The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1963, Image 1

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    I NiVEkSiVY K ;
LIB.r.AR '
Vol. 77, No. 7 The Doily Nebraskon Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1963
Mh Official Speaks:
Afeiv Programs Weeded
For Fxcionge StorJens
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Sehwartl is
Special Assistant for the Interna
tional Commission of the United Stales
Notional Student Association and has
been In charire of various International
rumpus programs at the University of
By Mike Schwartz
All across the United
States, student leaders and
student governments are
pushing for a change in their
international campus pro
grams. As witnessed by the
discussions on campus inter
national programs held dur
ing the 16th National Student
Congress at Indiana Univer
sity this summer, student
leaders realize that the old
standard types of internation
al programs such as interna
tional nights, Brother-Sister
programs and foreign student
teas, are not fulfilling the
needs of anyone on campus.
The reason for the concern
of these campus leaders is
that today we are living in a
world in which all nations
have closer ties than ever be
fore, whether these ties be
friendly or not. We are not
just part of the world, but the
world is part of our daily lives
and is something which we
cannot really escape.
THIS MUST BE important
to us, because of the role of
the United States in this new
and different world; and be
cause of the role of each and
every citizen of the United
States in the actions of our
country. One purpose of uni
versity training, under the
American theory of educa
tion, is the creation in each
student-citizen the awareness
of the role which he is to play
In his 'society and his world.
Since 1898 ,the United States
has become increasingly im
portant In world affairs, and
the people of the U.S. have
played with the responsibility
thus thrust upon them, some
times taking a great interest,
sometimes trying to escape
from it all by hiding from it.
If awareness of the interna
tional scene and the ability to
grasp its basic concepts and
use them is part of the re
sponsibility as a citizen, and
the educational system is giv
en the responsibility to devel
op these qualities, then the
university has a responsibili
ty to either develop or encour
age the development of stu
dent interest or awareness in
international affairs. This be
comes an issue of education
al policy, of the role of the
university in the society, the
Lights Did Not Solve
Campus Traffic Mess
Last week two University
students were struck by a
car at 14th and S.
This and other near pedestrian-vehicle
collisions at this
corner have drawn much crit
icism of the traffic signals at
this intersection.
According to City Traffic
Engineer Robert Holslnger,
$1,000-$2,000 was made avail
able last Spring to correct,
at least partially, this prob
lem. The money was to be
spend for Installation of a
"scremble system," to allow
safe pedestrian crossing.
Events, which led up to the
proposed system were:
Serious traffic conjection at
14th and S. was noticed on
Aug. 1, 1962, by Eugene Mas
ters, captain of the Univer
sity police department. To
help relieve the situation,
parking was prohibited on the
west side of 14th on Sept. 20.
After consultation with Cap
tain Masters and Mr. Carl
Donaldson, business malinger
of the University, a proposal
of corrective measures was
sent to the director of public
works on Nov. 15. The pro
posal to remove the un
neetlcd 14th and T stop-liftOit
and Install another at 14th
and S to handle traffic, now
enc-way, around the faculty
structure of the univerity in
relation to the first two items,
and many other items, and
many other questions.
there is another factor added
to all this, one which can be
both an aid to international
programs or a troubling mat
ter all by itself. This factor
is the foreign student, whose
numbers and importance are
steadily increasing. Both stu
dents and university adminis
trations have become in
creasingly concerned with the
problems of the foreign stu
dent, as witnessed by the con
tinuing re-evaluations and re
directions of the programs
during the past few years.
The student concern in this
area is, and should be, in the
currlcular and co-curricular
aspects of the university ex
perience of the student body
The university has the re
sponsibihty to provide the
students with the opportunity
to study all areas and ques
tions dealing with internatlon
al affairs, history and meth
ods on whatever level the stu
dent chooses.
MENTS can and should be in
strumental in this kind of
work. With the help of gradu
ate students or professors,
they can begin study groups
or similar groups. They can
work with already existing
campus groups to aid these
people to reach the campus.
Student governments also
have a wide range of national
organizations which can help
them in building a campus in
ternational program. Among
these, the United States Na
tional S t u d e h t Association
(USNSA) is developing a se
ries of mailings on the politi
cal backgrounds and student
involvement in various areas
of interest.
By encouraging academi
cally-o r i e n t e d internation
al programs, the student gov
ernment can tap tne ever-
expanding resources of the
university in student affairs.
