Lsob Cited if? im A Otto II. Liebers, a Lincoln dairy owner whose varied ca reer exemplifies the state's pioneer heritage, will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University at its Summer Commence ment exercises Friday. Mr. Liebers, 76, will be cit ed for his prominent work in agriculture, education, busi ness, and politics. He was born in Kearney County, near Minden, one of a family of nine children. He attended the country school, Minden High School, the Bapt- Otto Liebers 1st College at Grand Island, the School of Agriculture in Lincoln, and the University of Nebraska College of Agri culture. He graduated at the head of his class from the latter institution in 1913. After graduation, Mr. Lie bers joined the Agricultural Extension Service. He be came the first County Agri cultural Agent in Nebraska, and was assigned to Gage County. In 1916, he became the Ag ricultural and Immigration Agent for the Burlington Rail road, Lines West, with head quarters in Denver. In 1919, he returned to Nebraska and became the manager of the Nebraska Dairy Development Society. In this work, he was associated with Dan Stephens of Fremont and Carl Gray, the Union Pacific president, bringing to Nebraska pure- IN (Bllf QllM ' ' ' '' ' ' t mmmmmmmgmmmm iii.iuu.uiw i i...jWih mtv mm n I T , , f r, - -.j rr- ,,,uJIzrz . - J , t JxH r"V5fe I- This strange pattern is formed by looking down on the teachers' rooms In the new quarters of the Extension Division of the fifth floor of Nebraska Hall. yvlii( ' '""m m,,., '"7l , f f It If T " s at ft w This is the reception area A bred dairy cattle for distribu tion to farmers. Shortly after leaving the dairy development program, Mr. Liebers became a land appraiser for the F e d e r a 1 Land Bank. He held this po sition for 15 years. When Mr. Liebers was en gaged in dairy development work, the family lived on a small acreage east of Lin coln, later to grow into the Skyline Dairy operation. Mr. Liebers has been a na tional leader in Guernsey cat tle circles for many years and has served on important committees of the American Guernsey Cattle Club. Throughout his career, Mr. Liebers has been intensely in terested in our two basic re sources water and soil as evidenced by his efforts in developing the Salt-Wahoo watershed project. In politics, he served the 18th Legislative District in five Unicameral sessions, be ginning in 1951. He also served as chairman of the Unicameral's budget commit tee. In 1961, he was named a member of the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement, Commencement Slated for Friday Approximately 425 bacca laureate and advanced de grees will be conferred at t h e University's summer commencement Friday. The ceremonies will be held at 7:30 p.m. in air-conditioned Pershing Municipal Auditori um, with Chancellor C. M. Hardin presiding. Vice Chan cellor Adam C. Breckenridge will serve as master of cere monies. The Rev. Alvin J. Norden, pastor of University Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, will be chaplain. Prof. Conrad Morgan will play the organ, and Leland Flickinger of Lin coln will be featured baritone soloist. As has been the practice in recent years, there will be no commencement speaker.. :,. : r.i f-wmir .... ..w, 1 of the main office room of the i. Tuesday, July 30, 1963 Union Crib Will Be Remodeled About 100 seats will be add "ed to the Union's Crib, ac cording to Robert M. Barnes, assistant director of the Ne braska Union. The Nebraska Union is to undergo renovation and rear rangement during August. The main door of the Crib, which is now on the north side, will be relocated on the west side, approixmately six feet from the northwest cor ner. Barnes said it is hoped that this move will eliminate the congestion which, in the past, has formed in the lob by. The present door will be come a display case. The large partition that is now located in the center of the Crib will be placed on the east side so that it sep arates the cafeteria line and the seating area. The rearrangement will en able another 100 seats to be added to the present 280 seats. Barnes said the Crib will also be refinished and repainted; however, the color scheme will remain the same. The present TV Room will be made into an Activities Room which will house the offices of the Union Program Manager, Student Activities Fund, and the Co-ordinator of Student Activities. Other changes announced by Barnes are: The southwest corner of the Main Lounge will be par titioned and become the new TV Room. The Student Council Of fice will be moved from a single room on third floor to several rooms on second floor. The new Occupational Placement Office will occupy what is now a meeting room and two conference rooms on third floor. ' ' ' i . . '- 64. .. '-M dm i : - ' " f f L..