The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1963, Image 1
UNIVERSITY OF NEBR, LIBR ' r' Vol. 77, No. "42 Mr 'fc -.,. , ;f ' I 410 it iMai8wMii&ii mmmxmvinmwmmmmkmmdmmmmm , , , -r11 iniumniiiii iiiiuihh.j.hmmi. Mike Bradley, Sherl Lynn . . . will present despair of Shakespeare's "MacBeth". Lab Theater To Give Plays LAB PLAYS the second of this semes ter's laboratory theater productions will be held this Saturday and Sunday, beginning at 8 p.m. in the Temple Building. Begin ning the evening will be excerpts from William Shakespeare's "MACBETH," di rected by Mary Thorpe. It starts at 8 p.m. in the Laboratory Theater. Cast members are Mike Bradley and Sheri Lynn. "THE LABORATORY," a one-act play by Ion esco, with Frank Vybiral, Linda Roschew ski, Gary Gue, Liz Grosshans and Linda AUF Charts $6,740 Goal To Serve Five Charities The All University Fund (AUF) set $6,740 as the goal for this year s student dnve which started Monday. Money collected will be channelled to Holt Adoption Program, American Cancer Society, American Foundation for the Blind, the Nebraska Heart Association and the Na tional Association for Mental Health. Preliminary interviews for AUF Activities Queen will be held Thursday beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. The names, organization repre- Candidates For Queen Chosen The 16 preliminary candi dates for Block and Bridle Queen were announced today. They are: Jayne Binegar, Burr East; Jeanette Coufal, Chi Omega; Jackie Flick, Al pha Xi Delta; Betty Segger mas, Sigma Kappa; Cheryl Uden, Fedde Hall: Nancy Gartner, Alpha Chi Omega; Sheila Carr, Alpha Phi; Eliz abeth Hecox, Kappa Delta. Jan Springer, Love Hall; Gayle Tarpenning, Delta Gam ma; Kay Huffaker, Zeta Tau Alpha; Linda Winford, Gam ma Phi Beta; Georgia Mer rian, Alpha Omicron Pi; Del la Meyer, Alpha Delta Pi; Katherire Keir, Delta Delia Delta; Caro Sue Norton, Towne Club. Interviews to select the five finalists will be held from 5 6 p.m. today and will be based on knowledge of agriculture, personality, and looks. Bachelors Will Be Judged At Interview Meet Sunday Interviews for Eligible Bachelor will be held Sunday in 334 Student Union. Candidates will be judged on personality and appear ance, according to Sally Wil son, Cornhuskcr business manager. Candidates and times are: interview Gary Bachman, 2:05; Har old Bauer, 2:10; Brian Ber ris, 2:15; Richard Brown, 2:20; Eli Chesen, 2:25; Russ Daub, 2:30. Jerry DeFranee, 2:35; John Demel, 2:40; Mike Devaney, 2:45; Ron Einspar, 2:50; Lor en Fairbanks, 2:55; Doug Fos ter, 3:00. Galen Frenzen, 3:C5; Bill Gunlicks, 3:10; Harry Hamil ton, 3:15; Larry Hammon, 3:20; Lynn Husselback, 3:25; John Jones, 3:30. sented and interview i...ies are: Shirley Voss, Tassels, 6:30; Karen Johnson, Oornhusker, 6:35; Linda Schechte, IWA, 6:40; Vicki Cline, IWA, 6:45; Susie Moore, Union, 6:50; Jean Holmquist, Builders 6:55. Cuz Guenzel, Builders, 7:00; Judy Bucklin, Ag Union, 7:05; Jeanette Coufal, Ag Union, 7:10; Judy Tanner, Oornhusk er, 7:15; Ann Kezeor, Pan hellenic, 7:20; Linda Cleve land, YWCA,7:25. Donna Eschliman, YWCA, 7:30; Deane Michel, Tassels, 7:35; Mary Kay Rakow, Red Cross, 7:40; Cassie Wild, Red Cross. 7:45; Jan Whitney. AWS, 7:50; Vicki Dowling, AWS, 7:55. Connie Rasmussen, .WAA, 8:00; Jeene Anderson, Angel Flight, 8:05; Karen Schnurr, Angel Flight, 8:10. The 1963 Activites Queen will be crowned at AUFul night November 22. Voting for the ugliest man on campus, Mr. AUFul Ugly, will be held that evening. Travelers Acts Tryouts Today Kosmet ,Klub Travelers Act tryouts will be held today at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union Auditorium. Members of Kosmet Klub will judge the acts, and a pi ano will be available. Last year's winner was Mike Barton, Phi Kappa Psi. Jim Kllmes, 3:35; Glen Korff, 3:40; Ken Krausnik, 3:45; John Link, 3:50; John Lonnquist, 3:55; Jim McGin nis, 4:15. Marvin McNeff, 4:20; Frank Masters, 4:25; Jerry Miller, 4:30; Frank Morrison, 4:35; John Morris, 4:40; Max Nail, 4:45. Frank Partsch, 4:50; Rich Patton, 4:55; Daryl Petsch, 5:00; Kent Popken, 5:05; Lar ry Roos, 5:10; Dick Rosen berg, 5:15. Charlie Jones, 5:20; Tom Schwenke, 5:25; Bob Seidell 6:20; Harlan Joe Smith, 6:25; Neil Smith, 6:30; Chip Stad ler, 6:35. Keith Stafford, 6:40; Dave Stevens, 6:45; Dennis Swan strom, 6:50; Larry Tomlinson, 6:55; Val Warman, 7:00; Dan Wherry, 7:05. Hoist, follows at 8:30 in the Arena. Charles Patton is directing. Eugene O'Neill's "GREAT GOD BROWN" will be the finale, starting at 9 p.m. in the Laboratory Theater. Carroll Parmenter is the director; Bruce Borin, Lynette Loescher and Tom