Engineers Show
Two Safety Films
Two electrical safety films,
Anatomy of an Electrical
Shock and Rescue Breathing,
are being shown by the stu
dent branch of IEEE and
Beta Psi chapter of Eta Kap
pa Nu today and tomorrow
at 2 p.m. in 217 Ferguson
Innrblnir nrpn north nf 14th
and S. This was done.
The following April, Mr.
Dale Redman, then chairman
of the student traffic appeal
board contacted the traffic
department about solutions to
the campus pedestrian prob
lem. One suggestion was to ap
peal to each student and fac
ulty member to make an in
dividual effort to help correct
the problem, since they make
up most of the traffic in this
area during the school year.
Another possible answer to
the problem was the above
mentioned "scramble sys
tem," which, If installed,
would have provided students
crossing at 14th and S with
a periodically traffic-free
crosswalk, absent of all ve
hicle movement.
Redman received a propos
al for the traffic department
recommending the "scramble
system". The proposal was
then presented to the traffic
appeal board. The board re
jected it due to unfavorable
student opinion.
On May 1, Holsinger's office
received the following mes
sage from the board: "Aban
don scatter light at 14th and
S. Can't see lights from both
directions at that intersec
tion. There is a great deal ot
animosity towards the proj
ect." Holslnger abandoned the
plan as asked.
Dye, Pittenger Sorry
About Ticket Mixup
University of Nebraska Ath
letic Director Tippy Dye and
Ticket Manager James Pitt
enger, Tuesday, expressed
"sincere regret" and apolo
gized to Cornhusker students
caught in the 1963 football
ticket squeeze and relegated
to bleacher instead of sta
dium seats.
"We sincerely regret this
unfortunate situation," Dye
said. "It was entirely unfore
seen and we thought we had
protected the students with
enough tickets. However, we
did not forsee such a tre
mendous increase, either in
public or student sales, and
therefore offer apologies to
the Nebraska student body."
Pittenger, who joined Dye
in the apology, explained
that he allotted 10 per cent
more space for the student
body this year, adding, "But
obviously that wasn't nearly
"Public season ticket sales
jumped from 10,000 to a rec
ord 17,000," he noted,
"something we've never had
"We have one of the high
est percentages of student
sales among colleges," Pitt
enger explained. "And since
we usually set a large per
centage, we guessed 10 per
cent increase would be suf
ficient. We were wrong and
we apologize.
Pittenger pointed out that
estimating just how many
student tickets will be sold
is a hazardous job.
"Minnesota, with a student
body of more than 30,000,
reserved 17,000 for the stu
dents," he hstid. "Then they
sold only about 15,500 -meaning
there were some
1,500 available seats which
could have been sold else
where. They were caught in
the bind of already having
sent the tickets to season
buyers which were in poorer
locations, thus causing non-
students to wonder why so
many seats were saved for
"It is a difficult job be
cause you never know for
sure," he added. "We will al
ways try to do our very best
to serve the students, we
were wrong this year, we
apologize and we will make
every possible effort to pre
vent such a situation from
arising in the future."
Pittenger Speaks
To Council Today
James Pittenger athletic
ticket manager, will speak to
the Student Council today at
4 p.m. in the Pan American
room concerning the seating
in the football stadium.
A motion calling for preven
tion of reoccurence of the
seating problem is now before
Council. This motion will be
discussed today. Students con
cerned with the problem are
urged to attend the meeting,
according to Mike Barton,
Council publicity chairman.
Gov. Pushes
School Color
Governor Frank Morrison
has issued a proclamation urg
ing the wearing of scarlet
wearing apparel by fans at
Cornhusker athletic events.
This proclamation came
about after the Extra Point
Club began a campaign to the
same effect. Charles Roach,
president of the Extra Point
Club, said, "The purpose of
this is to boost pride of the
Cornhuskers In the state and
to add color to the Stadium.
The Governor'! proclamation reads as
follows i
"Whereas the school colors of the
ITnlverslly af Nebraska an scarlet and
cream t and
Whereas the Fttro Point flub In
anppert of the ITnlverslly of Nebraska
Athletic Neholsrahlp rorem has rerot
nlsed and offlelallr proclaimed a need
for an extensive, display or school colors
to enhance the spirit and tradition of
the University of Nebraska and the Mat
f Nebraska: '
"Now, therefore, f. Frank B. Morrison.
Oovarnor af fte Mate or Nebraska, do
hereby nrre support thereof by the
wearing apparel by the fans at Corn
husker athletic events. !
"In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set by hand and caused the Real of this
Office to be affixed. 1
"Done at the Mate Capitol, Mnnoln.
Nebraska this twenty-seventh day af
entember In the Year of Oor Lord One
Thousand Nina Hundred and Sixty Thrt."
