The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1963, Image 2
ft' Monday, Oct. 14, 1963 HOMECOMING: Minus A Band? Homecoming, one- of the biggest events during the fall on college campuses, is just two short weeks away and houses are beginning to get red, green, blue and purple fing ers from twisting and stuffing crepe paper. Through all of the busy, confusing preparation for Homecoming, apparently one obvious question has gone unnoticed by the student body. That question is "What band is playing for the Homecoming Dance?" In past years, the announcement of the selection of a band has been made at least three weeks before the dance. Lack of posters, Daily Nebraskan articles, tent cards, and other publicity devices points a big finger to this absence of information. Trying to get the news from any Corn Cob member is trying to pull hen's teeth. You can't. Probably no secret on campus has ever been kept better than this one. Does the Corn Cob who made the announcement at Friday's pep rally really expect to sell a lot of Homecoming Dance tickets just on the 'basis of his speech. That an nouncement was probably the most general pep talk ever given on the University campus. It was also missing one of the most important selling points of Homecoming Dance tickets . . . that of a name band playing. All sorts of ideas come to mind because of this cloak of silence regarding the band. Are tlhey having trouble signing a band? Is the band good, or is it more of the quality that houses get to play at woodsies? Is there going to be a band? But confidence in the ability of Corn Cobs to get a band brings ns back to reality. We are sure that they have a band and probably a good one, but why don't they tell us? Logic would tell us that this would hurt sales rather than help because most students are busy planning the week end. If there is not a good band to keep them here for the dance, other parties and events are going to be planned. If there is a good reason why Corn Cobs cannot tell us who the band is, then maybe they can tell us why this is so. If not, let's see that announcement in the Daily Nebraskan or any other media soon. SUE HOVIK LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS -sJH' VOll IN THE BiteX. 1 11 TrT WITH ti5 VM- TO The Daily Nebraskan JOHN MORRIS, msnoirlng editor: flTTE HOVIK, news editor; STEVE RY P9Hl.. 8,,S,E SMITHBERGKR, GRANT PETERSON, senior staff wrlteras LARftY ASMAN, MARV McNBPF, GARY MILLER, FRANK PARTKCH, 8HARI JOHNSON. Junior staff writers; PATTY KNAPP, ARNIK GARSON, copy dltorai HAL FOSTER, Photographer, MICK ROOD, porta editor; MIKE JEF FREY, circulation manager, JIM OICK, subscription manager; BILL GUN LICKS, BOB CUNNINGHAM, PETE LAGE, business assistant. Subscriptions rates K per semester or $5 per year. Entered u aecond class matter at the port ollioe In Lincoln, Nebraska, Bnder the act of August 4, 1912. The Dally Nebraakan it published at Room SI. Nebraska Union, on Monday. Wednesday. Thufsday, Friday by University of Nebraska students under the Jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications. Publications shall he tree from cen orahlp by the Subcommittee or any person outside the University. Members of the Nebraskan are responsible lor what they cause to be printed. DAILY FMASTO .11DS flEPtMEHS Drop in at room 51, Student Union fe M it frr .LlBJMIIItlMM-iLITni" OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday Through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Why Wait? Get Your Hoir Cut By Appointment. 20 North 48th 434-3416 In The Hollywood Bowling Alley rvlT fTm, 5. & Mu M&h-W Sammy Pseucfo Intellect Who Laughs At Society WUU ilNt AAV v,DMC IV- TOVJ rt Sfc 1 WIUU SIM6- MY SOMS- IF. You DOMY PLE.. odd os and e fronds by susan Stanley Don't ask me how or why, but I am finding myself teaching a Wednesday night charm class at a local com munity center. As if that weren't enough, my guinea pigs are 13 junior high school age girls all screamingly, gigglingly, jabberingty mine. When I undertook the pro ject, I had glorious visions of turning my charges (then unseen, of course . . .) into lovely little ladies, and had even organized a set of lec tures on subjects which seemed the most helpful. Sample: "What Is Charm," (or "How Can You Snare Eddie Glumdal clitch Who Sits In the Back Row In Mr. Barfs Third Period Social Studies Class.") Or, there could have been "Clothing to Suit You," otherwise known as "How to Dress for the Eighth Grade Party Better than that Snotty New Girl Who Gets All Store-Bought-en Clothes." Well, that was a mistake planning anything, that is. To begin with, it's fairly hard to teach all 13 of 'em to be exquisitely mannered when Teacher has every 30 seconds to holler "Can we all be quiet for a minute," which rapidly deteriorated to an agreed-upon code 'Shaddup!" Being very perceptive, I soon ascertained that the lecture method was not go ing to work. Soooo ... I divided them up into three "committees" to write lists of things which, bothered them in r e g a r d to those mystical qualities ( ? ), poise and personality. Then we would discuss the prob lems as a group. All right, fine. Now we had three lit tle noisy groups, instead of One big one, which was progress. I was absolutely amazed at their questions in only six or seven years, I had completely forgotten what had been so terribly crucial in junior hih school. Let's put "it this way: if you were at a party with a bunch of girls and your dress split, what would you do? How can you keep your friends from acting so silly in public? What do you do when for embarrassingly new and feminine reasons, you have to leave the class room immediately and your teacher is a man? Well, it was a nice idea to talk with them about hair styles, clothes, and such . . . Next Wednesday, we're going to talk albout sex. By Michael Young Rowland Sammy Pseudo, the critical intellectual, inhabits every