The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 09, 1963, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Tuesday, July 9, 1963
Summer Nebraskan
Page Three
High School Tourneys
Post-Season Tournaments
Have Become Big Business
. v... . , nuuiianni uni
versity dent, reportinc student, hai ex
amined the blr bust new of post-Reanon
fclfh trhool basketball tames tn Nebras
ka. In spite of tbe tact that the basket
ball season Is far past, the story still re
tains reader Interest, especially for Ne
braska teachers whose schools are in
volved In the post season fames.
How would you like to
make $50,000 in three weeks?
That's a mighty sizeable re
turn for such a short-term
period, yet that's the amount
of money the Nebraska School
Activities Association (NSAA)
pocketed from last year's
post-season high school bas
k e t b a 1 1 tournaments. The
NSAA expected to clear a
similar profit this year, ac
cording to C. C. Thompson,
executive secretary of the
The $50,000 income repre
sents only one phase of the
big business of the Nebraska
prep district, regional and
state cage tournaments.
Consider these figures. Last
year, an estimated 180,000 Ne
braskans attended 444 d i s
trict, play-off and state tour
ney games. The NSAA re
ported that the total receipts
from all these cage festivals
were approximately $170,000,
including $59,000 from the
state tourney alone.
State tournament receipts
don't represent pure profit be
cause, just as in a large
corporation, there are plenty
of costs to pay. Thomp
son calculated the total costs
for the state tourney last
year at about $19,000, leaving
the NSAA approximately a
$40,000 portion from this an
nual "March madness."
Those figures represent big
business in anybody's book.
444 Tournaments
This phenomenon of big
business, prep basketball
style, includes the total num
ber of 444 tournaments
games now played in the
post-season scramble for the
roundball titles. There is a to
tal of 416 games prior to the
state cage championship and
28 more in the four classes
during this week's final hec
tic firing for the state crowns.
The most games a team
can play en route to a state
championship is eight. This
occurs in Classes C and D
when a team must win three
district games and two play
off tilts even to qualify for
the state tourney. Maximum
play under the present eight
team state tournament setup
is three games. It's along,
bard grind with three weeks
of almost solid basketball fori
Voters Haven't Requested Change
(continued from page 1)
In his book. One House for
Two, and as late as one year
ago when the School of Jour
nalism published its depth re
port on the Unicameral,
Breckenridge supported the
present system.
To Illustrate his present
position, Breckenridge re
ferred to a speech which be
delivered to the Mississippi
Valley Deans on May 6.
In that talk, he said, "I
have about concluded, after
observing the Nebraska Leg
islaature for nearly seven
teen years, that to have a
stronger state government
than we now have, one which
is more vigorous, one which
can provide settling of issues
at a more accelerated rate
and on a stronger basis, we
should have party govern
ment in tbe legislature, andineea lor me iwo paiue wtine lirst step in the destruc-1
jntil we do we will move
along at a much slower pace
than the people have a right
to expect."
Decision Delay
Breckenridge added
some public issues have had
a longllay in being decided
hwaiidP of thU tun.narti:an
Amone tbe many senators 1
who oppose a change is Sen
v D
Terry Carpenter. Carpenter
said recently that if Nebraska
would elect a governor who
was a leader, the interest in
a partisan legislature would
die down.
Hugo Srb. longtime Clerk
of the Legislature, and a
member of the old bicam
eral, maintains that a par-.
tisan unicameral would "put)
too much power in the bands j
of two small a number." Srb
said that for this reason, he
2 dar cerviee!
Student Prices!
for fvery Occasion
215 North 14th
a team to cop a State Class
C or D championship trophy.
District . Kerional Slate T.
Class A
8 districts
3 games
each ...... 24 i
Class B
8 districts .,
7 games
each .... 56
Cuass c.
7 63
16 districts
7 games
each 112 play-offs 1 8 7 127
Class D
32 districts
fi Samps
each 192 8 play-offs 3 24
7 223
Total for
All Classet 384 32 . 28 444
The total number of admis
sions for the whole series of
these tournaments starting at
the district level and pro
gressing through the regional
to the state was about 180,000
for 1962, Thompson estimated.
Of this total number, 65,000
fans went through the turn
stiles at the state tourney
alone. This figure includes the
37,000 rooters who saw the
Class A games at the Univer
sity of Nebraska Coliseum;
the 16,000 who watched Class
B teams battle it out at Per
shing Auditorium; and the
6,000 apiece at both the Class
C and D tourney locations
the Public Schools Activities
Building (PSAB) and South
east High School.
