The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1963, Page Page 3, Image 3
t ..j . at- t Friday, Sept. 27, 1963 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 x C fl 7 V Miss Black Joins Waring FORMER UNIVERSITY COED-Donna Marie Black, Miss Nebraska of 1963 and former student at the Univer sity of Nebraska, has recently signed with Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians. Miss Black and the Pennsyl vanians will start their national tour production, "The Magic of Music", Oct. 8. They will play nightly stands in every section of the country. Inter-Campus Bus Ticket Bus leaves Nebraska Union City Campus hourly 7:05 A.M. through 4:05 P.M. and Burr Hall Ag Campus hourly 7:35 A.M. through 4:35 P.M. Stops and times are subject to change. Bus runs Monday through Friday except on days no classes or exams are scheduled. See schedule of classes 1963-1964. Bus tickets may be obtained from the Student Un ion City and Ag Campus, the Cashier main floor Adm. Bldg. City Campus and Ag Finance office. Fire Prevention Code Could Benefit Campus By DON PONT Daily Nebraskan Reporter The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house on the Okla homa University campus re cently burned, resulting in $100,000 worth of damage. This is the second major fraternity house fire on the Oklahoma campus in less than a year. How is the Nebraska cam pus prepared to prevent such accidents from happening? Graham Spahn, fire inspec tor for Lincoln, and E. W. Simpson Jr., chief of the Division of Environmental Health and Safety for the University pointed out fire safety techniques for Univer sity residents: Unsafe heating plants are a mninr fire hazard. Careless storage of combustible mater ials such as old homecoming display parts around the heating plant increase the danger, he said. Unsafe, inadequate wiring, overfusing, cluttered hallways, and fire exits which are not clearly marked are other dangers. Fraternity members nre often truiltv of emptying fire extinguishers during "horse play," therefore ren dering them useless in case of a fire. Many deaths can be prevent ed if the students formulate an evacuation plan in their own mind so if a' student awakens to the smell of smoke and panics instead of follow ing this plan, his chance of survival is reduced. Party decorations are often a fire hazard. Flammable decorations such as sawdust, hay, and corn shucks, could catch fire long after the party is over because of a cigarette butt that was not quite snuffed out. B'or these reasons oniy fire resistant materials should be used. Simpson said he is very willing to visit sorority and fraternity houses and demon strate the use of fire exting uishers and help them work out a satisfactory evacuation plan in case of a fire. Safety precautions on the part of our students could eliminate a costly fire and most impor tant of all save lives. Campus Calendar The New Guard (Continued from page 2) velop and work towards his full potential worth. If one were to state a gen eral philosophy, this wouia be it. In summary facts and comment is the goal, and if after reading and think ing, you want to take a shot at this corner, do so. But k e e p in mind that your fire may be returned. CLASSIFIED ADS POLICY Classified ads for the Daily Nebraskan must be entered two days in advance and must be paid for in advance. Corrections will be made if errors are brought to our attention within 48 hours. FOR BENT Room-with amis; for mile student. 432-4073. 123 So. 17th. MEETINGS Palladiui Literary Society. Friday nite p.m. Boon 345 Nebraska Union. TODAY Union Film committee will present "Some Came Run ning" at 7 and 9 p.m. in the Student Union auditorium. Nebraska Museum Confer ence at 12:30 and 6:15 p.m. in 241 Student Union. Dean's Tea at 4 p.m. in the Pan American room of the Student Union. Jazz 'n Java at 4 p.m. in the Crib. Palladian literary Society at 8 p.m. in 232 Student Union. Students interested in being tutors in the YWCA Tutorial Project sign up today for interviews from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Y office, 335B, Student Union. SUNDAY Union Film "Sony Came Running" at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union auditorium. People - to - People board meeting at 2:15 p.m. in Stu dent Union. Freshman Tea at 3 p.m. in the Pine Room of Women's Residence Hall. Newman Club supper at 5:30 p.m. MONDAY Meeting for everyone inter ested in varsity or freshman swimming at 4 p.m. in 114 PE building. Unicorn meeting at 7 p.m. in 235 Student Union. Bevy Of Parties End Hectic Week In n effort to forget their first week of classes, students will switch their at tention from buying books to socializing with new and old friends. Today Burr Ball Fedde Han hour dance 6-7 ptn. Delia Tau Delta Alpha XI Delta pledge hour dance Burr Hall hour dance 8-8 p.m. Ag. Union Dance Committee Fall Roundup 8:30-11:30 p.m. Sigma Chi parking lot dance 8:30-12:00 Saturday Kappa Sigma all-pledge class smoker 2-5 P.m. Brown Palare hour dance 7-8 p.m. Phi Delia Theta house party f-U P.m. RAM Independent Mixer 8-U p.m. Selleck Quad Cafeteria. Theta XI house party f-U p.m. Sunday Delta Taa Delta Kappa Alpha Theta pizza feed HIGH MS HOB tlffi WE , , 7 v- (Ml Important Opinion (Continued from page t) Weaver who worked last summer in Washington, D.C.; and Steve Stastny, who isa renowned Republican. Noni Spink, who will put a smile upon this some times staid page, is blessed with the ability to write in a light breezy tone. 1 Rick Spellman, who transferred to the University of Nebraska last year from Cornell University, is entering his second semester as a Nebraska columnist. The Nebraskan is delighted to have these people (al though they, by necessity, have to go unpaid). They are a group interested enough in the campus to tell others about their beliefs. iHilrne, - , '' , ", "l Ufa,,' VI ' If 9 V a v J . T. 'K"' J '' I y,'V ! I 1 14 ' ,4 , - 'Z A. 'j Oy -, . : w- 5. X "A, ISStBHttl -1 i I, i 4 .ajaii-s,;-T ilmmmnn iiiiitiiiiiiiitiiimMlUlU 1111111 iiKlll COMING 0cfkr 11, 1963 at 8:00 P.M. Tickets on Sale Now At Ticket Booth. All Seats Reserved at $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. Peter, Paul it Mary See You At PERSHII1G ! 1 ENGINEERS - SCIENTISTS - AR J. R. DEMPSEY President Y I l fl KRAFFT A. EHRICKE &a&r Ji ' I ' Director of AdVinced Studies V. ' pW I GENERAL DYNAMICS ASTRONAUTICS STORY THOSE CLEAN WHITE ADLERS Now yon're catching on. Just be "clean white sock" in Adlers Suddenly everyone sees you as the man who always knows the right thing to do, even if he decides not to do u. So now's the time to grab a motor scooter and a girl, not necessarily in that order. But firSt,grabtheAdlerSCShrinkcontroUedwooIsock.Inwhiteandacoveyofcolors.$1.00 Available At: GOLDS HOVLAND SWANSON MILLER & PAINE QUENTLVS TOWN & CAMPUS J! 1 ' J - vVy BEFORE YOU DECIDE ON A CAREER ASSOCIATION Listen to the voices of three men who have played key roles in forging Astronautics into a complex of technical and management skills that has become a national resource. It's all on a 33-13 r.p.m. recording and it's yours for the asking. See your placement office for a copy, or visit our representatives who will be on campus soon. If you miss us, write to Mr. R. M. Smith, Chief of Professional Placement and Personnel, Dept. 130-90, General Dynamics Astronautics, 5871 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, California 92112. KAREL J. BOSSART Technical Director .... .. GiltfllD TRONAUnC An Equal Opportunity Zmplaywr mdi.tttim,tmmiMmtt torn