The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1963, Image 2

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Monday, Sept. 3D, 1963
Crystal Ball Needed
Approximately 900 University students have already
heard the "good" news, or are in the process of receiving
it, that they will not be denied the right to see a Cornhusker
football game so long as they will be happy to sit in the
"knothole" section for $4 less than the student stadium
Apparently the lack of the famous crystal ball caused
officials in the ticket office to misjudge by 900 seats the
number of students that would want to see the Cornhuskers
play this fall. The ticket office set aside an extra 10 of
the seats for students to take care of their estimated in
creased enrollment and desire to see a football game. Since
1,000 faculty tickets were not picked up last year, the office
allotted the same number of tickets for that section with
the assumption that the faculty tickets not picked up plus
the student ticket increase would take care of the number
of students who would wish to see the game.
This is all very admirable, but the question arises as to
why the ticket office officials did not forsee that when the
public in Nebraska and surrounding states were demand
ing tickets at such a frantic and fast pace that naturally
the people most closely associated with the University
. . . students and faculty members, would also be demand
ing more tickets? With the great football record that the
Cornhuskers compiled last year and the accompanying
rumors about spending New Year's Eve in Miami, it is
only natural that more students and faculty members would
wish to see this fall's events on the football field.
Okay, a mistake has been made ... to err is human,
but why do the students of the University have to be the
ones to suffer from this mistake? College football games
are probably one of the most colorful traditions of campus
life . one that all students eagerly look forward to each
fall as part of the fun part of college that they will always
remember. Now due to one mistake, 900 students will be
able to attend these exciting traditions, but will lose most
of the spirit of the game by having to be separated from
the student body as they sit in the stadium seats. Seats that
students in the bleachers rightfully should have also.
Yes, they will be able to see. Any action, that is, which
occurs in that end zone out to the 20 yard line. But the feel
ing that comes with standing with rest of the students to
sing "There Is No Place like Nebraska . . ." will be lost.
Students will go with a negative attitude, and rightfully so,
and the welcomed tradition will become a little dimmer
in the minds of these.
For those of us who do not ct about the sentimental,
traditional aspect of football games and the joint student
body spirit that comes with them, will also be able to cri
ticize this new arrangement from the social standpoint.
Pledge football functions, a longtime tradition on the NU
campus for getting freshmen better acquainted with others.
will now end. Pledge classes will no longer be able to split
up to sit in the sections of the houses because their tickets
will not admit them to the stadium or vice versa.
Upperclassmen, greek or independent, will also find that
going stag to Cornhusker football games will become the
going thing on the campus. This new seating arrangement
is not only going to affect the students assigned to the
bleachers, but will also affect their lavaliermates, pin
mates, fiances, and friends lucky enough to sit in the sta
dium. Homecoming, one of the traditions most respected
and well-liked on this campus, will really be fun for the
"bleacherites" as they sit with their mums and watch their
dates across the way.
What are the possibilities of any of this being changed?
Things do not look too good as James Pittenger, ticket
manager, is quick to point out the mechanics of getting an
other system going. From the way we understand it, a
certain number of general admission tickets are open to
the general public two weeks before every game with first
chance given to people who wrote in as long as nine months
ago. We can understand why they should be given prefer
ence in this area, but why should 900 students be shoved
out because they did not know nine months ago that they
should be writing for Cornhusker football tickets.
The question naturally comes of why the ticket office
could not put these tickets on sale to the "bleacherites" at
the same price it costs the students in the stadium to see
each game. This could be done on a first come, first serve
basis. Again mechanics come into the picture, but possibly
there is some method somewhere that would allow the
tickets not already sent to the general public those after
the Air Fore gameto be sold to the "bleacherites." ....
We sincerely hope that the ticket office will do every
thing in its power and seriously consider all points in order
to possibly give the "bleacherites" the chance to join rest
of the students in watching the team. If the ticket office is
as unhappy about the situation as they claim, and if thev
really have the students' interests first, as they claim, we
we hope they will give this request every consideration.
If mechanics and conditions cannot be worked out, let
the ticket office explain what methods they have tried and
why they have failed. If students know that everything pos
sible was done, it may make it a little bit easier to endure
those bleacher seats.