college campus. He is no spe cial physical type, but he is characterized by his skeptical attitude toward all convention al institutions, especially re ligion and society; and he re fuses to become involved in them. One can easily find him in a bull session in almost any dormitory, fraternity house, or local student hang out. He never takes part in any fad that is going around campus, and he participates in few of the accepted campus social activities. Many times he is a lone wolf socially, hav ing few friends. ..Because most college girls are hunting a husband, and have no time for a critical in tellectual analysis of life, Sam my is almost always a male. He may be tall or short, slen der or fat, handsome or ugly. He usually has a look of crit ical mistrust on his face when talking to someone about life or some related subject. His infrequent smiles are colored with more than a hint of de rision. He is not the most likable person on the campus. Sammy's favorite subject for critical analysis is usually religion, especially the par ticular kind that prevails where he is living. He delights in pinning down the pious Christian by refuting his most precious belief, or answering a more mature believer's con viction.with a defiant, "Prove it!" He reads everything that he can find on religion which he feels merits his time and consideration. His method is to find fault, not to find some thing in which he can plSce his trust. He usually feels that truth can never be known for sure, and that it is his job to prove this fact to everyone else. He does not profess belief in any religion, and he dismisses everyone else's con victions as "blind emotion, alism." "You can't accept everything you've been taught," he says. "You have to think for yourself.' When not criticizing religion, Sammy criticizes society or, more correctly, people who constitute society. "Look at those phonies! They're all blind conformists!" he says of fellow students who are cheer ing the team on at a football game. "I wouldn't join a union for anything. They just cost money and stir up trouble." He makes these, comments about striking workers walk ing a picket line. Seeing peo ple come out of church, he says, "Look at all the phonies! They're no better than I am, and they know it. But would they admit it? Never!" Al though he is a part of society, he never finds cause to criu icize himself. As one learns more about Sammy, one finds that he is usually not a member of any" organization, nor is he active ly involved in any constructive aspect of campus life. He would never join a club be cause they are a "waste of time." The only group ident ity he claims is with those of his own kind. He is willing to analyze and criticize some thing intellectually, but he never dares to get personally involved with it in trying to test its validity. Only the cold, calculating approach for Sam my. He cannot afford to sub ject himself to such a humble act as giving himself for a cause. He must stay aloof and not become involved. Sammy may be just passing through a stage in his growth, or his skepticism may be per manent Usually he ac quiesces in his position and conforms to the conventional later in life. Whatever his sit uation, Sammy is seeking an education and meaning for life like everyone else, but he re mains above his "unenlight ened" fellows. Rally Tops Dear Editor: Last week the students at the University of Nebraska had one of the most suc cessful rally parades in the history of the school. It was conducted in an orderly manner and well represent ed by all living units. This attitude shows that tSie students can cooperate and handle themselves in a manner which is accept able to all concerned. On behalf of the Yell Squad, Corn Cobs, Tassels, the band and the Univer sity Policy, I wish to con gratulate students on a job well done. Let's keep up the good work. Doug Busskohl, Yell King P Oill 1 wli W ff 'M60INSTOHAVTOSTOP I I I SET 50 DEPRESSED I WATCHING THOSE LEAVES FALL CAN'T SLEEP NI6HT5 .' ! J I I , Sattk- Use Nebraskan Want A s WE NEVER CLOSE PERMANENT-TYPE FREEZE I GAL DIVIDEND BONDED GAS 16th fir P Sts. Downtown Lincoln CHEMISTS - B. S. M.S. & Ph.D. IF you are dedicated to renenrch, come to an expanding organization where basic research provides a solid foundation for the program; where recog nition for accomplishments brings opportunities for new projects and pro grams to challenge the future; and where you have the opportunity to pursue fundamental discoveries or follow their expansion into more applied fields. IF you dettire U, he associated with a research center internationally reo uized, small enough to give attention to individual growth and advance merit and at the same time part of a large organization offering many bene fits, such as diverse research projects appealing to particular interests, free dom to exchange ideas and results, and recurring opportunities for Liglier positions either here or elsewhere: IF your objective is one or all of these; To specialize in a chosen field and to build scientific status for yourself To grow professionally through your work and study, stimulating semi nars, and advanced lecture courses by visiting professors and other leading scientists To advance vertically in the same line of work us fast and as far as your ability will take you To present papers before national and international scientific meetings To enjoy the advantages of freedom to publisb IF these are your goofa, then join us and advance your career in challeng wg basic and applied research on the derivatives, reactions, structure and general physical and chemical properties of organic cliemical raw materials. Sign yp for interview with our representative on October 18, 1963 At Your Placement Office Or Write to NORTHERN REGIONAL RESEARCH LABORATORY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1815 North University Street Feoriu, Illinois CI 004