The remaining 115,000 head
count came from the 64 dis
trict and 16 play-off tourna
ments in the state. This is an
average of 1.400 fans for each
tourney, or 300 people for each
session. Thompson, after this
average district and play-off
attendance was determined,
termed the 180,000 total figure"
a conservative estimate."
The NSAA executive said
that last year's estimate repre
sents the largest attendance
in the 53-year history of the
prep carnivals. He attributed
the increase in attendance to
three reasons:
1. Increased interest.
2. The economic conditions
today are such that people
can afford to go to the tourney
3. There are better high
school gymnasium facilities,
providing larger seating ca
pacities and increased com
forts for the fans.
"The attendance at the state
tournament is dependent to a
great extent, but not entirely,
on the weather," Thompson
The total gate receipts from
all the tourneys last year was
$170,998.61. This figure is al
most identical to the $170,-
would favor a return to two
houses if the partisan system
is introduced.
"There is nothing partisan
about tbe things that are im
portant to the state, such as
schools and highways," Srb
said. A two-party legislature J
would lead to less coopera
tion, more political patron
age, and a large turnover in
state and legislative employ
ees, he added.
Foster stated last week that
nxHicwhrn ovictc an1 that
it was responsible
. . - 1
ior me
Government and Military Af
fairs Committee killing L.B.
12 only a few hours after vot
ing to send it to the floor.
One of the beneficial effects
of a
change. according to wording of the resolution, ex- aid
, would be to force the j pressed their opinion that Burn c
Foster, would be to force the
budget bill out of committee
earlier in the session. The
M 1 , I . M
ue a kuiu uii uk pv.u..(,,iWn i me unicameral Leg- ijpe oiminam.
measure would fore this ac-. Lslature and would cause a But, he cautioned, some
tion, he said. I return of tbe two bouse sys-1 times second degree burns
Legislative Puppet ! tern."
can occur and regular hos
"The way it is now, ihere tv ,.;,. ...... .,., .u mtal care is needed.
has been set up a powerful
?'?Z'2lry " pui-rnting the
flT III I LeS.bP'to
said. He
a fu'''"'
sa,d 0531 .r a
. . , 1.". " .1 X:" 1
mllimi wnillin IMVf in kltu
mittee would have to keep
the memebrs of their party
- i . t.
uuoiiiieu, uiu iiiuui w.
wouia ik
uunc art a j
Foster proposed a rules )
change which would have u
Pizza Steak
Where dining is
a pleasure
620 No. 48
J-S. V L
683.21 total in 1961 but was the
biggest gate receipt total since
the tournament process was
originated in 1911, according
to Thompson.
Class A Districts $ 24.766.83
Class B Districts 24,134.94
Class C Districts '. 21.953.74
Class D Districts 26,149.08
Class C Play-offs 4.3B1.10
Class D Play-offs 11,095.:4
Stat Tournament 58,517.58
Total Gate Receipts $170,998.61
"This figure ($170,998.61)
was larger than we anticipat
ed," he said, pointing out
that there seemed to be a
large amount of interest last
year because of the teams
that were participating.
In the Black
The tourneys have always
been financially in the black
!"to the best of my knowl
edge," said Thompson, who
has served as the NSAA's ex
ecutive secretary since 1955.
How did 1962's gate re
ceipts compare with past
years? In 1936. for example,
the total receipts from all dis
trict, play-off and state ses
sions were approximately
The rate of increase is not
as great as it seems ($170,
000 compared to $11,000),
however. Thompson warned,
"The cost of admission per
individual has doubled in that
length of time. People who
used to travel at 52 cents
a piece, now don't bat an eye
lash at $1."
Taking the doubling factor
into consideration, a readjust
ed 1936 figure at today's
prices might show a $22,000
intake, still far below last
year's $170,000 total.
The $59,000 receipts from
the state tourney more than
offset the $19,000 costs which
the NSAA paid to run off the
three-day fireworks. Thomp
son said the state tourney
costs include: $300 for eight
trophies: $100 for five basket
balls; $11,500 for team re
fundswhich covers team
traveling, lodging and food
expenses; $2,000 for officials,
including 16 referees and nu
merous scorers and timers;
$3,050 for other personnel, in
cluding custodians, ticket sell
ers, ticket takers and ramp
guards; $1,000 for rent for the
playing sites other than the
Coliseum, which is rent-free;
and miscellaneous, S600, in
cluding printing costs.