Her. T. Pucelik, S.T.D.
Tuesdays t 7 p.m. Starts Oct 1
Ber. N. J. VanCreuruven, M.A.
Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Starts Oct. 1
Major Premises of Christian Belief
Rev. R. Hain, S.D.T.
Wednesday at 7 pan. Starts Oct. 2
Inquiu Chute . . . For non-Catholics and Catholics
who seek a clarification of the most fundamental doc
trines of the faith.
CUsiet will meet one night a week for period of eight weeks,
and last about one hour. There are no credits, no feci, do grade!
320 N. 16th
- (I1
Call To Arms
Dear Editor:
To those who would an
s w e r the call to arms
sounded in the fire eat
ing editorial by John Mor
ris I pose the question
Why? Why should I bother
myself with University
problems which adminis
tration can handle quite
'Bari Goldilocks' Group
Tries To Pledge Student
By John Lonnquist
I would like to tell you
about it. Last Wednesday,
I went to the activities
mart and made a mistake.
I wandered too close
(Moral: Never wander, al
ways know where you are
going) to that rabidly up
and fumbling group, uh,
organiz . . ., uh, activity,
muh. the Nebraska Yokels
for Goldilocks, affection
ately known by Crib rats
as the Contented Corn
pickers. Anyway, I did wander
too close. And was grab
bed. And they turned me
around and around until
somebody shook my hand
and stopped me. And they
patted me on the back
and said all sorts of nice
things until I felt all
warm inside. Then I was
honored to meet His al
mightiness, the grand
imperial supreme wizard
state chairman of them.
And I was too dizzy to
run away.
Anyway, I didn't believe
yet so he started telling
me how Barl represented
youth like me, cause we're
all basically conservative
You know, we get
homesick and want to go
back where we came
from. You know, home
. . . mother. This proves
that we're all backwards
uh, conservative, at heart.
Anyway, he told me how
Bari would solve all my
world's problems in three
easy steps, like his ances
tor took care of the three
baris (and she was only
a girl).
There was this cool
miniature tape recorder
on the table too, but it
was just regurgitating . . .
Oh! It was terrible. I
asked about that, and the
grand imperial supreme
wizard said that it w a i
just a speech that the
great Bari had gurgitated
here two years ago . . .
before he had a commit
tee. I'm not supposed to
ask any juniors or seniors
what he said, cause
they're getting older and
Bari doesn't represent
them anymore and they
might say nasty things
about him and I might
lose faith.
Boy did they have
"cooool" hats! And pledge
capably without me? Who
cares what happened to
the 'student' in Student
Union? The seats are just
as soft and the cokes taste
the same.
To those of us who let
George do it, adminis
tration is not the enemy,
but a happy, smiling
George just itching to do
all sorts of nice things for
I've had things handed
buttons. But they must
have been expensive cause
they didn't give me any.
That really hurt my feel
ings cause those hats
were cooool. And I did
want to pledge.
ANYWAY, I thnik they
were just trying to take
advantage of me. And
you know why? Because
they tried to get me to
sign something with small
print. But they didn't fool
me! Boy, . when I per
ceived that line that said
to "Go out and Bari all
nations," I KNEW they
were creeping socialists,
and I ran.
Anyway, they didn't get
a Bari Bumper sticker
on my uh, "bumper."
The Daily
JOHN MOBRIS, mnnf1n dltor; SUE HOVIK, news editor; STEVE BY
SHARI JOHNSON, lunlor stiff writers; PATTY KNAPP, ARNIK CARSON, copy
(rtltorsi HAL KOSTER, Photographer, MICK ROOD, sports editors MIKE JEF
FREY, etrmUUon manager, JIM DICK, subscription msnsswi blLL GUN
LICKS, BOB CUNNINGHAM, PETE LAGE, business assistant.
ftubscrlptlon rate $3 per semester or M per war.
Entered as aecond clasa matter at the poet office In Lincoln, Nebraska,
nder the act of August 4, 1IJ.