Holland will act. The plays are laboratory projects directed and sometimes produced by students in the theater. Purpose of the plays is to help students apply theater classwork theory to actual theatrical productions. Diggings Will Cool Towers Several construction and excavation projects are pres ently being completed on the campus, including extensive digging in front of Andrew's Hall and north of the Student Union. According to George Miller, administrator of the Univer sity's physical plant, the proj ect is part of a system of chilled water lines being stalled essentially for the cool ing of Twin Towers. The lines will be attached to the present cold water lines west of An drews. Following the completion of a new building to house addi tional facilities, more lines will be installed along 16th Street to servethe dormitories to be constructed in 1965 and the State Capitol building. Avery Ave. will be moved north of its present location to allow room for this new plant, which will include two new water chillers. In the near future, bids will be let for these facilities, capable of pro ducing 4,000 tons of cooling for the campus buildings and the Capitol, Miller said. The University has bought one chiller at a cost of $80, 000. The cost of the new build ing, another chiller, and in stallation requirements re main to be bid. This expense will be in addition to $150,000 for the water lines. A water tower is also under construc tion north of the present plant to replace two old towers and fulfill the added cooling re quirements. If construction is completed according to schedule, the plant and lines for the Uni versity will be ready for op eration by June, 1964. NIA(Schedules General Meeting The Nebraska International Association (NIA) will hold its second general meeting on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Matters to be taken up dur ing the meeting include the International Book Project, a project designed to help fur nish books to needy study groups abroad; the "Voices of Freedom," a weekly radio program broadcast by KFMQ; the NIA-sponsored Essay Contest on improving international relations in the campus; and the forthcoming Cultures on Campus program to be held during the Interna tional Week. The Daily Nebraskan IPmi By Susan Smithberger Senior Staff Writer ; Most students polled by the Student Council Opinion Poll Kappa Psi's Search For Lost Charter Ulysses Brown, vice presi dent of Kappa Alpha Psi, told the Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) last night that the fra ternity is in the process of lo cating its charter, which, they report, was granted by . the national fraternity in 1916 aft er the local chapter was rec ognized by the University. We have invited a national representative to speak here and to help in getting matters straightened out," he said "At the time this charter was granted," said Dean J, Winston Martin, "we used a different system, and no recording was made of the charter in the Board of Regents' minutes For that matter, there was no record of 'any, iijaternity formed on the campus prior to the present procedure, in eluding many of yotfchere tonight." t "We havej asked Kappa Al pha Psi to do what? they could from their national level," he said. Dean Martin said that the location of the charter was not a matter causing a great deal of concern. "My judgment is that ve treat the subject as the reac tivation of a fraternity that has existed here previously.' In other IFC business, pres ident Bill Buckley, announced the formation of a committee to organize an IFC Retreat The committee chairman is John Link, Phi Delta Theta Other members include John Stohlmann, Pi Kappa Phi, Jim Conners, Alpha Gamma Rho, and Dick Van Sickle, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Tom Schwenke, IFC rush chairman, announced that a smoker will be held tonight at 8 in 332 Student Union for all rush chairmen. At this time the Spring Rush Week schedule will be discussed The tentative schedule, which has been presented to all the houses for criticism, includes a series of smokers for all interested men. 1 Spring Rush would begin on March 4 with a dinner and orientation meeting. On Fri day, March 6, the rushees will attend another dinner and ori entation meeting, followed by ten twenty-minute rush par ties. The rushee would choose his ten houses from among those he visited during the smokers. Saturday afternoon the mshee will visit three houses for one and one-half hour par ties. Following the three par ties would be dinner and de liberation. Interested men must pledge a house by 8:30 p.m. Buckley