spokes
man said in addition to the 19
letters of protest, the Univer
sity also received six letters
commending the difficult de
cision that the Board of Re
gents made.
Adult Education Plan
Offers Two Benefits
An opportunity for Nebras
ka adults to enhance their
educations and at the same
time serve as research sub
jects with pay, was announced
Dr. Douglas Sjogren, a re
search associate in duca-
tional psychology, said the
project is to find ways to
make adult educational pro
grams more effective.
Interested adults should
contact him within the next
few days.