The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1963, Page Page 4, Image 4
Thursday, Sept. 26, 1963 Page 4 The Daily Nehraskan ( OH, VES...I THIMC (TS 5 V VERY FUNNY. I HAVE ACUTE ISWLCHAJOJE I is If j" It ) -jew. ' li I r 4. ' 1 , s 1 M i '-2 Gophers New Foe To Coach Nebraska's gridders are preparing for the unexpected in Saturdays game with the Minnesota Gophers, Husker coach Bob Devaney said Tuesday. Nebraska scouted the Goph ers in their spring game, but according to Devaney, he has no idea what Minnesota has planned during fall practice. Past Gopher teams with considerable heft had gener ally stressed a ground attack and stayed away from wide plays, but this year the Goph ers have more speed and be cause of this, a wide open game wifli a strong passing attack is expected by the Husker boss. Devaney sent the Huskers through a short controlled of fensive scrimmage Tuesday in addition to working on punt returns and punt protection. Wednesday the Huskers went through a limited Bcrimmage stressing defense. In the mean time, the Min nesota Gophers were prac ticing in the rain Tuesday in stead of retreating to the fieldhouse. Although the turf was slip pery, the Gophers got by with out any injuries while drill ing en Nebraska's offensive and defensive football pat terns. Coach Murray Warmaih was still going along with the No. 1 squad without change Tuesday. It includes six sen iors, four sophomores, and one Junior. The Huskers will fly to the Twin Cities Friday noon with a 40 man squad. A workout is scheduled for the Gopher Stadium Friday afternoon. Headquarters for the Huskers squad is the Curtis Hotel Fri day night and the team will return home Saturday after the game. The Gopher-Husker game win draw considerable atten tion from many writers as several M-American candi dates win be on displaying their talents. Gopher Carl El ler and Husker Bob Brown will match talents on oppos ing lines. euro w: 6,-a wr-. . iii. -. - -tiv ' :- 44a f:':-:-:-v',f ffb) :-:-:-v iliMifii'Vift-WimniirrMfirir-friiiiiftrr--it-f niturifwr- r "miirnriMhiMi- POTENT HUSKER Halfback Kent MeCIoughan should aid Nebraska against the Gophers after tallying a pair of touchdowns last Saturday. Intra mm ah Start Friday Program Another intramural sports season is beginning at the Um versity. Some entries are due soon; deadline dates are as follows: Flag "football: Friday, Fall golf: Friday, Tennis: Tuesday Basketball free throw contest: October 7-12, Table Tennis: October 15, Basketball: No vember 5, Handball: Novem ber 12. The entry fee per team in flag football (8-man) is $20 per team, which must be paid to the Intramurals Office in the Men's Physical Education Building (14th and Avery) by Friday, S p.m. Officials will follow the "Of ficial Football Rules," edited, published and copyrighted by the National Federation of State High School Athletic As sociations. These rule books can be purchased in any sport ing goods store. Those wishing to officiate will find a list of officials on the intramurals bulletin board in the P.E. Building. Officials receive two dollars per game if you want your pay you MUST complete payroll forms in 102 P.E. Building. The entry fee should accom pany the team's roster of play ers. Each team will be respon sible each game for providing one official. If a team fails to secure an official, this may result in forfeit of the game by that team. Cancelled games, if any, can be replayed if the team man agers can find a suitable time and place. (Such rescheduling must have the approval of Mr. Ed Higginbotham, Director of Intramurals.) The cancella tions are only by the Intramu ral Office or the Field Super visor. Team captains must fill out the scoresheets after each game with each player's first and last names or forfeit the game. The officials will sign the scoresheets after checking them for accuracy. (These records are used by the Daily Nebraskan for w r i t e-ups). Rood Avakening By Mick Rood, Sports Editor , Picture yourself in the Michigan press box in Ann Arbor, Michigan, last year on September 29. Being a Husk er follower, you sit back with a satisfied chuckle as pow erful Bill Thornton runs 16 yards for the last Scarlet touch down and the game clincher. The press box rumbles with mild surprise as a varied assortment of newsmen recognize the possibility of the return of a football giant. A team that perhaps would have to live in the past no longer. Wolverine fans were somewhat shocked. The "seedy" boys from the Midwest had played a tough, hard-hitting football game. Under their new coach, Bob Devaney, the Cornhoskers sported a bevy of fine backs, a host of quick beefy line men, and most important, a high team spirit. , Well, Nebraska continued their excellent football and went on to a