-, - ... Extension Division. ' 'put I I ' I 1 ' ' 1 Theme For Summer Session ditd si II II By JOHN KESSEL "The University owes stu dents the concept of a world community of nations," says Frank E. Sorenson, summer cpccinnc Hirpofir "and ' We designed a summer-long pro gram to help students acquire an exposure to our smaller world of 1963." Dr. Sorenson, reviewing midwesterners isolationist desires of the past, stated this week that it has been of personal interest to faculty planners to bring leaders to the University to share idtas relating to the philosophy ' of government, and techniques of international relations, (along with leading personili- Dr. Frank Sorenson ties in those areas. Notables on campus includ ed a briefing team from the United States Department of State, headed by U. Alexis Johnson, deputy undersecre tary of state for political af fairs, in mid-June. Sorenson arranged the brief ing as another in a series of programs, initiated last year with the appearance of Ches ber Bowles, to make possi ble convocations investigating 1 ii 4 XI' f V '4 4 I ' i . .I 1 y ,7 f I i 4 ? ;' r If I Hi j ft ' y This Summer Nebraskan e r the various facets of Ameri ca's foreign policy. Once again the conference made possible the invitation of state senators, foreign repre sentatives and statewide press delegations to talk first hand with top policymakers from the nation's capital. The University served other Nebraskans during summer months as well. Nearly 500 youthful representatives of 300 cities and towns made the campus their headquar ters to take part in annual Girls and Boys State activi ties under sponsorship of the American Legion. Delegates participated in political cam paigns, elections, tours, and mock law-making sessions. New Placement Department oss Describes By RICHARD HALBERT All placement bureaus with in the University, with the exception of Teacher Place ment, are being consolidated under one office, state Vice Chancellor G. Robert Ross. ''In its broadest sense the new department will be a ca reer planning center," said a University spokesman. It will assist the graduating student not only to get a specific job, ! but to choose the type of job. It will also give advice on continuation of education. A Director of Placement will head the new depart ment. It is expected that the new director will be an nounced Friday following the Board of Regents meeting, stated Ross. The Director and a staff of three secretaries will be located on the third floor of the Nebraska Union, said Ross. The office will havft in This view looks across the new typography laboratory room of the third floor of Nebraska HalL 'WW. ,-. VZ" I 7 " -9 f xi fv room will be the news laboratory for the School of Journalism. Other All State activities included workshops in art, drama, journalism and a number of musical perform ances. Highlight was a visit by Loyal Gould, sole Associ ated Press correspondent possessing credentials for news coverage from' behind Europe's Iron Curtain Continuing the plan to bring the outside world to the cam pus, faculty officials wel comed R. Sargent Shriver, Peace Corps Director, to the campus July 18 for another major press briefing, convo cation, and luncheon appear ance. Shriver's remarks in cluded praise for the part Ne braskans have played in mak i n g successful America's terviewing cubicles and a li brary which will contain in formationon companies, agencies, vocational fields, and graduate study. "Jobs in industry are not the exclusive training of any particular college," said the University spokesman. The Placement Office will serve as the mechanism for arrangement of interviews with the several hundred companies which come on campus from business and federal and state govern ment, said the spokesman. It will give companies and stu dents opportunities to know each other with the minimum of difficulty. The spokesman added that the office will work closely with the faculty. The Placement Office will prepare credentials on the student which will consist of A Page One world-wide humanitarian ef fort in which Corps vol unteers are engaged. A Latin American briefing followed later in the month when Ambassador Gonzalo J. Facio of Costa Rica discussed Pan American affairs with student audiences in the Ne braska Union. Scientific areas received their share of attention at the Summer Science Insti tute, with 75 educators tak ing part in a study program under the direction of Dr. Wendell Gauger, assistant professor of botany. Purpose of the project was to strength en high school instructors' (Continued on page 4) IB IB It (BO IE personal data, vocational ob jectives, training, and faculty evaluation, said the spokes man. The evaluation sheets will be filled out by instruc tors chosen by the student. The students' transcript will not be released without the students' permission, stated the University spokesman. There will be close co-operation between the new Placement Office and the Teachers Placement Office, said Dr. Frank E. Sorenson, chairman of the Department of Educational Services. "Studies of ways to deter mine the most satisfactory teacher placement service for the University and state will be conducted next year," said Sorenson in discussing the possibility of eventually coming under the central Placement Office. the School of Journalism on