The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1963, Page Page 3, Image 3
n A nwnTjiiiir nfi "H- y Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1963 The Daily Nebraskan Paqe 3 c mm own 1 X , Miss Tenhulzen Army Nine Coeds Seek Titles As Queens Nine finalists for Honorary Commandant were announced at the Military Ball style show Monday night The style show, featuring Root length formals, was sponsored by Angel Flight and Ben Simons and Sons Department Store. The finalists were chosen by an interviewing board com posed of representatives from the various branches of the service. Candidates for Miss Army are: Joan Brueggemann, a member of Delta Gamma So roritv and a senior in Arts and Science and Teachers Col lege. She is a member of Ang el Flight, a Dorm Student Ad visor and was a 1963 Corn busker Beauty Queen Finalist. Lollie Linnemann is a mem ber of Kappa Delta Sorority, a senior in Teachers College and sociel chairman of Kappa Delta, a member of the Luth eran Foreign Student Com mittee, Union Assistant Chair man and a finalist for Miss Omaha 1963. Jane Tenhulzen, a senior in Arts and Science. is a mem ber of Kappa Alpha T h e t a Sorority and Mortor Board, 'Associate Editor of the 1964 Cornhusker, Vice-President of the AWS Board and 1962 Homecoming Queen attend ants. Candidates for Miss Navy are: Elaine Anderson, a jun ior In Arts and Science and Teachers College, Social . Chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, a member of Red Cross and AWS Board. Willa Meyer, a Senior in Arts and Sciences is Pledge trainer of Pi Beta Phi Soror ity, chairman of Family Project Committee, member of Union Committee and a fin alist lor Nebraska Sweetheart 1962. Evonne Agena is a junior in Teachers College, a member of Gamma Delta, Alpha Lambda Delta, and activities chairman of Amelia Earhart Hall. Finalists for Miss Air Force are: Donna McFariin, a sen ior in Teachers Call ge, Pres ident and colonizer of Alpha Delta PI Sorority, a member Miss Brueggemann Army mSiLiX' " - Miss Linnemann Army V Miss Anderson Navy Miss Agena Navy i "V, -It ,,:.'. f-t it I 4 v. 4 Miss Meyer Navy of the Panhellenic Council and Miss E Week 1963. Kathy Smith is a senior in Teachers College, a member of Alpha Phi Soroi ity and Newman Club, a finalist for Miss E Week, and Area Comp troller for Angel Flight. Ginger VanHorn, a Senior in Arts and Science and Teach ers College is Social Chairman and Vice President of Gamma Miss McFariin Air Force Miss Van Horn Air Force Miss Smith Air Force Freedom Lost For Love's Sake Blinded by love (?), eleven men have decided to give up their freedom and ramblings for the debatable privilege of being pinned or engaged. Fools rush in . . . PIXXIXGS ers College from Omaha, to Jerry Farmer, Phi Delta Theta senior in Business Ad ministration from Minden. Susie Miner, Kappa Kappa Gamma junior in Teachers College from Grand Island, to Jerry Hunt, Phi Delta Theta i in utw ouiumj, wuimauu- r ga sopnomore in leacners j er of Angel Flight and 1360 College from Lincoln, to Jer- 1 winner of Seventeen Maga-jry Foster, Sigma Phi Epsiloni zine's National Fashion Coun-, senior in Teachers College Kav f"hri:tian:pn Chi Ome- Phi Beta Sorority, Command-' ea sophomore in Teachers junior in Business Administra- ENGAGEMENTS senior in leacners couegei laroiyn neisianu, junior iu cil Competition. from Bellevue. j