The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1963, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, November 21, 1963
The Daily Nebraskan
Poqe 3
roihioskeir Stoffff
rsi II
Twelve finalists for Eligible
Bachelor were announced to
day by the Cornhusker.
The selections, based pri
marily on personal appear'
ance, poise and personality,
were maae trom 55 inter'
To be eligible, the eandl
dates cannot be pinned, en
gaged or married.
The finalists:
Charles Jones, senior in el
ementary education. Activi
ties include varsity basket
ball; N Club; Mu Epsilon Nu,
local men's undergraduate
education honorary.
Eli Chesen, Sigma Alpha
Mu, sophomore in pre-med.
Darrl Petsch, Phi Delta
Tbeta, senkr in Architecture.
Acthlties: varsity basket
ball, N-Club, student A.LA.
ILarold Bauer, Delta Tan
Delta, senior in Arts and Sci-
Union Hosts
Art Display
The work of 23 leading art
Ms of the San Francisco Bay
Arear, is now on exhibition
in the Student Union.
The traveling exhibit. "Col
lage in San Francisco." will
remain in the Union gallery
until Dec. L
The collection of collages
(an assembly of materials
pasted on canvas is part of
the Art Bank of the San Fran
cisco Art Institute founded in
1563 by the Rockefeller Foun
dation. Among the outstanding art
ists with works represented
in the traveling show are
Fred Martin, Robert Leberg.
Joseph Romano and Daniel
Towers To Host
Sunday Reception
The University's newest
dormitories. Pound and Gath
er Halls, are expected to be
humming with activity Sun
day afternoon. Nov. 24. when
the doors swing wide for an
open boose.
Students and counselors will
serve as hosts at the open
bouse which begins at 3 p.m.
Sunday. Those attending will
have a chance to view stu
dent rooms, dining areas and
lounges in the modem fa
cility. Iwer floors of two, 13-
slory dormitories consist fjj
lounge areas, compieie mail
ing facilities, and living ac
comodations for resident di
rectors. The remaining 12
stories of each wing contain
two-occupant rooms, each
with single beds, desks and
storage closets.
The exterior of the steel
and concrete structure is
made up of pre-east concrete
wall panels embedded with
marble and quartz chips. The
light aggregate was selected
to blend with the coior of the
red brick of the older women's
dormitories immediately to
the west.
Historian Speaks
Fridav At Sheldon
A .fcmo TY'hiWt.ijraJ his-1
teriain, Prof. Henry R. Hitch
cock of Smith College at
XorMuasaptkBiu Mass.. will
speak at tftie SheldcHii Memori
al Art Gallery at t p.m.. Fri
day. Professor Hrtcbcock comes
to tibe University to visit the
GaUery in a final step before
writing an essay omi mmseJMci
arctoilectore which wiffl be
published y the University
Art Galleries.
The essay will corostiftajte the
priaripOe text of a brochure to
be devoted to the architecture
of the Gallery. It will be pub
lished as a companion vohame
to the handbook of the collec
tions issued last spring on the
occasiim of Ube Gallery's
Professor Hitchcock will
give aa fflmtralei lertaire.
open to the public. ertiJIed
'".XaKo vs. Aalto. 53ae Other
Professor Hitchcock, a Har
vard University gradate, is
the recipient of feflowsbip
from Harvard. Hbe Canaegie
Corporation, and the Gjiggen
beini Fonmdation..
He is the author of "In the
Xatare of Materials, t!be
Rmldings of Frank Lloyd
W r i to t," "Early Vktariaa
Architectiire in Britaia." and
the "Definitive Biography of
Henry Kabsan Rktardwa."
Want Ads
5) .n
..-or"" J
1 ;
IX .
en cos. Activities: Lincoln
Project, member IFC rmh
Richard Rosenberg, Phi
Kappa PsL Activities: chair
man of student tribunal,
chairman of IFC expansion
Bill Gunlicks, Phi Kappa
Psi senior in Business Ad
ministration. Activities: In
nocents, - vice president of
Kosmet Klub, N Uab, irC
and varsity golf.