The Dally Nebraaku if published at Room SI, Nebraska Union, on
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday by of Nebraska students
under the Jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications.
Publication shall he free from cen or ship by the Subcommittee or any person
outside the University. Members of the Nebraskan are responsible for what
they cause to bo printed.
to me on a silver platter
long enough so that I en
joy it. Why fight the prob
lem? I. M. Apathetic
Light Mixup
Dear Editor:
It was interesting to
note that when two Uni
versity students were
struck by a car last Tues
day, the Lincoln Police
report noted that "the pe
destrians were going
against the light."
Does that same report
also indicate that there is
no possible way for a pe
destrian to cross the inter
section at 14th and S
streets on the green light
without being in the path
of oncoming cars? If a pe
destrian crosses with the
green, going east and
west across 14th street,
he is in the path of south
bound cars which also
have a green light. If a
pedestrian crosses on the
red light he is in the way
of cars going south on the
green light.
I would be willing to bet
that this is the most asin
ine traffic light set up in
the state of Nebraska.
Will it take a death at
the intersection to con
vince the traffic depart
ment that s o m e t h in g
needs to be changed.
Kathy Robertson,
Pound Hall
Tfce Right Way
Individual Determinism
What is The Right Way?
Every .college student won
ders what The Right Way
is, not only for himself, but
for his country. The Right
Way believes that each in
dividual, not the State,
should determine for. him
self his own actions.
Today the individual can
not, to a large extent, de
cide his actions, they are
governed by the authori
tarian power of the State.
Why can a farmer not de
termine the crops that he
wants to raise? Why can a
laborer not determine
whether he wants to belong
to a union?
As Benjamin Franklin
once said, "Those who
would give up essential
liberty to purchase a little
temporary safety deserve
neitiher liberty nor safety."
There are some who feel
that the ideals of Franklin
are outmoded, but it is easy
to see that these words
hold true today as they did
in the days of Franklin.
Let us recall how security
a iiitm in mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiniiiiii inn!
for the finest
Ivy League Flat-Top
Bob's B
1315 P
Bill DeRock Ray Wittrock Dick Olson
at their brand new barber shop
I Ihe Clipper
119 No. 12
i Bob Taylor Rex Hatheway Ron Lubben
I We still have those time-saving appointments
so just give us a call or stop in.
nt Place winner In Nebr. Haircutting Centeit In all three tote- I
I gories Flat top, regular h.c. & special hointyllng, which con-
listt of cutting the hair with a razor & using extreme hot air. 3
slllllllJIJ IIIIllttlllPIIIUIIIMl lllllllt: UMlltlUIIIIIlMMitl IMtllllllf Mtllll IIIMlillttllllllllllf IIMIII lltHIIIIIIIIItls
How come you always buy Keds
Court Kings every Fall? Why
can't you be like me and try
new things -like KEDS' new
the AUTHENTIC Scottish
'Fannich' check, loomed by
Guilford in washable wool, and
Why don't you ever try
new things,
1 o
11 hm?
sr.", ,'S7A',.-'.-yssyvrjf'r""
Jf i I guess I just like ff
i &iir$J Win
Wmf !
lit ' ml
a 1 '' 'J
Sold U. . Kt n lti blut IiImI s'l rtf ltr4 tfailtmsrtf af
United States Rubber
.lllt Csr.tsf, Ht Yoik JO, Htm York
By Steve Stastny
was placed above freedom
at Munich, at Yalta, and
at the recent Moscow test
ban treaty. More than one
third of the world's people
are under slavery due to the
belief that security should
be placed above freedom.
The age of compromise
has not resulted In an In
crease of freedom, but only
in an artificial sense of
A new voice has risen
against this age of per
petual compromise. The
easy road must be replaced
by the Right Way. The
man who says, "Our policy
is to preserve our free
dom," is the leader of this
Right Way Sen. Barry
Make up your own mind.
If you would like to hear
the viewpoint not often pre
sented in many University
classrooms, attend the
Youth for Goldwater rally
tomorrow night at 7 p.m.
in the Pan American Room
of the Student Union.
Future columns will an
swer the questions I have
raised in specifics and not
arber Shop