By Frank Partsch
Junior Staff Writer
The 1963 University budget,
as seen from a College Dean's
point of view is only a thing
of the present, with problems
lurking in both the immediate
and the long-range future.
With one exception, the
deans of the University col
leges think that not enough
was allowed for expansion
and development to cope with
enormous enrollment in
creases predicted for the Uni
versity. Their general con
sensus was that the salary
problem is temporarily ead,
but that many more quality in
structors must soon be added
to the already overworked
Walter E. Militzer, dean of
Innocents Reveal
Display Pairings
Innocents Society announced
the entries for their 1963
Homecoming display contest
today. Homecoming is set lor
October 26 when Nebraska
plays Colorado.
As was the case last year,
there will be a Men's, Wom
en's and a Joint Division. Last
year's winners were Alpha
Xi Delta in the women's Di
vision, Delta Upsilon in the
Men's Division and Theta Xi
Alpha Omicron Pi in the Joint
This year however, dormi
tory groups will be judged in
the Joint Division whether
they combine with another
house or not. Bill Ahlesch
wede, Innocent, said that this
is necessary because of the
greater numbers of peo
ple able to work on a dormi
tory display.
Dormitory groups, single or
combined, will be allowed
the $300 spending limit previ
ously allowed to paired
houses. The limit for single
houses, excluding dormito
ries, remains at $200.
Entry fees and display
By Marv McNeff
Ag News Editor
Almost 4,000 passengers
used the University 'sAg-CiS;
campus bus service during
the first week of operation.
Daily total passenger num
bers were: Monday-741,
Tuesday-722, Wednesday-966,
Thursday 715, and Friday 779.
The route already has a
good reputation among the
Lincoln City Busline's driv
ers, for Donaldson reported
they had made remarks about
the passenger's good conduct.
The high figures indicate
that the service is fully ac
cepted by the students, Don
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BUSSES TO AG Don Barber, Ag campus Junior, and
discuss the merits of the new Ag-clty cumjms bus service.
the College of Arts and Sci
ences, said that the funds ap
propriated to the college by
the Nebraska Unicameral
this year fall far below the
necessary amounts for ade
quate salaries and develop
ment. In a written statement to
the Daily Nebraskan, Dean
Militzer pointed out that a
university could not expect to
maintain a quality staff unless
it could afford hem.
"Amounts allocated for sal
ary increases are not enough
to meet the competition we
face with other universities,"
the statement said. "Roughly,
we received about half of the
amount necessary to play in
the same stadium with our
sister institutions:
plans are due Tuesday at 5
p.m. in the Innocents mail
box. The entry fee for the
single divisions is $25 and for
the Joint Division, $15 per
house. Dormitories building
by themselves must pay the
$25 fee. Display plans must
include the location.
The entires are as follows:
Joint Division: Farm
H o u s e-Alpha Omicron Pi,
Kappa Sigma-Alpha Delta
Pi, Sigma Alpha Mu-Alpha
Chi Omega, Phi Delta Theta
Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma
Phi-K a p p a Delta, Sigma
Phi Epsilon-Pi Beta Phi, Del
ta Tau Delta-Gamma Phi
Beta, Theta Xi-Chi Omega
Phi Kappa Psi-Alpha Phi,
Sigma Chi-Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Beta Theta Pi-Kappa
Alpha Theta, Alpha
Gamma Sigma-Zeta Tau Al
pha, Residence Association
for Men-Love Hall, Theta
Chi-Sigma Kappa, Sigma Al
pha Epislon-Delta Delta Del
ta, Beta Sigma Psi-Alpha Xi
Delta, Pound Hall-Cather Hall.
Singles: Burr Hall, Pi Kap
pa Phi, Chi Phi, Alpha Gam
ma Rho.
I erincc?
aldson said "Although we
have previously tried to es
tablish the bus route, we had
to wait until the students
themselves let us know they
wanted and required bus
Use of the buses by students
has resulted in a marked
decrease in congestion and
auto travel upon campus
streets. Donaldson said that
before the buses began op
eration a familiar sight was
many slowly moving cars
looking for a parking place.
The Ag and City Student
Unions also benefit from the
bus service, according to Don
aldson. It is Inevitable that
students who arrive early for
"'The amount allocated for
new positions does not begin
to cover what we need for the
increase s in enrollment. If
we finance new staff out of the
funds allocated and from fees
from new students, we will be
forced to have pre-doctorate
instructors and graduate
teaching assistants. This prac
tice will hardly ensure us a
balanced staff and could lead
to a serious weakening of our
Dean Militzer said that lie
college should not mt ly
keep pace with the enrollment
increase, but that many areas
should be expanded. Statistics
labs and increased staff are
especially needed, and the
language department should
also be enlarged.
