The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1963, Image 1

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    Vol. 77, No. 22
The Doily Nebraskan
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1963
-NU, Wesleyan, Union College Invited-
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'MUSIC MAN LEADS Fred Gaines portrays the leading role of Harold Hill, and
Gwen Waldo that of Marion the librarian.
'Music Man' A Sell Out
Extra Performance
"Mu sic Man" is a sell out.
According to Dr. William R.
Morgan, assistant professor of
speech and dramatic art, as of
noon Monday, all four night
performances were sold out
Due to the extreme demand
for tickets, the University
Theater is adding an txtra
night performance which will
be given Monday, at
p.m. The Music The
ater Inc.. in New York was
called for a special grant,
and approval from the Unvi
versily of Nebraska was giv
en for Monday's special show.
Many season ticket holders
have found themselves with
out tickets for the "Music
Man" because they failed to
NAACP Will Not Boycott
In Protest This Christmas
The National Association for
ihe Advancement of Colored
seup (NAACP) will not
jonsor a nationwide Christ
las boycott, .according to a
evvs release from the New
York headquarters.
Roy WilMns, executive sec
retary of the NAACP, in a let
ter to Louis E, Lorn ax, said
that "careful thought" was
given to "the problems of
such a consumer strike," but
that such a strike would have
little effect on Birmingham,
Alabama. Lomax, on behalf
of the Writers and Artists for
. Justice, had asked that the
NAACP endorse such a strike
in protest against the recent
racial violence in Birming
ham. Wilkins said that a boycott
would not effect a city such
as Birmingham, whose econ
omy centers around the steel
He pointed out that a nation
al boycott of tins type "wouia
be unfair to many persons who
Wisconsin Acacia
Ma Be Expelled
Madison, Wis. if CPS)
Acacia fraternity is in danger
of losing recognition at the
University of Wisconsin be
cause of a refusal to answer
questions concerning its mem
bership selection policies.
A faculty committee is in
vestigating possible violations
of the school's non-discrimination
policy. It sent out a
questionnaire which Acacia
refused to return.
University officials hers
have told the Daily Cardinal,
the student newspaper, that
the chapter may be expelled
if it refuses to answer the
The Cardinal pointed out
editorially that the issue wiH
be fought on "legal, but hu
man rights grounds." Acacia
has no known record of dis-tTimiiiatioa
make their reservations for
the rest of the season so they
will not miss any of the re
maining shows.
This is the third time In re
cent years that the Theater
has been sold out In 1945
there was a sell out for "The
Skin of Our Teeth" and in 1958
for the "Match Maker." Both
of these shows were written
by Thorton Wilder.
"Music Man" is a blend of
oldtime inarches, barbershop
quartets and ballads tn the
setting and atmosphere of a
small titu in the United
The cast is made up of some
sixty-five people, mainly mu
sic and speech majors.
cannot have any effect on the
situation in Alabama or the
South generally."
The NAACP he added, be
lieves that "selective buying
campaigns" are most effec
tive in areas in which busi
nesses with unfair employ
ment practices can be boy
cotted. These local strikes
have been effective in the past
and will continue to be used
ia the future.
In addition to being unfair
to businesses that have had
no bearing on the Birmingham
bombings, stated the release,
"it seems unfortunate to furth
er deprave Negro children, al
ready brutalized by segrega
tion, by denying them the
annual joys of a Christmas
tree and toys."
Phi Pti's Announce
Summerfield Scholar
Gary W. Amerman, Phi
Kappa Psi, has been selected
by his brothers as Summer-;
field Scholar of the Year.
The award is based on his:
scholarship record and contri-j
bution to University and fra
ternity life. A cash award of
$100 is presented as part of
the honor. ;
His activities at the Univer
sity include membership in!
Nu-Meds, and the Wrestling
Team. In bis fraternity he;
was rush chairman and chair
man of the grievance com
mittee. Application Available
For Tribunal Spot
Interviews to fill a junior
member' opening on the Stu
dent Tribunal will be held
next week.
Applications are available
in the Student Council office.
They are due back in the of
fice Monday at 5 p.m.
Applicants must be in the
upper half of their class. Stu
dents in any school are
are eligible to fill the vacancy.
There will be no reserva
tions taken for Monday nights
performance, it will be on a
first come, first serve basis.
Yale Students Aid Negroes
In Mississippi Registration
The campaign of Yale stu
dents to register Negro vot
ers in Mississippi in a mock
election designed to empha
size the denial of voting rights
to Negroes is moving into its
second week.