Dennis Swanstrom. Farm
House, junior in Agriculture.
Activities: Corn Cobs
Homecoming chairman,
chairman of Senators com
History Club Talk
On SAC Tonight
History Club will hold its
second meeting today at 7:30
p.m. in 115 Burnet Hall.
Dr. James Olson, chairman
of the history department, and
Lt Flaghtefy of the Lincoln
Air Force Base will discuss
the history and strategic mis
sion of the US Air Force. Lt.
Flaghtery will show a collec
tion of color slides of the Stra
tegic Air Command at work.
The History Club has been
organized for the benefit of
all those who are interested
in the study of history and
related topics. The first meet
ing was held on October 31
when a slate of officers was
read and approv ed.
The officers for the 1963
1964 school year are: presi
dent Don Scfaewe; vice presi
dent, Robert Cherny; treas
urer, Larry Rogers; secre
tary, Patricia Kinney; pro
gram director, Karen Damn.
Faculty advisors are: pro
fessors R. F. Koehl, D. F.
Ttask and S. T. Ross.
University Freshman i
Chosen Wheat Queen
An 18 vear-old Univers;lv
freshman coed, was crowned
Nebraska Wheat Queen for
1361 in Alliance recently.
Karen Hastings received
$150 cash plus other prizes
and personal appearances.
The ctowmxl2 took place
during the Nebraska Wheat
Growers and Wheat Hearts
i 4 y
Jones Chesen
r 4
Will Oft I m r
.11 V7LJU yuLyyu .
liiRj mil J
Bauer Rosenberg Gunlicks
0j&jm f "iB i,"b "i mmmmaammmm
-r n ?'
mittee of Student Council and
Prince Kosmet finalist
Joe Smith, Delta Upsilon,
junior in pharmacy. Activi
ties: AUF chairman, Ameri
can Pharmaceutical Associa
tion, Kappa Psi Pharmaceu
tical fraternity pledge train
er, AFROTC advance cadet
Russell S. Daub, PH Gam
ma Delta senior in Business
Administration. Activities:
varsity tennis team, N Club,
1963 Military Ball chairman,
Phaiynx, IFC finance com
mittee. Jerry Miller, Sigma Chi
wm 1 Bra h
ym jlpi u ,i i II i i in ti it Kr
i?8 iSGE32
jf s mr"?yih'te. man! You can't see ft. She can't fed ft. OnJy your hair
kmwi it's Hhwwe ? It's CODE 10 tor men, the me iwisiMe hairdressiirig
from GDlgate-Pa!lke- Ktora-greasy CODE 10 disappears tun yaw hair,
gwes it the c'lean. rramly look that iinBaroes mmen, infciriates in
ferior mnera Be am. Let re CODE 10 groom your haiir a II 6sy, uitn&ibil.
junior in Agriculture Econom
ics. John Morris, Alpha Tau
Omega, s e n i o r in Arts and
Sciences: Activities: manag
ing editor of the Daily Ne
braskan. vice-president S i g
raa Delta Chi journalism pro
fessional fraternity. Kappa
Tau Alpha journalism schol
astic honorary, Phi Eta Sig
ma, and Prince Kosmet final
ist Brian Berris, Sigma Chi,
sophomore in business ad
ministration. Activities: treas
urer of Phi Eta Sigma; Stu
dent Union entertainment
OF Tt CTrcZ ri;STS."
1 94? A fik
h A
AWS COURT will be held at
4:30 p.m. in 345 Student Union.
ing at 5 p.m. in 200 Teacher's
TRIBUNAL will meet at 5
p.m. in the Administration
will meet at 7 p.m. at the Al
pha Chi Omega house.
will be held at 7:30 p.m. in
the Student Union ballroom.
IFC will meet at 7:30 p.m.
in' 241 Student Union.
be held at 9 p.m. in the Music
Room Student Union.
Theta Sigma Phi will merit at
9 p.m. in the Daily Nebraskan
FILM "Flower Drum Song"
will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the
Student Union Auditorium.
JR. IFC party for members
and alternates will be held at
8:30 p.m. in the Pan Ameri
can room Student Union.