The development of a
stronger Latin America pro
gram, said Dean Militzer,
would fce a great opportunity
to better international rela
tions. He would like to see
the addition of Portugese lan
guage and to establish closer
ties with El Collegio de Mex
ico in Mexico City. These de
velopments are impossible,
however, with the present
budget appropriations.
The deans of the other col
leges told somewhat the same
story when asked about the
udget. Walter K. Beggs,
Dean of Teachers College,
said that cuts will prevent ad
vancements in TV and elec
tronic devices used in teach
ing. Dean Beggs said that, al
though a member of his facul
ty went to the University of
Illinois for a much higher sal
ary, that the problem was "hot
overly serious in Teachers
College. However, the funds
allowed for staff salaries do
not allow expansion, he said.
Areas in Teachers College
that will suffer the most, ac
cording to Dean Beggs, are
student teaching supervision
and expansion of the gradu
ate program.
Mark Hobson, dean of the
college of Engineering and
Architecture, said that his
college is not at the present
the buses will drop in to the
Crib or Dell for coffee or a
short snack.
A student living on Ag cam
pus said the buses are conve
nient, and with the addition
of the extra buses on Mon
days and Wednesdays, the
over-crowding which existed
the first week has been large
ly relieved, except for the
noon sections, which are still
overcrowded. A Tuesday
noon passenger estimated 100
students on the down-town
trip, crowded on a bus in
tended for 40 passengers.
One more round-trip has
been added after 4:30 p.m. to
provide for students who get
out of labs and classes late in
the afternoon.
Dorothy Schlllt, freshmen,
time faced with the enroll
ment problem "which some
the other colleges face. He
said that the college received
their share of salary funds
but that much expansion or
development is impossible.
Hobsons major concern, he
said, is keeping the staff and
competing hi the teacher
market. He added that the
graduate engineers program
in Omaha would suffer most
from the lack of funds.
These classes, he explained,
were originally self support
ing. Teachers from the col
lege put in extra time to in
struct the engineers.
It was thought that the
program would be Important
in luring out of state indus
tries to locate in Nebraska,
but the Legislature, after con
sideration, approved no funds
funds for its support. 'It is
possible that this project win
die on the vine," said Dean
Hobson, At any rate, expaa
sion of the program is im
possible. "We did reasonably well as
far as salaries are concerned
far as salaries are con
cerned, said Robert D. Gib
son, dean of the College of
Pharmacy, 'and we are now
able to compete for teachers
better than we were in the
Dean Gibson said, however,
that the college faces '"real
problems" in their mainten
ance budget. They were al
lotted the same amount this
year that they have received
for the Tast six years, and
increasing costs for chemi
cals and supplies have great
ly lowered the purchasing
power of this amount. The
staff has had to absorb extra
duties because no funds were
available for the hiring of twe
additional teachers.
The College of Dentistry
will receive a great financial
boost from the Federal gov
ernment if necessary funds
are appropriated by Con
gress, commented Dr. Ralph
L. Ireland, dean of the Col
lege of Dentistry.
The necessary legislation
has already been signed by
President Kennedy, allowing
federal funds to be used for
development of dentistry
schools. In addition, Nebras
ka LB26 will match these
funds with a .25 mill levy.
which is to be used for the
University College of Dentis
try building fund.
Dr. Ireland added that, al
though the college did not re
ceive the amounts they re
quested, they were able to
add to their faculty and
somewhat increase their part
time help, and that the fi- '
nancial situation is favorable
at the present time.
Dr. E. F. Frolik, dean of
the College of Agriculture,
was out of town and unavail
able for comment. Dr. David
Dow, dean of the College of
Law, said that he woud rath
er not comment on budget
Accounting Starts
Honors Program
An experimental honors
course in accounting te being
given this semester to 14 stu
dents who were randomly se
lected form entering fresh
men with high placement
and Regent's exam scores.
The new honors course will
enable the students to com
plete the normal semester of
accounting in one. If the
course proves to be satisfac
tory it will be an asset to
both the University and the
student, said Clifford Hicks,
professor of business organ
ization. By taking this course, the
student who wishes to spe
cialize in accounting will have
a head start. If he decides to
pursue general business, he
will have more time for elec
tives, Hicks pointed out. The
University will benefit because
it will help to alleviate prob
lems which will be caused by
high enrollments in the future.