Last week the students can
vassed from door to door in
Negro sections of Jackson and
Meridan, Miss., distribut
ing copies of a labor and civil
rights oriented paper that is
mainly sold to Negroes The
Mississippi Free Press and
asked Negroes to come out
and vote for Aaron Henry,;
Negro pharmacist and candi
date for governor. j
But as they intensify their.
drive to bring 200,000 Negroes
to poll booths throughout the
state, the 15 Yale students
who will work in Mississippi'
this week are being severely;
limited by a lack of funds. '
Money is needed to finance
Dr. Henry's appearance on lo
cal television and radio, to
pay for printing of campaign
pesters and to augment the
salary of Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Commit-"
tee 4SNCO workers. A fund
raising group of students at
Yale, called Yale In Missis-1
sippi, has been organized and
will canvass taidergrads this
The Stanford Universi
ty campus has rallied to the
cause of the Freedom Vote
in Mississippi and to aid the
Yale students and SNCC
workers who have been har-
Dining-ln Today
The first Dining-ln for ju
nior and senior Air Force
ROTC cadets will be held to
day at 5:45 p.m. at the Un-
coin Air Force Base Officers
Club, according to cadet
wing information officer Lau
rence E. Ourada.
Sponsored by the University
cadet wing, the dining-ia is a
formal dinner function de
signed to acquaint officers
with the role of ceremony
and tradition in an Air Force
unit and to provide an occa
sion for officers to meet so
cially at a formal military
The Air Force staff and all
Junior and senior cadets will
By Grant Peterson
Senior Staff Writer
An organizational meeting
for NU, Union College and Ne
braska Wesleyan students in
terested in forming a student
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored Peo
ple (NAACP) chapter will be
Grid Tickets 1
To Be Soldi
At MU Gate
Students attending the Ne
braska -Missouri game can
purchase general admission
tickets at the game, according
to Jim Pittenger, athletic tick
et manager. The price of these
tickets is $2 which guaran
tees admittance to the game
but does not include stadium
The Missouri publicity office
has said that all Nebraskans
will be admitted to the game.
Those who have general ad
mission tickets w f 1 1 sit in
temporary bleachers or,, be
permitted to sit on the grofeid.
Regular tickets for Mi e
game haye been soldiut
since Monday, and with'lhe
bleachers and standees the
attendance is expected toibe
around 50,000 which is the
highest in M i r z o u history.
About 3,000 of this record at
tendance is expected to be
Nebraskans. i
rassed by the Mississippi po-
lice according to Ilene Stre-j
litz, editor of the Stanford
There had been plans to
send as many people to Mis
sissippi as possible, but these
plans have been cancelled,
according to Miss Strelitx,
"because conditions there are
impossible." Allard Lowen-
stien, one of the leaders tn
the Freedom Vote, told bcr
not to send any people to
Mississippi unless they were
willing to spend a year or a
summer or to commute back
and forth to Mississippi
Lowenstien told her that the
police chief in Hattiesburg,
Miss., said that any white in
terference or white agitators
who come to his town will be
arrested, fined $300 and
sentenced to six months in
Joseph L Laeberman, chair
man of the Yale Daily News,
who left Saturday to work in
Mississippi, wrote in an edi-j
tonal which will appear to
morrow "A significant vote
for Aaron Henry will demon
strate that Negroes in Mis-'
Dorm Food
On Uniformity, Price
The food served in all Uni
versity dormitories is bought
on the basis of uniformity,
color, taste and cost per
ounce, according to Robert
George, University purchas
ing assistant
For the last eleven years
the University Purchasing De
partment has conducted a rig
id test on samples of canned
fruits and vegetables sent to
the department by canneries
throughout the country.
Home economists, students, I
nutritionists and food tn&nag.
m wel- Uste and evaluate
unlabeled samples. The re-
suits of these surveys deter
mine the brands of fruits ana
vegetables bought by the Uni
versity. "Based on the premise that
people eat with their eyes,"
said George, "the foods are
first observed for uniformity
of color and species." He ex
plained that the department
chooses a variety free from
discoloration and irregularity
defects which could mean
inconsistency in quality.
held Friday at 7:30 p.m.
in the Malone Community Cen
ter, 2030 T St
Purpose of the meeting, ac
cording to Mrs. Leola Bullock,
president of the Iincoln
NAACP chapter, is to "get
acquainted with the interested
students, and to pave the way
toward final organization of a
student chapter of the NAACP
if there is sufficient student
A similar meeting was held
last spring at the Center with
students from the University,
Nebraska Wesleyan Univers
ity and Union College attend
ing, but because final exams
interfered, organizational
plans were postponed until
Mrs. Katherine Frenchy,
secretary to the Nebraska
Wesleyan Registrar, is in
charge of the meeting. Mrs.
French said it would permit
members of the senior organ
ization to "see what students
think and what their views ar
of the NAACP."
Another sponsor, Dr. Wil
liam W. Mountcastle, asso
ciate professor of philosophy
and religion at Nebraska Wes
leyan, termed the meeting "an
opportunity to determine the
extent of student interest in
Other sponsors of the meet
ing include Prof. A. Stuart
Hall, chairman of the Univer
sity economics department;
Gerald Henderson, assistant
director of the Malone Com
munity Center; and Mrs. Lor-
j sissippi would vote if they
could and it can add a new
dynamism to the Negro move
ment in Mississippi by giving
Negroes there a sense of com
mon purpose, a glimpse of po
tential statewide strength they
Alabama Letter
Off Table Today
A resolution concerning a
letter to the University of
Alabama on the oath required
by students is due to come
off the table today at the Stu
dent Council meeting, accord
ing to Susie Pierce, second
vicepresident The oath
re -
quires that students refrain
from writing anything con
cerning the racial situation.
