The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1963, Image 2

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Vol. 77, No. 24
I he Daily Nebraskan
Friday, Nov. 1, 1963
I IN 1
CAMPUS . . .
AND BOARD charges for the
University dormitories by ten
per cent. The increases from
$660 to $725 per regular ses
sion 'and from $145 to $160
per summer session, are nec
essary to meet revenue bond
financing requirements for
the construction of a 1,056
student dormitory unit.
TER will hold an organiza
tional tonight for interested
students from the University,
Union College and Nebraska
Wesleyan. The meeting will
be held to get Lincoln NAACP
chapter officers acquainted
with the Interested students
and begin paving the way for
organization of such a chapter
If sufficient student support
Is showed.
ANCES at the University
Theater for this weekend are
sold out and due to the ex
ceptional demand, there will
be an additional Monday
night performance.
General Services Administra
tion (GSA) building for feder
al offices will be built in Lin
coln for $2 million and $10-$11
million respectively. To be
built in the next two years,
the post office, not officially
confirmed, may be in the two
block area between R and T,
7th to 8th. No site has yet
been chosen for the GSA
FORCEMENT of Sunday clos
ing law against two Lincoln
firms. County Atty. Paul
Douglas said no prosecution
would be made on the charges
until further order of the
court. The offense carries a
penalty of a fine from $50 to
$100 on each commodity sold.
STATE . . .
BILL remained alive when
the Education commit
tee nixed a move to repeal
the law enacted during the
regular 1963 legislative ses
sion. Sen. Cecil Craft of
North Platte had supported
the repeal move because of
the estimated expense of $7
million te the state in the next
eight years and because of
statistics which show that the
teen-age driver accident rate
has not decreased In several
states with driver training
POSAL was introduced by
Sen. Terry Carpenter f
Scottsbluff this week in an
attempt to solve the time
sales problem confronting the
special legislative session. 1
The Carpenter proposal urges
creation of three interest rate
classifications. It also pro
vides that the same penalty
forfeiture of double interest
be levied against violators of,
any of the three statutes.
MEASURE which would em-;
power the Legislature to se
cure advisory constitutional
pinions from the State Su
preme Court. Sen. Terry Car
penter of Scottsbluff spon
sored the b i 1 1 to avoid trou
ble and save money. It was
placed on the special session
call at the request of the in
terim legislative credit fi
nance committee. j
bill got approval by the House
judiciary committee which al
h carried the support I
President Kennedy and House
Republican leaders. The
measure includes a Fair Em
ployment Practices, Commis
sion, a ban n segregation in
restaurants and ther places
of public accommodation, and
new steps against school seg
regation. U.S. ORDERS THREE men
in the Spviet United Nations
delegation to leave the coun
try by this afternoon on
grounds that they had taken
part m a spy plot. They
were linked with another Rus
sian and an American elec-:
tronics engineer arrested ear
lier in the week on spy
DIERS were missing and pre-!
sumed captured in battle by
the Communist Viet Cong.'
They were believed to have
been seized by the Commu
nist forces that over ran Gov
ernment troops in a battle
earlier this week. The three
are also believed to be the
only United States soldiers in
Communist hands in Viet
Mam at this time. I
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MIGRATION RUSH These University left to right, Sonnie Meistrell, Pegi Bry
coeds got the jump on the rest of the ans, Carol Carr, Charlotte Kharas and
crowd on their way to Missouri. Pictured, Linda Muff.
izzou Bound Students
Forget Studies, Exams
By Mark Platner
Staff Reporter
Classes, exams and money
will become secondary in
terests of students migrating
to Missouri this weekend.
According to a Daily Ne
braskan telephone poll, about
seven hundred migratory Ke-
Sfaff Will Migrate;
Paper Set Tuesday
"There will be no Daily
Nebraskan on Monday be
cause many of the staff
members are going to Mis
souri on migration over the
week-end," stated Gary
Lacey, editor. There will be
an edition published Tuesday.
braskans are setting their
sights on Columbia, Mo.
The student enthusiasm is
very strong following a great
Homecoming victory. The Uni
versity ticket office has re
ported that thirty-three hun
dred tickets have been sold
for student and alumni use.
This is a larger number of
tickets sold than for most
other out-of-town games, ac
cording to James Pittenger,
athletic ticket manager.
In the past years more
students hav" gone to the mi
grations at srado than to
Missouri. La; ,ear over one
thousand students left the
confines of the Lincoln cam
pus to travel to Boulder.