The NSAA draws only a
small percentage of money
from the district and regional
tourneys as most of the re-
to release the budget earlier
in the session, but the meas
ure was killed by the Rules
Regent Val Peterson has !
publicly given support to a
partisan legislature on
grounds that Nebraska's gov
ernment would function much
more effectively.
ST "Democrat j versfty Student Health Center.
National Committeeman Ber-1 Anyone who is water ski
nard Boyle and State Chair-1 m should be especially care-
man Rtiecoll llancnn alnnir
... ... .....
wun ittpuniican national
- r,
sinn iiirmn nnnvra
Denney. can be seen with your eyes
The 33 senators who voted ! and watering of tne eyes ac
fnr i.m v haiA hv thu companies the burn, Dr. Nel-
pressed their opinion that
"the election of Legislators
on a partisan basis would be
... ... .
present system -Ras warked
mflividual member in each
Legislative District;" and
11,31 re have been no re-'
l - i t . ....
quesu ay me ranx ana me
iof the voters of Nebraska to!
'-Ichanee from 9 ntin.nurtimn
Lcekiaturc "
W '
SUNDAY, 9:30 A.M.
University Liit!iran Cliajw-I
(Lutheran Church-M Usouri Synod)
13th & O A. J.
hi W l
?i m ' fk .c&
h,h:.ilW'3? n ml v
.J:uf Ar( jQ ul
fi t ? .siA - y. , i,r .J
MASS CHEERING CONFUSION The Herman cheering section vigorously supports their
high school tournament supporters.
ceipts go to the competing
schools. Likewise, the NSAA
office handles very few of the
costs involved in running
these sessions.
Organization's Expenses
Specifically, the organiza
tion does pay for the district
trophies, which cost $32 for
each tourney in the 64 dis
tricts or about a $2,000 ex
pense, Thompson said. He al
so estimated the cost of offi-
! U f- nt .Wit
$13,000 and balls at $1,300,
but these are paid for by the
schools in the districts. Like
wise, the team refunds are
awarded by the district or re
gional officials in charge.
If a district or playoff tour
ney results in a financial
gain, then the teams get their
expenses paid and divide
what's left, he said. There is
a definite schedule of divi
sion followed and the host
school is allowed an added
share to pay the rent costs.
"We take enough money
from the districts to pay for
the trophies, and after all ex
penses are paid, we share in
the bonus. We drew about
$10,000 from the 64 districts
and 16 play-offs last year,"
explained the man charged
with the responsibility of di
recting the prep tourney process.
During the Summer
Burns, Exhaustion
Biggest Dangers
Sunburn and heat exhaus
tionthose are the two sum
mer sun dangers, said Dr.
i t - .1 - 11
Nelson of the Lru-
fUl. he Said P.Ot U expose
. u . r Yt cun f tr
; mr.ra ibun a iot' hours.
i ... ..
t iuki in iiih ihhc nuiiuuiii
' Burn can be prevented by
applying suntan oil. and a
light burn tan be helped by ;
applying a non-greasy gianu
I . 1 I
a change in the body salt
causes heat exnaustion ne
'l "'J
i increase during ine summer,
esrciaily if one works out-
t . .
The earlv symptoms ois
heat exhaustion are dizziness,'
ldi hoaw ctiafin
., i,,,., hoarihoat This
. I-J f I IVU J - ' -
Norl-n. Campua Pastor
AYftSh 7-
Last vear the NSAA cleared
$10,000 from the district and
regional tourneys and about
$40,000 from the state meet.
Therefore, the NSAA netted
approximately $50,000 from
these three weeks of post-sea
son high school basketball
Where does this money go?
The money goes to pay the
NSAA's operational expenses
and also finances the organi
zation's other athletics and
activities. In addition to these
uses, the remaining money is
out into a building fund,
Thompson said.
"A few years ago we de
cided to attempt to build up
a 'nest egg' so that we could
operate at least one year
without a cent of income,"
he commented.
Nest Egg Stands
Today, the NSAA's original
$40,000 goal has been topped
and its "nest egg fund now
stands at $70,000.
"This year we re actually
trying not to take as much,"
Thompson said. He explained
ithat it was a good idea for
the NSAA to show a loss due
to the abundance of adverse
criticism the group receives
for making too much money.
"But, it's not spent foolish
ly," he cautioned.