There will also be a report
from the committe investi
gating student discount cards,
said Miss Pierce.
Representation on the fac
ulty committees for space
utilization, social and athletics
will also be discussed by the
Taste plays an important
Eart in judging the superior
rands of foods. Natural sug
ar and syrup content may va
ry with locality, said George,
and the department's tests in
clude the determination of ac
tual sugar content.
Drained weight or specific
gravity, from which cost per
ounce can be calculated, is
tbea determined.
When asked if cost played
as great a role in the depart
ment's final choice as quali
ty, George replied, "Both
have their place. When the re
ports of our tests are evalu
ated, we find that we buy
within the range of choice and
Food tests are necessary
each year, although minimum
standards have been set by
the federal government, be
cause the great variation of
quality and price from year
to year.
Variation on the part of the
judges is slight ''It's surpris
ing how consirtent their re
ports are," said George.
raine Wilson, a Lincoln house
wife. When questioned as to
whether there would be a n y
connection between the pro
posed student chapter and the
Lincoln group, Prof. Richard
Gilbert, University associate
professor of chemical engi
nering and a member of the
political action committee of
the Lincoln NAACP, said
there would possibly be some
coordination between meet
ings of the two organizations,
but that the student chapter
would not be a part of the
Lincoln chapter.
The NAACP, according to
the pamphlet, "Understanding
the Policies of NAACP." is
"opposed to segregation of
any form and strongly favors
integration in-every phase ofj
American life included in the i
categories of education, hous-i
ing, health and welfare, civil:
rights, political action, legis-!
lation, labor and industry,!
Veterans Administration, fo
reign policy and racial t e n-
AH interested students un-
November 7
Kick-Off Date
Set By AUF
The All University Fund
(AUF) annual fall student
drive will campaign Novem
ber 4-25.
Results of a poll taken in
all living units designated the
five charities that will be so
licited for in order to attain
this year's goal of $5,740. The
charities include the Holt
Adoption Program, Nebraska
Cancer Society (Eppley Foun
dation), Nebraska Heart As
sociation, Nebraska Mental
Health and the American
Foundation for the Blind.
All presidents and AUF rep
resentatives of organized
houses and residences will at
tend a kick-off dessert No
vember 7. Dr. Robert Man
ley, the guest speaker, will
officially sponsor and kick off
the drive.
The main event of the drive
is the AUF-ul Ugly Night
Dance Nov. 22, featuring the
Sig Ep combo. Other features
will be a car wreck, a gamb
ling casino, a jail booth, a for
tune teller and more booths.
At these booths one may vote
for Activities Queen and for
Mr. AUF-ul Ugly. They wffl
be announced that night and
i. t u
Mr. AUF-ul Ugly.
Interviews for the Activity
Queen will be November 7.
Seven finalists will be selected
for interviews to be held Nov
ember 14. There will also be
a required meeting for all
AUF-ul Ugly candidates Nov
ember 17.
Tickets for this activity will
be on sale during the week of
I Nov. 13.
i. M '
FOOD TASTE TEST Home economics students at
the College of Agriculture and Home Economics taste
unlabeled samples of fruits and vegetables as part of
the University Purchasing Department's ei tensive eval
uation. All canned goods bought by the University are
rated prior to purchasing.
able to attend Friday's meet
ing may contract Mrs. Bul
lock at 432-8148 or Dr. Gilbert
at University Extention 2752
for further information.
Rush Book
The possibility of a com
bined rush booklet by Panhel
lenic was considered Monday.
The book would save the in
dividual houses quite a large
sum of money, pointed out
Barb Bosse, secretary. The
postage would be combined
and also the larger number
would cut down on cost
The possibility of houses in
serting notes to rushees in the
individual booklets would be
The book would probably al
low four to six pages to each
house, with individual repre
sentatives in charge of each
house's section.
Some of the representatives
felt that there would be a pos
sibility of losing individuality
and a personal approach. It
was also pointed out that
houses usually send only to
those rushees in whom they
are interested and that they
would now be going to every
one going through rush.
Representatives were to
take the idea to their respec
tive houses Monday night to
find out their feelings. Further
discussion will be held after
the houses feelings are dis
covered. Bill Buckley, president of
Interfraternity Council IFC
spoke to the group and asked
that they find three or more
girl? who would be interested
in serving as representatives
of Panhellenic on Fraternity
Management Associa
tion FM). The representa
tives were to ask for vol
unteers in their houses.
Air Lines Offers
Discount In Rates
Frontier Air Lines is ex
perimenting on five college
and university campuses in
Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah
and New Mexico with a pro
gram of campus sales rep
resentatives. The representatives are full
time students who devote part
of each week to develop stu
dent travel by air.
The University's campus
Sales Representative is Ed
win F. Connerly, a senior
majoring in economics.
In order to promote air
travel, Frontier Air Lines it
sponsoring a youth fair which
offers students between the
ages of 12 and 22 a fifty per
cent discount on any first
class regularly scheduled
flight throughiout the year.
Reservations can be made ia
f Ii 1
' if