JR. IFC party for the chil
dren of the Cedar's Home for
Children will be held at the ;
Sigma Nu house at 130 p.m.
ecutive Board will meet at
2 p.m. Student Union.
CLUB will hunt as teams:
One group leaving from the
Poultry Science Building on
the Ag Campus at 6 a.m. The
other group will leave at
10:30 a.m.
Summer Job List
Available Today
A directorj- listing 35.000 i "ess ana tne luiure needs H j Professor Shapiro's most re
j summer jobs throughout the their students. cet book entitled "The Bour-
i United States for college stu- "To ground the student in ' geois Poet."
dents is now available at tne
office of the Student Place-?
I ment director. Student Union.
The 1964 "Summer Employ-
j ment Directory" gives the
j names and addresses of 1.600
organizations which want to
employ college students. It!
also gives positions open, sal
aries, and suggestions on how
to apply.
The manv types of jobs are
found at summer camps, re
sorts, various departments of ;
the go -iment. business and
industr National parks,!
ranches, and summer thea
ters listed also need college!
Students wishing summer
work apply directly to the
employers, who are included j
m the directory at their own ,
X 1
JCor jou're getting the sw ing of it- All yon have to do is be "clean white sock" in
jour Adlers. Suddenly you find yourself doing just as you please, and the whole world
beaming unquestioning approval. You'll like ic Girls love ic And all because of
ihe Adler SC shrink controlled wool sock- In white and a covey of colors. $1.
Breckenridge Speaks
At Business Meeting
University schools of busi
ness offer the best opportuni
ty for development of the
traits required in future busi
ness leaders, a group of busi
nessmen was told this week.
Vice Chancellor A. C. Breek-
enridge addressed a luncheon
meeting of the Midwest Feed
Manufacturers Association at
the Nebraska Center for Con
tinuing Education. Repre
sentatives from 26 states and
four foreign countries are at
tending the meeting here.
This development of bMsi.
ness leaders not only includes
undergraduate training, he
said, but carries through into
the need for continuing educa-
"Nowhere, it seems to me,"
Breckenridge said, "has this
become more evident than in
requests for institutes and
conferences such as this
one." j
In addition, he said, the!
rapid changes of todav re-1
quire research which only
the very large businesses can
afford on their own, but which
are available to smaller busi -
ness through the staffs of col -
leges and universities.
"Changing society, chang
ing future demands, a shift
ing complex for the student
who has passed through aca
demic halls, produce demands
upon university staffs and re
sources for assistance of ev
ery type," Breckenridge said.
This, he said, pushes edu-
: cators to keep their programs
geared to the needs of busi-
Help Wanted
ebrciska Union
Fri. 6r SaL 7:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m.
M through F 6:00 p.m. S:30 p.m.
Apply: Nebraska Union
Mr. Barnes
SfL (
what are traditionally called
fundamentals and still fit him
for certain important areas of
business operations is no
mean task."
He pointed out that the
f"" particular-
i muse vi .Aim a, aw nui
stress a need for the material
things of Western civilization
as much as for education.
; ' Our educational endeavor,"
the said, "the most embrac
ing, most all-inclusive in the
j worid fe taken for granted by
1 most Amercans.
' B"t I submit that unless
, w are alert to its problems
and provide for its support.
uie cmnKS ana crevices wnicn
will appear will not only
make it less effective but also
less responsive to the needs
of our ever-changing society,"
Breckenridge said.
Shapiro Honored
For Poetry Work
Karl Shapiro, Pulitzer
Prize-winning poet and pro-
1 fessor f English- has won
1 Jie l '"menuiai
Award for Poetry.
XI1C dW(UU AO given emu
November for outstanding lit
erary work appearing in the
Poetry Magazine during the
past year. Professor Shapiro
accepted the award and a $100
stipend in Chicago Thursday
He won the award for a
selection of poems published
first in the November 1962
issue of Poetry Magazine, and
which will be published by
' " Ranrtnm HniKp this enrintr in
Adm. Office No. Ill
, ( fl I