The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 09, 1963, Image 1
Tuesday, July 9, 1963 Summer Nebraskan enators Defeat Budget I Nebraska legislators refused yesterday to give more money from the general fund to the University. iThe 13-27 negative vote blocked Sen Terry Carpen ter's attack to boost the Uni versity's allotment $1 millioD. The Scottsbluff senator also proposed that the state teachers colleges and Milford Vocational Technical School be alloted more money. I . From the General Food money, the University was al loted $31.5 million by the com mittee, normal schools were 75 Are S cience - The Summer Science Insti tute at the University is be ing conducted with 75 teach ers, one third of whom are from outside the state, en rolled and participating in this unique study program, according to Dr. Wendell Gauger, administrator of the Institute. "We offer regular univer sity science courses at t h e sophomore and junior levels during the summer sessions to supplement the teaching requirements of high school teachers who feel their back grounds in sciep are inade quate for the courses they are attempting to teach in their respective schools," commented Dr. Gauger. "These represent post-graduate courses to the teachers although they are not of the post-graduate curriculum," Gauger continued. "The summer is an ideal time for this work." Dr. Gauger commented, "because of the weather which allows MOW EDITOR'S NOTE: The folloartat storr on non-partisanship in the Nebraska LeKinlature to taken tram the School f Journalism' Depth Report No. 1. "Ne braska', Unicameral LelMature." We are reprinting it in the Slimmer Ne braakan became of the current discus sions and proposals ior partisanship la Nebraska' legislature. "Non-partisanship is prob ably the strongest advantage of the Unicameral." "Non-partisanship is joke." These two statements made bv senators with long experi ence in Nebraska's Legisla ture represent the extremes in viewpoints about non-partisanship. That word non par tisanshiphas been wed to the Unicameral Legislature 6ince the campaign in 1934. Those who favor it and those who oppose it, both with equal Vigor, admit that there is nothing peculiar about non-partisanship that makes it a necessary part of a two-house system, a part of a city council, or a part of any lawmaking body. However, in Nebraska, non partisanship was firmly at tached to the Unicameral Leg islature by the men who fought for its approval in 1934. With George Norris as the leading spokesman for this new aspect of Ne braska's new legislature, the proponents made non-partisanship a major provision in the plan to give the state a one-house system. Their arguments and those opposing them have echoed throughout Nebraska during the nearly quarter-century the state has had its unique sys tem of legislation. Preference for System However, the senators who INDEX TO INSIDE POST-SEASON TOURNEYS University depth report ing student Dave Wohlfarth discovers that the high school state basketball tournaments are a big business. Since the basketball tournaments are the only profit-making post season games, they carry the ball for other prep activities. For mure information, see Page 3 SUMMER SUN DANGERS A University Student Health official discusses heat exhaustion and sunburns, the most prevalent summer dangers, on Page 3 READING LIST The University's Love Library staff suggests books for supplementary summer reading on Page 4 WHAT TO DO An interested, and perhaps, at one time, bored Lincoln resident suggests a list of "things to do" in the Lincoln area on Page 4 given $6.3 million and the Mil- ford School appropriated $543,851. Carpenter later admitted that he had combined the three educational areas into a single amendment so that he could gam wider support from senators wanting more money for Milford and the state col leges. However, Sens. Michael Russilo and Sam Klaver, both from Omaha, were able to ob tain a division of the question so that each proposal will be voted upon separately rather Attending I nsfitute us to schedule field trips which help considerably to sapply the practical knowl edge necessary to good teaching." The Science Institute, a six year old program of the Na tional Science Foundation, and wholly sponsored by the foundation, is carried on in nearly 400 universities across the country, said Dr. Gauger, and has proven highly s u c cessful. Dr. Gauger noted that out 400 applicants only 75 could be accepted here at the University of Nebraska. "The first requirement is that the teacher applicant must be presently teaching a science course," said Dr. Gauger. "This is in line with our primary objective to serve the teachers with th e most prevalent needs first." Even though the teachers are paid for taking this train ing, Dr. Gauger thought it commendable that so many teachers voluntarily apply for this additional training in or der to better teach those stu dents who are entrusted to them. have made laws within the system generally seem to have found a preference for non-partisanship. Of the 68 senators participating in this survey, a large majority of them said non-partisanship was a strength rather than a weakness in the system. Their viewpoints varied from abso lute backing, to lukewarm ap proval, to absolute opposition. Even so, the large majority of them had their answers to the critics of the system. WHAT ARB THE CRITI CISMS? What are. the an swers? Here, from the survey of Nebraska senators, are the criticisms and the answers: 1. Non-partisanship leads to buck-passing. (There is just as much buck-passing between the two houses of a bicameral sys tem.) 2. Non-partisanship weakens the two-party system, which is a part of American politi cal life. (While non-partisanship does not strengthen the party sys tem, the advantages gained in independent legislation out weigh this objection.) 