Teachers College from Dun- Student elections for Hon-! Judy Keys, Garnrn Phi j lap, Iowa, to Byron Lee, Tri orary Commandant will be! Beta senior in EngUsh from -angle junior In architecture hAM Vnv 11 Th Armv Naw Lincoln, to Clark Nelson, Phi from Woodbine, Iowa, art Forte ""cSfrik.amma Delta senior in Busi- Gw-nn Phares Chi Omega ness Aominihiraiiun i w w iu junior in icacueia r.rand Island. frnm rpntral CitV. to Duane Kay Fuchs Kappa Kappa Gerlach. graduate in Agricul- Matzke in Business Adminis Gamma sophomore in Teach-'ture from Central City. I tration from Lincoln. vote for their service queens. The Military Ball will be Nov. 16, with Army ROTC sponsor ing the event. Mary Sue Hiskey, Chi Ome ga senior in Teachers College from Lincoln, to Bob Pardee, Alpha Tau Omega freshman in Dentistry from Lincoln. Mary Jane Laughrey, soph omore in Business Adminis tration from St. Paul, to Bob Lamberson, Kappa Tau Phi senior at Hastings College from Palmer. Sharon Rogers, Kappa Delta alum from Lincoln, to Bob Berdine, Theta Xi senior from Gary, Indiana. Jan Swanson, Delta Delta Delta senior in Teachers Col lege from Ceresco to Chuck TWO BARBER SHOPS IN LINCOLN TIED FOR FIRST 1 PLACE IN THE STATE HAIR CUTTING CONTEST "THE CLIPPER" BARBER SHOP 119 N. 12TH ST. 432-3412 BOB'S BARBER SHOP 315 P STREET 435-9323 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE i I FLAT TOP RAZOR CUTTING IVY LEAGUES WE NEVER CLOSE i ' ,, '4', i y "' ;: H. S -b . : 1 il ' -I x ?t-v i i i. ' : . "-- i if ' 4 v 1 - -- J ' . '"fc" 4','' BALL POINT PENS 15 WITH GAS PURCHASE DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 16th & P Sts. Downtown Lincoln n0 DIVIDENDS &caus Mara a mutual com pany, profits arc returned to policyowners as dividends in imtit, Connecticut Mutual Ufa 3 pay more than $40 mSlkm In dividends during 1963. Let us show you howthcsa dh4 deads make CML Insurance costless. 1 v - A - WALTER F. GARNER SUITE 707 LINCOLN 1106. 432-3289 Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY THEY SING HONEST iFOLK SONGS. IN A WILD, DRIVING, SPIRITED, EXCITING, AND SOMETIMES QUIET NEW WAY. JvillJi Juiv Li liVLl jJa. ( ff L'i f K C&fa) S:'3::':''i i;?:;:-i::r::':!'-v:;:::::::":: tr , I :Q '. &.';:, ifa"-C I . ...... .. kI . ,., i , i ; -j- i Juftt liflien to their Capitol album, "New Directions in Folk Music!' You'll hear the rocking, driving way the Journeymen sing "Someday Babyl' a low down blues out of Chicago. The fun they have with "Stackolee;' the wild ong about a legendary terror of New Orleans. Their quiet and moving version of "All the Pretty Little IlorHes" one of the moat beautiful lullabies ever written. Their spirited ragtime rendition of "San Francwco Bay!' Then you'll know what's new in folk songs. And what's best. Look lor -auk lor -the Journeymen in concert on your campun: Hi ft I i I if WW i ft ll ?4 m m M m II m m ii i m m 11 SHOP MONDAY AND THURSDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M., OTHER DAYS TO 5:30 P.M. DAT Af Tit DAY OF NEBRASKA HAf MODE Of IVHTTMtMO) II p4 m m II m m ii II II If 11 if 1,4 i f WW I , i IF BROCADE For Sparkling Evenings Formal evenings . . . your chance to be luxurious in glit tering metallic brocade. Sim ple lines with floating bell skirt. i 50.00 COLD'S Lincoln Shop . . . Second Floor REMEMBER YOU CAN USE YOUR HANDY CREDIT PLATE I i ft" I I ? 1: H is-.' f ; 4