Two years ago the Universi
ty ticket office sold only 1,000
Linlcletter Hootenanny
Slated For Pershing
Jack LMdetter, host of tele
vision's '"Hootenany" pro
gram, will present four at
tractions from the world of
folk music in his Folk Festi
val at Pershing Municipal
Auditorium at 8 p.m. Friday
Nov. 8.
Featured en the program
wiQ be the Big 3, whose nu
merous appearances a John
ny Carson's '"Tonight" show,
as well as on the Jack Paar
Program, have made them
nationally popular.
Joe and Eddie, second of
the featured attractions, have
won a wide following on the
west coast for their spirited,
rapid-fire delivery of folk mu
sic, and are featured in the
current MGM feature, "Hoot-
en any Hoot
Les Baxter's Balladeers, a
quartet organized and trained
by arranger-composer Les
Baxter, brings a new approach
to the folk scene, accenting
the popular aspects of the folk
music id'iorn. Featured in
their repertoire is a highly
popular audience" sing-along
Raun MacKinnon, fourth of
the featured artists, has been
a performer along the eastern
coast, plajing the college and
night club circuit Her special
ties are British and American
ballads and gospel music.
The downtown ticket sale
for the Lincoln appearance of
the Jack Linkletter Folk Festi
val is being conducted at
Gold's record department and
at the Pershing Auditorium
box office. Advance tickets
are $2, tickets at the door
are $2.50.
According to Pershing Audi
torium officials, the show will
not be televised. 1
if : l
& f J :
tickets for the NU-MU tilt at
Columbia. But with the Miami
fever running throughout the
campus, many students want
to see Nebraska battle the
first of the "Big Three" on
their schedule.
Policy Set
Last Year
Wednesday's Student Coun
cil motion encouraging stu
dents to attend the Nebraska
Missouri game but not ap
proving an "official migra
tion" was based on existing
policy concerning migration
which was determined last
fall by G. Robert Ross, Dean
of Student Affairs, and the
Student Council migration
The purpose of the commit
tee was to find some mulally
agreeable arrangement with
the Administration on the mi
gration issue.
According to the final re
port submitted by Dennis
Christie, then chairman of
the committee, "Dean Ross
emphasized the Administra
tion's policy regarding the
missing-of classes and the
regulations that would be in
volved if an official migra
tion could be established.
Other schools in the Big
Eight have expressed the be-j
lief that academic work
should take precedence U
athletic and ther extra-curri-i
cular events." j
The migration committee,:
after some research regard-;
ing the possibilities of an offi-'
cial migration; decided to
support past Administration
policy on this issue. The fol-i
lowing reasons were cited:
"An official migration
would require that tran
sportation and bousing be
under ihr rrneriA cuoervision
of the University. This would
mean that all students at
tending the game w 1 d
either be required ta travel
bv tome means under Uni
versity sponsorship r get ap
proval u travel anotner way.
Secondly, aU students would
be required to stay in an ofiV
cial' university bousing unit
under the sanction of thej
host school." !
The University cannot justi-;
fy an official migration, ac-'
cording to the committee, as
it would contradict its high
academic standards and
ideals. Since at least 1,000
students attended the football:
game -t Boulder last fall, I;
was felt that students Should
decide dor themselves wheth
er to attend the game.
The Student Council finally
passed a resolution last year
supporting the policy of an
unofficial migration for the
19G3-64 football season.
f Hca
TSSs s
ppy fifteen
Senior Staff Writer
Efficient state financing of
various projects is a struggle
to find a happy medium be
tween the wishes of the ideal
ists and those of the realists,
according to Lt. Gov. Dwight
Burney, speaking to the
Young Republicans last
night, included the Universi
ty budget and the state high
way program in this cate
gory. "The Chancellor and the
Board of Regents are ideal
ists," he said. "They have to
be. And the budget commit
tee are the realists. The ideal
ists will probably never get
as much money as they ask
for, ... but we should take
care of our University."
An announced candidate for
the Republican nomination
for governor next year, Bur
ney, as lieutenant governor,
held the office for four
months after the death of
Gov. Brooks in 1960. He said
that the Republican party,
whose state organization and
policies he defended, has
failed only one area that of
electing a governor. "I want
to change that," he added.
Burney was critical of the
state of the nation's finances.
"I am hunting for a banker,"
he said, "who believes one
hundred per cent in the pres
ent fiscal policy of our coun
try. If I find him, I want to
open an account with him
because he will allow me to
draw out lhore money every
year than I deposit."