reminded represen tatives that Wednesday, Jan 8, is the last day a man may be pledged for initiation the second semester of this year. PTP Ambassador, Job Switch Begin People - to - People Student Ambassador and Job Ex change programs will be ac tivated for this year in a meet ing to be held Sunday at 2 p. m. at the Lutheran Stu dent House. The Student Ambassador program provides American students with the possibility of traveling to a foreign coun try for the summer and living with a family while there. The Job Exchange program gives U.S. students a chance to work in a foreign country by obtaining a job for a for eign student here. The Amer ican student's job overseas is obtained in the same manner. All students interested in either of these programs are invited to attend the Sunday meeting. Classes On Halt (shedlguBBSTig hnmg were against the change to classes on the half-hour that is scheduled to begin second semester, according to Mike Barton, publicity chairman. The housemothers polled ten that the change would work a hardship on cooks, wnich are already hard to ob tain. "It is almost impossible to keep foods hot over the ex tended period without steam tables, and most houses can not afford to buy them," said one housemother. "We may una ourselves without cooks." Students suggested having more one and a half hour classes that meet two days a week, ha vine more niffht cour ses that would apply towards degrees, starting classes at 7 a.m. and running them until b p.m., having more Satur day classes, scheduling more classes for noon, setting more teachers to schedule afternoon classes and utilizing educaJ tionai television more. In other action the Council passed a motion calling for the addition in the general registration process of a Builder's information card be cause "This will cut down on the expense of the Builders Student Directory and alsn al low Builders to get it out earner," said Ann Wahl. The Council unanimously passed a motion endorsing the efforts of the All University Fund (AUF) in their annual campaign for student dona tions, and urged all students to support this campaign. Council rejected the Youth Second Place Begins Year . For Debaters The University Debate Squad had its first competi tion of the year at the Uni versity of Omaha tournament last Friday and Saturday. Four of the teams won a total of 15 out of 16 intercollegiate debates. George Kimball and Robert Cherney were undefeated in the senior division, but be cause Kearney State had higher speaker ratings, the University of Nebraska won second nlace. Lvdnn Oriffin and Bill Harding won three and lost one. In the junior division Byron Lee and Bill Wood comprising one team and Roger Doerr and Terry benaar comprising another were also undefeated. This week four of the teams will participate in audience debates. Richard Weill and Gary Pokorny will debate George Kimball and Robert Cherney at a meeting in the home of Mrs. Walt Weaver. Gary Radii and Tom Chand ler will debate Linda Hillyer and Judy Brumm at a public debate at Concordia College in Seward. Traditions For Ag Extension Service The University Agricultural Extension Service personnel were given a challenge yester day at their state meeting at the Nebraska Center. E. W. Janike, director of the Service, asked them not to let the traditions of nearly 50 years of successful service in continuing education be a milestone around their necks in meeting the challenge of necessary change. Pointing out that the farm and ranch population has changed from a majority to a minority, and continues to grow smaller, Janike said: 'How well we serve the con tinuing education needs of the people of this state will be determined by the adjust ments we make in the Ex tension Service, in the'College of Agriculture, and in the Uni versity. He outlined the develop ment of the Extension Serv Hour Discussed for Goldwater Club's constitu tion on grounds that wording in the finance section and the qualifications for officers were not in line with University regulations. A mock quiz bowl will be staged early in December be tween members of the Inno cents society and Mortar Boards, according to Doug Controversies Forum Open To 'Everything1 Viee-Chaneellor G. Robert Ross, Dean of Student Affairs today told the Daily Nebras kan that, "we will talk about everything that anybody wants to talk about," at the Campus Controversies forum scheduled for Nov. 11, 4 p.m., 232 and 234, Student Union. Campus Controversies will feature Dean Ross and Dick Weill, vice president of Stu dent Council, in a general talk session which is open to all students. Ross will