successful 8-2 record plus an exciting Gotham Bowl win over George Mira and the Miami Hurricanes. The Comhuskers made a "name" for themselves. And now, you find yourself in a similar press box, on a similar day, and watching two similar teams one being Nebraska, 1963 edition, and the other, Minnesota's Gophers. Can you expect similar results? You are, quite naturally, still a patriotic Husker fan, the scent of oranges in '63 and so on. You speak glibly of the Oklahoma game in November and then, for the mo ment, chat briefly about the rest of the schedule. Oh yes, the Gophers were good last year and the year before, but they have nothing this year. Don't know about their of fense . . . couldn't be too impressive ... a lot of soph omores. In fact, aside from Carl Eller, poor Minnesota has little to speak of. It's about game time and yon gaze down at the field. Watch out, Husker fan! About All-Americans, Nebraska's Claridge, Brown, and Voss are being talked about Glorious, glorious things may befall our stalwarts in the way of grand and prestige-stuffed post-season awards. Why our trio may make all 1,395 of the All-American listings. These illustrious cita tions will come only, however, if several short novels are sent out through public relations, if Nebraska wins nearly all their games, if our candidates play every minute of ev ery game so they might compile every possible statistic in their favor. And, what does this jungle of glory really mean? The point here is that there are few ratings on this order that merit attention any more. Only dose observa- j tion can determine the caliber of an All-American ana there are but several All-American listings that reach be yond the press clippings for their informtaion. Voss, Claridge, and Brown are truly All-American ma terial Regardless of whether these players make the va rious listings, Husker fans should rest assured that Ne braska, if all function up to capability, win have an All American Team this season a team that produces the desired results victory. Now a few thoughtless stabs at this week's action: Ne braska easily after a shaky start over Minnesota; Iowa State romps past VMI; Kansas State to edge San Jose State; Oregon State to puncture Colorado's defense; "Mis souri to lose another tough one to Arkansas; Kansas to nip Syracuse; Oklahoma to send USC out of the ratings; Alabama over Tulane; Georgia Tech to edge Clemson; Northwestern trounces Indiana; Wisconsin by six over No te Dame; LSU over Rice. Florida State to beat Texas A4cM; Penn State over UCLA; Washington by three over Pittsburgh; California over Dlinis. Inrer-Compiis Siii ticker Bus leaves Nebraska Union City Campus hourly 7.-05 A.M. through. 4:05 P.M. and Burr Hall Ag Campus hourly 7i35 A.5.L through 4:35 P.M. Stops and times are subject to change. " Bus runs Monday through Friday except on days no classes or exams are scheduled. See schedule of classes 1963-1964. , .... . .. ... .. Bus tickets may be obtained from the Student Un ion City and Ag Campus, the Cashier main floor Adm. Bldg. City Campus and Ag Finance office. i've Always been a goco 6pq1sx, but i've never been VERV 6CO0ft)fM DEFINITIONS. Welcome Students! Make WARDS at Gateway Shopping Center your Headquarters Come and enjoy our old fashioned HOOTENANNY . Broadcast Live orer KFOR Thursday, September 16, 7:30 p.m. On the Gateway Mall GATEWAY 61st and O Free Parking FOR THE FINEST -1 IVY LEAGUE OR FLAT-TOP Fir$t place winner in Nebraska Haircutting Contest kt all three categories flaHop, regular hx and tpecial hairttyling, which consist of cutting the hob tvith a razor and using extreme hot air. Well onywoy BOB'S BAftfM SHOP 1315 P 435-9323 b UHfifcty gUrf U ste school start gala (pretty slia pkkief 4m sdeels evr) Cuess what? The stork visited as this summer and we now have an addition. The brand new THE CLIP PEE" barber shop located at 119 North 12th. Phone 432-3412. Bi3 DeRock, Bay Withock, and Dick Olson are at Bob's and Bob (the clipper) Taylor, Rex I Lithe war and Bon Lubben are at The Clipper." Q We still have those time-saving appointments so put give us a call or stop in. PfliiP!!ili!!Hltl!! i 5 To) frs R Kll J? We Have The "CORRECT BOOKS" For AH Classes Officially Listed By The Instructors ART; ENGINEERING & HOME ECONOMICS KITS SCHOOL SUPPLIES TOILET ARTICLES SWEAT SHIRTS P if' FOR FRIENDLY AND COMPLETE SERVICE AT THE MOST CONVENIENTLY LOCATED STORE ON THE CAMPUS o QUICK SELF SERVICE o STOP FIRST AT jj &''"tf4 miim fc-iiiniiiiii Lfiiili tWfcWMB n V n ( , r "'! y" X r N CL 3 1245 R Street LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Phone 432-3474 4mmmmmMtHHtfftfcmM?M?Wf$fmtmWttWMtfm Illim ItimilT ,,,tHHt'Utit, UttlMttltM . M.IMMltMttffltMtMtfllllH'MltUHIMHlIHlltHHIMtmiHlMafMM'te..Ml..H..u 1 m