"This generation has re
fused to live on its income;
it has borrowed and borrowed
and thrown the debt against
future generations. For these
reasons we are tacing the
loss of our freedoms; to pre
vent this, we must take an
active interest in govern
ment" In discussing Nebraska's
problems of taxation, Burney
said that, as governor, he sug
gested a 2 per cent sales
tax, which, at that time,
would have supported state
government "with a little to
spare." Since then, he con
tinued, although it would
today take much more than
2 per cent, he still advocates
a sales tax as a means of
making the tax scale fairer
to all the citizens of the state.
An income tax, however,
would be overly burdensome,
because income tax is already
"sewed up" on the federal
Yale Students Arrested
In Mississippi Campaign
Jackson, Miss (CPS) The
Freedom Vote and the Cam
paign to Elect Aaron Henry
Governor needs more money
to be able to function at peak
efficiency, according to Al
lard Lowenstien, a professor
on leave from North Carolina
State who is working for the
Lowenstein said that money
is still needed to post bond
and to pay for campaign ex
penditures. In an interview
with CPS, he said that the
conditions have become ex
tremely bad and that arrests
are almost "commonplace."
- In Atlanta, the office of the
Student Nonviolent Coordi
nating Committee (SNCC1 re
ported that there had been
more than 45 arrests of stu
dents and that at least 109
cases of police intimidation
were known to them. Several
of the Yale students were ar
rested more than once on
varying charges, SNCC said.
Steve Bingham, one of the
Yale students arrested in
Clarksdale and editor of
the Yale Daily News, said
that the infringements upon
freedom that are currently
occurring in Mississippi have
been ignored by a large por
tion of the American press.
Echoing Lowenstein, Bing
ham said that the arrests and I
intimidation the Yale students
are suffering are drastic even
in an area where intimida
tion is the norm.
Stanford University stu
dents arriving in Mississippi
will be on hand to re
place Yale students returning
to New Haven after a week
of work. For two Yale stu
dents arrival dates in New
Haven are still uncertain.
They are in jail at Clarks
dale where they are being
held incommunicado by po
lice chief Ben Collings.
Two additional Yale stu
dents were arrested yester
day in Hattiesburg on charges
of assault and battery but
were later released. Frank
Heintz, Yale sophomore, was
jailed three days ago in
Clarksdale on charges of reck
less driving. Heintz had en
gaged in a running feud with
police chief Collins since bis
arrival in that city Monday.
Legal action may soon be
taken against Mississippi po
lice guilty of criminal abuses,
sources at Jackson report.
The NAACP legal defense
and education fund is prepar
ing a concerted attack against
police brutality. The NAACP
legal effort, spearheaded by
Marion Wright 1963 Yale law
graduate, is expected to be
gin preliminary action over
the weekend.
Sweetheart, Prince Finalists Announced
- ' . ..r ..frtt-'-tf, rf ilh. JlMM'-1ii 'I limn
ISTS Ten coeds will vie for title of Ne
braska Sweetheart which vill be voted
upon at the Kosmet Klub Fall Show Nov.
21 Tbey are, (left to right , standing,
Mary Sue Hit.key, Chi Omega; Cindy Tin
an. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kit Thompson,
) ' ''--.4 J i '
- K
Kappa Alpha Theta; SaDy Larson, Delta
Gamma; Judy Birney, Alpha PhL Sitting,
(left to right), Pixie Smallwood, Alpha
Delta Pi; Sandra "Snookie" Janike, PI
Beta Phi; Jane Tvnoske, Alpha Omicron
Pi; Suzie Walboti, Alpha Chi Omega; and
Yield dine. Love Memorial HalL
l r
- (
I ir
S If f
V , J
1-, I
versity men were chosen in interviews
recently as Prince Kosmet Finalists. They
are, Cleft to right), standing, Dennie Chris
tie, Phi Delia Theta; Dick Callahan, Sig
ma Chi; Wayne Hewlett, Tbeta Xi; Gary
Feglfy, Sigma Phi Epsilon; John Lonn
quist, Beta Theta PL Sitting, (left to
right), Gary Lacey, Delta Tan Delta;
Jerry De France, Sigma No; Bob Kerry,
Phi Gamma Delta; Denny Swasstrom,
Farm House; and John Morris, Alpha Tan
Omega. Prince Kosmet will be chosen by
studen's tl ending the Kosmet Hub Fall
Show Nv. 21
" "1'