answer those questions which concern the administration while Weill will handle those questions which come under the au spicies of Student Council. Ross said that any workable suggestions which come from the students at the forum will be studied further. Weill said that he expects questions abut the work which the Student Council is doing and in return would like to know how the Student Coun cil can better voice the opinions of the students. Weill also said that he would like a lot of "constructive" criti cism. Rod Walker, Chairman of Woman's Role Radio Topic "The role of women in the emerging nations is the topic of the weekly radio discussion program, "Voices of Free dom", on tonight at 9 p.m. at the Student Union Music Room C. The program, broadcast live by the KFMQ radio sta tion and sponsored by the Ne braska International Associa tion, (NIA) will have Mrs. Aurilm Bryan of Trinidad, Mrs. Rina Roy of India, Dr. Newal Soliman of Egypt, and Mrs. Purificacion M. Hattrai of the Philippines as modera tor. The public is invited to join in the discussion. On its fourth week this Thursday, the Voices of Free dom has been appraised in its efforts to discuss issues and topics of significance to this nation and to the whole world. Next week's program will be on the political and economic problems of the Caribbean countries. Should Change ice during the past 49 years and then projected the devel opment, in his view, of the Service as having the oppor tunity to be a clearing house for all resource requests di rected to the University. The logical way to serve the needs of the state, Janike said, is to be able to call on the staffs of the various col leges and departments though out the University who are best equipped to meet the needs. . On organizing to best serve the needs of the people of Nebraska, he said, emphasis should be on leadership at the local level and closely coor dinated organization at the state level to serve the local needs. Closer coordination is being worked out at the College of Agriculture and Home Eco nomics, Janike said. Better service for urban Thursday, Nov. 1, 1963 Thorn, acting quiz bowl chair man. "Quiz Bowl teams must be turned in before Christmas," said Thom. "The teams may consist of any four University students. They needn't all be from one living unit." The first actual tournament will be held after Christmas vacation. the Student Union Forum Committee which sponsors Campus Controversies, said that he expected the ' stu dents' questions and griev ances to range from, "the cutting down of Derby Day to the parking situation." He also suggested that such ques tions as the seating at the football games, student drink ing, and the administration control of the Student Union might come up for answers by either Ross or Weill. Walker asserted that Dean Ross and Weill will justify their positions on the issues brought up by the students and will try to explain what the possibilities are of cor recting the situations. This forum will be the sec ond annual Campus Contro versies, which grew out of a 'round table' dicsussion ses sion under the jurisdiction of the Student Council. Theta Xi's Lose $100 In Theft A young man, who identi fied himself as a graduate student, Wednesday morning stole about $100 from the rooms of several members ol Theta Xi fraternity. The man apparently went from room to room taking cash and blank and endorsed checks from the billfolds of the fraternity's members. The thief was seen by sev eral members and even talked briefly with one of them. However, the robbery went undetected until later that morning after the thief had a chance to escape. The amount taken ap proaches $100, according to Theta Xi president Lynn Corcoran. "I hope that by making the story public this situation may be prevented from hap pening in other organized houses," Corcoran said. Lincoln Police Department detectives are now investiga ting the case. areas as these areas continue to grow is one of the object ives of the Service, Janike pointed out. "By their very nature, Ex tension people are resource ful. I have every confidence in our future." Staff Posts Open For Cornhusker Interviews for Cornhusker section editors will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 13, from 3-5 p.m. and from 7-8 p.m. Sections which are open in clude Student Scenes, Frater nities, Men's Houses and Halls, Women's Houses and Halls, and Research. Appli cants need not be journalism majors. Application blanks are available in the Cornhusker office in the basement of the Student Union. Applications must be completed by noon of Wednesday, Nov. 13.