3. Non-partisanship cannot separate an office-holder from his politics. (There have been few in stances in the history of the Unicameral Legislature where partisanship was obvi ous.) 4. Non-partisanship elimi nates the normal development of leadership. (The lack of party control allows leadership to develop on its own merit) 5. Non-partisanship makes -PARTISANSHIP Boost than under one amendment. Carpenter in defending the added funds, stated' that the University cannot forever vote down added .expenditures for higher education. He then pointed out that added enroll ment in the next biennium, 1,000 new students are ex pected the first year, would hamper the University's chances of being a first rate University. Carpenter's motion on the f i o o r received supporting speeches from Sens. Orme, Fleming, Rasmussen, Payne, Reeves, and Warner. Marvel said efforts of the Budget Committee since 1961 has brought about greater co operation between the Univer sity and the committee. For the past three years, he said, the Budget Commit tee and himself has "taken more heat" over the 1961 Uni versity budget than over any thing else. The battle within the Com mittee this biennium, accord ing to Marvel, was whether to increase or decrease the allot ment. Marvel further pointed out that the overall University budget was larger than that recommended by the gover nor and that the committee has received no complaints from the University over what it has been allowed The main defender of the budget committee was Chair man Richard Marvel of Has tings, who explained how the committee arrived at its fig ures. Marvel explained that budg et preparations began with University officials as early as March, 1962. So intent is the debate on the University phase of the budget the senators refused by an 18-20 vote to halt de bate on the issue just before the noon recess. it difficult for a governor elected on a partisan basis to coordinate his program with the Legislature. A large majority of the senators participating in the survey felt that this liaison was not a problem. However, Nebraska governors, who also were interviewed, felt" that problems of liaison had arisen during their administrations.) 6. Non-partisanship leads to a lack of responsibility and subsequently a lack of legis lative action. (The Unicameral Legisla ture has produced enough leg islation to govern Nebraska, and, in some instances, more good legislation than bicam eral, partisan legislatures in other states.) These, as the senators saw it, were the criticisms and the answers. While the ma THROUGH THESE DOORS cameral legislature, one which j 1 'A I it ill; 4r t , i -'Jl 3 i S fen;- I J? If- I ml & 1 .i i j i . i - - . nm i,. -" : f J -V I . .: ".".:' .. ' r 'Victory For Midwest' kpx n IPs n n U mm mmi&r MUM I I VaT- """ALLIANCE fchannel I3 "V- 77 rrrj NORTH PLATTE t- . PZ .. .. j,m. L PROPOSED ETV NETWORK The Nebraska map above shows the proposed Nebraska educational television network. Passage of LB 666 and 667 by the state legislature last week makes possible the first steps toward activating what will be the largest VHF (very high frequency) network in the nation. Allocation in 1962 of five VHF channels and one UHF (ultra high frequency) channel at Albion, gave Nebraska the largest block of VHF channels. (VHF channels can be broadcasted to standard TV receivers.) In addition to the six-channel network shown above, UHF Channel 16, reserved for ETV in Omaha, will provide additional service. The passage of two educa tional television bills by the Legislature last week earned "a victory for the Midwest," according to Mrs. Betty Da vis, continuity and promotion director of KUON-TV, the University's educational tele vision station. Mrs. Davis Dointed out that Kansas and Missouri legislatures have recently turned down Dronosals for educational television net works, but she added. Now that Nebraska has taken the lead, other states in our area may follow." With the passage f LB 666 and 667 came the assurance that a unique 7-station net work will be developed. How ever, according to Jack Mc Bride, general manager of jority of those taking part in the survey backed non-partisanship, in several instances men strongly in favor of the unicameral system departed from their support to criticize this aspect of Nebraska's leg islature. The history of the Unicameral Legislature and the replies to the survey by the senators bore out the no tion that partisanship versus non-partisanship has long been a lively subject in Ne braska's political circles. The theory of non-partisanship differs from partisanship in one major respect: In a non-partisan situation, a can didate is elected on his own personal integrity and convic tions without a party label. In a partisan system, how ever, a candidate accepts the party stand and is backed by his party before, during, and tl ;ii!sJjbWir - lnside the Indian doors Is is also operated on a non-partisan basis. J iRASSETfH i channel 7 r' I i i iMteniwo lux- "A cnannei y ir i I " lEXINGTONr. 13. channel 3 KUON-TV, it may be close to a year before the Channel 12 station will begin trans mitting from Mead. When the Mead transmitter is in operation, Channel 12, which is presently using only one-seventh of its transmitter strength, will serve about one-half of the state. At pres ent, the station cannot be picked up in Omaha. Beat rice, to the south, is on the edge of the present receiving area, but with the Alead transmitter in operation, Channel 12 will be received as far south as Falls City. LB 667 provides for a 9-m ember commission to oversee the television net work. This commission mem bership will include the State Education Commission Buck Passing or Responsibility? after his campaign and elec tion. THERE IS A "NATURAL NESS" in the two-party sys tem, according to two uni versity of Nebraska political science professors. There are always at least two sides to every issue. The clash of opinions and competition be tween the two parties results in better decisions, they say. More Than Two Sides Yet, as