Actually, the prep cage
will lead to passing out, he
If one can recognize the
symptoms, he should go to
the nearest shade and sit
To avoid heat exhaustion in
the first place, he said, sleep
when it is hot and work when
it is cool, such as in the ear
ly morning or late evening.
Heat exhaustion cases are
' less frequent than sunburn
cases here on campus, ne
said, as students are not usu
ally working hard in the
Coffee Shop
Lunches Snacks
"Where Campui
Friend MeeC
the dr rve-in with the arches
100 Pure Beef Hamburgers
Tempting Cheesburgers
Old-Fashioned Shakes
Crisp Golden French Fries
Thirst-Quenching Coke
Delightful Root Beer
Coffee Ai You Like It
Full-Flavored Orange Drink
Refreshing Cold Milk
5305 0 St. 865 No. 27
tourneys are the only money
makers for the NSAA, an or
ganization which oversees in-
terschool competition in all
athletics and practically all
other activities.
With the exception of foot
ball, the NSAA operates state
championships in baseball,
golf, gymnastics, swimming,
tennis, wrestling, cross-country,
track and basketball.
The biggest loser, speaking
in dollar and cents terms, is
the district and state track
tourneys, which cost the
NSAA $10,000 to operate in
Only Basketball Profit
There is no profit derived
from any of the sports be
sides basketball, so the in
come from the cage sport
Davs for the rest of the com
petitive events. The NSAA
must also pay lor its over
head, salaries, office ex
nenses and suDDlies to schools
from the basketball funds,
Thompson said.
A sidelight feature which
also illustrates the big busi
ness of the tournaments is
the concessions. The schools
handle their own concessions
at the district and play-off
tourneys and the concession
rights in the state tournament
go to the four respective play
ing sites.
Dr. Nye To Discuss Music Problems
Nothing disturbs a music
teacher more than when her
star boy tenor changes practi
cally overnight into a bari
tone. This is one of the hazards
that Dr. Robert E. Nye, pro
fessor of music education at
the School of Music of the
University of Oregon, will dis
cuss at a three-day sympo
sium tomorrow, Thursday and
Friday (July 10, 11, 12) in the
Nebraska Union.
Sponsored by the Universi
ty's music department, Dr.
Nye will direct his discus
sions to the various problems
in Junior High music, such as
changing voices, program
ideas, evaluation of song
books, adolescent behaviour
in music classes, and the
For Fast Dependable Service Call
239 North 14 HE 2-5262
TO 9:00 P.M., OTHER DAYS TO 5:30 tM
V-Meck Pullover
Garland's lush pullover of
looped mohalrwrxrlnylon. One
of tbe new collection at Gold's
from GarlanC, Pendleton. Cata
alina, Jantzen, Bobbie Brooks.
This in Grotto Blue and Cran-
Compatible Skirt ...
Matching plaid.' with knife
Sizes t to 16
GOLD'S Better Sportcwear
. . . Second Floor
team amid the thousands of
Evervthinz from aspirin to
crackerjacks is sold at tho
Coliseum sessions by Univer
sity of Nebraska athletes.
who earned a total of $V
839.08 for selling 75,000 items
last year, according to L. P.
(Pop) Klein, NU concessions
The rest of the sales com
mission $ll,575.Sb in 1962
went toward Husker grant-in-
aid funds, Klein said.
Last year's state tourney
was the biggest for conces
sion sales in the Coliseum, it
also showed the largest gate
receipts total and greatest
profit to the NSAA.
The post-season prep tour
naments as a whole had big
ger total gate receipts, were
seen by more people, and
earned a greater income than
ever before.
This represents a business
which is on the upswing it's
attracting more people and
I making a bigger profit year
ly. Thompson anticipates jusx
as big, if not a bigger, tour
nament showing this year, in
dicating that the three weeks
nf case carnivals are a big
(business with a rosy outlook
for its stockholders Nebras
jka's high schools, which ar
jthe members of the NSAA,
Author of a number of col
lege textbooks, Dr. Nye will
lecture tomorrow in Room
232 at 10 a.m. and again at
2 p.m. each of the three
One of his books, "Music in
the Elementary School," is
widely used throughout the
U.S. He is currently on the
editorial board of the "Jour
nal of Research in Music
Education," and for the past
six years has been a mem
ber of the Music Education
Research Council.
Schoat Serties
Efoblifhed 1918 Serving the Mi.
touri Volley to ttw Wet Cocvt.
529 Stuart Bldg. Lincoln t. Net.
ka mow m tvwtmmQ