indicated by the op eration of the Unicameral Legislature, there may be more than two sides. Instead of a two-sided disagreement, there is sometimes a 43-sided argument which in most cases is resolved into one leg islative bill. R. D. Sloan. Jr- assistant professor of political science at the university, explains faftHM:"8.U housed the nation's only uni Aire lt , --i. .v -rjt ALBION d channel 25 fs3p. ZT channel 12 !i Urn.. IU-H.1 "-fil er, Normal Board Coordina tor and the University Chan cellor. Gov. Frank Morrison will select the other commission members from the follow ing fields: a representative of the Nebraska Cornell for ETV, a representative of private education in the state and a Board of Ed ucation member from Calsses I, IH, IV and V school dis tricts. LB 667 and LB 666 did not carry emergency clauses, so they will not go into effect until 90 days after the close of the present legislative ses sion. LB 666 appropriates $600,000 for the television network for the biennium. If this sum is matched by the federal gov ernment, as is hoped, Mc- that when an issue comes be fore the public in a two-par ty situation, the parties as sume responsibility by mak ing certain promises. Respon sibility can thus be pinpoint ed and much buck-passing is eliminated. The two-party sytem began with the disagreement be tween Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jeff ers33 on the question of a centralized gov ernment or a confederation of sovereign states, according to Dr. J. B. Shannon, chairman of the political science de partment. The Civil War wid ened the split resulting in the majority of the northern states joining the Republican party while the South be came staunchly Democratic, "When there are two par ties, there is constant criti cism to keep people oa their toes," Dr. Shannon added. Current Opinions Parly HesdS Senators Endorse Partisan Plan EMTOBY WOIC saVbsr 1or ste siarr an i Me- raaka's li Wlalure la mi, eek is order So sw earroiM' oa ike subjset M ass siarilssnstllp aortiaawsbia. By JIM RISSER Renewed interest in a par tisan Nebraska Legislature has been a much-discussed feature of the 1963 legislative session. Both political parties and a handful of state senators have endorsed a change in the present system, which now sees Nebraska. as the only state which elects its legislators on a non-partisan basis. Among those who now would like to see the parti san system restored are for mer governor Val Peterson, now a University Begem; Adam Breckenridge, vice chancellor of the University; Senators Chiton Foster, Michael P. Rnssflo, Fern Hubbard Orme, and Dob Mc- Ginley; and the state and na tional officials of both politi cal parties. Sen. roster was the princi pal introducer of L. B. 112, which would have submitted to the voters a constitutional amendment providing that legislators would be nomina ted and elected in a partisan maimer. , if- " teD .fcD C&f Bride said that it would be possible to move KUON-TV to Mead, increase its trans mitting power and also begin the Lexington station. In a study last year, these were the first two steps out lined for Nebraska's ETV network. However, it will now be op to the commission as to what will be the first step. Five stations of the 7-station network will be VHF channels Mead, Lexington, Alliance, Basse tt and North Platte. The other two, Omaha and Albion, will be UHF channels. All commercial TV chan nels are VHF very high fre quencyand, at fun power, these stations should trans mit 50-75 miles from the point of transmission. But a UHF. ultra nigh fre quency, signal on the same power would travel effective ij only 25 te 30 miles. There are very few TV re ceivers across the country which are equipped to pick up UHF signals as well as the VHF transmissions. McBride noted that no oth er state educational television network has S VHF channels at its disposal. Special Tour A privately conducted tour of the Sheldon Art Gallery, in conjunction with a discussion of the gallery s art work, will be given today at 1 p.m. Norman Geske, director ox the University art galleries, will speak to the History and Principles of Adult Education class members, however, the public is invited to attend the special session. Laymen, political scientists and other states view Nebras ka quite critically because it is the only state employing both a one-house legislature and the non-partisan system. One answer for which they are all searching is: Has non partisanship worked in this state? Adam C BreckenrMge, Dean of Faculties at the Uni versity of Nebraska, contends that the non-partisan system does fulfill the need for ob taining good legislators and good legislation. In his book. One House for Two, he said the absence of party politics in the Unicameral Legislature has not caused a lack of re sponsibility, lack of leadership or lack of liaison between the governor and the legislators. Nor has non-partisanship (continued on page 2) The bill was killed in com mittee, and efforts to revive it on the floor were unsuc cessful. People or Party? The opponents of the parti san system were subsequent ly able to pass a resolution, introduced by Sen. Arnold Ruhnke, which urges the citi zens to consider whether they want legislators to be respon sible to the people or to a political party. The resolution was passed after the Nebraska Federa tion of Republican Women announced the launching of a drive to secure petitions which would place upon the ballot the question of the par tisan system. "One party has kept Ne braska bogged down," Sen. Foster said last week. "It has meant overwork, more bills introduced, and poorer quali ty legislation." He said that under a party system, the legislators would have more responsibility to some philos ophy, and would save to meet important issues rather than avoid them. Breckcnridee told the Sam- mer Nebraskan last week that he has changed bis mind about the effectiveness of the non-partisan feature. (contused oa psge S